Lymphoma vs Sarcoid



  • TNgirl111619
    TNgirl111619 Member Posts: 72 Member
    edited August 2021 #82

    It definitely makes me feel good to get their opinion as well! We are making a weekend of it instead of driving down the day before treatment and going to spend a couple days in Nashville. We love our Titans also! On a different note, does anybody have any recommendations on a certain type of shampoo and conditioner to use during treatment? I have noticed my hair is beginning to shed more than usual Cry I'm not quite ready to shave it yet, but if it comes down to it I will. Just didn't know if there was anything in particular anyone may suggest?

  • PBL
    PBL Member Posts: 371 Member
    edited August 2021 #83
    Get a short haircut


    Glad to read that all is going smoothly for you.

    Regarding your hair, if it is the length on your profile picture, it will fall off faster (and be a lot messier...), due to combing, brushing, and sheer gravity, than if you cut it short. There is no shampoo or conditioner that I know of that will keep it in place, unfortunately. Also, a short haircut may help you psychologically make the transition from long hair to no hair.

    Same goes for eyelashes and eyebrows: if you wish to keep them, leave them alone - no grooming, mascara or makeup remover. They will still thin out, but you may be able to retain some at least.

    Just remember it's a small - and temporary - price to pay to get rid of the cancer and stay alive!

    Kind regards,


  • TNgirl111619
    TNgirl111619 Member Posts: 72 Member

    Thank you, PBL! I actually had a few inches cut off a few weeks ago just because it needed a trim. I thought about cutting it into a mullet for a week or so before shaving it off, when that day comes. ? Might as well make it fun, right? It's hard because my hair has always been such a big part of my identity, but I have to agree with you that it's only temporary and if the treatment is doing its job, then that's much more important than hair for the time being! Thank you for your response!

  • PBL
    PBL Member Posts: 371 Member
    edited August 2021 #85

    Since it has already started thinning out, you may want to think more along the lines of a pixie!

    I remember the nurse in the O.R. when I had my port put in - she had had chemotherapy for breast cancer - telling me that in the weeks leading to her losing her hair, she tried all the most eccentric cuts and hair dyes, just for the fun of it Wink

  • TNgirl111619
    TNgirl111619 Member Posts: 72 Member
    PBL said:


    Since it has already started thinning out, you may want to think more along the lines of a pixie!

    I remember the nurse in the O.R. when I had my port put in - she had had chemotherapy for breast cancer - telling me that in the weeks leading to her losing her hair, she tried all the most eccentric cuts and hair dyes, just for the fun of it Wink


    Good idea, PBL! I know a young girl Who is finishing up treatmens for NHL and she did this style first before shaving it all off. I dread it, but I feel it's coming, unfortunately. Oh well. Just part of it and every day is a day closer to treatments being over even though I have a ways to go!

  • PBL
    PBL Member Posts: 371 Member
    Wear it proudly!

    A pixie is what you'll get after treatments are over, so might as well try it now Wink

    Hang in there, you'll see the other end of that tunnel sooner than you think.

  • TNgirl111619
    TNgirl111619 Member Posts: 72 Member
    PBL said:

    Wear it proudly!

    A pixie is what you'll get after treatments are over, so might as well try it now Wink

    Hang in there, you'll see the other end of that tunnel sooner than you think.


    So true!! I've had short hair in the past. Not a pixie, but shorter than shoulder length! I might just do that!! And thank you for the encouragement! I will keep everyone updated when I find out PET scan results in September.

  • GGc0ok
    GGc0ok Member Posts: 54 Member
    edited August 2021 #89
    So glad to see you

    Hi TN, it's me GG. 
    I had written earlier on first page. I've checked in from time to time to see how you've been doing. Your doing amazing it sounds to me.  Upbeat and positive is the best. I go in tomorrow for my labs followed by Oncologist appointment on the 7th. This will be my every three month monitoring.   I started losing a lot of my hair when I got diagnosed last Nov 2. I had the shock of that plus my hubby's diagnosis, a year before mine. He has Pulmonary Fibrosis, and COPD plus heart, and diabetes.  I'm his caregiver as I've mentioned before.  My hair continued to fall out for 6-7 months.  Finally stopping gradually. But when I start treatment it'll happen. I did let my hair coloring be a thing of the past.  Will be one year since my last dye job.  I'm a silver oldie. I love the freedom. My prayers for you and all of us fighting the fight.  One foot in front of the other.  Positive thoughts for all

    Sincerely,  GG

  • TNgirl111619
    TNgirl111619 Member Posts: 72 Member
    edited September 2021 #90
    GGc0ok said:

    So glad to see you

    Hi TN, it's me GG. 
    I had written earlier on first page. I've checked in from time to time to see how you've been doing. Your doing amazing it sounds to me.  Upbeat and positive is the best. I go in tomorrow for my labs followed by Oncologist appointment on the 7th. This will be my every three month monitoring.   I started losing a lot of my hair when I got diagnosed last Nov 2. I had the shock of that plus my hubby's diagnosis, a year before mine. He has Pulmonary Fibrosis, and COPD plus heart, and diabetes.  I'm his caregiver as I've mentioned before.  My hair continued to fall out for 6-7 months.  Finally stopping gradually. But when I start treatment it'll happen. I did let my hair coloring be a thing of the past.  Will be one year since my last dye job.  I'm a silver oldie. I love the freedom. My prayers for you and all of us fighting the fight.  One foot in front of the other.  Positive thoughts for all

    Sincerely,  GG

    Thank you!

