What Am I in For???

AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
edited October 2017 in Kidney Cancer #1

Partial nephrectomy (laparascopic) is booked for Nov. 7th. I know it is a long surgery and am wondering what to expect upon waking up. How are the first few days? I am thinking it will be very painful even with meds. How was the removal of the drainage tube? How many incisions for ports did you have? When did you return to work fully (outside of the house with physical job)? I know everyone is different, but I am interested in reading responses. Thank you!!



  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    Also, how long before you got

    Also, how long before you got the results? Thanks again!

  • love_of_my_life
    love_of_my_life Member Posts: 77
    Everyone is different

    My wife had a full nephrectomy 5 years ago.  They were able to manage her pain pretty well and she was up and about within a few days.  

    She is very healthy so her recovery was very fast.  If I remember she had one3-4 inch incision and two 1/4 inch incisions which are barely noticable today.

    Test results came back in around 2-3 weeks if I remember right.

    Good luck.  You are in our prayers.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    How do you define a long surgery?

    A partial Lap is a short surgery if all goes right.  Mine was a full total with mets to find and resect-that lasted 11 1/2 hours. And my subsequest surgeries for recurrent mets were each 3-4 hours.

    Drainage tubes are just a part of the package.  You don't even know they are there while they do their job and the brief twinge when they are pulled out soon goes away.  You probably will also have a Foley Catheter into your urinary bladder; and an IV with piggy back lines for pain meds, along with compression boots that will help prevent clots in your legs.

    You will probably be sore.  And please remember, the surgeons have had to cut through several layers of muscle, peritoneal sac, and move other organs aside to get to the kidney.  That all has to heal and it takes at least 6 weeks.  Don't attempt too much too soon, although you may feel like you want to.

    The path results will be ready by the time you see your surgeon or oncologist for a follow-up.  They have already indicate there is cancer, but they want to know exactly what kind. And there are a number of types, grades etc. that help indicate the next steps in monitoring you.

    Answers to your questions prior to the surgery are sort of nebulous, as every case is different.

    Good luck and hugs,


  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    edited October 2017 #5

    Everyone is different

    My wife had a full nephrectomy 5 years ago.  They were able to manage her pain pretty well and she was up and about within a few days.  

    She is very healthy so her recovery was very fast.  If I remember she had one3-4 inch incision and two 1/4 inch incisions which are barely noticable today.

    Test results came back in around 2-3 weeks if I remember right.

    Good luck.  You are in our prayers.

    Thank you!!!

    Thank you!!!

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    donna_lee said:

    How do you define a long surgery?

    A partial Lap is a short surgery if all goes right.  Mine was a full total with mets to find and resect-that lasted 11 1/2 hours. And my subsequest surgeries for recurrent mets were each 3-4 hours.

    Drainage tubes are just a part of the package.  You don't even know they are there while they do their job and the brief twinge when they are pulled out soon goes away.  You probably will also have a Foley Catheter into your urinary bladder; and an IV with piggy back lines for pain meds, along with compression boots that will help prevent clots in your legs.

    You will probably be sore.  And please remember, the surgeons have had to cut through several layers of muscle, peritoneal sac, and move other organs aside to get to the kidney.  That all has to heal and it takes at least 6 weeks.  Don't attempt too much too soon, although you may feel like you want to.

    The path results will be ready by the time you see your surgeon or oncologist for a follow-up.  They have already indicate there is cancer, but they want to know exactly what kind. And there are a number of types, grades etc. that help indicate the next steps in monitoring you.

    Answers to your questions prior to the surgery are sort of nebulous, as every case is different.

    Good luck and hugs,


    Thanks for the info!

    Thanks for the info!

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Fun and games



    At 6 weeks I was back to a slow normal At 11 months for my 60th birthday I went water skiing dropping 1 ski at the end.




