Noob with floor of mouth cancer



  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    The two weeks after I took

    The two weeks after I took painkillers round the clock all I wanted to do is tube feed and sleep!

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member



    Here is the quilt I made for my son's friend.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,452 Member
    edited August 2021 #264




    Here is the quilt I made for my son's friend.

    Very Nice

    ozy you are very creative.
    And your energy level even through cancer treatment and recovery is amazing.
    All I wanted to do was pull the cover up and go back to sleep during my recovery.

    Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited August 2021 #265
    This morning I had soup for

    This morning I had soup for breakfast.  After eating for a week or so my jaw and mouth were kind of tired from chewing and moving the food around.  I might blend up my dinner tonight and give it a rest.  Getting weird headaches around the right side of my jaw and behind my ear.  Been taking gabapentin and ibuprofen for them.

    Mouth is still fairly dry especially if I don't drink enough liquids.  Not as dry as before but still dry.  Swallowing things that aren't blended feels like it is scraping my throat and mouth so things are still a little sensitive.  But still glad I can eat and swallow.  My taste is coming back very slowly.  I can kind of taste what I eat for longer periods of time so cooking doesn't feel like a complete waste of time.  Taste is not very strong but it is there.

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited August 2021 #266
    Long time no post.  Not much

    Long time no post.  Not much going on.  Same old same old. Haven't used my tube since 8/12.  Taking all meds by mouth.  Doing lightweight chores around the house and starting exercise again.  Some saliva coming back, some taste but weak on both counts.  Mucous is less of a nuisance.  Mouth still dry.

    Had follow up with medical oncology today.  Labs drawn and vitals good.  Referral placed for PEG removal!  Hopefully not a hospital deal.  I think it depends on which type was installed.  NP admonished me to start up my stretching on mouth and neck.  I had stopped because it was breaking my skin when I was in rads.  I have resumed lymphatic massage because fluid is really piling up.

    No longer on opiates or benadryl for mucous.  Weight stable between 145-149.

    Will update again after radiation follow up.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • ProustLover
    ProustLover Member Posts: 121 Member

    Long time no post.  Not much

    Long time no post.  Not much going on.  Same old same old. Haven't used my tube since 8/12.  Taking all meds by mouth.  Doing lightweight chores around the house and starting exercise again.  Some saliva coming back, some taste but weak on both counts.  Mucous is less of a nuisance.  Mouth still dry.

    Had follow up with medical oncology today.  Labs drawn and vitals good.  Referral placed for PEG removal!  Hopefully not a hospital deal.  I think it depends on which type was installed.  NP admonished me to start up my stretching on mouth and neck.  I had stopped because it was breaking my skin when I was in rads.  I have resumed lymphatic massage because fluid is really piling up.

    No longer on opiates or benadryl for mucous.  Weight stable between 145-149.

    Will update again after radiation follow up.

    Have a great weekend everyone!

    Good to hear from you

    Ozy:  you have a great week-end too!  It's good news that the "same old, same old" is what you'd expect it to be, or even better.  Best wishes and good vibes your way.  

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member

    Good to hear from you

    Ozy:  you have a great week-end too!  It's good news that the "same old, same old" is what you'd expect it to be, or even better.  Best wishes and good vibes your way.  

    Thank you Proust!

    Thank you Proust!

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    I am having pain in my mouth

    I am having pain in my mouth under my flap and my ear.  I do have lymphedema and I read that it  can cause pain in the oral cavity, neck amd ear.

    Doing my stretches and massage several times a day.  It must be lymphedema because it doesn't hurt that much after I've been awake and upright enough for it to drain a bit.

    It is somewhat disturbing to feel pain under my flap though.  Not going to panic-one day at a time until scan in October or whenever.

    Voice is a lot different now.  Really hate talking to any outsiders.  I sound like Bobby Hill from that King of the Hill show.

    Hopefully scan will be good and I can take a break from heavy duty medical for a while.  I have been having some ferocious bills to pay for my late husband and I.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,452 Member
    Dear ozy

    Relax you are not that far out of treatment.
    There is much healing yet and things settling out and settling down.
    Like you say it's disturbing, yeah fer sure in fact it's really disturbing, to put it mildly, going through H&N treatment.
    Do what you say one day at a time.
    I'll tell ya my voice is different too sorta like a cross between a mafia guy and one of the midgets in the Wizard of Oz.

    Or is that the Wizard of Ozy mandible?

    ozy relax they killed the cancer-your scan will show it.

