Cant Clean After Poo...Water Stings Too Much from Burns..

Ottawamarc1234 Member Posts: 148 Member

1 Day after final treatment...frustrating lots of burning sensations all over body and not able to clean anal area...water Stings. This better not last forever...afraid if possible infection if i cant clean down there!


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  • GoodDog2
    GoodDog2 Member Posts: 22 Member

    I don’t know what to say if water stings too much but I believe you. Have you tried a sitz bath and just soak clean with tepid water for a good 5 minutes? That might be gentler. You don’t have to put anything in it, but I found Domeboro soaks soothing and cut down on pain a little. If you can‘t blot dry you can use a cold blow dryer and air dry. Time consuming, I know. Especially if you are going every 20 minutes. But this too shall pass. 

    My daughter says she remembers every time she came home the blow dryer was going.

  • feckcancer
    feckcancer Member Posts: 189 Member
    edited July 2018 #3

    Congratulations. Welcome to the other side. you made it. now breathe.

    when it got that bad for me i got a bowl of hot as i could stand water with some salt in and got cotton wool and made it sopping wet and gently washed myself with that while sitting on toilet using lots of the water, dropped cotton wool in toilet after use. flush.  the cottonwool has to be really wet so it doesn't stick and i hardly touched my skin, almost like using the sopping cotton wool to throw at my bum if that makes sense. use lots of the  cottonwool and water. you can do the same with toilet paper but that tends to fall apart when it is wet enough so thats why the cotton wool is good. or i would poo then straight into running shower where i had another bowl in there water in the bowl just chuck the water on your bits while in the shower. i had lignocaine 2% gel which i would put on before (if i had time) and after . also had various wound gels. some stung some didn't so if it stung didn't use again. if it gets to bad and you have a bath fill bath, get in and swish water round bum with your hands. then have another shower or bath in clean water puttng salt in water helps not get an infection.sitting in basin in hot water and salt feels suprising good .if it doesn't the water temp is not right or there is to much salt. just take care not to burn yourself. dry bum afterwards with hairdryer on low heat not to close.always put wound gel on after . hang in there the worst is over . be kind to yourself . you have been through a lot & your body needs to heal. sleep lots . try to go undie free and wear a sarong . fresh air is good.  Remember, one day all this will feel like it was a bad dream. 

    ps: 1 year later i stayed in a hotel that had a bidet. if i knew back them how good it would be for my still tender bum i would have got one installed before starting radiation

  • feckcancer
    feckcancer Member Posts: 189 Member
    edited July 2018 #4
    Blow dryer

    loled when i read that Good dog 2. i know that sound.  i felt like it was a combination of tending to stiches after childbirth and preventing nappy rash in a baby until you heal. 

  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member

    I'm wondering if it may be more comfortable to install a hand held shower head in your shower. The one I have has several settings and one is a very fine mist. You may be able to just gently mist the anal area and not have too much pain. 

    I have an ostomy so fortunately did not have to deal with this issue. We did install the shower head though at the time of treatment to clean in general after severe radiation burns. I felt clean and the pain was at least temporarily eased.


  • Ottawamarc1234
    Ottawamarc1234 Member Posts: 148 Member
    eihtak said:


    I'm wondering if it may be more comfortable to install a hand held shower head in your shower. The one I have has several settings and one is a very fine mist. You may be able to just gently mist the anal area and not have too much pain. 

    I have an ostomy so fortunately did not have to deal with this issue. We did install the shower head though at the time of treatment to clean in general after severe radiation burns. I felt clean and the pain was at least temporarily eased.


    Hand held shower only one setting...Rough

    July 8th 2018...Ottawa Canada...Hand Held Shower...only 1 setting...'Rough Spray'...4 Days Post Treatment...2 days now sitting in bath cool with low water level. Stings...swishing water round bum hole..doesnt clean remainder poo out totally...maybe over the days it will know..One Day At A Time!!..Curious if all the Silver Flaxum am putting on the bum burns is causing the 'itch hmmm?'