  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154
    My right kidney partial had 5

    My right kidney partial had 5 incisions.  3 along the right side of my abdomen and one at the these 4 are about an inch or so in length. There is one between 2 or 3 inches just below the breastbone that the tumor was removed from my body through.  My tumor was on the upper pole of the kidney.  My doctor said it was a relatively easy surgery because it was not very deep in the kidney. It lasted about 2 hours.  My first few days were painful but not as painful as I was expecting. I had a TAP block as part of my anesthesia and they say that is why I had less severe pain upon waking. I recommend a recliner ar home for sleeping if you have one.  I didn’t have one. Getting up from the best was difficult. I had an incline wedge pillow but a recliner to assist with sitting up would have made it so much easier.


    I got my path results about a week later but got the actual path report at my 2 week follow up. I went back to work at work 3.5 weeks later but I dont have a physically demanding job. I worked from home 3 weeks. Or the Monday following my Wednesday surgery. 


    5 weeks out today and I am still having some sensitivity around two of my incisions. My doc told me I could start back at the gym two weeks ago but I haven’t yet. I’m still tiring easily and trying to listen to my body better than I used to do. 


    If if I could post a pic here I would show you my abdomen and my tumor. I asked for pics of if because I needed to see that evil mass!

  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154
    edited October 2017 #9
    I did not have a drainage

    I did not have a drainage tube. I had a catheter over night and spent two nights in the hospital 

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    edited October 2017 #10
    Good questions, concerns,

    Good questions, concerns, good responses! Glad you found us!

    i have had 4 abdominal surgerieis, all unrelated.

    Two were laperscopic/robatic with those little (1 inch or less) incisions. My recovery was unremarkable. Maybe I am different, but I could literally push on my abdomen and it didn't hurt. What DOES hurt for a few days is the GAS they use to pump up my abdomen so the surgeon could see inside. It gets trapped, esp around the shoulder. So just expect it and move around by walking, waving your arms in circles. Pain meds really cannot touch it because its trapped.

    I also wore a lumbar wrap that supported my sore, healing abdominal muscles. Your insides are heaing, so remember that even when you start to feel better. 

    Have you ever had a surgery before? You'll have the effects of General anesthesia, then the IV pain pump, where you can push the button for extra dose. You also are under the influence 1st day of VERSED which is used for pain and has amnesiac effects. So let your family know in case you keep asking the same thing over and over. My sister has been with me and has funny stories to tell. You get this drug whenever you have Colonscopy or other procedures. 

    I also placed ICE (natural numbing agent) over incision. i used those packets you use in a cooler, over my underwear. It brings down the edema, and soreness. That way I used less opiates. Wearing that lumbar wrap helped me get UP and out of bed. I even wore it to bed for a few days. Wore it when I took my walks. Makes a huge difference. 

    Keep us informed as to how you are doing and if you have further questions. We're here for you all the way!

    Who will be with you at home after surgery?

    Sending you calm, healing hugs, 


  • Rockspin
    Rockspin Member Posts: 77
    I had laparoscopic total

    I had laparoscopic total removal of my right kidney. I spent one night in the hospital and my surgery was uneventful for which I'm grateful.  I had the pain meds for three days then just Tylenol. I was able to get up the second day and take steps. It has been 3 weeks and I'm walking a mile a day or more. I'm close to being back to normal but don't pick up anything heavy. My pathology report came back stage 1 my tumor was clear cell 3.5 cm. The first week I did not have much of an appetite but drank lots of water and getting off pain meds allowed my body to return to normal faster. Also ice packs help (thanks Jan) with swelling.

  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member
    My experience

    I had a partial on a Friday and was discharged on Saturday late morning.  Catheter and drain tube were pulled (you guessed it--this is not too fun) Saturday morning.  I was sent home with some pretty powerful pain meds, but didn't use them after Sunday.  Tylenol did the trick.  Pain got better every day so did my strength.    I suggest getting up to walk as soon as your able to.  Once you get home, continue to walk then rest, then walk some more.  You look like a healthy lady.  You'll do great! 


  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    I want to thank you all from

    I want to thank you all from my heart!!! I appreciate the well wishes and all the personal info you shared. I have had many surgeries, but always studied everything about them beforehand.  I like to know what to expect. My significant other and son will be with me through all of this so I will be well taken care of!! I also appreciate all of the tips and tricks that helped you all. Once again......Thank you!!!!!!

