Possible Screening Test for Endometrial Cancer


  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    edited June 2017 #2

    I'm sharing this link with my daughter since there's a possibility that she has Lynch Syndrome like me and she's already being treated for PCOS. Her endocrinologist and gynocolgist are both aware of what's going on with me and are watching her more vigilantly as a result, but you're right, this would be a game changer kind of tool in their arsenal! I sure hope a test like this doesn't take too long to become available. It's an "if only" for us, though. Oh, well.

  • dgrdalton
    dgrdalton Member Posts: 161 Member
    Awesome news! I am concerned

    Awesome news! I am concerned for my daughters. They are probably high risk due to having uterus, ovarian, breast and colon cancer on my side of the family; colon cancer on their Dad's side and PCOS on both sides. This could spare a lot of women the shock of being diagnosed with cancer.

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Thanks for sharing! I just

    Thanks for sharing! I just sent it on to my sister and niece. Lynch in my family - me, my sister, cousins.... ugh!

    Love and Hugs,



  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    That is wonderful news. To

    That is wonderful news. To later for us but could help save others.  My daughter is concerned. Breast cancer from her father"s side of the family and sarcoma  and uterine cancer on my side. She is to young for the brac testing at least that is what the insurance states. She has to wait till she is 40 for ins to pay for it so they say.

    Praying this is a good testing. Trish

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    Love this! Can't wait to see

    Love this! Can't wait to see the results of the trials. So very exciting to see these new developments in the fight against this blasted disease. Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Chris. Hope you are doing well!

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    I can't access most of these

    I can't access most of these links. Is it because I'm using my iPad instead of my laptop?

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Soup52 said:

    I can't access most of these

    I can't access most of these links. Is it because I'm using my iPad instead of my laptop?


    Soup, try copying and pasting the link into your browser.  It doesn't show up in the post as a clickable link.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,531 Member
    Soup52 said:

    I can't access most of these

    I can't access most of these links. Is it because I'm using my iPad instead of my laptop?

    Soup - does this help?

    Soup - does this help?


     Ugh - I just tried it and I think it doesn't want to work...

  • Moped7946
    Moped7946 Member Posts: 40 Member
    Screening for Uterine Cancer

    Would be a great thing...would have been great to have gotten to it a little sooner...maybe couold have basically just a had a hysterectomy and been done with it...maybe?


  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member

    Soup - does this help?

    Soup - does this help?


     Ugh - I just tried it and I think it doesn't want to work...

    No, but thanks for trying:) 

    No, but thanks for trying:) 

  • SandyD
    SandyD Member Posts: 130

    Wish that had been around when I was diagnosed. It will prevent lots of women from having to undergo a painful endometrial biopsy as I did!

    I would also love to see research to identify an alternative tumor marker to CA 125 which for some of us (myself included) does not show changes that can help detect recurrence.

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    SandyD said:


    Wish that had been around when I was diagnosed. It will prevent lots of women from having to undergo a painful endometrial biopsy as I did!

    I would also love to see research to identify an alternative tumor marker to CA 125 which for some of us (myself included) does not show changes that can help detect recurrence.

    Sandy, so glad to see your

    Sandy, so glad to see your post! How are you doing?

    Love and Hugs,


  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Just finally had time to read

    Just finally had time to read this.   I think if the test was that simple more people would do it and find it early.

  • hopeful56
    hopeful56 Member Posts: 73
    just diagnosed

    I just joined this site.  I had a hysteroscopy done two weeks ago.  Has my life change.  The gyn/surgeon called me to tell me the pathlogy report indicates I have papillary/mixed cell cancer and indicating it's in my fall. tubes and ovaries.  My first symptom was spoting in June.  From that I went to my dr, had the pelivic/internal ultrasound, then met with the gyn/surgeon.  She advised the hysterscopy.  

    I have my appt with the surgeon/oncoligst next Tuesday.  Like all of you getting this diagnosis, I have been researching and don't like the statistics.  When I went on this site, and read about the strength, courage and support for living, this has been the first breath of air that I have  felt since that phone call about my pathology report.  

    I had a thyroidectomy over 20 years ago due to cancer.  I know this will be a different fight. I want to live beyond those gruesome statistics out there!  This has given me hope as I begin my journey with this diagnosis.  All you ladies have helped me as I begin my first steps.

    Thank you.


  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    hopeful56 said:

    just diagnosed

    I just joined this site.  I had a hysteroscopy done two weeks ago.  Has my life change.  The gyn/surgeon called me to tell me the pathlogy report indicates I have papillary/mixed cell cancer and indicating it's in my fall. tubes and ovaries.  My first symptom was spoting in June.  From that I went to my dr, had the pelivic/internal ultrasound, then met with the gyn/surgeon.  She advised the hysterscopy.  

    I have my appt with the surgeon/oncoligst next Tuesday.  Like all of you getting this diagnosis, I have been researching and don't like the statistics.  When I went on this site, and read about the strength, courage and support for living, this has been the first breath of air that I have  felt since that phone call about my pathology report.  

    I had a thyroidectomy over 20 years ago due to cancer.  I know this will be a different fight. I want to live beyond those gruesome statistics out there!  This has given me hope as I begin my journey with this diagnosis.  All you ladies have helped me as I begin my first steps.

    Thank you.


    Hopeful56, Welcome to our

    Hopeful56, Welcome to our board. I'm glad you found us and sorry that you needed to. This is a wonderful place to get answers and support. I think we have all gone through the scared to death emotions. Like you, findig the discussion board gave me a sense of living instead of havig no hope. Don't look at the statistics out there. They are outdated. There are many survivors and the progress made to help us is substantial.

    While your life will change, you will get through all of this and come out stronger on the other side. One thing I can recommend right now is to ask for a mild anti-anxiety med to help you get through the initial unknowns. I used Lorazapam for a short time and was really glad to have it.

    I hope you have time to read many of the posts. I think you will find them helpful and informative.

    Please come back and let us know how you are doing.

    Love and Hugs,


  • SandyD
    SandyD Member Posts: 130

    Sandy, so glad to see your

    Sandy, so glad to see your post! How are you doing?

    Love and Hugs,


    Hi Cindi

    Thank you for asking Smile. I'm doing well. Very glad to have completed my last pelvic radiation treatment almost a week ago! It was a long haul but I got through it all! Now I'm just nursing the radiation burns in my pelvic area and hoping I'll soon be able to eat a normal diet (including fruits and vegetables) again without diarrhea or taking immodium to prevent it. Hope all is well with you!