    Just read an article on 'Creams' for post Radiation Itch..from Professional conclusions other than to avoid zinc oxide and oil based creams. They did mention "Calamine Lotion' as a possibilty..but does Calimine lotion not dry out your skin? .no idea if that is good or bad for Anal Puritus which I am suffering from.


    Sorry no blow dryer..did attempt to find one at Walmart last month...unfortunately of the 100 or so Blow Dryers on their shelves...they didnt say which had a 'cool setting' or ' how cool the unit setting is' not. I have a portable R2D2 looking floor A/C but am too damn tall to 'stoop over it with my bum!

    Also have a 'bad habit'of lying on sides not sitting too painful to sit even on donut...need soft towel or sheet..have bad habit of texting on phone and sticking finger in Hole to Scratch..scratch..scratch...need relief.

    Please no 'crazy or lunatic ideas' like 'Drinking Turpentine' or ' bending over Porcupine to get Saliva' to help with itch! May end up with worse problem than Porcupine Saliva...if you get my drift!

    ...any. more of these strange suggestions..."Sell Crazy To Somebody Else...Am All Full Up Here!

    Trying to avoid 'Dr. Google' as much as I can.



  • feckcancer
    feckcancer Member Posts: 189 Member
    edited July 2018 #7
        Hi, the lignocaine 2% gel

        Hi, the lignocaine 2% gel was prescibed to me by my doctors. it is an anaesthetic gel which might help with the itching as well. instead of scratching apply it to numb the area.  you could always try wiping yourself which it (put on wet cottonwool then wipe) i was also given solosite wound gel & duoderm hydroactive gel from my doctors. i used all for approx 6-10 months after and still have some on hand for a  stinging bum from occasional bouts of bad diarrhea. i used to slather all this on lots. use lots. please check with your doctor first tho. if you don't use dryer just go pants free and let fresh air dry if possible. there are links below to the gels i have mentioned. also a link about salt/sitz baths. i have have only used table salt baths myself for both stiches after childbirth that were also in anal area and after radiation for anal cancer. in the article it says salt can help the itch from water. hope this is helpful.

  • Ottawamarc1234
    Ottawamarc1234 Member Posts: 148 Member
    Saw Onocologist Today..Suggests I Smoke Weed.. He's Dutch..

    Not my cup of tea...tried two puffs a few weeks ago blitzed out of my head....never again.Maybe because I was taking the Oxycidine it 'mixed' and fave me a 'bad stone' idea?


    He prescriped a pill form. Not sure if I will take it along with the Pregablim. Yet he was trying to persuade me to try it again. Unfortunately no creams he recommends for the damn itch. But Pregablim a nerve pill came up again in the Conversation. Pain Management wanted me to use it. But Radiologist said no...Onocolgust said I should give it a try. Maybe the 'itch' is nerve damage from the Radiation. Cant swallow these pills...break open capsule and sprinkle on Applesauce.

    MRI scheduled for late September...hopefully wont need surgery to remove what ever tumour is left over and hopefully it wont grow Bigger over the time. No guarantees in Life though.

    He said Left over radiation may last up to 3 weeks only at end of Day "5" awe!


    Keep u posted. Still swishing tepid water in bathtub to to try and get rid of leftover poo from bowel movements. Cannot put finger there..hurts to muchll small and flat looking


  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member
    edited July 2018 #9

    Saw Onocologist Today..Suggests I Smoke Weed.. He's Dutch..

    Not my cup of tea...tried two puffs a few weeks ago blitzed out of my head....never again.Maybe because I was taking the Oxycidine it 'mixed' and fave me a 'bad stone' idea?


    He prescriped a pill form. Not sure if I will take it along with the Pregablim. Yet he was trying to persuade me to try it again. Unfortunately no creams he recommends for the damn itch. But Pregablim a nerve pill came up again in the Conversation. Pain Management wanted me to use it. But Radiologist said no...Onocolgust said I should give it a try. Maybe the 'itch' is nerve damage from the Radiation. Cant swallow these pills...break open capsule and sprinkle on Applesauce.

