Need Help Again Sorry



  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154



    I know you will feel better to get home.  Have they said when you may get to go home?  I went in today and 3 hours in I was exhausted.  Came home to complete my workday teleworking.  I have teleworked since the monday after surgery.  I hope you are feeling better today!  Have you gotten any path reports or know how much of your kidney was removed? 



  • Rockspin
    Rockspin Member Posts: 77
    I had my total right kidney

    I had my total right kidney removed robotically on the 19th of Sept about 7 days ago. I am finding I'm tired and even walking exhausts me.  I am also having trouble eating and get full on very little in fact if I try to force myself to eat more I get nauseous. I did have weird pains on my left side before the operation but they're gone now.

  • Mary H.
    Mary H. Member Posts: 17
    edited September 2017 #24

    Hi Mary

    Oh thank you


    what size was your tumour?



    I'm trying to remember the

    I'm trying to remember the size of it.  I know they told me at the time.  I remember my husband and I talking about it.  But...since it's gone and hasn't been an issue apparently I put it out of my mind.  I know it wsn't very big.  The surgeon took about 1/4 of my kidney and got the tumor and clear margins.  Thinking about it...what's coming to me is 3-4  centimeters.

  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    edited September 2017 #25

    One hard week later home and feeling quite improved

    Pain and soreness is under control

    No complications  other than small chest infection so just need to rest

    The exhuaustion is real climbing stairs to go to the toilet is not fun (this is Uk)


    Report won't be ready for another three weeks or So but they are not expecting any surprises they said


    Brilliant Surgeon said he only took less than 20% of kidney


    Angie   How you doing

    Optimistic Girl... how is hubby

    The peace and quiet is bliss





  • Optimisticgirl
    Optimisticgirl Member Posts: 82 Member


    One hard week later home and feeling quite improved

    Pain and soreness is under control

    No complications  other than small chest infection so just need to rest

    The exhuaustion is real climbing stairs to go to the toilet is not fun (this is Uk)


    Report won't be ready for another three weeks or So but they are not expecting any surprises they said


    Brilliant Surgeon said he only took less than 20% of kidney


    Angie   How you doing

    Optimistic Girl... how is hubby

    The peace and quiet is bliss





    Thank you for update

    good to be home I bet (minus the treks upstairs).  80% of kidney left, fantastic! Keep moving and soon you will be back to normal physically. Please let us know results of report when in! 

    Hubby keeps trekking along, doing pretty good most days. Walking is his biggest physical output and seems to keep progress rolling. Thank you for asking!

  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154


    One hard week later home and feeling quite improved

    Pain and soreness is under control

    No complications  other than small chest infection so just need to rest

    The exhuaustion is real climbing stairs to go to the toilet is not fun (this is Uk)


    Report won't be ready for another three weeks or So but they are not expecting any surprises they said


    Brilliant Surgeon said he only took less than 20% of kidney


    Angie   How you doing

    Optimistic Girl... how is hubby

    The peace and quiet is bliss





    Glad you are back home! 

    Glad you are back home!  Hopefully each day feels better and better!  I don't know if I could have done stairs when I first got home but then again it is a necessity so... I am so happy they were able to save most of your kidney!  Soon you will be back to normal and waiting for your 6 month scans and a NED report!!

    I have been running fever all week.  Finally broke sometime last night.  I chose not to go into the office today but rather work from home as I have been and will try going in on Monday.  If I come home with fever again I will know I have developed an allergy to that place! :)  Today is the first time I have felt like my old self!  I feel really good and almost normal. I may even try to put on jeans this weekend!  All I have worn since surgery has been dresses or stretchy pants! 

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    Home, home at last

    You made it and now it's rcovery time.  Having just-2 days ago-gone thru the process of being prepped for a biopsy on the back of the right lobe of my lung, the warnings about pain and referred pain seemed to be way out of shape for three little needle biopsies.  That's what an additional swelling or insult inside your body can create.  Sort of like when the LARGE person takes the seat next to you on a plane (or anywhere, for that matter) get the overflow crowding you in the limited space.  You cry ouch on both situations.

    Do take it slow and easy and allow your body to heal.  And that's an order from someone who's been there!!



  • Mary H.
    Mary H. Member Posts: 17
    So glad you're home!

    Now you can rest and recuperate.  I know I felt a lot better with my house around me and the cat cuddling me.  I had a minor set back a couple of days after I got home.  While in the hospital, I ran a minor fever at times, was told that was normal.  When I was discharged, my husband told them I wasn't ready to go home.  He had the feeling something was wrong.  Two days later, fever was back and I started vomiting.  He took me to the ER where they did some tests and a CT scan (concerned about something wrong internally in the surgical area) and found that I had a UTI.  Put on antibiotics, came home.  By the next day, I felt fine and was so hungry I was about to argue with the cat for her bowl of food.  Had no trouble walking around, though I didn't have to deal with a lot of steps.  Since my surgery was during the winter, couldn't go outside to walk around much so walked a lot in the house and garage.  Basically, all I had to do was heal and I managed to do that without a lot of trouble. 


