Vaccine 90 percent effective
We can all agree.....VascodaGama said:Vaccines effectiveness data is lower than expected
I wonder about Grider's experience with the clinical trial on mab style vaccine AZD7442. Pharmers doing the trial have reported on this phase-3 failure informing that the vaccine did not avoid symptomatic covid infections. I hope Grinder is OK as it has passed already five months since his post informing on his participation.
Meanwhile the latest news from Israel regarding Pfizer 's effectiveness are not the best as it declined from 93% to 64% in preventing both infection and symptomatic disease. The number of newer covid cases in double-vaccinated people is rising, particularly accentuated since the spread of the Delta variant and the end of social distancing restrictions.
Though the efficacy of all vaccines were similar under controlled circumstance such as in clinical trials, their effectiveness (working well in the real world) are showing differences.
Pfizer vaccine (and probably Moderna) seams to be more effective than other vaccines on the market in preventing hospitalizations and serious illness from the coronavirus at an envy 97%. I believe that this was what health authorities around the world were expecting as it reduces the number of severe illnesses and deaths.
Having a double-vaccine certificate allows folks to travel in the EU countries but, as the data shows, this do not guarantee that the traveler is immune to the virus or that he doesn't carry it in his baggage. Portugal permits the entrance to vaccinated visitors from almost all countries (Brazilians have to do quarantine) but those arriving in Germany from Portugal are subjected to quarantine, independently of having a negative PCR test or being vaccinated.
It is still premature to decide on what to do. Let's keep safe maintaining distancing, using masks and washing our hands.
Best to all
VGOverall, these vaccines are much more effective than annual flu vaccines. They have virtually no known reactions in the populations, aside from soreness or a brief felling of fluishness. There are those ancedotal "one guy" accounts of "some fellow from DeMoines," but these are so few as to be statistically irrelevant. How perfect does something have to be to receive thanks ? Three months before the vaccines received emergency approval, everyone was regarding making any vaccine in under two or more years as impossible, but the US CDC and NIH were saying that a vaccine, when it arrived, would be manna from heaven. (Actually, the media en mass was laughing at the President for even suggesting that a vaccine could be produced in under a year.) Now, after approval of three vaccines in about a year's time, with high effectiveness, they are sniped at and the naysayers are back in full force. Perfect ? NO! better than most vaccines, yes.
When I received my Pfizer doses, the nurse asked the litany of comorbidities questions and problems that I have. I told her that I am 'officially' autoimmune compromised, due to both diseases and treatments, and it was of no relevance on her checklist. Ancedotially, I would therefore (reasonablly) assume that PCa hormonal drugs are of little, or no, relevance in getting the vaccine. I have a friend who has survived five different lymphomas, and received 22 differing chemotherpy drugs over the last 12 years. He technically (by clinical factors that evaluate people who have received stem cell transplantations) has "no" immune system, and has been told by his hematologists that he needn't ever receive any type(s) of vaccines, since there is nothing in his body to generate the antibodies required for them to work. But even HE has not been told to avoid vaccines, if he wishs to get one, only that they won't do much if any good. His encounter with immunizations suggests to me that HTs are a non-issue for receiving or not receiving. But ask your doctors, but be aware that no two of them will agree on anything covid-related.
ALL public service efforts running in the US encourage use of the vaccines; these ADs are currently funded in the tens of millions of dollars. And of course, they reflect only "the science." (Check back tomorrow for updates and revisions.) Vaccines are the new symbol of virtue and civic duty, having largely displaced the mask, at least in the US. Vaccined person good/unvaccinated, pariah. Not what I think, but what I think cannot be written here.
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BQRIS is basically throwingVascodaGama said:Vaccines effectiveness data is lower than expected
I wonder about Grider's experience with the clinical trial on mab style vaccine AZD7442. Pharmers doing the trial have reported on this phase-3 failure informing that the vaccine did not avoid symptomatic covid infections. I hope Grinder is OK as it has passed already five months since his post informing on his participation.
Meanwhile the latest news from Israel regarding Pfizer 's effectiveness are not the best as it declined from 93% to 64% in preventing both infection and symptomatic disease. The number of newer covid cases in double-vaccinated people is rising, particularly accentuated since the spread of the Delta variant and the end of social distancing restrictions.
Though the efficacy of all vaccines were similar under controlled circumstance such as in clinical trials, their effectiveness (working well in the real world) are showing differences.
