I don't have to apologize!!!



  • Sal0101
    Sal0101 Member Posts: 136 Member


    Havn't seen you in quite some time, Sal.  Delighted to see you back again.

    Thanks Max

    I’m a bit of a stalker I guess.  It’s always refreshing to read posts from the old gang, and if I can add any encouragement to the new gang I’d be happy to. 

    A short, time lapse of my situation  is: Sept. 2015 aggressive DLBCL. R-Chop + IV methotrexate.  Remission Feb. 2016.  Relapse July 2016. R-ICE then auto SCT Sept 2016. 

    Remission 2+ years.  I’ve had my issues since the SCT (good and bad) pneumonia x2, lung issues, stomach/bowels issues, shingles, trip to Sicily, sons wedding, outings with my daughter, and my first grandchild expected in June! Life is good!  

    That still doesn’t stop me everyday from worrying about another relapse which is why I like to Read about new and upcoming research.  Of course I rely on people much smarter than me for that, which is why this site and others are important. Let’s get the conversations back up and running. 






  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Evarista said:

    Old timers

    If I'm not mistaken, I think this means that Cobra can rejoin the conversation!


    Good one !!

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Sal0101 said:

    Thanks Max

    I’m a bit of a stalker I guess.  It’s always refreshing to read posts from the old gang, and if I can add any encouragement to the new gang I’d be happy to. 

    A short, time lapse of my situation  is: Sept. 2015 aggressive DLBCL. R-Chop + IV methotrexate.  Remission Feb. 2016.  Relapse July 2016. R-ICE then auto SCT Sept 2016. 

    Remission 2+ years.  I’ve had my issues since the SCT (good and bad) pneumonia x2, lung issues, stomach/bowels issues, shingles, trip to Sicily, sons wedding, outings with my daughter, and my first grandchild expected in June! Life is good!  

    That still doesn’t stop me everyday from worrying about another relapse which is why I like to Read about new and upcoming research.  Of course I rely on people much smarter than me for that, which is why this site and others are important. Let’s get the conversations back up and running. 







    I'm in !   Had daughter marry year ago November.  I had prostate cancer since you were regular, but that is apparently cured via surgery.  I get an annual recheck this month.

    Watch this YouTube the Stacy Lawrence hit Time Marches on.  To open, highlight the link, RIGHT click, and then press "Go to......"


  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    Rocquie said:


    I agree with you, "Sorry for the inconvenience" hasn't cut it for me either. The fact there is a definitive date--10/19/18, indicates to me that was their last system backup. This should not have happened; it is a breach of trust. 




    Massive, massive breaches at Facebook, Amazon, Discover, AT&T, the Social Security Administration.  

    "Our improved, digital world."   

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member



    Most likely, your joy will be short-lived...


    To quote...

    Peter Rivera, singer and drummer of Rare Earth: "I ain't got time for sorrow, and I ain't got time for hate, no, no, I'm using up my time for feelin' fine every day..."

    From I just want to celebrate.

  • lindary
    lindary Member Posts: 711 Member
    po18guy said:

    Ruxolitinib arrived as usual

    So, if I have been placed on forget, that is fine with me. I mean, my steroid taper can be done via phone. Still getting used to this whole no port thing. Seatbelt and guitar strap no longer chafe like cheap underwear. Doctor assured me that after my last procedure I could play guitar. "That's great!" I fired back. "I coundn't play at all before..."

    port removed

    It has been about 4 months since my port was removed. There are still times I put my hand where it was and expecting to feel it there. 

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    lindary said:

    port removed

    It has been about 4 months since my port was removed. There are still times I put my hand where it was and expecting to feel it there. 


    It seems surreal to be flat chested, if you know what I mean. I was so utterly used to it that it is indeed odd to have it gone.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    po18guy said:

    To quote...

    Peter Rivera, singer and drummer of Rare Earth: "I ain't got time for sorrow, and I ain't got time for hate, no, no, I'm using up my time for feelin' fine every day..."

    From I just want to celebrate.

    Rare Earth

    I went and saw Rare Earth in concert in about 1973.  The lead guitarist was so skinny that when he stood sideways you couldn't see him on the stage.  Head rush !, thinking back to those times....

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member

    Rare Earth

    I went and saw Rare Earth in concert in about 1973.  The lead guitarist was so skinny that when he stood sideways you couldn't see him on the stage.  Head rush !, thinking back to those times....

    Ray Monette

    Still is kinda slim. A really good, realy unknown guitar player. Drummer/lead singer Peter Rivera (easier to pronoucnce that Hoorelbeke) now lives in Spokane. I got a pair of autographed drumsticks from him for $10. At the end of a song, he would toss his sticks out into the audience. At the California Jam in 1974, with 450,000 in the audience, he had to toss dozens of them. BTW, Pete still has the pipes. I bought a classic Rare Eaerth CD and his new CD "It is what it is" from his website.

  • DJS628
    DJS628 Member Posts: 77

    Anything is believable


    I had a friend dying of prostate cancer about 6 years ago.  He was treated at a huge "teaching hospital," associated with a medical school. Their cancer center had (has) all sorts of prestigious nationwide oncology certifications and awards.  It is a Level 1 trauma center, and also does SCT and routine organ transplants.

    He was late stage IV and had to go into inpatient for rehab, because all of his blood chemisty was way out of wack. His inpatient time was in the SAME hospital where the cancer center was located. The institution had gone "all digital" for records about two years prior.....

