
ram4000 Member Posts: 5 Member

Hi. This is my first time posting on any discussion board. My father is suffering from colon cancer stage 4 ( it has effected the liver). i want to know that after first chemotherapy can they determine through tests whether the chemotherapy worked or not. if yes then through what test ( blood test, biopsy etc). secondly, the day after of chemotherapy he was admitted to icu due to liver infection. since then the doctor isnt giving chemo he is waiting for infection to decrease. he was given central line to heart and today after 4 days out of icu he was again admitted in icu for respiratoy failure. i wish to confirm from you guys that is this the procedure i.e he should wait for infection to decrease or should he skip chemo and perform surgery because infection in liver must be due to cancer on liver due to coloncancer. 

Thanks in advance

anytype of input will be highly appreciated.


  • plsletitrain
    plsletitrain Member Posts: 252 Member
    Some thoughts

    I believe the usual tests to determine whether a chemo works for someone is the CEA test (blood test), or if he has known tumors then he has to undergo scans such as CT, PET, or MRI to see if they decreased in size.  I don't think it will be done right after the 1st chemo though as it is still too early to tell.  Some docs wait until say, after the 4th cycle to see if the chemo has an effect on the cancer.

    Personally, I would make sure I'm clear of the infection first before I submit myself to chemo.  Cancer takes some time to move, whereas a liver failure, infection, or respiratory failure is more immediate.  He needs to make sure his body is ready to receive the chemo, not worsen his condition by infusing chemo.  That is just my opinion, but you should defer to the medical experts.  I'm not.  

    I wish your father well.  I hope he recovers from the infection soon.  God bless to the both of you.

  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

    First off he needs to get the infection under control because chemo weakens the immune system and will take a toll on his body.  It takes several treatments before they are able to tell if it is working.  CEA tests are not always reliable so if it doesn't show any change or goes up only your doctor would be able to tell if this is a good indicator to go by.  Hope that he feels better soon but it will take some time to get his strength back due to all he's been through.  Wishing him a speedy recovery.


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I agree with what the other

    I agree with what the other members are saying. I'd like to add that I believe that the chemo actually increases the size of the tumour before it shrinks it. I get a CT scan and bllod test before and after my rounds of chemo to see if there's a difference. No, wait. They do blood tests every time I get a chemo session.

    And, yeah, they need to get that infection under control before they focus on the chemo again.


  • Tunadog
    Tunadog Member Posts: 235 Member
    I just spent 6 weeks in the hospital and rehab..

    I just spent 6 weeks in the hospital and rehab Fighting an infection.

    No fun, take care of yourself.


    Best of Luck in your recovers!

  • ram4000
    ram4000 Member Posts: 5 Member
    edited September 2018 #6
    Thank you soo much everyone

    Thank you soo much everyone for your fast replies. i am sorry for late reply. i was in hospital with my dad. the doctor is saying that they are giving him precoma medicines and he is having liver failure. today he was merely conscious off and on. please tell me is there something i can do? is there any hope? is there a chance that the liver failure can be fixed? 

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    ram4000 said:

    Thank you soo much everyone

    Thank you soo much everyone for your fast replies. i am sorry for late reply. i was in hospital with my dad. the doctor is saying that they are giving him precoma medicines and he is having liver failure. today he was merely conscious off and on. please tell me is there something i can do? is there any hope? is there a chance that the liver failure can be fixed? 

    Doesn't sound good, there's

    Doesn't sound good, there's always a chance, but I'm sure the doctors are doing what can be done, and the rest is the battle being fought by the immune system. I wish your dad the best possible outcome.............................................Dave

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    edited September 2018 #8
    ram4000 said:

    Thank you soo much everyone

    Thank you soo much everyone for your fast replies. i am sorry for late reply. i was in hospital with my dad. the doctor is saying that they are giving him precoma medicines and he is having liver failure. today he was merely conscious off and on. please tell me is there something i can do? is there any hope? is there a chance that the liver failure can be fixed? 

    It doesn't sound good

    Liver failiure is not good. 

    I wish you peace as the days unfold, and pray that you have some special moments with your dad before the drugs take effect. 

    The best thing you can do for him now, is let him know how much you love him; even if he slips into a natural or induced coma, share your happy thoughts and love. It is a fact that people can hear, and he needs to hear your voice and know that you are ok. 




  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    ram4000 said:

    Thank you soo much everyone

    Thank you soo much everyone for your fast replies. i am sorry for late reply. i was in hospital with my dad. the doctor is saying that they are giving him precoma medicines and he is having liver failure. today he was merely conscious off and on. please tell me is there something i can do? is there any hope? is there a chance that the liver failure can be fixed? 

    Oh my goodness

    I'm sorry to hear that.  It's good that you are there with him and try to be as much as possible.  I'm sure the doctors are doing all they can, but there is always hope.  He sure he lucky to have you.  My heart aches for your situation.  Let us know how you and dad are doing.


  • ram4000
    ram4000 Member Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2018 #10
    Hi guys. first of all thank

    Hi guys. first of all thank you so much for support. i wish all the cancer patients a fast recovery and courage for their families. Regarding my father's health he is still in icu. today it will be 18th day. yesterday they put feeding tube in his nose. one day he is a bit conscious, talks to us a little and the other day he is drowsy and we cant even understand what he is saying. his eyes are yellow, skin pale, becoming weaker by day. Doctor says there is no improvement in liver. he says there is only deterioration in his health. At this point i really wish to know how much time he has left. the doctors wont tell us and i really need to know because i want to make decision of hospice  care.  so after reading the symptoms he is having right now if anyone can give me (from experience or knowledge) an estimated idea ( because i know to give an exact number of days is not possible because it is different for every person) it will be great. Thank u.

