Eyes on the Sparrow (trials)

Real Tar Heel
Real Tar Heel Member Posts: 307 Member
edited September 2021 in Colorectal Cancer #1

Super old, American pop-culture obsessed people will immediately remember the title of this thread as the title to the theme of the old cop show "Baretta." Others will just scratch their head. The reasons I was thinking about it has little to do with cancer, but then again, the lyrics go:

Keep your eye on the sparrow,
When the going gets narrow.


We are all keeping our eye on getting better, or getting over this, which is what I will generously assume what he's saying.

You all know I like to stay up on the latest research. There is a trial that is turning heads I read about some days ago. It created a complete regresssion in 17 out of 20 tumors in mice.
Read it again if you must, complete regression.
This is not just the old, new additive to chemo, increases PFS by a week "breakthrough." It is an mRNA based treatment from BioNTech and it is starting human trials.


BioNTech promising mRNA data is the link.

There is another promising trial involving an immunological based treatment. Their animal testing results showed 7 out of 8 patients saw cleared tumors, but is less specific about the results.
Claims it clears tumors, but in the article, it only says it significantly improves survival. What does that mean?
CTX-471 could clear solid tumors.

Both of these are in phase 1 trials. Search the drug name to find them.

There are some that offer promise but if you scratch below the surface you find that maybe they are not all that promising.
Look at RO7198457, touted as promising until the company that put hundreds of millions behind it said the response rate was low.
But if you look at the articles released around the time of the phase 1 trial, it was supposed to be great. The lead researcher still thinks the idea is good despite the dismal response rate.

There are some things that give us hope, but we have to take a good look. Get in trials that are seriously promising and not just smoke and mirrors.

Eye on the sparrow...lol

Some weird formatting things happened when I posted the link I guess.


  • Tueffel
    Tueffel Member Posts: 327 Member
    Let us hope

    Let us hope the trial will be tested soon in humans (also here in Germany, I would be mad if not, they got German tax payer money for the vaccine ;))

    Maybe we found with the mRNA they key to open several possibilities. Our loved ones just need to stay here

  • Real Tar Heel
    Real Tar Heel Member Posts: 307 Member
    edited September 2021 #3
    Tueffel said:

    Let us hope

    Let us hope the trial will be tested soon in humans (also here in Germany, I would be mad if not, they got German tax payer money for the vaccine ;))

    Maybe we found with the mRNA they key to open several possibilities. Our loved ones just need to stay here

    BTW everyone....

    There are several mRNA based trials that look promising. There are some monoclonal antibody trials that might be promising, but less so. What I hope is, for those that come after us, that the days of destructive chemotherapies are soon over, that people don't have to make themselves sicker to live a little longer.


    BTW people, talked to my team today, they don't believe there is a recurrence at the OS. They don't know what caused the blockage but it seems to be less of a problem now. Colonoscopy to be sure.

  • worriedson714
    worriedson714 Member Posts: 333 Member
    good news for sure

    This is what I keep telling my dad there is big things with alot of potiental coming thanks for the post . 

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    edited September 2021 #5
    Interesting reads, I've heard

    Interesting reads, I've heard that the area of immunotherapy has been excelerated as a result of the pandemic, a silver lining of sorts, with great potential..................................................Dave


  • feckcancer
    feckcancer Member Posts: 189 Member
    BioNTech created the pfizer

    BioNTech created the pfizer vaccine. they are a German company who have been working on a cancer vaccine for years. they modified their vaccine towards a covid vaccine &  joined forces with pfizer  because pfizer had the cash and the pharmaceutical factories & expertise etc . the $$$ they got from helping to create the pfizer vaccine will be put back into cancer treatment. Amazing . 

    Also check out Imugene. also amazing

    Imugene (ASX: IMU)

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited September 2021 #7
    I saw that Mrna trial

    I saw that Mrna trial yesterday, and was thinking it sounded promising. If it is in phase 1 now, when do you think it would get to phase 2? 