Pfizer vaccine (and probably Moderna) seams to be more effective than other vaccines on the market in preventing hospitalizations and serious illness from the coronavirus at an envy 97%. I believe that this was what health authorities around the world were expecting as it reduces the number of severe illnesses and deaths.
Having a double-vaccine certificate allows folks to travel in the EU countries but, as the data shows, this do not guarantee that the traveler is immune to the virus or that he doesn't carry it in his baggage. Portugal permits the entrance to vaccinated visitors from almost all countries (Brazilians have to do quarantine) but those arriving in Germany from Portugal are subjected to quarantine, independently of having a negative PCR test or being vaccinated.
It is still premature to decide on what to do. Let's keep safe maintaining distancing, using masks and washing our hands.
Best to all
VGBQRIS is basically throwing us to the wolves in a desperate big to get us back earning more money to be sent up the food chain as tributes to the elites. We have nowhere near enough uptake and the Delta and now Lambda variants are increasing infection and to a lesser extent mortality. Many people in this country don;t give a monkeys about anyone else and will quite happily mill around mask free in drunken mobs, spreading the diseas willy nilly (and that is just parliament
Anyone who has an ounce of morals and common sense things it is a terrible idea. This time round I suspet even a rising death toll will not stop him.
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.hewhositsoncushions said:BQRIS is basically throwing
BQRIS is basically throwing us to the wolves in a desperate big to get us back earning more money to be sent up the food chain as tributes to the elites. We have nowhere near enough uptake and the Delta and now Lambda variants are increasing infection and to a lesser extent mortality. Many people in this country don;t give a monkeys about anyone else and will quite happily mill around mask free in drunken mobs, spreading the diseas willy nilly (and that is just parliament
Anyone who has an ounce of morals and common sense things it is a terrible idea. This time round I suspet even a rising death toll will not stop him.
Thank you for your comment that I agree with. All are welcome indoors, honor system to wear masks if not vaccinated.....what a joke.
I heard a podcast from Dr. Osterholm, prominent epidemiologlist from Minnesota He mentioned that that state was the first to ban smoking in bars and restaurants The owners of these establishments were worried that they would lose a lot of business. As it turned out business actually increased because many who previously did not frequent these establishments started to, resulting from smoking being banned. He gives this analogy and recommends that we do this, and only allow those who are vaccinatedin establishments
He talked about when smoking was banned from
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Trying to regulate the unregulated
A similar intervention is now set here by the health authorities. The government has introduced a directive that only vaccinated customers or those with a negative covid19 test can check in at hotels, etc, inclusive in restaurants and the likes. The directive started yesterday with fines of 200 euros for customers and 2,000 euros for the establishment.
Controversy exists as the online hostels, etc, have no means to control their clientele. They have no reception desk and police inspectors wouldn't be attended by customers.
I believe that the regulation is directed to those involved with unregulated tourism which cannot be controlled at the airports. Those arriving by car pass unchecked and most probably with the newer variants.
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Freedom day
Freedom day
For the joy of the many, on October first the Portuguese government have abolished most of the restrictions safeguarding the covid19 issues. They decided on this date solo based on the number of people with complete vaccination, representing 86% of the total population. I wonder if such decision is proper for the good of everyone or just the means to relive the government’s obligations and responsibilities in protecting its people.
You do not need to use masks, disinfect your hands or keep distancing anymore. Shops, restaurants, entertainment stadiums and theaters, etc, can now be packed under the condition that the clientele holds a vaccine certificate or negative rapid-test (usually done on the spot).
I think that the majority of EU countries are doing the same but some are imposing regulations that conflict against the natural rights of the human beings. For instance the obligation on some professionals (teachers, doctors, nurses, etc) in having the vaccination to execute their duties. I think it going to far. After all, we all have been treated by the stuff at the clinics, along 18 months, and these were not vaccinated.
Such sort of regulations have now been adopted by some employers for the prejudice of the employee that is subjected to lose the job.
In fact, a substantial number of these people belong in the group of the none vaccinated 14%.
Legally speaking, the authorities imposing the rule are in their rights but those against the vaccination got the right in refusing to take it because the vaccine doesn’t immune a person from acquiring the virus and subsequently, transmitting it.
The covid19 serves to show that the legal rights are now more powerful than the natural rights. The revolutions of 300 years ago initiative to the rights of the people over the divine rights of kings and religion are now shadows of the past. The interference of the state into the private life of the population is disgusting.