    Sorry about your husband's medical bills, another load you bear but contact the doctors as sometimes they will negotiate or discount them
    especially due to your extenuating circumstances of dealing with cancer yet on top of it.

    Still Wishing You The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    wbcgaruss said:

    Dear ozy

    Relax you are not that far out of treatment.
    There is much healing yet and things settling out and settling down.
    Like you say it's disturbing, yeah fer sure in fact it's really disturbing, to put it mildly, going through H&N treatment.
    Do what you say one day at a time.
    I'll tell ya my voice is different too sorta like a cross between a mafia guy and one of the midgets in the Wizard of Oz.

    Or is that the Wizard of Ozy mandible?

    ozy relax they killed the cancer-your scan will show it.

    Sorry about your husband's medical bills, another load you bear but contact the doctors as sometimes they will negotiate or discount them
    especially due to your extenuating circumstances of dealing with cancer yet on top of it.

    Still Wishing You The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ

    Thank you Russ!

    Thank you Russ!

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    The boy will be coming for

    The boy will be coming for Sunday dinner.  I am planning meatloaf with the ketchup glaze baked on, carrots, mashed potatoes and plenty of gravy with chocolate cupcakes and ice cream for dessert.

    Daughter and I made Agua Fresca de Jamaica-kind of like sweet and spicy tea made from hibiscus flowers.  It's really good.  Tired of coffee, tea and drink mix.  I still can't drink just plain water right now-never could.  Always have to flavor it with something.

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    The last week or so I've been

    The last week or so I've been having a lot of pain.  I thought it was just due to lymphedema but I'm probably mostly just having nerve pain from the radiation.  Back to opiates at night because it gets really bad just before bedtime.  Already on ibuprofen and gabapentin for it.

    I got a referral for lymphedema treatment but it probably is mostly nerve pain.

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    Just checking in so nobody

    Just checking in so nobody thinks I bought it.

    Still having this godawful pain on the right side(radiation zone)of my head. It's not constant.  Once in a while I have a few hours that I don't take meds but when the pain comes back it is sometimes excruciating.  I never take pain meds and drive but if I had to drive somewhere with this pain, it would still be dangerous that's how bad it hurts.

    I did call the radiation onc's office to request pain meds they called in some norco.  That's nice maybe I won't have to take the 12 year old codeine I found buried in a drawer.

    I left a message day before yesterday at the rehab place for lymphedema treatment because the rad onc office sent the referral over.  Hopefully I'll hear from them soon.  I think a good chunk of this pain is from lymphedema and if that is addressed properly maybe my pain level will decrease.  It's probably not going to completely disappear-I'll probably have some nagging little remnants for the rest of my life.

    It would be nice though not to feel like someone beat me up and tried to pull my hair out.  I want to get more active and do more constructive things. 

    I can do dishes and laundry and light things still but when this pain really hits the only exercise I get is running for more meds or to heat up my rice sock to put on my head. Forget yardwork or trying to sew or fall cleaning.  I didn't spring clean this year the windows haven't been washed in almost two years, the garden was a bust this year.

    Oh well I'm still alive and only had to bust out the walker once!  Low blood pressure was making me dizzy for a bit but okay now.

    It's a nice day today not smelling smoke and fresh air coming through the window feels like fall.  Love hearing the wind rustle in the trees and hearing the birds sing.  Fall always makes me think of a roast dinner with apple pie for dessert.  Soup.  Yum.

    Speaking of food... on a brighter note my taste has almost come back!  My daughter made chicken enchiladas with green sauce the other day and they were very tasty with sour cream and avocado.  They were very moist and chicken was in tiny tender pieces so very easy to eat.  Just the thought of those enchiladas and how I could taste them is really cheering me up right now.

    So it's not all bad but when that pain hits that's all I can see.

