Covid Booster



  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 487 Member
    Vaers clear states in its

    Vaers clear states in its site that its data is unverified and unchecked.

    Do we really want to have a discussion like this in this site?

    Do you know Wisegal?

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 487 Member
    Inappropriate in this Site

    You are on notice.

    Cease and desist!


  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 487 Member
    Inappropriate. Remove Politics and Stand Down!

    Trolling is inappropriate. Go find a site that condones this tomfoolery!

    Stand down, Madam, or I'll have to pull out the garlic.

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 487 Member
    cmb said:

    Know Your Sources

    As someone who has spent the better part of my working career reading laws, regulations and agency notices, I always recommend going to the original source of a regulation or ruling since reports about these can be misunderstood.

    The FDA notice published August 23, 2021 clearly states that it has approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for individuals 16 years of age and older. This vaccine will be marketed under the name Comirnaty. It is the exact same vaccine as what has been known as Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19, with the new name.

    The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

    So while the vaccine is still considered as EUA for certain individuals, this is not true for the vast majority of individuals who are eligible for the vaccine.

    Unvaccinated Israelis – who account for 17 percent of the population eligible for a vaccine – currently make up about two-thirds of the total number of serious cases.

    It was never claimed that any the vaccines are 100% effective at preventing infection with COVID-19. But they are effective at preventing serious infections, and subsequent death, in most vaccinated people. Sadly, a very small portion of vaccinated individuals may still die from COVID after being vaccinated, but the vaccines are the best method we currently have to prevent serious illness and death in most people.

    I hope that others who may read this thread will continue to seek authoritative sources of information rather than rely on unverified social media.

    Thank You

    Where do some of these people come from?

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 487 Member

    I'm with you CMB, my son in

    I'm with you CMB, my son in law is a bio chemical engineer (PHD):he said the vaccine does not contain graphene  oxide. I can post on Vaers that the vaccine, or any other medicine for that matter, caused my teeth to fall out even though I had extreme periodontal disease!! No one is verifying if it is true and correlation is not causation.

    I checked Vaers

    The site clear states that their information is neither vetted nor verified.

    As a writer, I also noted awkward phrasing / writing, which is usually a "heads up" that a site has no association or affiliation with science or fact. 

  • oldbeauty
    oldbeauty Member Posts: 378 Member
    Lasha12 said:

    Still wear mask

    Hello, curious, if the shots are effective why would you wear a mask?


    I'm not so concerned for myself, but it seems pretty clear that you can be a carrier of the virus despite being vaccinated.  Young children, and others who have a legitimate medical exception, can't choose to be vaccinated, so out of concern and respect for their right to expect that sensible people will do the sensible thing, I wear a mask to contribute to the general well-being of the community.

    Best wishes, Oldbeauty

  • oldbeauty
    oldbeauty Member Posts: 378 Member

    And deprive your poor little pet doggie of his dewormer?  Calling the ASPCA!

  • Julie_123
    Julie_123 Member Posts: 17 Member
    I Got my 2nd Covid Shot

    I got my second Covid Shot yesterday and so far feel fine except for my arm is  sore. I noticed that lat night.

    Every year that I get the flu sho,t I come down with flu like sysmptons...I get it pretty bad....but I never  get the flu again that season. I know the years I forgot to get the flu vaccine, I get the flu pretty bad and I get it two or three times in a year...So Yea Science....We just about erraticated small pox off the planet...through vaccines. Why not Covid. 

    If someone came up with a vaccine about cancer would you take it; or now that we all have cancer, wouldn't we encourage our loved ones to get it. I lost my Mom at 5 years old to uterine cancer. There is not a day that goes by that I do not miss her...I am 62 years old. 

    I think you laddies are Angels come to earth...I appreciate you insight wisdom and poetry. 

    Congradulations, on the new truck...I just love that new car smeill. I got a Forester last year myslef. 


    God Bless you all soo so much!

  • Maxster
    Maxster Member Posts: 102 Member
    cmb said:

    Know Your Sources

    As someone who has spent the better part of my working career reading laws, regulations and agency notices, I always recommend going to the original source of a regulation or ruling since reports about these can be misunderstood.

    The FDA notice published August 23, 2021 clearly states that it has approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for individuals 16 years of age and older. This vaccine will be marketed under the name Comirnaty. It is the exact same vaccine as what has been known as Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19, with the new name.

