Covid-19 Discussion, Support, Etc.



  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    edited April 2020 #42

    It's not a requirement to wear a mask, yet, in Illinois or Iowa- but should be. Peculiar thing is that almost 2 weeks ago a local expert on the Wuhan Whammy said they expect the peak to be on April 27th. Cannot help but wonder if they were anticipating people to play it smart with the distancing and protection. We've been running between 18-24 new Positives/day of recent, but I expect that to also be reflective of the testing business. And when you factor in those who think it might just be a bad cold they had and have not gotten tested- our number of COVID Positives is likely higher by a notable amount, which is worrisome.

  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    edited April 2020 #43
    Masks Yes

    i had to go to the hospital today for a pre surgery test.  Everyone including me had to have a mask on.  Some macho type guy took his off right away showing how tough he is.  We need to care for each other.  I do think cancer surviors and especially those getting cancer treatment are in danger.  Think of others as everyone on here said.

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    edited April 2020 #44
    Shock at Walmart

    I couldn't believe my eyes. Yes, it was random, but I drove thru the Wally's parking lot, then length of the store around 5:00 this afternoon slowly. Had to see a minimum of 50 people. How many had a facial covering? 1 lady!!! Last 14 days the number of C-19 cases in my Metro area has jumped from 144 to 460 w/8 deaths. Most of the people looked to be in the 30-50 age range, but one of the first I saw was a Father leading his two little daughters inside- none had a mask on. Who is to blame for the spread? The government at the state or federal level? Or the county or city level? No- the people w/Free Will. Our Governor, President, and the TV stations have been saying for close to a month that if you go out to a store, wear a mask or some other form of facial covering. So, if 1 out of every 50 do that @ Walmart, who is to blame? The regular adult and teenage people. Just plain sad to see this evidence of intellect...

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    edited April 2020 #45

    In my research at the Academic level some 25 years ago they attributed "some" 20-million deaths to that Flu, which the Media, etc., are now saying was 20 to 50-million. The fact is that said Flu lasted from 1917-1920, and they traced it to a farm in America. Said farm was next to an Army boot camp (in maybe Kansas), and had a lot of livestock. Bordering the boot camp was where the Farmer dumped manure...Yeah. Then, our Troops took it over to Europe in the last year of the War to end all Wars, as it was called, and then brought it back to the US. Read the reason they called it the Spanish Flu was simply because Spain was not very involved in WW I, so they pinned the blame on them, which is strange. My one Grandmother's Dad died from said Flu. Don't know of any other Relatives. Of course life was very different back then with hygenie, etc. My Dad, who is still alive, was born in August of 1921, and has told me stories about what he had been told of life in rural north-central Illinois.

    They're now saying 900/day are dying in Italy, and 765 in Spain over the last 24-hours...let us Pray it does not get that bad here. No-brainer that it would hit the biggest of Cities with all the global travel, Cruise ships and tourism. My City is in a group of Cities, and Officials always use the number of 325,000 for the population- which is not comforting.

    And I agree with HD about the blame game. Hindsight is 20-20/armchair Quarterbacking/fool's wisdom. Let's just focus on staying Positive, like us C Patients know to be so very important, and careful when it comes to the social part of our lives.

  • motorcycleguy
    motorcycleguy Member Posts: 483 Member
    edited April 2020 #46
    Logan51 said:

    Shock at Walmart

    I couldn't believe my eyes. Yes, it was random, but I drove thru the Wally's parking lot, then length of the store around 5:00 this afternoon slowly. Had to see a minimum of 50 people. How many had a facial covering? 1 lady!!! Last 14 days the number of C-19 cases in my Metro area has jumped from 144 to 460 w/8 deaths. Most of the people looked to be in the 30-50 age range, but one of the first I saw was a Father leading his two little daughters inside- none had a mask on. Who is to blame for the spread? The government at the state or federal level? Or the county or city level? No- the people w/Free Will. Our Governor, President, and the TV stations have been saying for close to a month that if you go out to a store, wear a mask or some other form of facial covering. So, if 1 out of every 50 do that @ Walmart, who is to blame? The regular adult and teenage people. Just plain sad to see this evidence of intellect...

    I found it heartening,

    at local grocery in a small town, that 90% of the people (including cashiers and stock people) had masks on - this last weekend.

    (I'm working on a construction site, here - and tied a bandanna around my own face).

    Maybe people in small towns know and care more about each other?!...


  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,506 Member
    motorcycleguy Glad Folks

    Are thinking about themselves and others in your area. It's just common sense to protect people in this unprecedented time. I'm in Pennsylvania where it is now mandatory for awhile. Take Care-God Bless

  • HobbsDoggy
    HobbsDoggy Member Posts: 276
    edited April 2020 #48
    Small Town

    I agree about small towns.  I also live in a small town and mostly people do care a bit more I think.  Even if they don't agree polticially they tend to be civil about it and do act decently for the most part.  I do see people support each other here.  Great that you wear a face covering on the construction site.  Good for you!  I may be doing chemo again soon and cannot aford any infection as we all know, but even if I was not in chemo why woiuld anyone be so uncaring as to not take a second to put on a mask or give people a little space?  I think I will say something with kindiness once I have started treatment if I have to be out, I will of course limit going out. if people don't social distance.  As my old boss used to say, with loving firmness.