    So that's why I haven't posted in a while.  Too much whining.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,452 Member
    Well ozy

    Thanks for checking in.
    It looks like your recovery is going pretty well except for this pain in the neck, uhuhuhmmmm, head, well close enough.
    Your taste is back that's great.
    And you said " fresh air coming through the window feels like fall.  Love hearing the wind rustle in the trees and hearing the birds sing.
    It is wonderful that God has Blessed you to be here and enjoy these things of life and this cancer battle has a way of helping appreciate these things all the more.
    Now you can enjoy the fall and get all prepared over the winter to really go at it next spring with the cleaning and the garden.
    ozy have you spoken to your docs about getting professional treatment for your lymphedema.
    My team noticed it in me and sent me for therapy.

    ozy here is a great video you might want to look at

    Lymphatic Drainage Massage for Face, Head, & Neck Swelling or Lymphedema - By a Physical Therapist

    Hope it helps and wishing you continued good recovery and hopefully you very soon get rid of this pain.
    Take Care-God Bless-Russ



  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    wbcgaruss said:

    Well ozy

    Thanks for checking in.
    It looks like your recovery is going pretty well except for this pain in the neck, uhuhuhmmmm, head, well close enough.
    Your taste is back that's great.
    And you said " fresh air coming through the window feels like fall.  Love hearing the wind rustle in the trees and hearing the birds sing.
    It is wonderful that God has Blessed you to be here and enjoy these things of life and this cancer battle has a way of helping appreciate these things all the more.
    Now you can enjoy the fall and get all prepared over the winter to really go at it next spring with the cleaning and the garden.
    ozy have you spoken to your docs about getting professional treatment for your lymphedema.
    My team noticed it in me and sent me for therapy.

    ozy here is a great video you might want to look at

    Lymphatic Drainage Massage for Face, Head, & Neck Swelling or Lymphedema - By a Physical Therapist

    Hope it helps and wishing you continued good recovery and hopefully you very soon get rid of this pain.
    Take Care-God Bless-Russ



    I did ask about a lymphedema

    I did ask about a lymphedema specialist and the rad onc office sent a referral to the rehab place.  I left a message two days ago.  Their recorded message said they would get back to me in 24 hours.  I should have my daughter call because my speech is getting bad from dry mouth.  Maybe they can't understand my message?

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,452 Member
    edited September 2021 #277
    Ozy Check The Video Over

    She shows you all you need to know about lymphatic drainage you can do at home.

    The woman is a trained therapist.

    This can get you started at home till you get to see the therapist.

    I  had several sessions and I was given drainage maneuvers to do at home.

    Go to the professional so they can evaluate your individual needs. 

    Take care God-bless Russ 


  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    wbcgaruss said:

    Ozy Check The Video Over

    She shows you all you need to know about lymphatic drainage you can do at home.

    The woman is a trained therapist.

    This can get you started at home till you get to see the therapist.

    I  had several sessions and I was given drainage maneuvers to do at home.

    Go to the professional so they can evaluate your individual needs. 

    Take care God-bless Russ 


    Thank you Russ.  I've been

    Thank you Russ.  I've been doing the massage like she shows but it doesn't seem effective.

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,452 Member

    Thank you Russ.  I've been

    Thank you Russ.  I've been doing the massage like she shows but it doesn't seem effective.

    OK Very Good Then

    It is time to get to the pros actually your doctors to make sure it is the lymphedema causing your pain.
    It is possible it could be something else.
    But I am sure you want to get a handle on the lymphedema also.
    So ask them to refer you and get this checked out there is no reason to live with this pain if you can find a solution and it might be an easy one.
    I had it and many on here have dealt with it but I was always told your lymph system finds or makes new pathways for your lymph system to drain.
    So for most or all of us, time resolves the problem but it can be problematic at the time.

    Wishing You The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ



  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    wbcgaruss said:

    OK Very Good Then

    It is time to get to the pros actually your doctors to make sure it is the lymphedema causing your pain.
    It is possible it could be something else.
    But I am sure you want to get a handle on the lymphedema also.
    So ask them to refer you and get this checked out there is no reason to live with this pain if you can find a solution and it might be an easy one.
    I had it and many on here have dealt with it but I was always told your lymph system finds or makes new pathways for your lymph system to drain.
    So for most or all of us, time resolves the problem but it can be problematic at the time.

    Wishing You The Best-Take Care-God Bless-Russ



    Until I can get in I'll keep

    Until I can get in I'll keep doing stretches and massages and live in the recliner because the pile of pillows on the bed isn't working.  No matter what I do I slide down or my head falls and hits the headboard.  If I sleep upright it isn't as bad so to some extent it's got to be lymphedema.  

  • Remington25
    Remington25 Member Posts: 93 Member
    edited September 2021 #281

    My docs really stressed that I keep moving as much as possible to keep my lymphatic system flowing.  I believe this has helped me as my lymphadema is very minor.  I walk at least 10,000 steps per day and try to do other things as well a little bit.  My docs think that has really helped me avoid lymphadema and kept my neck from getting overly stiff.  Just my $.02