Just diagnosed endometrial adenocarcinoma stage 3a

Late September I had a biopsy and was diagnosed with stage 1, grade a or b endometrial cancer. On September 10, I had a total hysterectomy, and feel very good. Unfortunately, when we met with the oncologist yesterday, the pathology report shows stage 3a,  grade 2 endometrial adenocarcinoma with cancer that spread to the left ovary. My left ovary apparently was stuck on the uterus (probably born that way) and the doctors thought that was why it spread there. No lymph node involvement, pelvic wash clear, and initially thought suspicion of lymphvascular invasion, but staining indicates suspicious focus disappeared on immunostain interpretation. 

So now I need 6 rounds of chemo, 5 weeks at 5 times week radiation, and possible bracytherapy. 

I'm feeling better today, but still shocked and a little scared I won't see my young grandchildren grow up, etc. I'm 55 and very active. I'm fortunate that I have a good support system, and a lot of leave accumulated but will I be able to work? I work part time in a library.




  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member
    hey barnyardgal.  It is

    hey barnyardgal.  It is overwhelming so try to take a breathe.  It sounds like you might be working with a gynecologic oncologist, who specializes in 'below the belt' cancers, based on the treatment you mentioned being similar to a lot of what the ladies have gone through.

    As far as work, it depends as we are all different.  I worked throughout it all, of course, chemo is an all day ordeal, so I did take that day off and then you just have to be very careful of keeping your hands clean to avoid picking up any illness as your immune system will be compromised.  The radiation is a short in-and-out trip, so I guess that would depend on how close your treatment center is to your work.  

    Please know you can ask anything here.  It is a great, supportive group.  

  • Hummingbird6
    Hummingbird6 Member Posts: 12
    Hello Barnyard gal

    Welcome! I hope you will find here, as I did, a group of supportive and knowledgeable women who've been through it.  I have a similar stage (not with ovary involved or stuck, that's probably unique), and just finished 6 cycles of chemo and brachy at the end of August.

    The chemo was very fatiguing, and I did not work.  Symptoms, as you will hear, becaome worse a few days after, and it is important to remain hydrated.  My daughter was kind enough to come and stay with me and really pushed fluids which helped.  Each cycle can be a little worse, and a bit different. Frankly, I don't even remember much about the last two cycles. I was pretty out of it.

    The brachytherapy was no problem.  There is some debate about the role of external radiation, and while you don't need to worry about it for a while it may be useful to read on the board about the pros and cons.  I elected not to have external beam radiation at this point.

    So two months after chemo and brachy my energy and outlook are perking up. It's good to remember there is light at the end of this tunnel. 


  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Hi welcome to our group. 

    Hi welcome to our group.  This is such a wonderful and supportive forum.  Sorry you have to be here but am glad you found us.  The shock of a cancer diagnosis is no easy to take.  It sure wasent for me.  Dont be too hard on yourself.  Im glad you have support with this. It can be very helpful.  About working some people do work during treatment and do just fine.  There are others here that did it.  If you get to sit down at the library you might be just fine.  I had a stand up job working as a cook. I tried to work but it was too much for me.  I have confidence you will beable to work things out as you go forward. Hope you keep us informed as you go forward.

    Love janae


  • ncg007
    ncg007 Member Posts: 138 Member
    Barnyardgal, Sorry to hear of

    Barnyardgal, Sorry to hear of your diagnosis, mine was slightly similar.  Diagnosed at 54 with Stage IIIC1, Grade 3, Mixed 50/50 Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma and Uterine Serous Carcinoma.  Mine had spread to cervix and lymph nodes.  As far as your ability to work, we all respond differently to treatments.  Some breeze through, while for others it gets harder with each treatment.  How you react may also depend on how they do your chemo/radiation treatment.  Mine for example was concurrent; first day of chemo was also first day of radiation.  I had two rounds of chemo with 28 radiation, followed by another 4 rounds of chemo.  Some do the radiation sandwiched between chemo; 3 rounds chemo, radiation then 3 more rounds.  While others do 6 rounds chemo first, followed by radiation.  In my case I was unable to work, the radiation and chemo together just wore me down and my WBC bottomed out so I couldn't be exposed to germs.  If you are able to work and keep your routine as normal as possible, then great.  But don't be too hard on yourself, take the time off to take care of yourself if you feel you need to.  

