I don't have to apologize!!!



  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    DJS628 said:




    Maybe by now you have bionic powers, or rather, a bionic immune system?  Do you remember "The Bionic Woman?"  Heh-heh!  Here's to you!



    I started off closer to Steve Austin...

    Not close - only "closer"...but after 6 millions dollars has been invested in my sorry corpse, and the ravages of time have taken their toll, my pecs are looking less and less like Steve's and more and more like Lindsay Wagner's.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    po18guy said:

    I started off closer to Steve Austin...

    Not close - only "closer"...but after 6 millions dollars has been invested in my sorry corpse, and the ravages of time have taken their toll, my pecs are looking less and less like Steve's and more and more like Lindsay Wagner's.

    I'm more.....

    I'm more of a Mama June/Honey Booboo look in the midriff, although skinny everywhere else.  I had a Neil Patrick Harris build my whole life, until the "Dad Bod" years caught up with me.

    Sorry, if those are mental images you never wanted to ponder !