The right to one’s life, liberty and property are in the hands of the legal system that follows the laws created and put forward by the manipulative politicians.
Get vaccinated and keep safe.
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Check your American HistoryVascodaGama said:Freedom day
Freedom day
For the joy of the many, on October first the Portuguese government have abolished most of the restrictions safeguarding the covid19 issues. They decided on this date solo based on the number of people with complete vaccination, representing 86% of the total population. I wonder if such decision is proper for the good of everyone or just the means to relive the government’s obligations and responsibilities in protecting its people.
You do not need to use masks, disinfect your hands or keep distancing anymore. Shops, restaurants, entertainment stadiums and theaters, etc, can now be packed under the condition that the clientele holds a vaccine certificate or negative rapid-test (usually done on the spot).
I think that the majority of EU countries are doing the same but some are imposing regulations that conflict against the natural rights of the human beings. For instance the obligation on some professionals (teachers, doctors, nurses, etc) in having the vaccination to execute their duties. I think it going to far. After all, we all have been treated by the stuff at the clinics, along 18 months, and these were not vaccinated.
Such sort of regulations have now been adopted by some employers for the prejudice of the employee that is subjected to lose the job.
In fact, a substantial number of these people belong in the group of the none vaccinated 14%.
Legally speaking, the authorities imposing the rule are in their rights but those against the vaccination got the right in refusing to take it because the vaccine doesn’t immune a person from acquiring the virus and subsequently, transmitting it.
The covid19 serves to show that the legal rights are now more powerful than the natural rights. The revolutions of 300 years ago initiative to the rights of the people over the divine rights of kings and religion are now shadows of the past. The interference of the state into the private life of the population is disgusting.
The right to one’s life, liberty and property are in the hands of the legal system that follows the laws created and put forward by the manipulative politicians.
Get vaccinated and keep safe.
No citizen has any "natural right" to be a lethal threat to other citizens. Unless you live in a cave and have zero interactions with other humans, you have a societal obligation to participate in a common defense against an external threat.
In 1776, the American colonies were suffering from a smallpox epidemic, and the bedraggled revolutionary army was heavily afflicted. There was a smallpox vaccine (this surprised me!). General George Washington ordered all troops to be vaccinated:
"Washington issued the order to have all troops inoculated on Feb. 5, 1777, in a letter to John Hancock, who was president of the Second Continental Congress. In another letter, Washington ordered all recruits arriving in Philadelphia be inoculated."Finding the smallpox to be spreading much and fearing that no precaution can prevent it from running through the whole of our army, I have determined that troops shall be inoculated," he wrote. "This expedient may be attended with some inconveniences and some disadvantages, but yet I trust in its consequences will have the most happy effects. Necessity not only authorizes but seems to require the measure, for should the disorder infect the army in the natural way and rage with its virulence we should have more to dread from it than from the sword of the enemy."
So, while Portugese history and current events are interesting, the creation of the United States involved the mandating of vaccines during an epidemic.
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A free landVascodaGama said:Freedom day
Freedom day
For the joy of the many, on October first the Portuguese government have abolished most of the restrictions safeguarding the covid19 issues. They decided on this date solo based on the number of people with complete vaccination, representing 86% of the total population. I wonder if such decision is proper for the good of everyone or just the means to relive the government’s obligations and responsibilities in protecting its people.
You do not need to use masks, disinfect your hands or keep distancing anymore. Shops, restaurants, entertainment stadiums and theaters, etc, can now be packed under the condition that the clientele holds a vaccine certificate or negative rapid-test (usually done on the spot).
I think that the majority of EU countries are doing the same but some are imposing regulations that conflict against the natural rights of the human beings. For instance the obligation on some professionals (teachers, doctors, nurses, etc) in having the vaccination to execute their duties. I think it going to far. After all, we all have been treated by the stuff at the clinics, along 18 months, and these were not vaccinated.
Such sort of regulations have now been adopted by some employers for the prejudice of the employee that is subjected to lose the job.
In fact, a substantial number of these people belong in the group of the none vaccinated 14%.
Legally speaking, the authorities imposing the rule are in their rights but those against the vaccination got the right in refusing to take it because the vaccine doesn’t immune a person from acquiring the virus and subsequently, transmitting it.
The covid19 serves to show that the legal rights are now more powerful than the natural rights. The revolutions of 300 years ago initiative to the rights of the people over the divine rights of kings and religion are now shadows of the past. The interference of the state into the private life of the population is disgusting.