    I know now it's so overwhelming.  Please ask questions, there is a lot of knowledge on this board and we are all here for you.

    Wish you all the best!
  • Jairoldi
    Jairoldi Member Posts: 221 Member

    It really is hard to take it all in. Everything moves quickly. I just finished chemo a month ago and have had the first two rounds of radiation. I worked part time during chemo, intermittently, at my discretion once I was recovered from surgery. I plan to stop working after the first 6 rounds of radiation. 

    You will know what you can or can't handle after the first round or two of chemo.


    Here's to a great outcome and a smooth road to get there!

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Welcome to our group! You

    Welcome to our group! You will find most support here. I was diagnosed 3C with positive wash, lymphnodes, and both ovaries . That was August 2015 and so far so good after chemo and both types of radiation and of course hysterectomy . I too felt so much better after surgery. I just had another scan for the first time in over a year. Hoping for good results! Like others have said everyone is different as far as ability to work. You will need to see how it goes. For the most part in general I did have at least two good weeks between chemo sessions, but chemo and radiation are cumulative and effects are usually greater as time goes by.

  • barnyardgal
    barnyardgal Member Posts: 272 Member
    Thank you all so much! It's

    Thank you all so much! It's so good to hear from people who have been thru this. I guess I'll just have to see about work. My doctor was worried about being exposed to a lot of people at the library while I'm going thru chemo, but one of my co-workers who had breast cancer managed to work a bit, so I'll see what I can do:) I am working with both a gynecology oncologist as well as a regular oncologist, and I'm happy with both. After I posted, my doctor called and wants to schedule a CT scan. Of course, I'm imagining the cancer is elsewhere too, but I have to stop doing that. I do have subclinical hyperthyroidism, but I have no symptoms, so they want to check that out as well.   Does the worry ever stop? 

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Hi Barnyardgal,

    Hi Barnyardgal,

    Just wanted to also welcome you to our group and let you know about a thread that you may find very helpful. Please take the time to read 'Ladies going through chemo'.  Several of us documented our during and after journey. I think it will make you feel a lot better about what you will face.  There is light at the end of the tunnel! Please come back with any questions and to let us know how you are doing.

    Love and Hugs,


  • SF73
    SF73 Member Posts: 317 Member
    Hi Barnyardgal

    I am about to start getting chemotherapy as well. Wishing you good luck! 

  • barnyardgal
    barnyardgal Member Posts: 272 Member
    edited October 2017 #11
    SF73 said:

    Hi Barnyardgal

    I am about to start getting chemotherapy as well. Wishing you good luck! 

    Thank you! Wishing you good

    Thank you! Wishing you good luck, too! I think we'll all get thru this great!!

  • hopeful56
    hopeful56 Member Posts: 73
    Hi Barnyardgal:

    Hi Barnyardgal:

    I had a hysterectomy in August stage 1a UC.  I will have my 3rd round of chemo this week.  I work full time in a school system.  It will depend on how you feel to work.  Chemo day of course, you are out.  I took off day 1 and 2 after chemo and went in on day 3.  That was a mistake as I was so fatigued, had to leave early.  Last month, I worked day 1 and 2 until early afternoon.  Day 3 was out. (That's my Friday).  Just had a lot of muscle aches, bone pains plus fatigue.  The nausea meds are great, however, I also find they make me tired and fatigued as well.  All the other days I work full time.  Just chemo week have to depend on how you feel.  I know when I go home I have to sleep for about an hour.

    Wishing you good luck.  You are on the right site for support.


  • vquick68
    vquick68 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2017 #13
    Uterine Cancer Symtoms

    Hello, I'm new to this site. I'm 49 turning 50 in 3 months! I'm looking for help in understanding my health. Back in July I started heavy bleeding that went on for 3 months when I decided to see a doctor because I realized this was not normal.  I was also having right hip and lower back pain and pelvis pain which never stopped. Now it keeps me up at night and I can't lay on my right side without being in really bad pain. After seeing a Gynogologist she ordered a sonagram which showed a thicking in the linning 11mm.  She did a blind byopsy which came back negative. She put me on birth control pills to stop the bleeding till I could get a D&C and abolsation. The pills were 3 for 3 days 2 for 2 days and then go down to 1 a day. Once I got to one a day I started bleeding again but this time so heavy I could not keep tampons on or pads for more then 1hr.