  • Real Tar Heel
    Real Tar Heel Member Posts: 307 Member
    abita said:

    I saw that Mrna trial

    I saw that Mrna trial yesterday, and was thinking it sounded promising. If it is in phase 1 now, when do you think it would get to phase 2? 

    Hmm, good question. From what

    Hmm, good question. From what I've seen it can be as long as 2 yrs. They are looking for dose tolerance and response rate. They would probably be happy with a 2 yr PFS. If it were me I would be happy to get in on a phase 1 but I realize I have a way to go before they would let me in any phase 1 trials.

  • Tueffel
    Tueffel Member Posts: 327 Member

    Hmm, good question. From what

    Hmm, good question. From what I've seen it can be as long as 2 yrs. They are looking for dose tolerance and response rate. They would probably be happy with a 2 yr PFS. If it were me I would be happy to get in on a phase 1 but I realize I have a way to go before they would let me in any phase 1 trials.

    My Papa

    My papa read the same article just in German. He said trials on humans will start soon, they are recruiting. 

    Without having tried Lonsurf before, they wont include my Papa either. 

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member

    Hmm, good question. From what

    Hmm, good question. From what I've seen it can be as long as 2 yrs. They are looking for dose tolerance and response rate. They would probably be happy with a 2 yr PFS. If it were me I would be happy to get in on a phase 1 but I realize I have a way to go before they would let me in any phase 1 trials.

    Interesting. Where are you

    Interesting. Where are you seeing 2 years? I googled and what I see has several months to a year. The reason I am asking is because I think a year will be about the time I am out of approved options. I wish there were trials in the last phases so I could have more options.i feel like most trials are for those who have the KRAS mutation and I do not.

  • Real Tar Heel
    Real Tar Heel Member Posts: 307 Member
    abita said:

    Interesting. Where are you

    Interesting. Where are you seeing 2 years? I googled and what I see has several months to a year. The reason I am asking is because I think a year will be about the time I am out of approved options. I wish there were trials in the last phases so I could have more options.i feel like most trials are for those who have the KRAS mutation and I do not.

    I have seen those times, too,

    I have seen those times, too, several months or a year, but 2 yrs at most. There are phase 1 trials listen on the registry that started two or three years ago and haven't completed. Some were probably completed and not updated.

    Yes there is a lot of focus on KRAS mutations. There is not any focus on the specific KRAS mutation/codon I have, but I think I might get in one for general solid tumors.

    I seem to recall you are MSI is that right?

    One of the bad thing about the freelance/content mill culture is that people in a hurry to make more than .01 cents an hour will just copy from the first couple of articles they see when they are writing "content" and it will get approved by equally busy people. So one site puts out, "all babies have three heads" and a bunch of other pages will appear over time with the same bad information. It happens a lot with legal websites.

  • OnTheRoad
    OnTheRoad Member Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks for info shared

    Thanks for the info shared, Real Tar Heel. These researches look promissing.

    As one of the people affected by this disease, I would also love to see the trials moving forward faster.... let's hope they are able to release a safe drug in the minimum possible time.

  • abita
    abita Member Posts: 1,152 Member
    edited September 2021 #13

    I have seen those times, too,

    I have seen those times, too, several months or a year, but 2 yrs at most. There are phase 1 trials listen on the registry that started two or three years ago and haven't completed. Some were probably completed and not updated.

    Yes there is a lot of focus on KRAS mutations. There is not any focus on the specific KRAS mutation/codon I have, but I think I might get in one for general solid tumors.

    I seem to recall you are MSI is that right?

    One of the bad thing about the freelance/content mill culture is that people in a hurry to make more than .01 cents an hour will just copy from the first couple of articles they see when they are writing "content" and it will get approved by equally busy people. So one site puts out, "all babies have three heads" and a bunch of other pages will appear over time with the same bad information. It happens a lot with legal websites.

    I don't have any mutations.

    I don't have any mutations.