The right to one’s life, liberty and property are in the hands of the legal system that follows the laws created and put forward by the manipulative politicians.
Get vaccinated and keep safe.
Vasco, I am delighted to learn of your nation's ability to exit from COVID insanity. Eighty-six % immunization vastly exceeds herd immunization, or nature's biologic system to defend its species. Various European nations recognized that the response to any emergency has to be proportional and unique to the particulars. While the US was shutting down schools for illusiory "E-Learning" (which in most states constituted non-learning, and was farsical) Germany and Denmark published studies and set policies that reflected the fact that schools were not a conduit for COVID infection, and that when infection passed to schoolchildren, it was virtually never a cause of symptoms, or at least not serious symptoms. My own state of SC, early-on, had a talking head parrot a statement that the state had long-established e-learning policies for such situations, and that such e-learning had been shown to be effective. A year later, the school system was begging the governor to abandon standardized testing for the the kids, knowing that they were by then a year down in proficiencies.
On August 10, Fox News ran a story (q.v.) which related that Oregon Governor Kate Brown supported a bill (that in essence had been hidden to the press prior to then) to suspend Reading and Math proficiency tests for Oregon seniors for THREE Years (extendable to five years) due to the massive deficiencies these student had incurred during 'e-learning.' It is/was Oregon Senate Bill 744. The proposal was of course described as supportive of the students !! Fox News has not been challanged regarding the article, which you will not find printed elsewhere. I will PM/Email the article to anyone who requests it.
I heard a commentator make an interesting point recently: Since ANYONE can get vaccinated for FREE (in the US), then why ought they to care about the vaccination status of someone else ? They are safe, and eveyone around them can easily and readily become equally safe, so why force feed what someone else does ?
I am myself fully-vaccinated, and recommend that others become so also (I know few people who are not vaccinated). I also am getting the Pfizer booster soon. I do not however take it upon myself to bludgeon others in order to preen in moral superiority, when no medical benefit will ensue.
I also read an article several weeks ago (I forget where, but look it up) that Japan, the most secular nation on earth (according to the CIA World Fact Book, available online to anyone) was suspending national COVID health restrictions soon ('soon' was described as phased, but beginning within a few weeks).
I lift a fine Sherry to your nation, and to Japan,
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Mab study
Hey guys...
Here is an update on the Physicians Research Group Monoclonal Antibody study.
My part in the study is over until next February, one year from getting the inoculations. No more blood draws or urine samples, etc. But also no young ladies fussing over me and chatting.
In one year we will find out which 90% was experimental and got the treatment and which are 10% control group placebo.
At that time, the 90% will be offered a continued research roll in the program if they are interested.
But there is a sticky wicket that has come up. The Red Cross was taking convalescent plasma donations for use in monoclonal antibody treatment for advanced symptoms in hospitals. Then an alert was issued that NO vaccinated persons would be allowed to donate the convalescent plasma.
As it turns out, the vaccine interferes with the monoclonal antibody treatment making it ineffective. Not long after that prohibition was made, the Red Cross has ceased ALL convalescent plasma donations for monoclonal antibody treatment. The claim now is that there are sufficient supplies and donations are no longer required. But more likely, just my opinion, they want to avoid the controversy of vaccines interfering with Mab treatment, because the Mab treatment is actually in high demand.
This also poses an unacknowledged problem in the PRG study. They told us we could get vaccinated 6-9 months after getting the shot... But how will the vax affect the Mab treatment in the experimental group? I have elected not to get the vaccine... at least until the study ends and I find out if I am part of the experimental group. Then the long term side effects, if any, will be better established. And also they may simply need subjects who got the Mab treatment to be free of vaccination.
Just my opinion, but they should have both vaxxed and unvaxxed subjects in the future studies of the experimental group.
But I have noticed a reluctance by the medical establishment and the Red Cross as well to publicly defame the vaccine in any way... even though there are practical reasons for doing so, such as the interaction between the vaccine and the Monoclonal Antibody treatment. It remains unstudied for fear of giving the vaccine bad publicity. Just my opinion, but it should be pursued regardless...
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I have a question for those more knowledgeable about vaccines...
Normally a vaccine works by injecting dead or inactive virus samples, and the immune system is then trained to recognize the pathogen and eliminate it without risk of the symptoms caused by a living pathogen.