    My husband took me to the hosptial because of the bleeding and pain. They did another songagram and found my lining was still growing even though I was on birth control pills. Which should of thinned the linning my doctor said.   When at the hospital they recommened for me to see a different Gynogolist because my other one never called me back for follow up. The new doctor feels that I could still have uterine cancer for the following reasons.. I was still bleeding on 1 pill a day, the lining is still growing and the lining is heterogeneous which means different shapes and texture which is not normal.  I having surgery on Friday and they plan to go in with a camera and do another byosy as well as D&C. I'm hoping for answers this time.


    Would apperciate anyones advise. It's the pain that is really becoming an issue and doctor says take advil every 4 hours.


    Thanks in advance.

  • barnyardgal
    barnyardgal Member Posts: 272 Member
    vquick68 said:

    Uterine Cancer Symtoms

    Hello, I'm new to this site. I'm 49 turning 50 in 3 months! I'm looking for help in understanding my health. Back in July I started heavy bleeding that went on for 3 months when I decided to see a doctor because I realized this was not normal.  I was also having right hip and lower back pain and pelvis pain which never stopped. Now it keeps me up at night and I can't lay on my right side without being in really bad pain. After seeing a Gynogologist she ordered a sonagram which showed a thicking in the linning 11mm.  She did a blind byopsy which came back negative. She put me on birth control pills to stop the bleeding till I could get a D&C and abolsation. The pills were 3 for 3 days 2 for 2 days and then go down to 1 a day. Once I got to one a day I started bleeding again but this time so heavy I could not keep tampons on or pads for more then 1hr.

    My husband took me to the hosptial because of the bleeding and pain. They did another songagram and found my lining was still growing even though I was on birth control pills. Which should of thinned the linning my doctor said.   When at the hospital they recommened for me to see a different Gynogolist because my other one never called me back for follow up. The new doctor feels that I could still have uterine cancer for the following reasons.. I was still bleeding on 1 pill a day, the lining is still growing and the lining is heterogeneous which means different shapes and texture which is not normal.  I having surgery on Friday and they plan to go in with a camera and do another byosy as well as D&C. I'm hoping for answers this time.


    Would apperciate anyones advise. It's the pain that is really becoming an issue and doctor says take advil every 4 hours.


    Thanks in advance.

    VQuick, I'm sorry for what you

    VQuick, I'm sorry for what you are going through. I never had too much bleeding, and no pain. I hope the d&c and biopsy give you some answers. My doctor did put me on progesterone before the biopsy. 

  • takingcontrol58
    takingcontrol58 Member Posts: 272 Member
    vquick68 said:

    Uterine Cancer Symtoms

    Hello, I'm new to this site. I'm 49 turning 50 in 3 months! I'm looking for help in understanding my health. Back in July I started heavy bleeding that went on for 3 months when I decided to see a doctor because I realized this was not normal.  I was also having right hip and lower back pain and pelvis pain which never stopped. Now it keeps me up at night and I can't lay on my right side without being in really bad pain. After seeing a Gynogologist she ordered a sonagram which showed a thicking in the linning 11mm.  She did a blind byopsy which came back negative. She put me on birth control pills to stop the bleeding till I could get a D&C and abolsation. The pills were 3 for 3 days 2 for 2 days and then go down to 1 a day. Once I got to one a day I started bleeding again but this time so heavy I could not keep tampons on or pads for more then 1hr.

    My husband took me to the hosptial because of the bleeding and pain. They did another songagram and found my lining was still growing even though I was on birth control pills. Which should of thinned the linning my doctor said.   When at the hospital they recommened for me to see a different Gynogolist because my other one never called me back for follow up. The new doctor feels that I could still have uterine cancer for the following reasons.. I was still bleeding on 1 pill a day, the lining is still growing and the lining is heterogeneous which means different shapes and texture which is not normal.  I having surgery on Friday and they plan to go in with a camera and do another byosy as well as D&C. I'm hoping for answers this time.


    Would apperciate anyones advise. It's the pain that is really becoming an issue and doctor says take advil every 4 hours.


    Thanks in advance.

    Vquick,A D&C is the gold

    A D&C is the gold standard to detect uterine cancer. 
    The normal uterine lining is about 4mm and bleeding is one of the first signs of
    uterine cancer.  You'll have an answer this time from the D&C. You'll get a
    pathology report from this procedure. 