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2020 #49
    wbcgaruss said:

    Glad To See Some Input Here Again

    Dave glad you are being as safe as you can be and taking care of your dad.

    Wolfen with breathing problems it is good that you can stay in and have your son help out.

    Here in Lancaster County PA, there are 21 cases confirmed and statewide 1,687 cases.

    The wife and I are in our 60's and are staying at home as much as possible. Stores open are grocery, fast food, drug, quick stop coffee places like Sheetz & Turkey hill, beer distributor, hardware, dollar stores, etc. Really a fair amount is open.

    Up the road from where we live is a place called Central manor Bakery which has soups in quarts and baked goods, milk, bread, etc. It was also a great place to get a meal and had a good restaurant business but now they can't have people eating in but they are staying open and offering take out meals.

    Today we had to go pick up at the pharmacy and go to the grocery store so we had a list ahead of time and spent as little time as possible in the stores. This is a weird time because everyone is looking at each other oddly and trying to stay away from each other and it is very noticeable. This is a historic time as Dave says. And the store around here are not able to keep toilet paper or paper towels or hand sanitizer on hand, the shelves are bare. I thought people would be stocked up by now but the craziness continues. The only shortages are the ones people are creating.

    Also, when we came home we practiced what I saw on a video someone sent me about wiping down things you bring in right away and leaving the stuff you don't need right away on the porch or in the garage. He tells you how long the virus survives on plastic, metal, cardboard, etc. and how to store and handle foods. This video was made and posted by a Michigan doctor Jeffrey VanWingen on safe grocery shopping in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. I am posting a link to it below. It is very helpful and Dave this guy says he has parents he is helping also. So everybody take care, be careful, and help others in your neighborhood if you can and pray a lot-Take Care-God Bless--Link Below for the video, you may have to copy and paste it in your browser I don't think it will be clickable but we will see-Take Care-God Bless


    Wiping down Groceries

    As always, wash fruit & vegs.  But many other Drs even first responders in NY the Virus does not contracted from surfaces from groceries but airborne particles.  I have quit being so scared & relaxed abit on this subject.  So far, alive, not sick & over a month.  They have even reported this on our news.  Distance and wear masks.  If feeling ill DO NOT GO Out & infect others.  The rioting hasn't helped.  I don't go out much, private IV Lab for sodium IV side effect from Chemo overdosing. Or labs.  A few Drs .  My husband has great immune so he does all shopping in grocery or Walgreens so I can stay away.  Did eat outside once far away from others.......survived.  I live in FL & our idiot for Governor has been inviting tourists to come visit our beautiful beaches & great restaurants.  We had flatten the curve but he's opening everything even bars.  Watching numbers go up .  We live on the Bayfront in smaller town ( 2 hospitals) both still bed availably, have PPE & ready.  1 block from Me.  But also trauma Hospital but people afraid to go in for problems for fear of catching COVID, including Me.  Why I go & pay to private IV Lab.  Sanitized after every Customer, gloves, masks, very clean, not worried safer there than I figure hospital & some of our crazy, sun-baked Drs.  Lousy Medical here how I got very damaged from a simply HPV skin only Cancer in throat.  Was so over treated lawsuit brought against both Centers...,Chemo & Rads.  I'm dying slowly but their so thrilled, look at Us We killed the Cancer & also Me and any chance for a quality of living.  I can't forgive them for that.  But My original point, be calm, take precaution, but don't let fear run your life.  Just follow guidelines, keep basics sanitized, and get out in fresh air even if only your deck, dog walk, walk, balcony.  Get fresh air.....BREATHE & We will get by.  Just don't join in huge gatherings even if you want to protest.  So many not wearing mask, yelling, more droplets, or more chance of physical harm.  Just be smart & safe.  Together we're better, devided We fall.  Love & 6 ft hugs........Lisa

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2020 #50

    Immune System

    A few years ago I asked my C doctor if my immune system was weakened due to treatment.  My neck dissection removed 40-50 lymph nodes with 2 being positive.  He said no.  The human body has plenty of lymph nodes to make up for my loss.  My sister in law was told just the opposite.  She had breast cancer and lymph nodes removed too.  My meaning here is to error on the side of caution.  Who's to say which doctor is correct?

    We live in Vegas.  What surprised me was that we didn't get hit as hard as other cities.  Look at all the tourists and people close to each other.  

    My heart goes out to those who are in treatment right now.  It has to be terrible trying to get healed while isolating at the same time.  I only go out for groceries and a walk and even then I feel vulnerable.  The news said this morning that they are now limiting the amount of shoppers in at any given time. 5 shoppers per every 1,000 sq feet.  

    My cousin in San Diego got this virus although they won't test him for it.  He said it was the worst illness he's ever had and wouldn't wish it on anyone.  

    Stay safe my cyber friends!


