3 years NED

Ribbons Member Posts: 154 Member
edited January 2022 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

So I see others on here getting congratulations and happy comments. Kind of makes me sad that all I get is crickets. 🤷‍♀️Only one person has responded, Thank you, cmb.



  • Theskinnyscot
    Theskinnyscot Member Posts: 36 Member

    Don’t feel sad, focus on the fact you’re three years hanging out with good old Ned. I’m hoping to see him in March for year two.

    here are some happy emojis for you 😊☺️🥳🤗👍🌈🎗❤️🤍💙 congratulations and best wishes for many more dates with Ned. 😉

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member


    While there are some things that I like about the site redesign, I find I'm not checking in as often as I did before the update. I'm not sure why. So I suspect others might be having the same issues as I do, since it seems that some of our more regular posters aren't here as often. So it may take more time for others to see your post and respond, especially those of us who remember when you were in the throes of treatment.

    But as Theskinnyscot wrote, your NED news is definitely something to be savored. And your post encourages others newly diagnosed to know that even those with the more aggressive forms of uterine cancer can achieve long-term remission. Not everyone who is new feels comfortable posting responses – I know that I just read the posts for several months before I posted anything. But I certainly appreciated the existing collection of posts and the stories of those women who were continuing to thrive after their treatment. So we're grateful for your update.

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    I just came in and saw your post! CONGRATS! I am going to try to look at it again and see when you posted it. I usually catch e v e r y t h i n g when it's new, but I am struggling a little with the new set up, and wonder if I am missing anything? Hope not! I love it here.

    And I'm delighted you are NED. Three years. Wow!

    In the last six days, I spent the first four with two very young grandsons, one a screamer of three years old, and after the fourth exhausted day, drove to the hospital and sat for hours waiting for a CT scan. As soon as it was done, drove two hours to work, then drove back yesterday. I may have missed something... sigh.

    SO CONGRATS, RIBBONS!!!!!!!!!!! Ribbons, confetti, and chocolate ice cream for all!

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    I agree, cmb. It’s not as easy to keep track of posts with this format if you are only checking in every 1-2 days. Before I would always notice if someone hadn’t had a response and made it a point to post. Sorry, Ribbons.

  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member

    Agree - while there were things about the old site I didn't like, I find this one less user friendly except for getting the email notifications so my apologies and congratulations as well! 😍

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member

    I thought I responded to THIS post, but I see now it showed up as a response to your original NED post, Cheryl.

    Well….there it is…none of us is having an easy time with this new format!

    😎, A

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member

    Cheryl, CONGRATULATIONS! This is so important for us to know and so critical to new members who can see we can THRIVE!

    I am sorry, I did not see this until today 1/16 but thank you for sharing this great news and I hope you do something special to CELEBRATE!


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    edited January 2022 #9

    oop - I hit POST on an empty link. Sorry everyone.

  • Kathy G.
    Kathy G. Member Posts: 245 Member

    Congratulations Cheryl!

    It is ALWAYS good news when someone posts they are NED!

    And I have to agree with the others...this new format does not seem as user friendly OR it's just taking us longer to get used to!

  • Frances081920
    Frances081920 Member Posts: 37 Member

    3 years is quite an accomplishment, congratulations, may you continue with this wonderful status!

  • yetti
    yetti Member Posts: 82 Member

    Hello Ribbons, congratulations on being 3 years NED.! That’s great! I’m also an endometrial cancer survivor. Stage 4 B Figo 2. Dx 2018. 6 chemo Carboplatin/pacitaxol. Hysterectomy / robotic laproscopic 🙏 then 3 more chemo Carboplatin/pacitaxol Avastin. It’s been a long journey. Bald 👩‍🦲 and angry. However, I will be NED 3 yrs. April 18 2022! And will be on 6 mth check ups instead of 3mth , sincerely Yetti

  • Ribbons
    Ribbons Member Posts: 154 Member

    Thank you! I read about you trip to OHSU, that must have been an ordeal. I’m able to get my scan at our hospital here in Silverton, pretty easy. I also know what you mean about grandkids, my son’s 2 year old daughter wears me out but it’s the opposite with my daughters 2 babies, 3 month boy and 18 month girl, I can’t get enough of them! Lol

  • Ribbons
    Ribbons Member Posts: 154 Member

    Yes! Thank you and congratulations to you too!

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 489 Member

    Much better than my first gyn onc, and I am usually grateful but waiting in a dark hallway crowded with heart attack and stroke patients was not fun!

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,032 Member

    Congratulations Ribbons! I am happy for you. I find the new format kind of hard to find posts. I can't tell when the post was made and sometimes I think they are old. So I hope you are feeling the love 😍

  • Ribbons
    Ribbons Member Posts: 154 Member

    Yes thank you. The new format is a little confusing.

  • mdietdorf56
    mdietdorf56 Member Posts: 3 *

    Congrats 🎉🎉💪💪

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member

    Congrats Cheryl! And thank you for posting your disappointment in us. I could have sworn I posted a response to you and have no explanation other than I'm sorry I didn't or it didn't post.. Anyway, three years is a big deal! Let's plan to keep dancing with Mr. Ned forever.

    Like others have said, this new format is not easy to navigate. I really miss the old format and find myself not engaging as much as I used to.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Ribbons
    Ribbons Member Posts: 154 Member

    Thank you! Yes this different format is confusing, I do get an e-mail alert on some comments but not for new topics. Anyway that NED is a great thing!

  • hopefulCindy
    hopefulCindy Member Posts: 12 Member

    I’m a newbie and don’t know what NED stands for. Can someone tell me?