Results not favourable



  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Prayers always

    So sorry to hear that the latest blood work has some questionable areas.  Good news is that you will get scan soonest to determine what is happening, and that your onc did not just say wait and see next results.

    If past history is any indicator, then hopefully this is just a blip on the radar since not a big jump.

    You always have prayers coming your way...this time just a bit more forcefully to get the best news.

    Hugs,  Marie who loves kitties

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    NewHere said:

    Ah Cr@P

    I bopped by and saw a post where someone could not spell favorable properly ;)  Sorry, had to joke a little, but when I saw the spelling I knew before even before noticing the name.

    I am so sorry to see this news Tru.  But all my thoughts are with you that it is just a glitch and you get good news quickly. 

    Ah, the English U

    We do like to put a U in our words. Favour. Saviour. Behaviour. Tomato. 

    Its good to see you here, New. I sent a reply to your message, telling you just in case you didn't get a notification. 


  • Twinzma
    Twinzma Member Posts: 236 Member
    Oh Love!

    I am so sorry Tru! It's easy for me to say not to worry yet because I am not in your shoes. But you KNOW that cea levels can change becuase of labs, infection, heck if the wind blows wrong! I am praying for you love. I hope it is just a fluke! Hugs.


  • PamRav
    PamRav Member Posts: 348 Member
    Oh Tru

    Hoping and praying the lab test is scaring you for no good reason.    i am l counting on to you to always be well 

    peace, love and healing to you


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Ah, the English U

    We do like to put a U in our words. Favour. Saviour. Behaviour. Tomato. 

    Its good to see you here, New. I sent a reply to your message, telling you just in case you didn't get a notification. 


    The 'U' s Make Me Chuff

    Did I do that correctly? :)  


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    NewHere said:

    The 'U' s Make Me Chuff

    Did I do that correctly? :)  



    Chuffed means pleased.   It works!


  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
    Sending up prayers that this

    Sending up prayers that this is a glitch and that you may find peace even during turbulent times. (((Hugs)))

  • Watersprite3
    Watersprite3 Member Posts: 31
    Sending good thoughts

    You are one of our stalwarts, Tru.  I am hoping for the best for you.


  • Phoenix_66
    Phoenix_66 Member Posts: 118
    Praying for you!

    Tru, I am praying for good scan results. Stay positive. 

  • betula
    betula Member Posts: 86
    Praying for the best


    I don't come here alot due to life being too busy but I know that you have such strength and grit and love your positivity.  Praying for calm during this waiting time and good results for you!  Keep us posted

  • zx10guy
    zx10guy Member Posts: 273 Member
    Don't know what your CEA

    Don't know what your CEA numbers are, but as others have stated, it could be anything causing the rise.

    I've been living with abnormal CEA numbers for almost 2 years now.  It'll be 2 years this March.  Since the huge jump in my CEA numbers in March of 2017, my CEA numbers have been as follows: 15.6, 16.7, 14.2, 11.9, 15.2, 20.2, 14.3, and 17.7.  My "normal" baseline had been around 5.2 to 5.6.  Since the jump, I've had pretty much all the tests one can get.  CT, PET, MRI, colonoscopy, and upper endoscopy.  So far nothing has come up.  I have my next check up in November and have been on 6 months follow up since November of last year.  My oncologist feels if this was cancer related, my CEA numbers wouldn't be bouncing around like they have and we should have seen something by now on scans plus being symptomatic.

    I also found an medical article about a woman that was just treated for metastic spread to her ovaries.  Her CEA spiked up to the 1500s and dropped to a low of the 60s.  Adjuvant chemo didn't have any affect on her CEA numbers.  They tracked her for 5 years with CT scans and never found anything.

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Ah, the English U

    We do like to put a U in our words. Favour. Saviour. Behaviour. Tomato. 

    Its good to see you here, New. I sent a reply to your message, telling you just in case you didn't get a notification. 


    We Canadians use it, too.

    We Canadians use it, too.


  • Semira
    Semira Member Posts: 381 Member
    oh Tru

    All fingers crossed for you.

    Big hugs