I’m new member

Hello, everyone.  i just got diagnosed stage 4 uterine cancer,  so scared and frustrated. Started treatment, now I finished 2nd chemo. first week is horrible.  Anyone here drinking green juice? Do I have to drink it? I just cannot drink it, make me nauseous. But seems most cancer pt drinking it. Thanks 



  • The Storm
    The Storm Member Posts: 20
    Welcome Riverside, I too am

    Welcome Riverside, I too am new to the discussion board. Sorry that we are both here. I'm sorry I can't answer anything about your green juice. I go tomorrow to find our what treatment I am facing. But, I'm sure someone on here can address that issue. Good luck and ask any questions the ladies on here usually know and have great perspecive.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    riverside, I am so sorry to

    riverside, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. 

    Honestly, I don't think I have heard anyone talk about having to drink a green juice.  Can you tell us where you are getting your treatments?  Is it a cancer center in the U.S.?  I had never heard this but have they told you what it is?  I think I asked my chemo nurses stupid questions - but I just had no idea what everything was and why they were doing it.

    I am glad you found us, and encourage you come and tell us how you are doing.  You are not alone.  We are here to listen and help you if we can.


  • Armywife
    Armywife Member Posts: 451 Member
    I didn't!

    Welcome to both of you, and we understand what it's like when you're just beginning treatment.  River, I was also diagnosed with Stage IV, Grade 2 endometrioid endometrial adenocarcenoma.  I got through surgery and six chemos, and never had to drink any green juice.  Don't worry!  I'm guessing you're talking about juicing fruits and veggies for good nutrition?  I know you may be struggling with some taste issues and possibly nausea, and I want to encourage you that there are meds for nausea.  Ask your gyn/oncologist for some prescriptions.  As far as food, my doc said plenty of protein and anything at all that I wanted to eat - the important thing was to get nutrition.  Within reason, eat anything you like.  Keep us posted on how you are!  

  • Northwoodsgirl
    Northwoodsgirl Member Posts: 571
    Green juice

    Hi Riverside and The Storm! Sorry you both have become part of the ties that bind us! I haven’t heard of drinking green juice as main stream evidence based cancer treatment. Sounds like a vegetable nutrition smoothie. There is a lot of nutritional recommendations while undergoing treatment for cancer. Typically it includes surgery, chemo and radiation and nutritional recommendations vary. It is important to eat protein to heal. Holistic medicine or integrative medicine clinics may suggest increasing green leafy vegetables in a “juice” type drink. 

    Otherwise if you are getting a CT scan with contrast dye one would drink the contrast dye diluted in apple juice to make it more palatable. 

    Keep us posted on your progress and ask any questions. We are a supportive group of women! 


  • Cass83
    Cass83 Member Posts: 151 Member
    no special drinks

    So sorry you two have had to join the group, but you will find support and encourament here. I have never heard of drinking any special green drink. Where in the world are you? (I don't mean that sarcasitcally either). Treatments in other countries vary from place to place. :) 

  • Riverside0707
    Riverside0707 Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2018 #7
    Cass83 said:

    no special drinks

    So sorry you two have had to join the group, but you will find support and encourament here. I have never heard of drinking any special green drink. Where in the world are you? (I don't mean that sarcasitcally either). Treatments in other countries vary from place to place. :) 

    I am in Boston, MA. If you go

    I am in Boston, MA. If you go to YouTube you will see survivors storie like how much they drink green juice (green vege)

  • Riverside0707
    Riverside0707 Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2018 #8
    Armywife said:

    I didn't!

    Welcome to both of you, and we understand what it's like when you're just beginning treatment.  River, I was also diagnosed with Stage IV, Grade 2 endometrioid endometrial adenocarcenoma.  I got through surgery and six chemos, and never had to drink any green juice.  Don't worry!  I'm guessing you're talking about juicing fruits and veggies for good nutrition?  I know you may be struggling with some taste issues and possibly nausea, and I want to encourage you that there are meds for nausea.  Ask your gyn/oncologist for some prescriptions.  As far as food, my doc said plenty of protein and anything at all that I wanted to eat - the important thing was to get nutrition.  Within reason, eat anything you like.  Keep us posted on how you are!  

    Thank you for replying. It’s

    Thank you for replying. It’s hard for me to accept. I am shamed and sca ppl around me know my disease.

  • Riverside0707
    Riverside0707 Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2018 #9
    Couldn’t post Several times.

    Couldn’t post Several times. I guess I messed up . 

  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member

    I am in Boston, MA. If you go

    I am in Boston, MA. If you go to YouTube you will see survivors storie like how much they drink green juice (green vege)

    I’m sorry!

    While you’re undergoing chemo you’ll want to eat to keep your blood cells healthy. Basically get enough protein and eat anything that you can keep down and tastes decent considering your taste perception is messed up. Ongoing it’s great the healthiest diet you can eat but my philosophy is don’t go crazy and not enjoy eating. Unfortunately there‘s a whole lot of people who really deprived themselves or forced  themselves to eat funky foods who died anyway. Just sayin’ my philosophy. 

  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member
    Diet issues during chemo

    My oncologist told me to avoid fresh fruits and vegetables (cooked was fine) as well as deli or prepared foods while I was on chemotherapy. This was to lessen the chance of getting a food borne illness while my resistance was lower. I will say that the restriction on the fresh vegetables was hard for me as I usually eat most of my vegetables raw in salads. I did "lapse" a few times, but generally stuck with his recommendations.

    The smell of some foods was a real turnoff for me during treatment. I tried to do all my grocery shopping in one major trip every 2-3 weeks versus more frequent, short trips since I would get rather queasy in the grocery store from the food smells.