But this mRNA vaccine works by the injected RNA programming some of your own cells to produce the spiked protein characteristic of the Covid virus, and then trains your immune system to attack anything that has the spiked protein characteristic, namely the Covid virus.
Normally, in traditional vaccines, a booster shot is required when the virus mutates to a different strain, because your immune system won't recognize the new strain.
Why is a booster required of the mRNA vaccine if the immune system is trained to recognize the spiked protein and attack it, rather than the virus, as all the new strains would have the spiked protein characteristic? I thought that was the selling point of the experimental mRNA vaccine, that it would attack the spiked protein characteristic shared by all strains of the virus.
On a side note, one reason they can't use a traditional approach is because a specimen of the Covid virus has never been isolated. Research that to see if I am wrong about that.
For me, the development of the mRNA vaccine occurred near the same time a virus emerged that cannot be isolated means something smells rotten in Wuhan.
Maybe someone with more expertise can explain it to me. Please note that I am not anti-vax. My wife has been vaccinated. But why is it necessary to vaccinate dissenters if the vaccine protects you from the virus... And it is discovered that programming your DNA to produce the spiked protein in no way prevents you from spreading the Covid virus and it's new strains.
There is a logical disconnect here to claim the unvaccinated are a threat to spread the virus to the vaccinated who are protected from it. If the unvaccinated get vaccinated, they will still be just as capable of spreading the virus as they were when they were unvaccinated. If the vaccine protects the vaccinated, why are the unvaccinated a threat to the vaccinated? Especially since the virus will spread on contact whether you are vaccinated or not.
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Vaccinated people get
Vaccinated people get breakthrough infections from infected unvaccinated people. a small proportion get hospitalised, and some of these die, regardless of them being vaccinated.
Threat is a harsh word to use - risk would be more sensitive (except in the case of anti vaxxers who are of course a de facto Q style threat)
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Antibodies do not kill the monster but avoid sickness
It has been long since your last entry in the forum. It is nice to know that you are well and survived the Mab trial.
Regarding your inquiry on isolation of virus specimen, it has been done and it exists at many laboratories around the world. The monster even has been photographed.
Back in 2002, Sars-cov coronavirus was isolated in Asia. The sars-cov2 that causes covid19 was firstly isolated in Chinese laboratories where sequencing of its genome was identified and transmitted to laboratories all over the world. These gave rise to manufacturing vaccines and drugs to fight the disease.
The vaccines do not kill the monster but provoke a response by the immune system with a series of natural antibodies. The action occurs at cells’ receptors bidding domains (the mouth of the cell) avoiding the virus from entering/invading the cell and subsequently infesting it. Both, antibodies (immune system) and drug antibodies (Mabs in your trial) will stuck the receptors leaving none free to the monster.
Mabs are expected to be a better choice as it avoids the consequences caused by the immune system if this becomes overactive due to continued fighting against inflammation.
The vaccines work well in educating the immune system but those with immune deficiency may not benefit from vaccine’s purposes and in fact may die due to ARDS or acute lungs injury caused by the persistent action of secretion of cytokines (immune cells in the lungs). This justifies the high death rate of aged people and those with cancer, even if these have been vaccinated.
Let’s keep our immune system in its best shape. Physical fitness and proper diet may be our goal.
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Hard Enough
I have a hard enough time keeping up with what I need to do. I am fully vaccinated, including the booster (Moderna). I had a little sore arm; my wife had Moderna arm (rash) at shot injection point. I am retired military. I have had about every shot you could possibly get including Anthrax, during the Gulf War. So, there you go. My choice. As simple as that, but not for a lot of folks.
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Grinder's Question
Grinder asked
Why is a booster required of the mRNA vaccine if the immune system is trained to recognize the spiked protein and attack it, rather than the virus, as all the new strains would have the spiked protein characteristic? I thought that was the selling point of the experimental mRNA vaccine, that it would attack the spiked protein characteristic shared by all strains of the virus.
The virus mutates all the time, and so does the (shape of the) spike protein. The m-RNA vaccines that have been developed present just one shape of the spike protein.
Just my understanding of the biology; it may be oversimplified.
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Spikes and Newer variants complexities
I was called by the NHS to get a third shot of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine tomorrow Nov 6. This request is based on the recommendations from the vaccine maker under their understanding that the two initial doses of the vaccine would lose efficacy after six months of protection. They call it a booster but I wonder if it incorporates the prevention against the latest variants specifically against the variant Delta, which seems to render the initial type of vaccine absolute in terms of immunization.