    MRI scheduled for late September...hopefully wont need surgery to remove what ever tumour is left over and hopefully it wont grow Bigger over the time. No guarantees in Life though.

    He said Left over radiation may last up to 3 weeks only at end of Day "5" awe!


    Keep u posted. Still swishing tepid water in bathtub to to try and get rid of leftover poo from bowel movements. Cannot put finger there..hurts to muchll small and flat looking




    It is true that some people find overall relief through different forms of medical marijuana but I did not go that route myself so can not speak from experience there.

    The itch while maddening is however sucks! You may find yourself living in that tub for a few weeks it sounds like. I mentioned earlier the mist setting on hand held shower head...could you install a new one so you have that option? 

    I was in horrific pain prior to dx that only increased once the burning hit and was prescribed a fairly high dose of time released oxycontin every 12 hrs with oxycodone for break through pain in between. I took it on schedule regardless of pain level as a way to stay ahead of it. Not long after treatment ended I was able to easily wean off of it. I wonder if something like that may also dull the itch. Another idea may be to try a couple allergy OTC meds like Benadryl. I have already taken that when camping and going insane from bug bite itch and found at least some relief.

    I seldom used ointments during the phase of radiation because it is very important to have it all washed off before the next treatment and I just was too sore to deal with that too. I did on Fridays though (no radiation on weekends) use a spray called is sold OTC and often used by women after childbirth to relieve pain and promote healing. I found the spray easy to apply and clean off.

    Hang in there...I promise there is light at the end of the tunnel.


  • Ottawamarc1234
    Ottawamarc1234 Member Posts: 148 Member
    eihtak said:



    It is true that some people find overall relief through different forms of medical marijuana but I did not go that route myself so can not speak from experience there.

    The itch while maddening is however sucks! You may find yourself living in that tub for a few weeks it sounds like. I mentioned earlier the mist setting on hand held shower head...could you install a new one so you have that option? 

    I was in horrific pain prior to dx that only increased once the burning hit and was prescribed a fairly high dose of time released oxycontin every 12 hrs with oxycodone for break through pain in between. I took it on schedule regardless of pain level as a way to stay ahead of it. Not long after treatment ended I was able to easily wean off of it. I wonder if something like that may also dull the itch. Another idea may be to try a couple allergy OTC meds like Benadryl. I have already taken that when camping and going insane from bug bite itch and found at least some relief.

    I seldom used ointments during the phase of radiation because it is very important to have it all washed off before the next treatment and I just was too sore to deal with that too. I did on Fridays though (no radiation on weekends) use a spray called is sold OTC and often used by women after childbirth to relieve pain and promote healing. I found the spray easy to apply and clean off.

    Hang in there...I promise there is light at the end of the tunnel.



    Thanks. I have 'narrowed' the itch down to 3 Spots..around the hole(the worst--beam rad was sent their the tailbone area and the burned area in right butt cheek (skin peeling there now) this is where the 5 cm tumour was originally..but has been zapped good. 

    Today was horrible waking around late this afternoon...the stifling heat adds to ones misery. I honestly felt like Sandpaper was wedged 'up there' all day. With each movement it rubs and hurts.

    My farts are like razorblades once again...loose and stinky. My overall poo is "tiny" despite eating larger portions. Tried luck there am afraid. Still have to pick up prescriptions from Pharmacy Tuesday.

    Sticking with the Flamazine twice a day and after every sitz bath. Or twice a day. No $ to buy another shower head. Stuck with the one i have. Not using it at the I am doing the sitz baths in the tub. This seems to be a very slow process in healing and continuing itch and pain. One Post Treatment Day At A Time....



  • Ottawamarc1234
    Ottawamarc1234 Member Posts: 148 Member


    Thanks. I have 'narrowed' the itch down to 3 Spots..around the hole(the worst--beam rad was sent their the tailbone area and the burned area in right butt cheek (skin peeling there now) this is where the 5 cm tumour was originally..but has been zapped good. 