    I did try to eat a balanced diet, but I must admit that I probably ate more grilled cheese sandwiches during chemo that I have in the past 20 years! A lot of foods disagreed with me or just smelled funny at the time, so I ended up eating a lot of the same things that I knew that I could handle.

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,168 Member

    Eating during chemo is not easy and I think you've gotten some really good advice already. You'll lose weight during chemo, so don't worry so much about what you're eating, but do try to eat healthy rather than junk food. You really need some protein during treatment to support your immune system and blood counts, though, so experiment to find what you can tolerate. 

    Since nobody has mentioned it yet, I will. Try watermelon. It's in past posts how good it tastes during chemo and actually can help with nausea or heartburn. I swear it was one of the few things that tasted good and helped me feel better digestive-wise during chemo. 


  • CheeseQueen57
    CheeseQueen57 Member Posts: 933 Member
    MAbound said:


    Eating during chemo is not easy and I think you've gotten some really good advice already. You'll lose weight during chemo, so don't worry so much about what you're eating, but do try to eat healthy rather than junk food. You really need some protein during treatment to support your immune system and blood counts, though, so experiment to find what you can tolerate. 

    Since nobody has mentioned it yet, I will. Try watermelon. It's in past posts how good it tastes during chemo and actually can help with nausea or heartburn. I swear it was one of the few things that tasted good and helped me feel better digestive-wise during chemo. 


    Watermelon Yes!

    Yes!  I loved watermelon during chemo and still do!

  • Armywife
    Armywife Member Posts: 451 Member
    MAbound said:


    Eating during chemo is not easy and I think you've gotten some really good advice already. You'll lose weight during chemo, so don't worry so much about what you're eating, but do try to eat healthy rather than junk food. You really need some protein during treatment to support your immune system and blood counts, though, so experiment to find what you can tolerate. 

    Since nobody has mentioned it yet, I will. Try watermelon. It's in past posts how good it tastes during chemo and actually can help with nausea or heartburn. I swear it was one of the few things that tasted good and helped me feel better digestive-wise during chemo. 



    I loved watermelon and really loved mashed cauliflower during chemo.  And I am probably the only one here who gained 15 pounds on chemo.  I lost 15 after surgery, but gained every bit of it back during chemo.  

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member

    Thank you for replying. It’s

    Thank you for replying. It’s hard for me to accept. I am shamed and sca ppl around me know my disease.

    dear riverside, I hope I am

    dear riverside, I hope I am not reading this right, but are you saying you are shamed by your cancer?  (I don't know all the acronyms people use sometimes - sometimes I can figure them out)  There is no way you asked to have this or did anything to get this - it happened and no one 'asks' to get cancer.  Please be kind to yourself and know that we are here.  

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    edited August 2018 #16
    Welcome to our group! During

    Welcome to our group! During chemo I just ate what I could tolerate. Of course I tried healthy but it really varied. I lost weight before and some during chemo, but managed to do ok. Yes, also as others have said ask and use the nausea meds because they really help. For me the first chemo seemed like maybe the hardest and maybe it was from not knowing what to expect. Prayers, you will get through this.

  • LisaPizza
    LisaPizza Member Posts: 358 Member
    Armywife said:


    I loved watermelon and really loved mashed cauliflower during chemo.  And I am probably the only one here who gained 15 pounds on chemo.  I lost 15 after surgery, but gained every bit of it back during chemo.  

    You're definitely nit the

    You're definitely nit the only one! They actually told me it was very common to gain weight.

  • evolo58
    evolo58 Member Posts: 293 Member
    Armywife said:


    I loved watermelon and really loved mashed cauliflower during chemo.  And I am probably the only one here who gained 15 pounds on chemo.  I lost 15 after surgery, but gained every bit of it back during chemo.  


    I lost three pounds after surgery. That was a bit of a bummer, though. I'm not quite sure what I expected. A uterus doesn't usually weight THAT much! :)

    My weight held pretty steady, though, until the last two chemos. It then went up. It's still up, but it turns out my TSH is way off, so that's not helping, either. It can take several weeks for your TSH levels to reflect the change in a prescription, so I'm not worried ... yet. But I am continuing to watch my sugar and salt (in moderation, though admittedly, I was eating far too many foods with these before, so I've cut those down quite a lot). I continue to exercise as well, so hopefully, that scale should go the other way.

    I didn't eat more during chemo, by the way ... according to the nurse, some patients gain weight, anyway. I think I gained about six to eight pounds over my normal weight ... my weight fluctuates. I'll be at the point when I'm ready to jump for joy because the scale is FINALLY going down; only to have it go up the next day. Still trying to drink lots of water and watching those #2s. That's not a bad idea in any case. I wasn't paying as much attention to those, either. 

    I would feel so much better, though, if I lost those six pounds ... at least initially. More to go, unfortunately. 

  • Riverside0707
    Riverside0707 Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2018 #19

    dear riverside, I hope I am

    dear riverside, I hope I am not reading this right, but are you saying you are shamed by your cancer?  (I don't know all the acronyms people use sometimes - sometimes I can figure them out)  There is no way you asked to have this or did anything to get this - it happened and no one 'asks' to get cancer.  Please be kind to yourself and know that we are here.  

    Thank you! It’s been 3 months

    Thank you! It’s been 3 months now since I got diagnosed. Still nurvous. 

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    I loved watermelon during

    I loved watermelon during chemo. I got more sick my last e chemos because of changing meds and water melon was the best for me. It didnt upset my stomach more. I remember when i was doing my last chemo and feeling anxious to be done, i ate it most of the time. Im pretty thin a lost a lot of weight during surgery so i tried really hard to at leaste maintain my weigh. I did end up gaining some over my chemo experience. I tried to eat better on the days i felt better, but like i say some times just watermelon was just it.


  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Oops sorry. That e ineeds to

    Oops sorry. That e ineeds to be a 3