Vaccine 90 percent effective



  • Grinder
    Grinder Member Posts: 487 Member

    Thank you for your best wishes...

    And as of right now, I have already gotten over my symptoms. The very short duration of my symptoms could be a combination of things or not.

    I have been doing all the things required while we have been quarantined. Doubled my vitamin D3 intake and Zinc along with multivitamins. Also the Monoclonal Antibody preventative treatment may also be giving me added immunity. It is difficult to say at this point. I am still waiting to hear from Physicians Research Group how they want to approach my case under such a particular circumstance.

    But as of right now, my wife Ruth is mostly over her symptoms after 7 days and I am mostly over my symptoms after 2 days. I have more details that I have been tracking for PRG, like blood pressure, oximeter readings, etc.

    In case anyone is reading this without understanding my references... If you go back into this thread, I am part of a Multi-Faceted Double-Blind Study Researching Monoclonal Antibodies as a Preventative Treatment for Covid.

    Now that I have contracted Covid, they may step up monitoring if I am in the 90% Experimental Group.

    This is why I am being perhaps overly adamant about vaccine mandates. I am not anti-vaccine. But I am anti mandate, especially by federal agencies with political motives. Rather I prefer to get my information from independent sources. The following Daily Mail story in the UK is a good example of something NOT being reported by mainstream media here in the States:

    CDC refusing to publish data on booster effectiveness for those 18-49

  • Grinder
    Grinder Member Posts: 487 Member
    edited February 2022 #83

    "CDC is refusing to publish data it has collected on booster effectiveness for 33 MILLION Americans aged 18-49 over fears it might show the vaccines as ineffective: FDA expert tells CDC to 'tell the truth' "

    Is the Daily Mail sensationalizing this factoid? Or is the CDC trying to cover up data unfavorable to the vaccine narrative. I don't know but it's probably both.

    It has gotten to the point that research data is only released when it is favorable to the party releasing the data. So when people quote research data as "scientific proof" of the mRNA vaccine efficacy, or proof of the mRNA vaccine adverse effects, I am now skeptical of either, especially in the politically charged medical landscape here in the US.

    So it's right back to trusting you and your doctor to make the best decisions for YOU, and NOT a federal agency imposing vaccine mandates for a vaccine that does nothing to stop transmission.

    Just my opinion. Take it for what it's worth.

  • J69
    J69 Member Posts: 35 Member
    edited February 2022 #84

    Viral load and a persons own immune system is why people have different experiences when contracting a virus. If you get a big viral load and your immune system is high, the effects could be minimal. However, if your immune system is low, even a small exposure can be fatal. My wife and I were teachers for over thirty years and have had lots of exposure to viruses. We have had very little reaction to Covid. However, she got breast cancer and I followed with Prostate cancer within months. I guess if one thing doesn’t get you another will. I am glad to hear that you and your wife are recovering from this terrible disease. I hope your clinical trial proves a success as well, in hopes that this and future diseases will benefit. My best to you and your wife.

  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 498 Member

    From yesterday's Washington Post, an interesting article on the wide range of cardiovascular effects being seen post-Covid, whether the individual was young, old, had any prior cardiovascular history or not, was asymptomatic, had mild symptoms, or a more severe case of Covid. Here is a snippet from the article: "A pivotal study that looked at health records of more than 153,000 U.S. veterans published this month in Nature Medicine found that their risk of cardiovascular disease of all types increased substantially in the year following infection, even when they had mild cases." See:

  • Grinder
    Grinder Member Posts: 487 Member

    I would be remiss not to point out an important variable you may have missed MoeKay... In that same WashPo article:

    "Zaza Soriano, 32, a software engineer from Millersville, Md., who works for a NASA subcontractor, got covid right before Christmas despite being fully vaccinated and boosted, and since then, her blood pressure has remained very high with the bottom number, or diastolic pressure when the heart rests between beats sometimes as high as 110 when it should be lower than 80. She also has brain fog and her joints ache."

  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 498 Member

    Hi Grinder,

    Thank you, but no, I didn't miss the portion of the article you quoted. I understand that people who are both vaccinated and unvaccinated have been experiencing cardiovascular symptoms post-Covid. Although somewhat off topic, I provided the link to this article, not for purposes of taking a position on vaccines or vaccine mandates, but to alert those who have had or may contract Covid, whether they are vaccinated or not, that they might want to be on the lookout for cardiovascular symptoms.

  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,586 Member

    Looking forward to your reports from the battlefield of covid research.

