did anyone have pain in anal area before treatment started

tete1715 Member Posts: 14


  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member

    Mine was a dull ache, like toothache pain. It wasn't very localized and it seemed like my hips, joints, pelvis were achy. I was taking ibuprofen and Tylenol around the clock. Thought I was just getting old. I also had pain in anal canal that I thought was hemorrhoids.

  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    edited May 2017 #3

    I remember having a feeling of fullness in my rectal/anal area, like I didn't get completely emptied out after a bowel movement.  But I don't remember being in pain.

  • Phoebesnow
    Phoebesnow Member Posts: 600 Member

    it was uncomfortable when I sat in the tub, I would sit on one cheeck.  I never felt any pain.  I was a very large stage ll.

  • tete1715
    tete1715 Member Posts: 14


    it was uncomfortable when I sat in the tub, I would sit on one cheeck.  I never felt any pain.  I was a very large stage ll.

    Yes I sit in there on one

    Yes I sit in there on one cheek also I go to get my pet& MRI tomorrow everybody just keep me in your prayers. 

  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member

    Yes will keep you in my prayers. Please keep us posted.

  • sephie
    sephie Member Posts: 650 Member
    edited May 2017 #7
    yes pain

    i had massive pain after i had constipation so i though i had torn my anus by trying so hard and using fleet enama...later  .thought it was due to hemmorrhoid cause i could see sore...went to proctologist for help ....he kept doing DRE;S and said no cancer but not sure what it is.....kept bleeding and hurt really bad.....finally got 2nd opinion after 1 year....colorectal surgeon knew what it was and helped ...then i went to MD Anderson.....8 years ago....sephie

  • Tabbysmom12
    Tabbysmom12 Member Posts: 8
    Not really

    Not so much pain, but discomfort and itching. Sometimes s bit of blood when cleaning. I also was told hemorrhoids when I went to GI. It was colorectal surgeon who properly diagnosed.

    Just finished treatment yesterday!

  • jannie2
    jannie2 Member Posts: 1


    Mine was a dull ache, like toothache pain. It wasn't very localized and it seemed like my hips, joints, pelvis were achy. I was taking ibuprofen and Tylenol around the clock. Thought I was just getting old. I also had pain in anal canal that I thought was hemorrhoids.


    Pain from tumor in anal canal started after colonoscopy on 3/10, getting worse and pain spreading, must be on percocet all the time (severe in the evening from after dinner to before bed), but then I sleep 9 hours, also pain in left groin now ever since needle biopsy!  Changed oncologist caused treatment delay, but now all tests done and starting chemo/radiation on 5/15...

  • Wisteria83
    Wisteria83 Member Posts: 160
    edited May 2017 #10
    Tumor pain

     I had pain.  I also had just had surgery which involved several biopsies from inside and removal of a lesion on the outside and a thrombosed 'roid.  I got path results 10 days later, but at that point post surgery pain had drastically reduced and tumor pain drastically increased.  The tumor pain continued to increase in spite of meds until 3 weeks into radiaton treatment, and that's when it started going away.

  • tete1715
    tete1715 Member Posts: 14
    jannie2 said:


    Pain from tumor in anal canal started after colonoscopy on 3/10, getting worse and pain spreading, must be on percocet all the time (severe in the evening from after dinner to before bed), but then I sleep 9 hours, also pain in left groin now ever since needle biopsy!  Changed oncologist caused treatment delay, but now all tests done and starting chemo/radiation on 5/15...

    Yes mines started after they

    Yes mines started after they put there finger in my butt.

  • tete1715
    tete1715 Member Posts: 14
    All OK thanks 

    All OK thanks 

  • tete1715
    tete1715 Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2017 #13

    Not really

    Not so much pain, but discomfort and itching. Sometimes s bit of blood when cleaning. I also was told hemorrhoids when I went to GI. It was colorectal surgeon who properly diagnosed.

    Just finished treatment yesterday!

    How was your side effects 

    How was your side effects 

  • tete1715
    tete1715 Member Posts: 14
    I have a bad leakage what

    I have a bad leakage what does that mean especially at night. 

  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member

    The anal leakage means your sphincter muscle is not holding enough pressure to keep the feces in. Talk to your doctor about this. It may or not clear up with treatment. Maybe if your tumor is low enough it is keeping your sphincter from working right and as tumor shrinks with treatment it might get better.

  • tete1715
    tete1715 Member Posts: 14
    edited May 2017 #16


    The anal leakage means your sphincter muscle is not holding enough pressure to keep the feces in. Talk to your doctor about this. It may or not clear up with treatment. Maybe if your tumor is low enough it is keeping your sphincter from working right and as tumor shrinks with treatment it might get better.

    Thank you

    Thank you

  • tete1715
    tete1715 Member Posts: 14


    The anal leakage means your sphincter muscle is not holding enough pressure to keep the feces in. Talk to your doctor about this. It may or not clear up with treatment. Maybe if your tumor is low enough it is keeping your sphincter from working right and as tumor shrinks with treatment it might get better.

    What about all this pain im

    What about all this pain im in I haven't even started treatment yet. 

  • Mollymaude
    Mollymaude Member Posts: 431 Member
    edited May 2017 #18

    I had been taking Tylenol and ibuprofen before treatment pretty much around the clock. When I started treatment my doctor didn't want me taking those so he had me take tramadol which didn't work and then changed me to oxycodone. For the first week I felt really drugged and sleepy but it did work for pain. After about a week the oxycodone didn't make me sleepy anymore. Later on I ended up on morphine plus oxycodone. After treatment I tapered off morphine first and then the oxycodone but it took a couple months to get off both completely. Your oncologist is the one to ask for pain meds. 

  • cbviau
    cbviau Member Posts: 22
    edited May 2017 #19
    Terrible Pain

    I'm 3-1/2 years NED from anal cancer.  And, yes, I did suffer with pain.  I remember it was progressive over the three months that led up to my having a rectal exam under anethesia (anoscopy).  My pain was so great, I couldn't sit, stand, or walk through a store to shop.  Aleve did not help the pain, either.




  • Kmessier
    Kmessier Member Posts: 79
    Severe pain

    I had severe pain prior to my diagnosis. Everyone just told me it was my hemerrhoids. I too took Tylenol and Ibuprophen around the clock. I also had pain in my anal canal and feeling like I was swollen internally but I kept being told it was just internal and external hemerrhoids. I was diagnosed after a C-t was don on my pelvis. 


  • shirlann54
    shirlann54 Member Posts: 162 Member
    Pain before diagnosed with anal cancer

    Yes I was starting to have pain I took Tylenol lot and I always felt like I had to go to the bathroom . I was diagnosed first with hemorrhoids. I waited about 5 months went back to a doctor they sent me for a colonoscopy.  They couldn't even do it I was swollen in there and they couldn't even get the tube in me . It took a few tests before they finally found out I had anal cancer.. this October will make 7 years since I was diagnosed with anal cancer then 2014 the same cancer came back but it was in a limp mode close to my kidneys..thank God they was able to get it out with surgery I didn't have to do chemo that time just radiation
