During our road trip back from our 12 week post treatment PET, we got a call.  The scan shows no CANCER.  There is something new in the lung that needs to be followed up on but they repeated several times that it was not cancer.  Plus, we ate out after the scan and he ordered food and actually ate it.  If you have had a difficult time returning to eating you know how huge any step forward with food is.  The words "I am hungry" came out of his mouth.  Truly cannot remember hearing that since January.  He had maintained his weight for one month.  Vitamix has led us to victory with calorie intake.  We had been told a week for results so this is amazing to know today.  Somehow it exhausted me.  I feel totally worn out and emotionally spent.  My husband has a visible residual node so we were very concerned we would have active cancer or equivocal PET results and be facing surgery in the next few weeks.  We know that surveillance is critical in coming months but today is a good day! So to all of you with eating issues, hang in there.  I have seen an improvement this week, finally after only glacier speed improvements before this.  He is starting to have some taste back that is not "this food in all its forms revolts and disgusts me."   Onward and upward to gettting the PEG tube OUT! There were dark days during treatment and after that I did not know if we would see this day.  So if you are in that place, hang on it can be brighter days ahead.  I am going to enjoy today and maybe relax for one of the first times in 2017.  


  • Fritz
    Fritz Member Posts: 106

    Always nice to hear these words!  Congrats and I hope many more positive days are in your future!!


  • Engelsa
    Engelsa Member Posts: 50

    I am so happy for both of you. I hope your relaxation is completely restorative. 

    Great news on ordering food out, too!


  • Chicklette
    Chicklette Member Posts: 225

    That is wonderful news all around!

  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    Wonderful news! Celebrate!

    Wonderful news! Celebrate!

  • rsp
    rsp Member Posts: 103 Member
    edited July 2017 #6

    I got your private message, but didn't realize you actually found out the NED results already!!  WHOOO!  WHOO!!  May you sleep well tonight!  So happy for you both!!!

  • Sprint Car Dude
    Sprint Car Dude Member Posts: 181
    EAT UP

    Congrats on the NED...

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    I'm hungry


    You deserve a break.  Relax and NED out.



  • mskitty137
    mskitty137 Member Posts: 73
    Soooooo happy for ya'll! !! 

    Soooooo happy for ya'll! !! 

  • Andy13460
    Andy13460 Member Posts: 115
    edited July 2017 #10

    Great news

  • mapdan
    mapdan Member Posts: 33 Member
    Very good news!!!

    Now relax and enjoy life again

  • Tilly26
    Tilly26 Member Posts: 30
    I've been waiting to see this!

    Congrats!!!! So happy for you! Thank you for letting us know!!! We go Monday and my head has ached for days and I'm just praying for the same news! ENJOY this feeling right now! You deserve it! Cheers!!

  • RobbT
    RobbT Member Posts: 17 Member
    Great news.

    Congrats. My oncologist is making me wait 16 weeks. Torture. Says it so he doesn't see false positives. 


  • jpmsd
    jpmsd Member Posts: 14

    Great news! I just got to the same place with food as well. Not everything is revolting. Scans next month, hope to have a similar post to yours then!



  • soonermom
    soonermom Member Posts: 155
    edited July 2017 #15
    RobbT said:

    Great news.

    Congrats. My oncologist is making me wait 16 weeks. Torture. Says it so he doesn't see false positives. 



    It is hard to wait.  Honestly we would probably have waited longer but my husband had a concerning residual node after treatment and they were concerned about waiting too long if my husband needed a neck dissection.  We both felt there was a chance the outcome at 12 weeks might be a false positive but weighing it all we decided to go ahead.  Gratefully, the scan showed a good response to treatment.  Hang in there, your day will come.  

  • OKCnative
    OKCnative Member Posts: 326 Member
    So encouraging to hear this

    So encouraging to hear this as I begin my journay down a similar path.....

  • Linda C.
    Linda C. Member Posts: 107 Member
    So happy for you.

    So happy for you.

  • tbret
    tbret Member Posts: 76 Member
    edited July 2017 #18
    Food, glorious food!

    "I am hungry," is a GREAT thing to hear and especially as the patient when you just suddenly hear that unexpectantly in your own voice!!

    Enjoy that and the PET results.  Great news all-around.

  • Joel4
    Joel4 Member Posts: 263 Member
    Great News

    Great news all the way around.  Very happy for you guys!