My mRNA shots were done in Apr/May (six months ago) but I have been pondering if in fact I should get vaccinated again this earlier. Somehow I feel that vaccines should be distributed to countries in need where low percentage of vaccinated people exist, which condition causes the surge of newer variants that will affect those already with immunity. Scientists/biologists in Portugal found via laboratory exams that the general vaccinated population has maintained immunity at the six month mile stone of vaccination. This confirms that the present Pfizer is in action and that its effectiveness could be extended for a longer period. NHS would save money if it prolongs the validity period of the present vaccine, awaiting for the newer vaccines that will be prepared to contend with the newer variants.
This call is done to all fully-vaccinated adults who are at high risk, including the elderly, immune compromised people and those who have fought cancer.
Our hero Grinder will like to read this article on “Vaccine vs Spike protein” where they show a picture of the monster and explain about the complexities of the spike that can alter on the fly;
I also recommend my comrades to read this other link, explaining in detail all about the variants (spike mutations) and their capability in escaping our immune prevention system. This is a fantastic compilation work done by a number of scientists at several UK universities;
SARS-CoV-2 variants, spike mutations and immune escape (
Best to all,
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Thanks Vasco ...
You always provide much helpful information to all us cancer survivors. This forum would not be the same without you.
There is some new information out now that suggests the various side effects reported to the VAERS are coincidental to certain batches of the vaccine. And it may have to do with preservation and thawing variations, especially with the Pfizer vaccine.
And then there's the overhyped conspiracy theory that certain batches responsible for certain side effects were sent to certain areas here in the States. The British tabloid The Expose' reported on this conspiracy theory... They claimed to have researched the data and the batch numbers that correspond to the side effects reported to the VAERS, and they were coincidentally sent out to Florida, Texas, and six other notoriously conservative "red" states.
It's not that I don't think this current administration would conceive of such a plot, but I doubt very much that such a complicated operation could be competently executed. Were certain batches possibly producing certain side effects?... Maybe. Was it being deliberately done as a bioweapon against conservative states?... Not likely. If you believe that, I have some vacant real estate in the Wuhan province to sell you.
And make no mistake... You can still contract and transmit Covid when vaccinated. Even Bill Gates is finally, albeit reluctantly, admitting it.
We have to admit what the vaccine does and does not do. It protects the individual from developing serious symptoms after contracting the virus. Elderly and health compromised individuals should have access if they want it.
However it does not stop the spread of Covid. The vaccinated can contract and transmit the virus with little difference than the unvaccinated. Vaccine mandates designed to "slow the spread" do nothing of the sort. The vaccine will, hopefully, keep the elderly and infirm out of the hospital.
If anyone is getting the vaccine hoping that it will prevent them from contracting the virus, I'm sorry but that's not what it does. It prevents you from developing serious symptoms of Covid. Assuming you have not developed side effects of the vaccine itself associated with certain batches. Hopefully, more strict quality control will be used in disseminating the various batches of the vaccine... or whatever variable made certain batches coincidental to certain side effects.
We have to face reality here. This is a novel virus, the research is still in early stages, and we have a long way to go staying ahead of it.
Just my opinion.
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An offer that is hard to reject
That real estate in Wuhan certainly sounds interesting, especially now that the virus is under control in China.
China Locks 30,000 Visitors Inside Shanghai Disneyland After One Guest Got Covid-19 - WSJ
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You guys are funny Lol0
Vaccines are a proven
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Vaccines are a proven
Vaccines are a proven scientific mechanism for treating viruses and are advancing more and more but Big Pharma unfairly profits from them.
The last two years have shown we CAN perform miracles in medical research if we focus.
Vaccines *significantly* reduce the risk of catching the disease thus reducing the effective R number, and thus preventing exponential growth. As cancer patients we all know what exponential growth means.
Vaccines *significantly* reduce the risk of serious illness and death.
Social distancing, personal hygeine and masks provide invaluable and proven statistical support for the above.
All these points above have a huge reductive impact on the load of health services and allow non COVID patients a better chance of getting treatment and reduce overall national mortality rates.
The Classical Greek definition of a citizen is one who reaps benefits AND has responsibilties to society.
Area 51 is NOT a proving ground for stolen alien technology and JFK Jr is not returning.
One is all in or all out of the above
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