    The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

    So while the vaccine is still considered as EUA for certain individuals, this is not true for the vast majority of individuals who are eligible for the vaccine.

    Unvaccinated Israelis – who account for 17 percent of the population eligible for a vaccine – currently make up about two-thirds of the total number of serious cases.

    It was never claimed that any the vaccines are 100% effective at preventing infection with COVID-19. But they are effective at preventing serious infections, and subsequent death, in most vaccinated people. Sadly, a very small portion of vaccinated individuals may still die from COVID after being vaccinated, but the vaccines are the best method we currently have to prevent serious illness and death in most people.

    I hope that others who may read this thread will continue to seek authoritative sources of information rather than rely on unverified social media.

    Thank you so much!

    Thank you for your thoughtful response to the nonsense being spewed on this site and throughout the world.  My son is an ER doctor in Texas.  What he has seen has been horrible.  They are all burned out.  For the most part, those coming in with COVID have not been vaccinated.  They fill the hospitals and people with other emergencies are denied care.  It is outrageous.  The vaccines were never touted as 100% effective. There will be break through cases.  Most are not serious.  Those that are tend to be among very compromised individuals.  Again Thank you!

  • Maxster
    Maxster Member Posts: 102 Member
    Do you realize

    the ivermectin is not approved for use against the COVID virus.  It is used for parasites.  But you trust that more than vaccines that have been injected in more than 160 million people in the USA and whose roots have been studied since 2003 against spike protein viruses? You need to think not use emotions to make decisions.

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member
    edited September 2021 #32

    Thank You

    Where do some of these people come from?

    Please do not feed the latest attempt to troll us.

    Ignore ignore ignore. Just like an old dog with a cherished bone, it is not about the bone, but about ownership and imposing misinformation and half truths on the rest of us. There are no facts that will satisfy these refugees from reality. 

    "Every man has a right to his own opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts” is credited to American financier Bernard M. Baruch (1870-1965), who said it in 1946. 

    The sayings mean that opinions can differ, but that those opinions must be based on factual truths.


  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member
    Hello, Ladies!

    I got my 1st shot 2 weeks after 5th infusion (March). A little lousy for a couple of days and probably a bit of a temperature. 2nd shot (April) 3 weeks after my 6th infusion. Same minor side-effects. And now I've been taking Zejula (immunotherapy) since first of June. I figured that since I was compromised for the first two shots and now I'm permanently compromised, I probably needed the booster more than the next girl!

    Wow. Sick. Sick. Sick. No fever, no anything else, but extreme exhaustion. Like almost worse than chemo exhaustion...and that is BAD! Only difference was that at least while stationery, I felt fine, but when I would try to walk across the room I was afraid my legs wouldn't hold me. This went on for TWO weeks! On day 11 I called the ONC's office crying cuz I was scared and so sick of being basically an invalid, and the girl thought I was sick enough she got the doctor on the phone. There is such a paucity of data about side-effects of a booster, that we really can't know. He said he's known of patients feeling badly for 14-15 days. He emphasized 3 times...You did the right thing! And I'm glad you got it! 

    Thank goodness on day 14 I finally turned a corner. On day 17 I was finally able to leave the house as a passenger. Today is day 19 and I feel 95% normal.

    I can't stress this enough! What happened to me probably only happens to less than 10%, maybe 2%. I only wanted to share so that if some of you had similar reactions you might not be as alarmed as I was! I'm glad I got it! It's been scary horrible, but I think it just points to the fact that I really needed it. It was widely reported that compromised cancer patients were at risk of the vaccines not being as effective. I really had no choice, especially with the Zejula. In the midst of all that misery I was knee-deep in negotiations to sell a piece of property in Vermont that I've had on the market for two years. It could not be ignored! AND this means I have to get on a plane twice in October! And news from my neighbors is that while there I will need to be very careful, as their Delta cases are rising just as they are here.

    (As some of you might recall, this is not my first trip across the country this year to take care of real estate stuff! This will be a totally different trip in that 1) it's MY stuff, and not a stressful mess like my uncle's! and 2) there's no place on earth more beautiful than Vermont in October!! ...just my ol' southerner's opinion ?.....)