  • Grinder
    Grinder Member Posts: 487 Member

    The results of the study will be made public at once it is completed. I can supply the study code number if anyone is interested... I can't say for sure when that is, though.

    If I am in the control group, my participation will probably end. Out of academic interest I am hoping to be in the experimental group.

    This is the title of the study on the trial summaries website:

    Phase III Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study of AZD7442 for Pre-exposure Prophylaxis of COVID-19 in Adult.

    If memory serves me, there are 100 subjects in each of 105 cities across the globe, including 72 of them in the United States. 90 of the 100 in each city are experimental group and 10 are control group. Since it is double-blind, no one knows who is which.

    Physicians Research Group is conducting the research for AstraZeneca.

  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    edited February 2022 #90


    It is great to know that you and your wife survived the encounter with the virus. Hopefully there is no scars left behind. Surely we knew that vaccines wouldn't avoid contraction (or the spreading) of the virus but many felt protected and drop their guard. Fortunately to us that this late mutation is milder and not so sickening as the previous.

    In Portugal the health authorities have lower the social requirements in the use of masks and distancing in public places, or mandatory certificates. All the commerce is open and can serve unspecified number of clientele. The use of masks is just recommended in interior areas. People arriving from other countries still have to show a valid certificate or negative test.

    The free-for-all vaccination program is expected to end too. In announcing these measures, the portuguese president commented that the purpose of the program was accomplished by avoiding the collapse of the national health system NHS. In other words, lesser sick people in need of hospitalization.

    I am curious about your next update on the trial. I wonder what will be the conclusions on the Mabs treating viral infections.

    You continue to be our Hero.

    Best 👌


  • Grinder
    Grinder Member Posts: 487 Member

    Don't forget, I am a paid mercenary rather than a hero, since I get paid for every blood draw and checkup.

    Just my opinion again, but the MAb treatment seemed a more natural approach than the mRNA genetic alteration. But of course, because of the virulence of the original outbreak, something had to be in production immediately.

    The Portuguese president is being surprisingly frank by admitting the original purpose was to avoid the collapse of the health care system. Here in the States and even moreso in Canada, there was no rational given because that way there would be no resolution to the crisis. That is what I find unconscionable.

    Now in Canada, truckers must have vaccine passports. They have rebelled, because trucking is the most quarantined profession possible. The response to their legitimate request is cruel oppression, even the freezing of their finances, arrest, and seizure of their trucks, when all they wanted was to lift the forced vaccine mandates.

    I could go on relating what is also happening here in the States, but I don't know how much I can relate without skirting the rules of this forum on political discussion. But I will say it is nothing like the common sense policy in most other countries where the leadership is concerned about the welfare of citizens and support of the medical infrastructure.

    But since I already brought this up, the prohibition of Regeneron and Lilly MAb treatments are a typical example. The use of Hydroxychloquine and Ivermectin has been prohibited in the United States because to give the mRNA vaccine and the Remdesivir treatment Emergency Use Authorization, there could be no previously approved anti-viral treatments for Covid. So it is a legitimate (but not a very good one) reason for prohibiting these other two anti-viral treatments.

    Not so with the Regeneron and Lilly MAb treatments. They do not fall under that prohibition like HCQ and Ivermectin. The question raised here in the States is ..."why is it necessary to discourage all other treatments and FORCE the entire population into an experimental genetic alteration therapy?"

    And that is where we are at in the US and Canada. Our governments have irretrievably mixed politics and medicine. Many other countries are freely distributing and recommending a wide array of anti-viral treatments and strategies, while we are being forced into one pigeonhole only.

    And this is what I fear... The MAb preventative treatment will be a huge success as an alternative to the mRNA vaccine, yet will be prohibited here in the States, just as was done with the Regeneron and Lilly MAb treatments... maybe not right away, or maybe it will never be made available. Which is why I was expressing my worry over the disappearance of the treatment from the public eye and it's sudden downplay.

    If you are in a nation where you can freely choose between anti-viral treatments and preventative treatments, consider yourselves fortunate that you don't have to risk your livelihood and even your freedom just to protest unreasonable and unconstitutional medical mandates such as forced "vaccination" with a genetic alteration therapy that cannot prevent transmission.

  • CSNSupportTeam
    CSNSupportTeam admin Posts: 239

    Support Team Closing Discussion

    This discussion has provided valuable information about COVID-19, however it has also pushed the boundaries of our Terms & Conditions regarding the expression of political views. We have decided to close this discussion to further comments. We respect everyone's individual views, but CSN is not the right forum for these discussions. 

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