  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member
    edited October 2017 #14
    Angie1496 said:

    My right kidney partial had 5

    My right kidney partial had 5 incisions.  3 along the right side of my abdomen and one at the these 4 are about an inch or so in length. There is one between 2 or 3 inches just below the breastbone that the tumor was removed from my body through.  My tumor was on the upper pole of the kidney.  My doctor said it was a relatively easy surgery because it was not very deep in the kidney. It lasted about 2 hours.  My first few days were painful but not as painful as I was expecting. I had a TAP block as part of my anesthesia and they say that is why I had less severe pain upon waking. I recommend a recliner ar home for sleeping if you have one.  I didn’t have one. Getting up from the best was difficult. I had an incline wedge pillow but a recliner to assist with sitting up would have made it so much easier.


    I got my path results about a week later but got the actual path report at my 2 week follow up. I went back to work at work 3.5 weeks later but I dont have a physically demanding job. I worked from home 3 weeks. Or the Monday following my Wednesday surgery. 


    5 weeks out today and I am still having some sensitivity around two of my incisions. My doc told me I could start back at the gym two weeks ago but I haven’t yet. I’m still tiring easily and trying to listen to my body better than I used to do. 


    If if I could post a pic here I would show you my abdomen and my tumor. I asked for pics of if because I needed to see that evil mass!

    I would love to have pics too

    I would love to have pics too and see yours!

  • DreamOnDeb
    DreamOnDeb Member Posts: 112
    Hi Annissa,

    Hi Annissa,

    My husband had a full nephrectomy (robotic, laparoscopic) on August 21st, and he was home the next day.  Since his was a "full" nephrectomy, the surgery lasted about 2-1/2 hours.  Yours may last a little longer because you are having a partial.  He didn't have a drainage tube.  He has six laparoscopic incisions, and one larger one below his belly button (about 3 inches) because that's where they pulled the kidney out.  You won't have that larger incision.  The incisions are barely noticeable today.  His pain was well managed with the pain meds, which he was only on for about a week.  He was out of work for one month because he has a strenuous job.  We met with the surgeon one month after his surgery and we got the results then (but the results were on his patient portal sooner than that).  Good luck!  This will all be behind you soon!


  • AnnissaP
    AnnissaP Member Posts: 632 Member

    Hi Annissa,

    Hi Annissa,

    My husband had a full nephrectomy (robotic, laparoscopic) on August 21st, and he was home the next day.  Since his was a "full" nephrectomy, the surgery lasted about 2-1/2 hours.  Yours may last a little longer because you are having a partial.  He didn't have a drainage tube.  He has six laparoscopic incisions, and one larger one below his belly button (about 3 inches) because that's where they pulled the kidney out.  You won't have that larger incision.  The incisions are barely noticeable today.  His pain was well managed with the pain meds, which he was only on for about a week.  He was out of work for one month because he has a strenuous job.  We met with the surgeon one month after his surgery and we got the results then (but the results were on his patient portal sooner than that).  Good luck!  This will all be behind you soon!


    DreamOnDeb, thank you for

    DreamOnDeb, thank you for taking the time to write!!!!! I appreciate the info.

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    I had a partial too.

    Five incisions (I always say I have 5 belly buttons now), the largest was about 3 inches long (where Bob the Blob made his exit), the others much smaller.  My doc used glue & steri-strips for closure so no stitches to remove.  As a sidenote, for some reason he chose NOT to make my incisions all horizontal, or all vertical, haha so they each go their own special direction.  I had one drain.  It's kind of a creepy feeling coming out, wasn't really painful, a little sting.  Typically, whatever you see of the tube hanging out is about equal to what is inside, so it's long.  But it's out in a flash.  Didn't really have a lot of pain post-op, only took pain meds once after I got home.  I was sore and weaker than weak.  My family says the surgery was the better part of the day, but I have no recollection....thank God.  :-)  I went back to work after 2 weeks, as ordered by my doc, wish I'd have pushed harder to stay home another week.  That first week back I only did half days and I was still wiped out!!  I was blessed with great co-workers, and they did the physical parts of my job that I couldn't. I got my pathology results at my first follow-up appt which was at 1-1/2 weeks out.  Overall, wasn't nearly as bad as I had imagined.  Wouldn't want to go thru it again, but it I imagined it to be much more torturous.  The unknown can be really scary.

