Weight gain... how to plump up my hubby?

Hello all! It’s been awhile. I hope everyone is doing well. My husband is in his 6 month of post treatment. I can’t believe how time flies! Thanks goodness for that.  He’s doing well. His first PET scan was clear and all dr. visits have been really good.  His taste is coming along nicely and for the most part he’s eating well.  I have noticed though that gaining weight has been a bit of a struggle. He lost about 40lbs during treatment and has gained about 10-15 lbs back so far.  He does eat but also fills up on water because he’s still dealing with dry mouth and will probably be dealing with that for life. Any good ideas for weight gain? Foods? Recipes? Tricks that you used? Even if it’s 10 more lbs that’s better than nothing. Thanks in advance!! 


  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    Kinda depends what his

    Kinda depends what his current eating habits are.... I know for me, the wife stopped sharing meals with me (so, now I'm eating twice as much as I used to).

    We also ordered a dessert with every meal.

    Benecalorie is also a thought. Add it to any food and it adds hundreds of calories.

    How active is your husband? My issue has been that I am extremely active (work full time, maintain 2.5 acre property, workout, etc.).

    Good Luck.

  • soonermom
    soonermom Member Posts: 155
    Gaining weight

    I am so impressed he has gained back that much weight!  We are just trying not to continue to lose weight.  The struggle is real here.  Also, so many things are directed to people trying to lose or maintain weight, I find I have to completely think diferently for my husband.  The dietician told us to try to substitute milk or another calorie containing drink for water when possible and that the real key is eating more snacks/meals in a day.  She encouraged him to eat at least 2 snacks a day.  Also, since liquid is helpful she suggested concentrating on meals that had liquid in them already so there would not be a need to supplement by drinking which as you have noticed is an appetite suppressant.  She pointed out that filling up with water is a weight loss tip not a weight gain tip but she said many HNC patients sruggle with balancing the need for liquids with the impact on calorie intake.  So, we try to pack the calories into smoothies and soups but it is still hard for him. You would be amazed what you can add an entire avcocado to and have them not notice.  He can barely or not eat meat and has ended up mostly vegetarianish right now.  I think you are doing great to be honest.  As mentioned activity level matters too but they need that to build stamina and preserve sanity so I never encourage him to be sedentary.  

  • Tonita
    Tonita Member Posts: 197 Member
    Are you saying he's at a

    Are you saying he's at a plateau now with the weight gain?  10-15 pound gained over what period of time?  I don't understand what the rush is to gain more weight.  This all sounds perfectly normal and healthy to me.  I wouldn't do the dessert thing (sugar feeds cancer).  You might try some calorie dense things that are healthy.  Go to cinnamonhealth.com and find the peanut butter protein bars recipe.  Those are delicious and perfectly healthy.  Buy organic peanut butter, sugarless applesause also organic and it's not in the recipe but I drizzle melted dark chocolate over the top.  NO baking involved.  Don't push empty, unhealthy calories.  Diet is so important.

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    Tonita said:

    Are you saying he's at a

    Are you saying he's at a plateau now with the weight gain?  10-15 pound gained over what period of time?  I don't understand what the rush is to gain more weight.  This all sounds perfectly normal and healthy to me.  I wouldn't do the dessert thing (sugar feeds cancer).  You might try some calorie dense things that are healthy.  Go to cinnamonhealth.com and find the peanut butter protein bars recipe.  Those are delicious and perfectly healthy.  Buy organic peanut butter, sugarless applesause also organic and it's not in the recipe but I drizzle melted dark chocolate over the top.  NO baking involved.  Don't push empty, unhealthy calories.  Diet is so important.

    Not looking to get into the

    Not looking to get into the 'sugar debate' but everything you eat is eventually reduced to sugar in your body. You will never starve cancer of sugar. All of your cells require and use sugar (glucose). Not a single cancer doctor or ENT I spoke to suggested avoiding sugar - other than to be smart about it and don't be unhealthy in your eating. Moderation is the key.

    Putting on weight really comes down to what weight should you be.

    I was 194 pounds at 5' 11" when I started treatment. My normal weight was 175. The wife put 19 pounds on me pre-treatment. I dropped to about 158 at my lowest. However, the doctor reminded me that I really should weigh between 160 and about 175 at the most. So, while I am trying to put on weight, I'm not looking to put on much and don't want to get to my pre-treatment weight.

  • Andy13460
    Andy13460 Member Posts: 115
    Weight gain

    How tall is your husband? what should he way for that height? what is his current weight? Tracking calories and exercise on my fitness pal and using high calorie foods that he can eat will do it.

    He might be the correct weightfor his height now.

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    10 pounds in only 2 weeks.


    Weight gain should be a piece of cake, making him taller is a stretch to my imagination.

    I always added fats and oils.  Lots of olive oil, and lots of vegetable oil, and butter, and peanuts.