    I went to take him home after a week on the floor, and the discharge nurse and I were talking about his meds and instructions.  I asked how any of that would effect his cancer treatment. She looked at me funny, then at her laptop, and then back at me. She then said, "We have no indication here that he HAS cancer." I told her that he had been treated at her hospital for 13 years for prostate cancer, and that the cancer center was who had him admitted, due to the disease.  True story.

    About 8 months after the 9-11 attacks on the World Trade Center,  the flight school in Florida received renewed visas for the terroists who flew the jets into the Twin Towers to remain in the US. This was from INS.....  The fact would have been hidden, but the Director of the flight school took the visas to the media before the government could deny it.   Story is widely available at all mainstream news agencies.


    That is Just Terrible, Max

    That is just terrible, Max! Being treated for 13 years and no record he had cancer?!!  I would think maybe they had the wrong name for your friend?    Technology is great, huh?


    And the 9-11 attacks...renewing visas for the terrorists who flew into the twin towers.  There have been so many other similar stories.  Someone released from jail or prison, and they repeat the same awful crime again just days after their release.  The world is getting pretty bad.




  • DJS628
    DJS628 Member Posts: 77
    edited February 2019 #32



    Most likely, your joy will be short-lived...


    What are you saying here?



    I hope you aren't telling Po that he will soon have his port back in and have to have more treatment?  Let's be nice and support each other.


  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    DJS628 said:

    What are you saying here?



    I hope you aren't telling Po that he will soon have his port back in and have to have more treatment?  Let's be nice and support each other.


    He'll explain

    I am certain that was not his sentiment. Howeer, I do consider myself "between cancers" due to my history. Maybe not with this new super-immune system I have, but you never know.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,825 Member
    DJS628 said:

    What are you saying here?



    I hope you aren't telling Po that he will soon have his port back in and have to have more treatment?  Let's be nice and support each other.




    My comment was a humorous one to Po's comment above that he was not currently having to apologize or avoid the censors, due to the huge data loss....

    For some reason my comment did not situate directly under his comment, which it should do any time you click on the "Reply" function of someone's post.  But, I guess if three months' data can drift off, so can an individual reply.  Sorry if there was any ambiguity.


  • Bill1958
    Bill1958 Member Posts: 67
    po18guy said:

    To quote...

    Peter Rivera, singer and drummer of Rare Earth: "I ain't got time for sorrow, and I ain't got time for hate, no, no, I'm using up my time for feelin' fine every day..."

    From I just want to celebrate.

    Nice words

    and so true po18guy.  And really leaving no time for sorrow and hate, is a good way to get rid of them.  And it adds time for much better things.  Cool, thanks for the words!

  • PeprmntPat55
    PeprmntPat55 Member Posts: 70 Member
    po18guy said:


    You were very young in the 80s, but we were all told that computers would speed everything up. Uh-huh.

    If you're going to lie, lie BIG!

    Young is Relative

    Well, I wasn't that young in the 80's. And young is a relative term :-)  But I do remember being told that computers would make our lives more efficient. Hogwash. 

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member



    My comment was a humorous one to Po's comment above that he was not currently having to apologize or avoid the censors, due to the huge data loss....

    For some reason my comment did not situate directly under his comment, which it should do any time you click on the "Reply" function of someone's post.  But, I guess if three months' data can drift off, so can an individual reply.  Sorry if there was any ambiguity.


    I have become a specialist, if not an expert...

    ...at apologizing. There are times that my warped sense of humor is not appreciated. There are times when something may be taken wrongly. There are times when i'm just plain rude.

    Oh, for anyone with a similar sense of humor, here is a cover of one of Elvis' songs that is a memorable version.




  • DJS628
    DJS628 Member Posts: 77
    po18guy said:

    He'll explain

    I am certain that was not his sentiment. Howeer, I do consider myself "between cancers" due to my history. Maybe not with this new super-immune system I have, but you never know.




    Maybe by now you have bionic powers, or rather, a bionic immune system?  Do you remember "The Bionic Woman?"  Heh-heh!  Here's to you!



  • DJS628
    DJS628 Member Posts: 77



    My comment was a humorous one to Po's comment above that he was not currently having to apologize or avoid the censors, due to the huge data loss....

    For some reason my comment did not situate directly under his comment, which it should do any time you click on the "Reply" function of someone's post.  But, I guess if three months' data can drift off, so can an individual reply.  Sorry if there was any ambiguity.





    Thanks for clarifying that one!  Yeah, Po posted he was full of joy, having his port removed, then I saw your post about his joy will be short-lived.  My immediate thought: that was NOT very nice! So I had to ask eventhough I thought, nah, he wouldn't mean that, would he?  How cruel!


    Have a good day!  It's snowing here! I thought spring was coming soon?  Looking pretty out there!




  • Wisteria83
    Wisteria83 Member Posts: 160
    po18guy said:

    I have become a specialist, if not an expert...

    ...at apologizing. There are times that my warped sense of humor is not appreciated. There are times when something may be taken wrongly. There are times when i'm just plain rude.

    Oh, for anyone with a similar sense of humor, here is a cover of one of Elvis' songs that is a memorable version.




    Thanks for the link...that

    Thanks for the link...that was freakin' hilarious.  Miss Sam.  He was...unique.

  • po18guy
    po18guy Member Posts: 1,521 Member
    edited February 2019 #41
    Steroids smash joy

    Joy always returns, but steroids (now for 3 1/2 years) do their best to destreoy it. A necessary evil, they are. True medical progress will be made once a reasonable, less toxic alternative to steroids is formulated.