Noob with floor of mouth cancer



  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited June 2021 #142
    By the way-anybody out there

    By the way-anybody out there have everything taste like salt?  Blecch!

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    The leak isnt happening

    The leak isnt happening anymore on the picc line.  The skin looks really good no pain or itching.  No fever.  97 point something everyday.

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    Well my daughter and I were

    Well my daughter and I were able to work out in the yard today believe it or not.  I got up first and ate honey flavor geek yogurt and cherry jello for breskfast.  When I get really bad I plan to sip on 2 shakes about 1,000 calories apiece.Made my daughter breakfast and hung up her laundry.  I try to help as much as I can so when I can't do anything hopefully she doesnt get burned out.  I have friends and family who offered help too.  Might call them later.

    Isosource, almond milk, instant breakfast, flaxseed oil, apricots, bananas and a scoop of protein powder.  Will try and drink 48-64 oz water but may have to put it through my tube because it tastes extremely salty now.  Maybe I'll try and count the shakes as water too.  They would be about a pint each.  

    Since my mouth hurts so much now may be a good idea to just eat liquids and don't chew.  Might make oral hygiene easier to keep up with.  I used a foam toothbrush last night and I will have to give up my waterpik soon.

    Getting sleepy.  See you guys later.  

    Ozy. :)

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    Well today was my toughest

    Well today was my toughest day and I know they're only going to get tougher.  

    I cried when I was putting the mouth guard in I almost couldn't do it then it was pressing down too hard on my lips and hurting like YKW .

    They cut a hole in my mask to try and relieve the pressure and scooted me up just a hair and then it became bearable.  Somewhat.

    I'm giving up on solid food now I just can't.  It's gonna have to be smoothies, jello, yogurt and soup.  Pudding.  Anything with chunks will be pureed.

    And since water tastes like salt I'll eat pureed stuff and smoothies and slam enough water into my tube to get my hydration needs taken care of.

    I was able to drive there and back I did not take pain meds.  As soon as I got home I busted out the liquid oxy.  The vikes are too hard to swallow now.  I might ask them for liquid oxy and gabapentin.

    I can't believe how suddenly I have been hit with the side effects.  I just ate a big pile of french fries last Thursday.  As soon as I got that PEG tube in and had the overnight in the hospital everything went downhill all of a sudden.  I knew it was going to be bad I figured it might be just a tad more gradual than this.


    I ordered some glutamine to put in my water.  I read on here that that stuff is very helpful.  I'm home now and don't have to go anywhere so I'm going to medicate and find some good music to listen to or just go to sleep.

    When I was in the hospital I was by myself in the room and they closed the door.  I was listening to music on the tv alternating from classic r and b, oldies and country.  I was laying in bed singing "You Never Even Called Me By My Name" by David Allen Coe.  Kind of cheered me up.  I can have a good time wherever I go if I try. :)

    Working on my shake and the oxy is kicking in thank God.  The shake feels good on my mouth and doesn't taste too salty.  

    The PICC line still looks great.  Maybe they finally got enough glue on the dang thing.  Looks as fresh as it did when they changed it.  I'm very happy about that.


    Later y'all.

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited June 2021 #146
    Oh good grief now they're

    Oh good grief now they're telling me insurance won't cover my PEG tube supplies amd formula.  They're also trying to schedule a nurse to come by once a week.  I told them I can still drive and get around, I'm not bedridden and I don't need anyone here once a week to give me dietary guidance or help me bathe.

    Everything is such a racket.

    When it's all said and done they probably will cover it because they denied my cancer surgery at least three times.

    Everything's a bureaucratic nightmare now, isn't it?

    Oh well.  Maybe if I paint my toenails I'll cheer up.  Can't do a full pedicure today but a fresh coat of paint might be nice.  Time to make my second high calorie shake.

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited June 2021 #147
    Still don't have my feeding

    Still don't have my feeding supplies sorted.  The hospital said I was homebound on the discharge papers so in addition to teaching me how to run the PEG the infusion pharmacy wanted to schedule weekly nursing care.  Um, I don't think so.  I drove myself to radiation and back the last two days that is not homebound.  I wanted to have Coram handle my supplies like when I had my NG tube.  I asked for Coram "No, we contract with Sutter."

    In trying to resolve getting different stories from everyone.  Hard enough fighting cancer I have to waste valuable exercise and smoothie drinking time trying to put out the fires that some incompetent people temporarily in charge of my care started.