    Today was horrible waking around late this afternoon...the stifling heat adds to ones misery. I honestly felt like Sandpaper was wedged 'up there' all day. With each movement it rubs and hurts.

    My farts are like razorblades once again...loose and stinky. My overall poo is "tiny" despite eating larger portions. Tried luck there am afraid. Still have to pick up prescriptions from Pharmacy Tuesday.

    Sticking with the Flamazine twice a day and after every sitz bath. Or twice a day. No $ to buy another shower head. Stuck with the one i have. Not using it at the I am doing the sitz baths in the tub. This seems to be a very slow process in healing and continuing itch and pain. One Post Treatment Day At A Time....



    Day 5...tough Day..

    Day 5 Post Treatment. Too many big urges too poo left me miserable all day..5 poos so far in total and little too see each time. Very frustrating as I need to sit in the Tub afterwards to try and clean the remains. Stung each time.

    I was unable to go anyplace today because of this current condition so was stuck at home near the toilet the entire day. Well Radiation Sleep got rid of the inbetween times to evacuate. Still don't feel like I am finished pooing for the day. 

    I took some as you Americans call Canadians call Clearlax hopefully to speed up the emptying of the bowels more completly than 5 or so smaller poos which I suffered from today. If one is taking a constipation Opiod like Oxycodone..they recommend you counter balance it with the Clearlax every other day otherwise too much you may end up with Diarrhea (which I have experienced this at least once during my Chemoradiation time).

    Sure would like some 'normalcy' back in my life and not having the feeling that I can't safely leave the house and get on normal daily chores.

    This endless long recovery process these post 5 days and counting have been so picnic after completion of Treatment.


  • feckcancer
    feckcancer Member Posts: 189 Member
    medical weed

    tell your doctor you don't want to get stoned .  medical weed is different strenghts/thc content for different results. it is nothing like recreational weed. unless you want it to be. please talk to your doctor if things don't get better soon. 

  • judyv3
    judyv3 Member Posts: 143 Member

    Day 5...tough Day..

    Day 5 Post Treatment. Too many big urges too poo left me miserable all day..5 poos so far in total and little too see each time. Very frustrating as I need to sit in the Tub afterwards to try and clean the remains. Stung each time.

    I was unable to go anyplace today because of this current condition so was stuck at home near the toilet the entire day. Well Radiation Sleep got rid of the inbetween times to evacuate. Still don't feel like I am finished pooing for the day. 

    I took some as you Americans call Canadians call Clearlax hopefully to speed up the emptying of the bowels more completly than 5 or so smaller poos which I suffered from today. If one is taking a constipation Opiod like Oxycodone..they recommend you counter balance it with the Clearlax every other day otherwise too much you may end up with Diarrhea (which I have experienced this at least once during my Chemoradiation time).

    Sure would like some 'normalcy' back in my life and not having the feeling that I can't safely leave the house and get on normal daily chores.

    This endless long recovery process these post 5 days and counting have been so picnic after completion of Treatment.


    Helpful (?) Hints

    Pain relief is very individual, so I won't address that.  I am nearing five years post-treatment and still take Miralax (Clearlax) daily.  Also, during healing, I took 6 stool softeners a day.  If it's liquid, it's easier to clean.  STAY HYDRATED, so important.  I used (and still do) Aquaphor I dip very soft TP into it and wipe gently with that and then use baby wipes.  You are not at the point where you can do that yet.  I never liked soaking (sitz baths).  I used the little squeeze bottle.  

    Lock yourself in a room, get a fan blowing on your bare butt.  You are in the worst of it right now, in my opinion.  You will suddenly begin to start feeling a bit more human very soon and then the improvement is quick.  Don't expect too much for the next week.  Just power through.  You can do it!!

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Just popping over from CRC board

    After my radiation treatment, I had the worst problems with open sores around that whole area. They would weep, and itch and hurt. To top all of that off, I could not bare to wear anything that touched my skin on my backside. Looses dresses (thankfully I'm a woman) were the only thing I wore, and even that hurt. 