    I never thought of it before, but if he will do tricks, I would give him a high calorie treat and some water to wash it down (you were always thinking).


  • Sprint Car Dude
    Sprint Car Dude Member Posts: 181
    edited October 2017 #8
    Pack it on

    Waffles smothered in butter and syrup was my go too.... I have gained my 40 lbs back and now am starting the calorie counting in reverse. Old Fatty McLovin here needs to lose a few pounds now. My goals to hit the gym and clean the diet up after I got back to my pre treatment weight.  Good to hear his good news.  Enjoy a big old plate of LIFE.....

  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318
    edited October 2017 #9

    Pack it on

    Waffles smothered in butter and syrup was my go too.... I have gained my 40 lbs back and now am starting the calorie counting in reverse. Old Fatty McLovin here needs to lose a few pounds now. My goals to hit the gym and clean the diet up after I got back to my pre treatment weight.  Good to hear his good news.  Enjoy a big old plate of LIFE.....

    Love your last words. A big

    Love your last words. A big plate of LIFE. I need to remember that. Thanks!! 

  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318
    CivilMatt said:

    10 pounds in only 2 weeks.


    Weight gain should be a piece of cake, making him taller is a stretch to my imagination.

    I always added fats and oils.  Lots of olive oil, and lots of vegetable oil, and butter, and peanuts.

    I never thought of it before, but if he will do tricks, I would give him a high calorie treat and some water to wash it down (you were always thinking).


    Haha! I’ll let guy know if he

    Haha! I’ll let guy know if he learns any new tricks. Thanks for making me smile!

  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318
    edited October 2017 #11
    Andy13460 said:

    Weight gain

    How tall is your husband? what should he way for that height? what is his current weight? Tracking calories and exercise on my fitness pal and using high calorie foods that he can eat will do it.

    He might be the correct weightfor his height now.

    He’s 5”9.  He’s an athlete

    He’s 5”9.  He’s an athlete and was running before he was diagnosed. so I guess that also makes a difference  


  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318
    OKCnative said:

    Kinda depends what his

    Kinda depends what his current eating habits are.... I know for me, the wife stopped sharing meals with me (so, now I'm eating twice as much as I used to).

    We also ordered a dessert with every meal.

    Benecalorie is also a thought. Add it to any food and it adds hundreds of calories.

    How active is your husband? My issue has been that I am extremely active (work full time, maintain 2.5 acre property, workout, etc.).

    Good Luck.

    Thanks!! He is pretty active

    Thanks!! He is pretty active and was before the cancer. I just want to make sure he’s doing ok 

  • deborah1805
    deborah1805 Member Posts: 2

    Hi, glad to hear your husband is going well. I struggelled getting the weight back on my husband too, i got used to filling him up with custards and smoothies always putting in the good manuka honey to help the dryness, but it does take a long time and the first 2 years he was on resource plus drinks taking 5-7 per day of all different flavours This maintained his weight and he eventually gained back 10 pounds. But to date he never got back to his old weight and eventually got to a new old weight except now he is diagnosed with prostate cancer and we are going to radiation every day so weight is an issue again. Good luck I am sure if you keep experimenting with foods you will get that new old weight. regards Deb

  • cz
    cz Member Posts: 6 Member
    wieght gain


  • AnotherSurvivor
    AnotherSurvivor Member Posts: 384 Member
    I suggest talking to your

    I suggest talking to your husband about your plans.  I dropped from 6'1" 225 lbs to 6'1" 185 lbs and have every intention of NEVER regaining that weight.  I struggled in a yo-yo between 215 and 225 for decades, never could keep it off.  It's gone, I am now at BMI Normal for my height, something I thought I left behind in college.  Being overweight is misery, and keeping it off is far easier than taking it off.  I allow a 3 lb swing, when I hit 189 it's diet time, in the mean time I am trying to convert as much as possible to muscle.  When I hit the slopes this winter I'm skiing double blacks, I spent last December staring at a hospital room ceiling.  It's a gift, I'm keeping it.

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member
    I'm with ^^

    I've lost a LOT, and I admit, a lot is on purpose.


    I have dieted for many years with nothing to show for it, so, if out of all the stuff I had to go thru this year, I get down to my goal weight, I'll take it.


    Are you sure he wants to gain?

  • MMDowns
    MMDowns Member Posts: 318
    I think I’m just worried that

    I think I’m just worried that maybe he’s lost weight instead of maintaining the weight he’s gained back. When we first started dating he was at about 175. When he started treatment he was at 190. He wanted to lose about 10 or so lbs and then cancer hit. He ended up losing about 40. He’s gained back about 10lbs. he has said he would like to gain another 10lbs and then maintain that weight. Sometimes my anxiety gets the beat of me and I worry that something is wrong. That he should be at least keeping the 10lbs he gained back and not losing. That’s all.