    When I called the hospital people the last time they said they would have to completely start over.  I just threw up my hands and called a member of my cancer treatment team.  We'll see what develops.

    Lord have mercy.

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    Oh-forgot to say if you can't

    Oh-forgot to say if you can't wrap your lips around the mouth guard without crying, dab some  viscous lidocaine on a q tip and apply to lips inside and out but not so much that it runs anywhere else because you gotta swallow safely.

    Ok later you guys.



  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited June 2021 #149
    They want me to use a patch

    They want me to use a patch for pain.  I'm not doing that.  Even if they prescribe it I won't put it on until after I'm done with treatment if possible.  I'm taking pain pills as needed when I don't drive.  If I can still drive on exedrin(for caffeine now coffee tastes like salt)or nothing I really don't need a patch that will deliver continuous pain relief. Sometimes I don't want pain reliever in my body.  Sometimes I have to drive.  Sometimes I need to conduct important business.  Sometimes I need to sign papers.  If they demand I use nothing but a patch I will then have absolutely no control over the amount of pain meds in my body at any given time.

    If they won' t give me anything but a patch I'll just have to use whatever is on hand and grind it up and tube it when I need it.  Nothing I have is time release so it should be fine.  I'm in no position to be out in the world with my defenses down like I would be if I used a patch.  If my mouth pain can be resolved with topical lidocaine to where I can put my mouth guard on without crying I should be allowed to do that as long as I can.  They wouldn't even give me any more lidocaine.  I just don't understand this.  I can see where maybe they might be worried about oxy and gaba in liquid form.  But viscous lidocaine?  I need that anyway to brush my teeth with.

    Feeling kind of defeated and crushed right now.  I don't believe I'm asking for anything unreasonable.

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited June 2021 #150
    I mean I don't believe I'm

    I mean I don't believe I'm being unreasonable in not wanting a patch.

  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    edited June 2021 #151
    Well, I was admitted Twice

    Well, I was admitted Twice during my Radiotherapy, first time at #15, with Pneumonia and a collapsed lung, then again after #24. That time I had to use the PCS Morphine pump, in the hospital. They had me take a hit of Morphine when my all liquid tray came, so I would swallow.. My weight was 67 pounds at the time.

    ?This doesn't belong in this thread, but Today was my hospital follow up appointment with me wonderful Internal Medicine doctor.

    Unfortunately, I STILL have Bilateral bacterial Pneumonia. In addition to me still having a productive cough, with colored infected phlegm, he very carefully listened to my lungs roday----- and he heard both Rhonchi and Crackles, in Both Lung Bases, and throughout the Right lung. Upper, middle and the base. He showed me, on his own back, where he heard it.

    I still have Double PneumonIa after 16-17 days of Intravenous antibiotics, 12 of them through my PICC line.

    he then wrote down the 2 doctors names, who are my Pulmonary/ critical care doctors, and he called them today to tell them what he heard in my chest.

    I don't know what's next.


    Take it easy. Try not to get too wound up. 

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited June 2021 #152
    Wow.  I'm sorry to hear that

    Wow.  I'm sorry to hear that Crystal.  I had a feeling they might have taken your PICC out too soon.  Prayers up.  :(

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    Just a quickie note here.

    Just a quickie note here.

    Thanks to everyone on here(not on the thread)who recommended glutamine.  I've only been using for two days and it is helping so much already.

    I added it to my baking soda water bottle I drag everywhere.  

    Okay later days.

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    I held up my almost empty

    I held up my almost empty bottle of viscous lidocaine at the front desk today because Dr and NP were both unavailable at radiation office(I already asked radiation and chemo NPs for viscous lidocaine chemo NP said she'd see what she can do and radiation NP didn't want to offer me anything but a patch)and begged them for it saying I would really like to keep on brushing my teeth here and it helps keep me from crying when I put on my mouth guard.

    I'll see what I can do.  (Okay sure)  Thank you.  (walk to car)

    Call pharmacy.  Can't believe it's there!

    I have been trying for almost a week to put out this fire.

    Getting real tired here.

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    I talk the place up when

    I talk the place up when people complain because they took good care of my husband.

    Some woman was furious because on her first day she had to wait a while.  They probably tried to squeeze her in so she could start her treatment right away and I put everyone behind schedule because I was late getting out of chemo NP appointment on different floor.  I explained this to her and said they will take good care of you here.

    No good deeds go unpunished, right?  