  • abrub
    abrub Member Posts: 2,174 Member
    ram4000 said:

    Hi guys. first of all thank

    Hi guys. first of all thank you so much for support. i wish all the cancer patients a fast recovery and courage for their families. Regarding my father's health he is still in icu. today it will be 18th day. yesterday they put feeding tube in his nose. one day he is a bit conscious, talks to us a little and the other day he is drowsy and we cant even understand what he is saying. his eyes are yellow, skin pale, becoming weaker by day. Doctor says there is no improvement in liver. he says there is only deterioration in his health. At this point i really wish to know how much time he has left. the doctors wont tell us and i really need to know because i want to make decision of hospice  care.  so after reading the symptoms he is having right now if anyone can give me (from experience or knowledge) an estimated idea ( because i know to give an exact number of days is not possible because it is different for every person) it will be great. Thank u.

    Hospice cadre is comfort care for him and his family

    I hear to often that people regret not starting hospice care sooner.  (And people actually recover on hospice care). It is comfort care,  and was of great  benefit to my mother and those of us who loved her. Ask about  it now. 

    Wishing for peace and comfort. 


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    edited October 2018 #12
    I'm so sorry, I have no idea.

    I'm so sorry, I have no idea. I just feel so badly for you. What a tough thing to be going through. The doctors probably aren't saying because they have no idea. It can be so different for everyone. 

    My father-in-law passed away from cancer a few months ago. We'd spoken to his doctor that morning and he was talking about a few years. We visited him and he was feisty and seemed normal although he was in the hospital for possible pnuemonia. We drove home- a two hour drive- and half an hour after we got home we got a call to come back and didn't even make it in time. It ws very sudden.

    Another story is my mom dying of pancreatic cancer. Her sister-in law's brother was down the hall in the hospital dying from the exact same cancer. My mom was so sick and by the time she passed she looked like a mummy. He'd been out for dinner with his family two nights before he passed. He could do that because he felt so good and he wasn't on an IV. 

    My point is it's so hard to say what will happen for anyone. My friend's husband has been in the late stages of kidney failure for two years now but he's still around. He even worked until recently.

    I just pray that you will find strength and peace in this. Do what you feel most comfortable with. You won't regret it later.


  • ram4000
    ram4000 Member Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2018 #13
    Thank u soo much for your

    Thank u soo much for your messages. i feel i am not alone in this  after reading messages of you guys. yes this is why i am confused about what to do because it is so different for everyone. and doctors are saying its better to let him be in icu :(  but we want to bring him home so we are super confused. my family is trying to decide :(

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    ram4000 said:

    Thank u soo much for your

    Thank u soo much for your messages. i feel i am not alone in this  after reading messages of you guys. yes this is why i am confused about what to do because it is so different for everyone. and doctors are saying its better to let him be in icu :(  but we want to bring him home so we are super confused. my family is trying to decide :(

    Time to say goodbye

    I hope you find peace as you say farewell to your father.  

    Have the Doctor's told you why your father is in ICU? Is it to extend his life, to keep him alive?  Knowing that the end is coming, regardless, then there is no point in added treatments to keep him alive. 

    If he is in ICU to keep him comfortable, then that is a different matter.  Sometimes death does not come without trauma, and keeping him medicated will keep him comfortable.  

    Find out what your local Hospice can offer him. If it is the same comfort and medications that he is getting now, then maybe that is your best option. 

    Your father's welfare is of the utmost importance. May he pass with as much peace and comfort as possible. It is what we all wish for. 

    I am glad that you reached out to us. Many of us are facing that end of life decison, some here have experienced the decison while taking care of loved one, as you are doing now. You will find the right answer, I know you will, because your love for dad is obvious. 

    I wish you peace in your decision.

    Cyber hugs. 


  • SandiaBuddy
    SandiaBuddy Member Posts: 1,381 Member
    ram4000 said:

    Thank u soo much for your

    Thank u soo much for your messages. i feel i am not alone in this  after reading messages of you guys. yes this is why i am confused about what to do because it is so different for everyone. and doctors are saying its better to let him be in icu :(  but we want to bring him home so we are super confused. my family is trying to decide :(


    These decisions are trying and difficult.  But I think you should take some time to think deeply about what your father would want for himself.  As for me, I hate hospitals and would want with all my heart to be at home.  Doctors focus on medical chances, but they often seem to be blind to personal preferences and comfort.  I do not envy you in your situation, but I hope you will honor what you know would be your father's wishes.

  • ram4000
    ram4000 Member Posts: 5 Member
    edited October 2018 #16
    doctors told us they are just

    doctors told us they are just giving my dad symptomatic relief because they won't be able to treat liver metastasis. my dad is continuosly on oxygen mask now and doc said they give him non invasive vantilation for a few hours and do enema as well and if we took him home he might collapse immediately :( today his body had normal temperature but his feet were so cold. he drank water with spoon because he couldn't even use straw. i guess it is the factor of not knowing, which is so painful . not knowing which moment i might get a final call from icu. i wish complete health for all of cancer patients out there and strength for their families and friends. May God make it easy for us and guide us towards the right decisions.