    That's my $.02!! 

    ?, Alicia


  • Dak82
    Dak82 Member Posts: 109 Member

    I was thinking of Service members

    They have no choice.  Thank you for your service to this country by the way.  I'm sure you were a great asset.

    Thank you

    I enjoyed those years even the ones that were quite difficult. My career field was never going to take me directly into harms way and I promised my husband I wouldn't volunteer! Even after my active duty retirement I support our military by working for a defense contractor. It really is another way to serve. My husband has played Mr Mom for almost 20 years now so that was an area that didn't have to change after the cancer diagnosis! I am not a fan of masks but have to wear one when I go to my office because it's on a USAF base. Here in Utah that is the single largest population still mandated to wear masks. I do not wear one if it's not required. Maybe I'm rolling the dice but it's my risk assessment.


  • Dak82
    Dak82 Member Posts: 109 Member

    Vaers clear states in its

    Vaers clear states in its site that its data is unverified and unchecked.

    Do we really want to have a discussion like this in this site?

    Do you know Wisegal?


    Emotions run high on this subject and this forum is not the place for it.

    Deb Uno

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 487 Member
    Dak82 said:


    Emotions run high on this subject and this forum is not the place for it.

    Deb Uno

    Tienes Razón, uno!



  • Dak82
    Dak82 Member Posts: 109 Member
    edited September 2021 #37

    Hello, Ladies!

    I got my 1st shot 2 weeks after 5th infusion (March). A little lousy for a couple of days and probably a bit of a temperature. 2nd shot (April) 3 weeks after my 6th infusion. Same minor side-effects. And now I've been taking Zejula (immunotherapy) since first of June. I figured that since I was compromised for the first two shots and now I'm permanently compromised, I probably needed the booster more than the next girl!

    Wow. Sick. Sick. Sick. No fever, no anything else, but extreme exhaustion. Like almost worse than chemo exhaustion...and that is BAD! Only difference was that at least while stationery, I felt fine, but when I would try to walk across the room I was afraid my legs wouldn't hold me. This went on for TWO weeks! On day 11 I called the ONC's office crying cuz I was scared and so sick of being basically an invalid, and the girl thought I was sick enough she got the doctor on the phone. There is such a paucity of data about side-effects of a booster, that we really can't know. He said he's known of patients feeling badly for 14-15 days. He emphasized 3 times...You did the right thing! And I'm glad you got it! 

    Thank goodness on day 14 I finally turned a corner. On day 17 I was finally able to leave the house as a passenger. Today is day 19 and I feel 95% normal.

    I can't stress this enough! What happened to me probably only happens to less than 10%, maybe 2%. I only wanted to share so that if some of you had similar reactions you might not be as alarmed as I was! I'm glad I got it! It's been scary horrible, but I think it just points to the fact that I really needed it. It was widely reported that compromised cancer patients were at risk of the vaccines not being as effective. I really had no choice, especially with the Zejula. In the midst of all that misery I was knee-deep in negotiations to sell a piece of property in Vermont that I've had on the market for two years. It could not be ignored! AND this means I have to get on a plane twice in October! And news from my neighbors is that while there I will need to be very careful, as their Delta cases are rising just as they are here.

    (As some of you might recall, this is not my first trip across the country this year to take care of real estate stuff! This will be a totally different trip in that 1) it's MY stuff, and not a stressful mess like my uncle's! and 2) there's no place on earth more beautiful than Vermont in October!! ...just my ol' southerner's opinion ?.....)

    That's my $.02!! 

    ?, Alicia


    Glad you are feeling better

    Sure seems there's no way to predict side effects of the vaccine just like in cancer treatment. None of us responds the same way. I too always understood I wouldn't be immune in the traditional vaccine sense but would mitigate symptoms. And I also figured I was dumping so many other poisons and drugs approved under FDA accelerated approval (dostarlimab) why did this one matter! Haha



  • CSN_Ken
    CSN_Ken admin Posts: 9
    Support Team Closing Discussion

    This discussion has provided valuable information about COVID-19 , however it has also pushed the boundaries of our Terms & Conditions regarding the expression of medical advice, political views and misleading information. We have decided to close this discussion to further comments. We respect everyone's individual views, but CSN is not the right forum for these discussions.  


    Thank you,



    CSN Support Team