    Unfortunately you can be tested 1 day and have it the next or a few days later.  I was tested but Fl tests are crap so don't really trust results but you can be asymptomatic , or incubating when tested.  Go by symptoms & get to ER if can't breath.  Sooner on oxygen avoid ventilator which is so bad for you & recovery & lungs.  High flow oxygen way to go with this.  I don't ever run temps so dont go by temp get a pulse ox from drugstore or Amazon & keep an eye on oxygen levels & heart rate.  Below 90 go brain damage can start so sooner, the better get that good old 02.  My Mom had COPD and took it a couple times a day to make sure she was never below 90 or turn up her oxygen.  If really low off to ER she went.  Sore throat, hot like burning up than chills, very fatigued, low oxygen, head in, most hospitals will test there to make sure it's COVID or flu.  Safe, not sorry.   Pack little bag with all info, extra cords for electronics, books if no ebooks, headset for tv or iPad, favorite most comfortable mask, pjs, extras & undies, anything you love from pictures to put in your room, stuffed animal from loved one, can wash when get home, puzzle, anything to keep you comfortable.  Need to update mine tomorrow.  Sleep Mask those bright lights are killers at 3am.   Be safe, be smart, be well!

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2020 #51
    ERomanO said:

    Checking in

    I hope everyone is holding up in these trying times.

    I also asked my docs about my immune system and whether it is still compromised and the reply I got was "You have fully recovered from your treatments".  I'll take that as a "no".

    The quiet suburb of a small city I live in isn't exactly a hot spot, but I do take the necessary precautions. I admit I have broken a few rules, but I make up for it with thorough cleaning.

    The local grocery store that I shop at has had plenty of produce, seafood and meats.  That works for me since that's pretty much what I live on.  Okay, coffee is very important, too, and sometimes they run out of half-and-half, but I've managerd to stay ahead of that.  The store has implemented all sorts of precautions - moving the card reader to the end of the belt, plexiglas screen between customer and checkout clerk, distancing markers on the floor, etc.  All employees wear rubber gloves, all carts are cleaned when they are brought back in, etc.  Only a few store employees wear masks.  I have not worn a mask while out, but there aren't many people in the store when I go and I keep a good margin of space between me and other customers.  Fortunately we have large suburban stores with wide isles, so it's pretty easy to remain distant from others.

    I hope this virus threat passes sooner than later.  I can keep up this way of life for a while, but many can't and eventually many people will become unglued and begin behaving very badly.  I hope it doesn't come to that.

    Acting badly

    Hate to say it already have and demonstrated their stupidity in many states Fl included just as We were leveling out.  Dumb and no reason to harm others so you can have fun.  

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    edited June 2020 #52
    Tourist Towns

    Unfortunately with all the protesting & rioting I feel has set Us back.  I feel for the family of the man killed & definitely a bad officer and I can say that since saw a lot when in school for Police Science.  But not a reason to exposed so many more to die from stupidity.  Many did wear masks, thank you but learn to wear them correctly.  Cover both nose & mouth not just mouth or just nose and run your mouth off.  More droplets yelling than just breathing.  So 1 man died, was honored and buried while millions are dying and now more will.  Was it worth that big screen or extra weaves.  NO.  Tampa so bad that many a Pharmaceutical stores ransacked so now people needing their daily medications paid by Insurance can't get them.  For many can be life threatening.  Stay home , and FB if your upset don't take to the streets and burn down your area of town where store owners are just trying to get their feet back on the ground & offer products people need.  Stealing 6-8 packages of TP just wrong, it's called sharing not hoarding for yourself.  Been seeing too much Me, Me, Me lately.  Had Dr take my surgical mask & throw away because in his mind I was not sick but I said I wear it for others since Cancer treatments don't allow My body to show  symptoms due to damage done to Me in treatment.  1 week later they came out with asymptomatic people can pass Virus.  He never wore mask.  Why are some just so clueless & take children into Walmart unprotected if at all.  Makes Me sad what We have become.  Be safe , work together and fight this monster.  We can do it if We try!  Give front hospital warriors some breathing room and not overwhelm them like in beginning.  Stay home, read a good book you always wanted to read, or binge that show you wanted to binge.  You can invite a few 3-4 friends over stay far apart have everyone bring their own drinks & snacks & chat wearing masks if that starved for company.  Need good size yard.  Not good now here in Fl.......need to start on that ark!    So much rain 

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    Got tested on Father's Day

    Anybody else get tested for C-19?

    Woke up with blood in my outer and lower right eye on Father's Day. Dr. Google told me it was too red and contained to be pink eye, but to play it safe with my being the one my Dad, who is 98 years and 9 months old, depends on for groceries, etc., used it as an excuse to visit an ER. Dr. said I could get the test. Just used a Q-tip to swab the outer edge of the inside to both nostrils/snout around 8 PM. Couple hours later I got called at home- NEGATIVE. 

    With temperature fluctuations due to Thyroid damage, coughing to keeep my lungs clean, aches from activity of recent I'm not used to, along with the dry mouth and etc. we all know about- just figured this far into the C-19 Crisis it would be smart to get a test. With the results- glad I did. My Metro area now has over 1,200 cases, also.