    Best of luck with the surgery. Take things one step at a time.



  • vquick68
    vquick68 Member Posts: 2

    Vquick,A D&C is the gold

    A D&C is the gold standard to detect uterine cancer. 
    The normal uterine lining is about 4mm and bleeding is one of the first signs of
    uterine cancer.  You'll have an answer this time from the D&C. You'll get a
    pathology report from this procedure. 

    Best of luck with the surgery. Take things one step at a time.



    Thank you, it's the not

    Thank you, it's the not knowing is what is driving me crazy. I can deal with whatever comes my way as long as I know what it is.


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    You will see your grandkids grow up

    Dear Brnyardgal,

    I was diagnosed with Grade 2, Stage 3a endometrial adenocarcinoma at age 45.   I had chemo and then brachytherapy.   I am now 57 years old.   You must keep a positive attitude and be proactive on your care.   My cancer was in my uterus, my cervix and my left ovary.   It was found on a "routine" hysterectomy.   If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.  I worked for the most part during my chemo and then afterwards full time to this date.

    My best to you.



  • barnyardgal
    barnyardgal Member Posts: 272 Member
    Kaleena said:

    You will see your grandkids grow up

    Dear Brnyardgal,

    I was diagnosed with Grade 2, Stage 3a endometrial adenocarcinoma at age 45.   I had chemo and then brachytherapy.   I am now 57 years old.   You must keep a positive attitude and be proactive on your care.   My cancer was in my uterus, my cervix and my left ovary.   It was found on a "routine" hysterectomy.   If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.  I worked for the most part during my chemo and then afterwards full time to this date.

    My best to you.



    This is so encouraging! Thank

    This is so encouraging! Thank you!  Did you do hormone therapy at all?

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    edited November 2017 #19

    This is so encouraging! Thank

    This is so encouraging! Thank you!  Did you do hormone therapy at all?

    No hormone therapy

    All I did was have 6 months of chemo (Carbo/Gemzar).  I was allergic to Taxol.   Then I had 3 HDR brachytherapy.    Nothing else.  My doctor at the time did not want me to have any type of hormones.   

  • ckdgedmom
    ckdgedmom Member Posts: 166 Member
    For Vquick and Barnyardgal

    Vquick---I also experienced the same kind of bleeding you are having while on a pill pack. I had to change super plus tampons hourly and I had a lot of pain in my pelvic area. My gyno ordered an ultrasoud (which looked normal excpet for fibroids) and CT scan (which also looked fairly normal) but was wise enough to run a CA125 on me which was very high. She also did a D&C and hysteroscopy and took biopsies.

    I am praying you do not have cancer but if you do it sounds like you are on your way to having it found...praying for you


    Barnyardgal you will be in my prayers...I worked through chemo and radiation and brachytherapy. Chemo days I could not work and the day after chemo was my "get er done" day thanks to the steroid but I did have to rest the day after and as I progressed through treatment I had a few more down days per cycle. I worked through the external beam radiation and the brachytherapy took about half a day to do but I went on with my normal activites and even did yoga on those days.  Good luck to you!

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    Such great advice and information from the ladies who

    responded to your post, barnyardgal. It is SO terribly frightening to receive a cancer diagnosis and I wish that wasn’t true for you. Like you and Kathy, I was also diagnosed with stage 3a adenocarcinoma. However , mine was not a grade 2; I was diagnosed with a grade 3 cancer or what is considered a very aggressive cancer. Mine was Uterine Papillary Serous Carcinoma. Bad, real bad. My gyn oncologist told me to “don’t delay living life to the fullest”. He was telling me that my life was coming to an end. D**n, I took good care of myself, was fit and had normal weight, but a h*ll of a lot of cancer in my family! I felt devastated and angry. Well, it is what it is, and I faced what we all face here. I had 6 rounds of Carbo/Taxol and missed my full time job only on the first 5 chemotherapy rounds. Round 6- my last round- did me in and I missed another day 3 days later. I felt reasonably well thoughout treatment- except for horrendous back pain that led to epidural shots. I hear Claritan may have diminished the pain. Who knew? Like you, my left ovary had a tumor and the ovary was attached, not to my uterus but rather my side wall ( of my parenteneal cavity. I suspect I was born that I way). My wash was positive for cancer. No cancer was found in my lymph nodes or found lymphovascularly. I am cancer free 4 years later. Never give up hope!

