What is the normal treatment for Stage 1 Ovarian Cancer?

Tess9967 Member Posts: 1

Hello....my sister had a huge mass removed from her stomach in October 2019 and it turned out to be Stage 1 ovarian cancer. They got it all out and no other major organs seemed affected.

Long story short...They started her on chemo treatments (December 2, 2019) as a preventative measure without getting a PET scan.

Her one cycle of chemo consisted of 5 infustions (Mon, Tues, Wed then the following two Mondays). She made it barely through the 4th infusion of her 1st cycle and has been in the hospital for the past 5 weeks. 

My question....what does your chemo treatment consist of? Did you get a PET scan? 

I am insisting on a PET scan when and if she is to continue with chemo treatments.

Thank you for your feed back.

Have a great day,


  • CharityP
    CharityP Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2020 #2
    my experience


    I also have stage 1A ovarian. It was discovered in a CT scan (a 13 cm cyst with possible mass) attached to my right ovary. It was not thought to be cancerous at the time. I had other health concerns and he reccomended removal of mass but could wait until other issues were delt with. Fast forward to surgery...due to the nature of the cyst a biopsy can only be done once it's removed. I'm post-menopausal so I was fine with removing anything neccesary, including a total hysterectomy. 

    Biopsy was perfomed during my sugery showing it was indeed cancerous so they perfomed complete hysterectly and omentecomy. THey recommended 6 rounds (one round every 3 weeks) of chemo to begin 4 -6 weeks post-surgery. My first round was yesterday.

    It's interesting that they put her on such and excelerated treatment. 

    Why to you feel you would like her to have a PET scan? What are you hoping to discover or learn that you haven't already? It sounds more like the chemo treatment was too intense? I am so sorry she reacted so badly and is in the hospital, that's got to be difficult.

    Any updates?


  • CharityP
    CharityP Member Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2020 #3
    my own update, if it helps

    i'm posting a brief update for myself, just in case this has relevancy for anyone. Also, I never answered the question completely regarding treatment. I'm on the standard Carbo/Taxol cocktail.

    I'm 9 days out from my first round and happy to report I feel great. Very minor side effects. I know this isnt standard but sometimes knowing there are indeed those out there that suffer less can offer a bit of optimism. (Today however, my hair began to fall out. I'm fine with that!)

    Hoping all is well,


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    CharityP said:

    my own update, if it helps

    i'm posting a brief update for myself, just in case this has relevancy for anyone. Also, I never answered the question completely regarding treatment. I'm on the standard Carbo/Taxol cocktail.

    I'm 9 days out from my first round and happy to report I feel great. Very minor side effects. I know this isnt standard but sometimes knowing there are indeed those out there that suffer less can offer a bit of optimism. (Today however, my hair began to fall out. I'm fine with that!)

    Hoping all is well,


    Charity, I am a visitor from

    Charity, I am a visitor from the Uterine board but wanted to come and say THANK YOU for sharing your experience.  

    I will add you are braver than I was with the hair (I know it is 'just' hair, but it was difficult for me). 

    Please continue to share as it helps others who visit the site to get a better knowledge on it all.

  • Julia Peek
    Julia Peek Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2021 #5
    CharityP said:

    my experience


    I also have stage 1A ovarian. It was discovered in a CT scan (a 13 cm cyst with possible mass) attached to my right ovary. It was not thought to be cancerous at the time. I had other health concerns and he reccomended removal of mass but could wait until other issues were delt with. Fast forward to surgery...due to the nature of the cyst a biopsy can only be done once it's removed. I'm post-menopausal so I was fine with removing anything neccesary, including a total hysterectomy. 

    Biopsy was perfomed during my sugery showing it was indeed cancerous so they perfomed complete hysterectly and omentecomy. THey recommended 6 rounds (one round every 3 weeks) of chemo to begin 4 -6 weeks post-surgery. My first round was yesterday.

    It's interesting that they put her on such and excelerated treatment. 

    Why to you feel you would like her to have a PET scan? What are you hoping to discover or learn that you haven't already? It sounds more like the chemo treatment was too intense? I am so sorry she reacted so badly and is in the hospital, that's got to be difficult.

    Any updates?


    Hey. thanks for sharing your

    Hey. thanks for sharing your experience. could you help me and tell me about your chemotherapy experience. Since I was diagnosed with 1c endometriotic ovarian cancer, after the operation they checked for a scan, everything was clean, but the oncologist offered to undergo a course of chemotherapy. it's carboplatin. I understand it in its purest form. 6 times in three weeks. on Monday I have my first chemotherapy and of course I'm worried. how will i feel? the doctor said that from this chemistry that they will make my hair stay in place. please tell me what kind of chemotherapy did you have and how did you manage it all? thank you very much.