    So...sending you healing prayers and good thoughts.  Continue to feel better and you'll be tackling the world before you know it. 

  • Warrior2017
    Warrior2017 Member Posts: 3
    Rockspin said:

    I had my total right kidney

    I had my total right kidney removed robotically on the 19th of Sept about 7 days ago. I am finding I'm tired and even walking exhausts me.  I am also having trouble eating and get full on very little in fact if I try to force myself to eat more I get nauseous. I did have weird pains on my left side before the operation but they're gone now.

    Sounds very familiar! I had

    Sounds very familiar! I had my left kidney removed 8/22 for stage 1a renal cancer and although my digestive system has improved, I experienced the same thing. I could only eat small amounts and even liquids didn't go down well. At first I had nausea and vomiting because my bowels weren't moving hardly at all.  . My PCP put me on Prilosec (Rx not otc) about 2 wks ago and that was a tremendous help. I had laparoscopic surgery and she said I probably had reflux from all the gas. I  am still, 6wks post op, trying to get my bowel pattern back to normal. My PCP referred me to a gatriointerologist who I saw yesterday. Prior to surgery I had NO bowel problems (I was actually very healthy). Specialist said it's explained IBS due to the stress of the surgery. Body has been through so much stress the brain doesn't tell the gut what to do.  today I'm starting a new Rx Med to help my bowels (believe me I tried EVERY type of laxative) and will follow up in 3 months. 

    As for being tired, ABSOLUTELY! Walk a little then rest. I felt the same exhaustion but do not overdo it or push yourself. You need to walk it slow and steady to build your stamina. I am still very tired-doc says (and I've read a lot) energy can be low 6mos to a year. So even though I'm so much better than i was, it doesn't take much for me to need a nap. REST as much as you can because your body needs it to heal! 

    Im sure you habe a post op appt with your surgeon but call and tell him what's going on. If not resolved, call your PCP. the nausea and small amounts of food isn't "normal". Listen to your body, it's been through a lot but it's sending you a message. That's how I got here-my body sent me a message and I listened!  Good luck and feel better

  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member
    Good and Bad

    Thank you  my girls  Optimistic. Angie Mary and the wonderful Donna

    Two weeks post op and strength is getting better... still have an chest infection which is making things slightly harder but at least I can get through the day without collapsing several times (with exhaustion)


    Bad news I don’t get to see Surgeon and get my results for another month which is six weeks after op

    I understand they will check wounds etc at same time but six weeks seem unacceptable 

    I have rang but I don’t think it will change anything

    Does it change much if they give me bad news Anyway

    Will I save myself four weeks planning the rest of my life 

    Hate Hate Hate this whole thing





  • Wehavenotimeatall
    Wehavenotimeatall Member Posts: 488 Member

    Dont get full pathology untill Nov 6th but wonderful surgeon Just rang to say pathology is 4 .4 ( not sure if that is just the tumour or not) chromophobe mass


    He said more indolent

    Just like to hear experiences and thoughts anyone esp on recurrence 

    Many Thanks


  • stub1969
    stub1969 Member Posts: 987 Member

    Hi, Annie

    I had a partial in August 2016 to remove a mass that was just over 5 cm.  Pathology came back as Chromophobe RCC.  I've had two scans up to this point with another scheduled this December.  So far everything has come back NED.  Good luck!


  • no wishes
    no wishes Member Posts: 2

    hi. as far as ı know kidney is a retroperitoneal organ so armpit lymphnodes may unrelated to kidney. dont listen your body too much and be relax and happy.

  • Angie1496
    Angie1496 Member Posts: 154


    Dont get full pathology untill Nov 6th but wonderful surgeon Just rang to say pathology is 4 .4 ( not sure if that is just the tumour or not) chromophobe mass


    He said more indolent

    Just like to hear experiences and thoughts anyone esp on recurrence 

    Many Thanks


    Its a small tumor... probably

    Its a small tumor... probably considered stage 1 based on the size.  yours is the same size as mine tumor.  Mine was Clear Cell.  While we have read enough to know that RCC isn't like other cancers... we have also read and been told that because we caught ours early we are in the best possible position we can be in considering we are cancer SURVIVORS!  Don't make yourself sick stressing about it.  Move forward and enjoy life!  Keep educating yourself on this disease and stay vigiliant but don't let it rule your life.  I know since August 2,2017 i spent hours upon hours focusing on, worrying about and letting this thing dominate my every thought.  Each passing day has been easier and easier for me to get on with life.  Stress can make you sick and we need to be the healthiest we can be moving forward.  Lets focus on that !!!  Hugs and kisses to you!  Wishing I could give you a big hug!!

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    Kidney tumors grow really

    Kidney tumors grow really slowly so if it wasn't spread in your recent ct scan then there's nothing to worry about for a while. I think the reason of this pain is your anxiety, so try to relax (i know it's easier said than done)