    Hey GG! It's great to hear from you again! I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. I have my 4th chemotherapy treatment on the 7th. You will have to let me know how your appointment goes. I'm sure that your hair is beautiful silver! ? I did cut mine above my shoulders, but I still have quite a bit of it as of right now. I haven't colored mine since April, so it's gonna look like a mess until I can color it again after treatments. Lol oh well, It's all worth it if the chemo is doing its job. I hope that your husband is well and that y'all are safe with all this Covid stuff! prayers for you and keep us updated on everything!

  • TNgirl111619
    TNgirl111619 Member Posts: 72 Member

    Hi all! Hope you are all doing well. I wanted to give an update. So, my pet scan was this past Friday and I received a message from my doctor that it was excellent. My husband and I saw an oncologist at Vanderbilt yesterday and he told us that I am headed to remission! Praise the Lord! On the Deauville scoring, I am at a 1. I will have 8 more treatments of ABVD, but they are going to drop the Bleomycin at some point. No radiation. Again, thank you all for your continued support!

  • PBL
    PBL Member Posts: 371 Member
    edited September 2021 #92
    The kind we like to read!

    Very happy for you. Deauville 1 halfway through is great news and great prognosis. Keep it up!

    Thanks for sharing.


  • GGc0ok
    GGc0ok Member Posts: 54 Member
    edited September 2021 #93


    Hi all! Hope you are all doing well. I wanted to give an update. So, my pet scan was this past Friday and I received a message from my doctor that it was excellent. My husband and I saw an oncologist at Vanderbilt yesterday and he told us that I am headed to remission! Praise the Lord! On the Deauville scoring, I am at a 1. I will have 8 more treatments of ABVD, but they are going to drop the Bleomycin at some point. No radiation. Again, thank you all for your continued support!

    The Best News

    Hi TN

    I'm so so happy for you. That's the best news, I'm sure your elated. You keep doing what your doing, being brave, strong and positive.  Prayers will continue for us all. 

    Hugs GG 

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member


    Hi all! Hope you are all doing well. I wanted to give an update. So, my pet scan was this past Friday and I received a message from my doctor that it was excellent. My husband and I saw an oncologist at Vanderbilt yesterday and he told us that I am headed to remission! Praise the Lord! On the Deauville scoring, I am at a 1. I will have 8 more treatments of ABVD, but they are going to drop the Bleomycin at some point. No radiation. Again, thank you all for your continued support!

    Miss Tenn

    Delighted to read that things are going very well for you.


  • TNgirl111619
    TNgirl111619 Member Posts: 72 Member
    edited September 2021 #95
    Thank you

    Thank you all so much!

  • TNgirl111619
    TNgirl111619 Member Posts: 72 Member
    edited September 2021 #96
    GGc0ok said:

    The Best News

    Hi TN

    I'm so so happy for you. That's the best news, I'm sure your elated. You keep doing what your doing, being brave, strong and positive.  Prayers will continue for us all. 

    Hugs GG 

    You're so sweet, GG! Hugs and

    You're so sweet, GG! Hugs and prayers for you!

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    edited September 2021 #97
    Good news indeed!

    A definitive diagnosis was the turning point. Oddly enough, Hodgkin's (B cell) is all too frequently confused by pathologists with Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (T cell). Treatment strategies and the treatments themselves are substantially different, as are outcomes. You are indeed blessed to have fallen on the better outcome side. Once the enemy has been unmasked, there is a sense of empowerment. And the good news from mid-point scans continues. The elimination of rads and the reduction of bleomycin are also positives. I know that you are probably masking up and even wearing gloves, which are two of the three best defenses againt the 'plague'. Thank you very much for all of the updates.  

  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Wonderful news

    I have been following your journey behind the scenes.  I am so happy for you, a great victory!! Now you can get on with life.


  • TNgirl111619
    TNgirl111619 Member Posts: 72 Member
    edited October 2021 #99
    Thank you!

    Thank you all for your continued support!! I hope that you all are well and I pray for you all daily! 

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Thank you!

    Thank you all for your continued support!! I hope that you all are well and I pray for you all daily! 

    Thank YOU!

    I am sustained by prayer. And, to the extent possible, let us rest this day so that we may be at peace. Amen (So be it).

  • TNgirl111619
    TNgirl111619 Member Posts: 72 Member
    Amen and amen!

    Amen and amen!