    The sores and itching got so bad I went to my GP (my Oncologist is 300 mile round trip from home), and he suggested Witch Hazel. I purchased some and WOW,. Other than stinging until tears ran down my face, the open, weeping sores healed up, and the itching stopped. I also purchased a bidet for $26 from Amazon. Oh, how I wish I had one of those during radiation.  

    I am sorry for your pain, but happy for you finishing treatment.  I will celebrate five years since radiation this coming Sunday, and I still have problems wearing underwear. I don't wear any I can get away with it. The radiation damage continues, but its a price one pays to be NED. 

    Good luck and try the Witch Hazel if you want. 


  • Ottawamarc1234
    Ottawamarc1234 Member Posts: 148 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Just popping over from CRC board

    After my radiation treatment, I had the worst problems with open sores around that whole area. They would weep, and itch and hurt. To top all of that off, I could not bare to wear anything that touched my skin on my backside. Looses dresses (thankfully I'm a woman) were the only thing I wore, and even that hurt. 

    The sores and itching got so bad I went to my GP (my Oncologist is 300 mile round trip from home), and he suggested Witch Hazel. I purchased some and WOW,. Other than stinging until tears ran down my face, the open, weeping sores healed up, and the itching stopped. I also purchased a bidet for $26 from Amazon. Oh, how I wish I had one of those during radiation.  

    I am sorry for your pain, but happy for you finishing treatment.  I will celebrate five years since radiation this coming Sunday, and I still have problems wearing underwear. I don't wear any I can get away with it. The radiation damage continues, but its a price one pays to be NED. 

    Good luck and try the Witch Hazel if you want. 


    Entering Day 8.

    I kinda lucked out today. My home care nurse was here when the Radiation nurse called at the same time. Got them both talking while the home care nurse was working on me. Turns out I have developed a 'hole' that the home care nurse wanted to 'pack' with some sterile gauze to prevent feces from entering it.

    Unfortunately am still too 'raw' to have that done at the moment. She asked me to stuff moisture soaking gauze up my bum 3 times a day to help soak up the 'moisture' that seems to accumulate in your crack. She said this should speed up the 'healing process' in that area...again still a very raw spot for me at the moment. I tried when she left but it hurt too much. She has me wearing a man's panty liner in my diaper or underwear. This doesnt last very long, gets moist and falls out.

    My bum burns are improving but the main burn and hole in my crack are the difficult ones and continue to bother me on a 24 hour basis. The Oxycodone helps somewhat. Have not taken the Medical Marijuana yet nor the Pregablim. This drugs main side effect (Lyrica) are ' Suicidal Thoughts'..maybe I wont take this one either. Supposed to help with 'Nerve Pain and Damage'. Not sure what to do about this drug other than 'stare' at the bottle.


    My Radiologist said I should see some improvement by the '2nd Week' that's next Wednesday...I doubt it the way I am feeling. Really have to try and get the 'moisture' out of my crack for any chance of 'healing' in that area.

    By the way I was told 'No Outright' for any other creams or Aloe Vera by the Radiologist Team. So Dr. Google is 'wrong again'. Have to follow my Cancer Care Team with these kind of decisions...they know best from experience.



    Ottawa Canada


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited July 2018 #16

    So sorry you are in pain.  I remember being in excruciating pain for about 10 days after treatment ended.  But on the 11th. day, I felt markedly better and seemed to have turned a corner.  Keep a watchful eye on that open wound for possible infection.  If it doesn't heal within a reasonable period of time, perhaps a wound care specialist is in order.  I wish you all the best and hope you are feeling better soon.

  • Ottawamarc1234
    Ottawamarc1234 Member Posts: 148 Member
    mp327 said:


    So sorry you are in pain.  I remember being in excruciating pain for about 10 days after treatment ended.  But on the 11th. day, I felt markedly better and seemed to have turned a corner.  Keep a watchful eye on that open wound for possible infection.  If it doesn't heal within a reasonable period of time, perhaps a wound care specialist is in order.  I wish you all the best and hope you are feeling better soon.