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited January 2021 #6

    Hey. thanks for sharing your

    Hey. thanks for sharing your experience. could you help me and tell me about your chemotherapy experience. Since I was diagnosed with 1c endometriotic ovarian cancer, after the operation they checked for a scan, everything was clean, but the oncologist offered to undergo a course of chemotherapy. it's carboplatin. I understand it in its purest form. 6 times in three weeks. on Monday I have my first chemotherapy and of course I'm worried. how will i feel? the doctor said that from this chemistry that they will make my hair stay in place. please tell me what kind of chemotherapy did you have and how did you manage it all? thank you very much.

    See also the Uterine Cancer board


    This board has been rather quiet lately, so please feel free to also post your question on the Uterine Cancer board (https://csn.cancer.org/forum/189). Initial chemo for ovarian and uterine cancer are often the same and the women on the Uterine board can share their experiences. You can also read the FAQ on that site (the discussion listed first in the topic list) since that includes a link to a discussion about women going through chemo. 

  • breezy19635
    breezy19635 Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2021 #7
    had borderline ovarian cancer, now a nodule on lung in xray

    Has anyone had any reoccurance in other parts of your bodies after ovarian cancer? I may be jumping the gun here, but they found a pulmonary nodule on an xray done last month and the radiologist recommends a CT. 

  • thatblondegirl
    thatblondegirl Member Posts: 388 Member
    edited February 2021 #8


    I'm also a visitor from the uterine board! I creaTed a thread in December "Waiting for the other shoe to drop?" re: my experience with chemo. I just had Round 5 and am looking forward to my last infusion on March 12th!! I had pretty bad stomach lining problems with Rounds 3 & 4, but this time seem to be OK and I'm not even having any nausea (weird). But have developed a new problem..... which seems a little odd at this point. So, I've not had any joint or muscle pain...until yesterday, and both my legs hurt so badly I wanted to cry. Claritin & Tylenol didn't help at all. I finally took some Tramadol and was able to sleep. My point is.....this just verifies that 1) it's different for everyone & 2) apparently can be very different after each infusion!

    As they often say on the uterine board, "It's doable!" It is! It's a tough road, for sure, but you can get through it!

    Best wishes,


  • Chuncha1251
    Chuncha1251 Member Posts: 8 Member
    CharityP said:

    my experience


    I also have stage 1A ovarian. It was discovered in a CT scan (a 13 cm cyst with possible mass) attached to my right ovary. It was not thought to be cancerous at the time. I had other health concerns and he reccomended removal of mass but could wait until other issues were delt with. Fast forward to surgery...due to the nature of the cyst a biopsy can only be done once it's removed. I'm post-menopausal so I was fine with removing anything neccesary, including a total hysterectomy. 

    Biopsy was perfomed during my sugery showing it was indeed cancerous so they perfomed complete hysterectly and omentecomy. THey recommended 6 rounds (one round every 3 weeks) of chemo to begin 4 -6 weeks post-surgery. My first round was yesterday.

    It's interesting that they put her on such and excelerated treatment. 

    Why to you feel you would like her to have a PET scan? What are you hoping to discover or learn that you haven't already? It sounds more like the chemo treatment was too intense? I am so sorry she reacted so badly and is in the hospital, that's got to be difficult.

    Any updates?


    Hi Charity. How are you doing?  I was diagnosed with stage 2B ovarian ca, fallopian tube primary, in May 2021 and have had a complete hysterectomy.  No metastasis found.  I'm in the middle of 6 treatments, 3 weeks apart like yours, of Taxol and Carboplatin.  My doc wants to put me on Olaparib for 2 years at the end of treatments, and I'm not sure if I'd be willing to continue getting chemo (as a pill) that long.  Did you have to do that?  How are you doing now?   Thanks for a reply.

  • Chuncha1251
    Chuncha1251 Member Posts: 8 Member



    I'm also a visitor from the uterine board! I creaTed a thread in December "Waiting for the other shoe to drop?" re: my experience with chemo. I just had Round 5 and am looking forward to my last infusion on March 12th!! I had pretty bad stomach lining problems with Rounds 3 & 4, but this time seem to be OK and I'm not even having any nausea (weird). But have developed a new problem..... which seems a little odd at this point. So, I've not had any joint or muscle pain...until yesterday, and both my legs hurt so badly I wanted to cry. Claritin & Tylenol didn't help at all. I finally took some Tramadol and was able to sleep. My point is.....this just verifies that 1) it's different for everyone & 2) apparently can be very different after each infusion!

    As they often say on the uterine board, "It's doable!" It is! It's a tough road, for sure, but you can get through it!

    Best wishes,


    Hi Alicia.  I also have had

    Hi Alicia.  I also have had leg pains, and feelings of weakness in legs too, since 2nd round of chemo.  I thought it was bone pain from the Neulasta.   Just found out that people us Claritin (Loratadine) to help that and will try it.  I hope you've come to the end of your chemo and are recovering from it.