Late Posting Of Unusual Incident

wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

This posting is a little behind as it happened last month but I thought I would share it because some will relate to it.
And some may have it happen or something similar in the future.
And our mind immediately goes to cancer especially if it's in the area of previous cancer.
So here goes---

Latest Unusual Happening


Friday evening August 27, 2021 around 7:00 PM I got an area about halfway

down on my neck on the left inside got a sore spot in it.

Sore enough I could feel mild pain or I guess soreness when I swallowed.

Thinking of calling ENT on Monday.


Saturday the 28th no change but sore enough to notice and pressing on it you could

define the spot and still noticeable soreness when swallowing.

Took pain pills a couple times just to help.

Sunday the 29th early morning kept waking from breathing issues and drawing for air making unusual noise and woke up with chills and kept falling back asleep.

Finally woke up and got pretty good control of breathing problem, went to the bathroom and got more covers and had a hard and long time till I could get warmed up and during that time would fall asleep and wake back up with sound of me drawing for air.

Probably has to do with my damaged vocal cords.

Checked temperature and it was slightly elevated a couple times peaking at 99.

Feel tired and washed out just want to sleep but got up and got a showered and did some odds and ends.


By the end of Sunday towards evening breathing was normal for me and soreness in neck and throat is gone.

And in several days later there was not much noticeable and now all signs of soreness or anything unusual is gone and things are back to my abinormal post cancer condition.


So I did call my ENT and upped my appointment to Sept. 13.
My ENT felt around my neck and checked me out really well, checked my mouth and tongue and scoped me and said I am OK and there is nothing he sees that is questionable.

Good to go.

Oddly the next day the soreness returned for about 2 days and was then gone again and everything has been perfect ever since with absolutely no pain or soreness.
I don’t know what it was but could have been a pulled neck muscle or who knows what and the area is radiated so that opens things up for a whole nuther set of problems.

So all is good and I go tomorrow to get my maintenance CT Scans for follow up.

I believe I am getting one of the chest and one with dye of the head & neck area.

I will probably be getting these regularly in the foreseeable future and I am glad they are keeping watch on me.
So I am praying these scans are clear and clean and the NED continues.
I know over the years others on here have had unusual happenings and their mind goes to cancer right away but as we always say “its not cancer till they say it’s cancer”.

God is Good-Praise his Holy name.

I don't really know what happened.

But I am glad the ENT feels there is nothing wrong and the scans will be the best way to verify that and be sure there is nothing in there.

Wishing Everyone The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ



  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited September 2021 #2
    Glad to hear it's nothing

    Glad to hear the ENT thinks nothing is wrong but still following up.  I believe God will look after you.  He has so far and you've been through a lot.

    Prayers that everything turns out well.

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    Hi Russ

    Just got back on and never noticed all the messages sent to Me to talk.  And again if could cry would be shedding teares to the hell these damn Treatments damage have caused so many.  I mean tears.  Hurts My heart that Drs just won't learn Rads are no good for throats.  I'll thru this in on small cancer spot & 2 Chemo drugs not needed.  Thought so much for tiny spot but so many had more done to them you seem to hear a lot about the ones who did well, guess better body health but almost cried for Commercial regarding 40s to take for HPV, shot my daughter got that 1 doesn't want to end up like Me.  What got Me what I've said from beginning if not broke don't fix it.  Having it 3 yrs before DX never changed or bothered Me & in Commercial said people with HPV can often cure it themselves.  What's the difference if I knew and just let body do it things, goes good a few more yrs than blew up in My face & died at least could have gone out enjoying last of my life living and died happy and family remember fun Lisa, happy Lisa not dying slowly crabby Lisa.  So what would have made a difference.  Didn't need to know, should have walked, so full of energy & happy is better than dying slowly.  so many with multi problems worse than Me but 1 thing in common seems to be throat closing, can't eat, can't drink, can't breath & this was often many, many yrs and living more miserable.  All radiation induced.  Every story the same........hense the tears.  All that starting now.  Top of cake, hade 5 yr last Chemo vist and PA came in Went over a few things than as she said go bye I asked Am I seeing him 1 last time in person. Glad was hoping not to have to face Me.  He's gotta know he screwed Me up & hearing you having problems breathing scares Me just to many with either too much from lungs comes out and sticks like concrete to throat & narrows it.  Too many problems..........just stop with Rads.  I know a couple of woman electing breast removal than Rads.  I worrry for you tho seems inevitable your throat will close up due to Rad damage & FT often for life.  Why?  Come on  Dr Politicians lie to Us some more with broken promises, mis- information, money what ever can't seem to avoid it.  Wish I would have walked & taken my chance since throat Cancer IS a game of chance.  Will you or not.  Appears many from way in past do better than Us now.  Your not learning just like Government just in it for yourselves.  Saddens Me.  My saying always will be Cancer doesn't kill you, money making treatments do.  To you & everyone good luck ???. Lisa

  • ProustLover
    ProustLover Member Posts: 125 Member
    edited September 2021 #4
    Jumpy for you

    Dear Russ - I will be jumpy for you until scan results come in.  Thinking of you (and Ozy and Lisa, too) and wishing you all the best.  

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
    Thank For All

    You folk's responses it is appreciated.

    Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited September 2021 #6
    Glad your scan was okay.  

    Glad your scan was okay.  

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member

    Glad your scan was okay.  

    Glad your scan was okay.  

    Thank You ozy

    For your support and strength.

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited October 2021 #8
    wbcgaruss said:

    Thank You ozy

    For your support and strength.



  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    Any news

    Any new news.  Your scaring Me......Daisy lisa

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,507 Member
    Lisa Everything Is Fine

    The problem I posted pretty much worked itself out and I had CAT Scans with contrast (Dye) of Head & Neck and Chest on this Previous Thursday, September 30th, 2021 which came out clear and clean, no cancer seen so a report of NED. There is nothing better for a cancer survivor to hear after a follow-up scan than NED (No Evidence Of Disease) God is Good-Bless His Holy Name-Take care-God Bless-Russ

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263

    Oh I am so happy to hear.  After receiving so many massages from past & current Forum member all small symptoms sounded like yours so Suz is not special or unique & either am I but not as many internal systems but all had traces or had to go further and many complications + FT for life it's scary.  Guess more & damage raising its ugly head.  It Oct & so much about breast Cancer so someone sharing their journey.  Think Throat Cancer Month if Feb or March they usually announce it beginning of month, last you see or hear about it.  So that form of Cancer that causes so much damage internal & external gets NO help, donations, or support not to mention research for better treatments.  Find that so sad.  One of the worse & rising & nothing.  No wonder so much damage still in dark ages with barbaric measures treatments especially HPV & it rising fast due to ignorance by people& Drs.  Talk with people have no clue what HPV that causes more different Cancers also like Ovarian.  How horribly sad.  Just glad your OK.  Please stay that way, yourtoo kind, sweet, & caring.  Big hugs to NED.  Didn't get Me usual throat into chest scan with dye & had to get appointment at a hospital down this way.  My Insurance but celebrated my Birthday (64) so 1 more yr & more treatments will open up.   Whoooohooo