    Day 8..No End In Sight It Seems...Today's Issue Constipation

    Woke up around 8 terribly constipated. Wasnt expecting this today and sure dont need it with the hardened skin down below and constant pain like sandpaper on Day 8 Post Treatment. Couldnt poo until around noon...small and incomplete...straining later around 2 on results. Turned home care nurse away today. No point cleaning me today hadnt finished pooing. Passed out at 3:00 PM just woke up now 7:54 pm...wasted day. Not eating too good exaggerates the situation. Cases of Ensure here but no $ and not much food. Still have urge to poo. Took 1/2 Capfull of Clearlax despite Radiation Nurse saying otherwise. Guess will have to stick to the Clearlax despite repeated pooing throughout each day and assiciated pain. Seems I can quickly 'change on a dime' my bowels. Loose bowels most days...constipated feelin the others. Frustrated!# Radioligist continues to say I should be feeling better by 'next Wednesday'......I truly...Doubt It! Thanks

  • OPfarmer
    OPfarmer Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2018 #18
    Trubrit said:

    Just popping over from CRC board

    After my radiation treatment, I had the worst problems with open sores around that whole area. They would weep, and itch and hurt. To top all of that off, I could not bare to wear anything that touched my skin on my backside. Looses dresses (thankfully I'm a woman) were the only thing I wore, and even that hurt. 

    The sores and itching got so bad I went to my GP (my Oncologist is 300 mile round trip from home), and he suggested Witch Hazel. I purchased some and WOW,. Other than stinging until tears ran down my face, the open, weeping sores healed up, and the itching stopped. I also purchased a bidet for $26 from Amazon. Oh, how I wish I had one of those during radiation.  

    I am sorry for your pain, but happy for you finishing treatment.  I will celebrate five years since radiation this coming Sunday, and I still have problems wearing underwear. I don't wear any I can get away with it. The radiation damage continues, but its a price one pays to be NED. 

    Good luck and try the Witch Hazel if you want. 


    BIDET, Amazon $26.  YEP!! 

    BIDET, Amazon $26.  YEP!!  Lucky for me my Radiation Oncologist strongly suggested getting one.   

    Still exclusively use it 7 months post treatment.  


    Heck, I even installed the basic cold water Bidet while I was sick.  Sure the simple task was monumental, but the #1 best thing for my butt!!


    Can't fathom going through it again without it.  Toilet paper?, Wipes? What's that.  Never touch down their anymore.

  • Ottawamarc1234
    Ottawamarc1234 Member Posts: 148 Member
    Day 9..Bum Crack Still Hurts...but..

    Bum cheeks healing better from Radiation. Still feel like someone stuck sandpaper up my Keyster...especially when I walk aboot.

  • annie4145
    annie4145 Member Posts: 218 Member

    Day 9..Bum Crack Still Hurts...but..

    Bum cheeks healing better from Radiation. Still feel like someone stuck sandpaper up my Keyster...especially when I walk aboot.

    I don't know if it will work

    I don't know if it will work or not, but have you tried baby powder already?  I defer those that have gone through the process, but I have used it the past for other reasons and it can help chaffing and moisture.  (such as when I had a hard time with the colonoscopy prep.) For example if you put some on, and then make sure to get rid of any excess....



  • OPfarmer
    OPfarmer Member Posts: 14
    9 days after an intense 30

    9 days after an intense 30 day radiation treatment for stage 4..   Their was no walking about.  Just laid in bed 10 steps from toilet and cried, for a month.   8 moths later pain is gone , but still do not venture for from toilet in the AM.  I am alive but I do not expect my world to return to the way it was pre cancer.


    I used only a Bidet on the toilet.   Made up my own cream for pain.  It consisted of linacane (for my Port), liquid Moriphene, and cocobutter cream.  Oh witch hazel at times too.


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