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    edited June 2021 #156
    I gave up on real food.  Not

    I gave up on real food.  Not a swallowing problem or because of mouth pain but because it's completely flavorless.  The smoothies I have been making out of the isosource/instant breakfast base help me achieve my 2K goal and they are easy on my mouth so as long as I can swallow I'll do smoothies.

  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    I know I said I give up on

    I know I said I give up on real food.  I was able to eat 2 over easy eggs and I drank a coconut water.  So thrilled!  Whoever said coconut water for  less salty liquid and use glutamine thank you.

  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    edited June 2021 #158

    I know I said I give up on

    I know I said I give up on real food.  I was able to eat 2 over easy eggs and I drank a coconut water.  So thrilled!  Whoever said coconut water for  less salty liquid and use glutamine thank you.

    No taste

    Hi Ozy,

    I am not trying to diminish the fact your sense of taste is altered, but there are some of us, who have had a Full or Subtotal Glossectomy, as I have had------ Who have NO TASTE. None.


    My Radiation Oncologist, when writing his clinic Notes, writes about me ---- 0% taste out of 100%.

    I Cannot taste.

    I can smell.  Sometimes I get some faint sense of " something" in my cheeks, but no, I have no sense of taste.

    My tongue Flap was harvested from my scapula area, and now it has disappeared. My surgeon finally told me" It happens to some people"

    Well, its been cut to pieces, itself because of recurrent tumors, and a New Primary which came up 8 months after my radiation treatments ended. That tumor invade the tongue flap, and my surgeon had to cut 2 more large holes from it.

    I think it had had enough and said " hey, I'm outta here" and it left!!

    Seriously, where it was is now a huge Hole . I can put my finger deep into the hole.  What a god awful mess ........

    Anyway, little Crystal cannot taste at all.  But I still get hungry. At 70-71 pounds, I Stay hungry. So, I drink the liquids I'm allowed and I tube feed continuously.  I cook for other people. Baking is my passion and I create gorgeous layer cakes,  cheesecakes, all manner of desserts ( when I'm not down with double pneumonia, as I am now)

    My point being,.... I am Living in spite of having No Ability to Taste.  

    In spite of it all, I drive on. ......even when I  was 64 pounds and trying to die, I kept on.

    So did my wonderful man Randal. Through 2 back to back Stage IV cancers ( CLL leukemia and this devil we have) tor 9 Years, he fought with literally No breaks. Chemo,  reds, immunotherapy, chemo, more Rads.....chemo and chemo and chemo...until the end.

    Why do we do it?  Because this is life. Its what we have...



  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    Yes, we have to do whatever

    Yes, we have to do whatever we  can to just keep on living.  I don't know how you do it lady.  But what else can you do but just whatever you can one day at a time?

  • LitlCJdoll
    LitlCJdoll Member Posts: 245 Member
    edited June 2021 #160
    Hey girl, I just logged back

    Hey girl, I just logged back on here to tell you that you are tough as nails!! Also, that you come on the forum and write, as you are going through it all is very admirable. It takes strength and determination to do this, and also stepping outside yourself, to describe it to all of us.

    You say you are halfway through..... I was admitted at #15 with Pneumonia and then at #24, everything crashed and they admitted me again. My Medical Oncologist came running into the Emergency room where I was----- she was mad, livid!!  Saying that my R O was giving me too heavy of a dose. " He is burning you up, Crystal !! He's giving you too much!"

    They made me submit to the PCA Morphine pump, and it was to take a hit of it, just to be able to swallow liquids, . I had stopped swallowing, speaking and urinating ( very dehydrated) Even with my G tube, I was dehydrated. Fever, later found to have a bad infection and a collapsed lung.

    Hey, I still did my treatments!! They would take me downstairs for my radiation....the technicians lifted me onto and off the table, I was so weak and sick.

    Ironically, Randal too was admitted twice during his Rads....

    Months later, I Begged my R O to give me a second round of Radiation for the New Primary which came up in my Floor of mouth and invaded my tongue flap.

    He refused, saying it would rupture my Carotid artery....  I wanted him to target that new area, but he said it was too dangerous. 

    Well, so is my cancer!


    Ozy, you are doing a great job of it all.  I am very proud to know you and hear your story!



  • ozymandible
    ozymandible Member Posts: 324 Member
    I had two more eggs this

    I had two more eggs this morning and I'm finishing up 2 cups of malt o meal with butter, brown sugar and cream.

    I can't really taste much but it's not real salty(yet)so good enough for me.