    Hope this helps.  Great questions!!


  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 516 Member
    edited October 2017 #18
    AnnissaP said:

    I want to thank you all from

    I want to thank you all from my heart!!! I appreciate the well wishes and all the personal info you shared. I have had many surgeries, but always studied everything about them beforehand.  I like to know what to expect. My significant other and son will be with me through all of this so I will be well taken care of!! I also appreciate all of the tips and tricks that helped you all. Once again......Thank you!!!!!!

    I am the same type too,

    I am the same type too, always try to prepare for whatever it might happen. Others have already provide you with a list of things to prep. One more suggestion is to keep yourself as healthy as possible before the surgery, that itself ensures you have a strong body to face the surgery! I was suggested by a friend and was wearing a mask a week before to ensure that I won't catch a cold or flu from my kids. Take care!

  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    My partial was three weeks ago today

    Dont do what I did and SPEND three weeks reading up on every single possible complication known to man and scared myself witless

    in uk so sounds like some things are slightly different

    Attended and passed all the pre assessment tests

    Didnt have to have any  internal cleaning processes  prior.  Just turned up on day with nil by month from midnight 

    Didn’t get a pre med.  was very very  ready for the surgery but I admit I did panic a little when they were giving me the anaesthetic. my eldest son was outside and I was panicking in case he never saw me again


    Surgery went very smooth and no complications  

    i did struggle with pain the first three days   I am overweight and I think that made it harder for movement etc... You sure don’t have that problem  However when I asked pain relief was always quick to come  There WILL be pain but it is easily managed and after 48 hours the worst is over

    I spent six days  in hospital due to a slight chest infection but I am so glad I did because I only have my sons at home and so when I did get home I was up and walking everything was back on track

    i spent days worrying about the catheter and drain but both were removed with no pain at all

    Also spent days worrying about if I had to have a BM would I make it to the toilet in time and in great pain

    in the end it was five days and everything was fine


    by far the worst thing is the sheer exhaustion  The first week you will be fit for nothing and then it gets slowly better


    My surgeon told me six weeks recovery so I hope to be back at work part time around the five week mark

    just don’t lift anything and drink as much as you can.   walk as much as you can and rest as much as you can

    Honestly afterwards you will wonder why you got so worked up

    I will be praying and thinking of you



  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154
    AnnissaP said:

    I would love to have pics too

    I would love to have pics too and see yours!

    I can make it my profile pic

    I can make it my profile pic :)

  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154
    AnnissaP said:

    I want to thank you all from

    I want to thank you all from my heart!!! I appreciate the well wishes and all the personal info you shared. I have had many surgeries, but always studied everything about them beforehand.  I like to know what to expect. My significant other and son will be with me through all of this so I will be well taken care of!! I also appreciate all of the tips and tricks that helped you all. Once again......Thank you!!!!!!

    I also have the need to know

    I also have the need to know everything that is going to happen before it does.  I have had about 9 surgeries in the past but this was by far the most important and scary IMO.  But educating myself eases my mind and by the day surgery came I was almost serene.  I was ready and knew almost step by step what was going to happen.  I was however upset they made me put on ugly socks before surgery.  I had had my toes done the day before because I thought "if I have to be naked in front of God and everyone at least my toes can look good!" :)  I even watched a few video's of the surgery a few days before had.  Those really helped ease my mind.  Although some people thought it was weird for me to do that.  I also opted for a TAP block for the surgery. its like a nerve block.  They said my pain after waking up was much less than it would have been without the block. So ask about that if you talk to the anesthesiologist ahead of time.  Mine came to see me as well as the Doc prior too.  My Doctor looked at me funny when I said please take pics of it for me.