
  • Linda C.
    Linda C. Member Posts: 107 Member
    edited April 2017 #22

    Second Opinion

    You might want to seek a second opinion.  There are many good ENTs out there.

    He referred me to an Oral

    He referred me to an Oral Surgen in order for him to perform another tongue biopsy.  So I guess that would be a second opinion.  I will also be seeing an Infectious Disease doctor and a Rheumatologist due to my blood test results that were elevated for Autoimmune Disease.  After all that I will know where to go next.  Won't be seeing that ENT doctor again. 

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Linda C. said:

    He referred me to an Oral

    He referred me to an Oral Surgen in order for him to perform another tongue biopsy.  So I guess that would be a second opinion.  I will also be seeing an Infectious Disease doctor and a Rheumatologist due to my blood test results that were elevated for Autoimmune Disease.  After all that I will know where to go next.  Won't be seeing that ENT doctor again. 

    be happy


    And you more than likely will not be seeing a cancer oncologist.

    Good for you.


  • Linda C.
    Linda C. Member Posts: 107 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    be happy


    And you more than likely will not be seeing a cancer oncologist.

    Good for you.


    Matt... I believe this tongue

    Matt... I believe this tongue ulcer will turn into a tumor and I will be seeing an Oncologist.  I don't believe I have an Autoimmune Disease.  The ENT doctor said the only thing they can do is to keep doing a biopsy till they find something.  In other words - till it turns to cancer - then I can be referred to an Oncologist.   So while waiting, I will go through with seeing the other doctors they recommended to me.  Meanwhile this thing on my tongue is bothering me more and more even after being on different antibiotics for the last month.  Food gets stuck on it when I swallow.   It is so frightening.

  • Linda C.
    Linda C. Member Posts: 107 Member
    edited April 2017 #25

    April 10, 2017


    Had a dental appointment today.  I have a tooth that is very sensitive to cold and  heat.  They took x-rays and did a cold test on two of my bottom teeth and said one was a dead tooth and the other would eventually be the same.  Suggested two root canals.  Gave me a prescription for antibiotics to take if it starts to become painful prior to the next appointment for the root canal.  I have been on antibiotics on and off for 8 months now.  Just finished the last round a few days ago.


    When I got to the desk to pay for the visit I was told it would be over $2200.  I made the decision to have only the one tooth worked on and paid $1200 and left.  Once home I transferred some funds from my savings to my checking in order to pay for all of this medical care that's really hitting me hard.  My appointment is for May 15th at 1:00pm.


    While at the drive up window at the bank today my phone rang and it was Dr. Beyer.  I was very surprised that he personally called me.  He explained that he was unable to refer me to Dr. Mary Eschete the Infectious Disease doctor, as I had requested, because he does not have a diagnosis to give her.  


    He spoke with Dr. Saal the Oral Surgeon and he advised to have a different kind of biopsy done on my lymph node.  It is called a Core Needle Biopsy which provides significantly more information than the two Fine Needle Aspirations I had done, as it obtains much more tissue for the pathologist to evaluate.  It is to be done at Thibodaux General Hospital in Thibodaux.  I asked for the doctor's name and he said he didn't know yet and that Andrea - the surgery scheduler - would call the hospital to make the appointment and then let me know all information. 


    He spoke again of other options like removal of the lymph node and another biopsy of the tongue but said that he would rather go with a less radical procedure for now.  So after a while, I agreed with him and said I would like to go along with his direction in my care.  I spoke a bit about the discomfort I'm having with the ulcer as food is getting stuck in my throat and I have to drink lots of fluids when I eat.


    I told him how upsetting it was for me lately to try to decide which doctor to see first, the Oral Surgeon, the Rheumatologist, or the Infectious Disease doctor - as well as trying to find someone who would accept my Humana Insurance.  I was so relieved that he was making a decision for me and fought back the tears.  I kind of felt that he had abandoned me when he referred me to so many other doctors at our last visit.


    After this conversation and I had time to think about everything that was said, I think maybe he is starting to think it is what I think it is and is doing what he can to get that biopsy sample to come back positive so I can get to an Oncologist and begin treatment.  Maybe this new procedure will give us more information and we can move on from there.    

  • Linda C.
    Linda C. Member Posts: 107 Member
    edited April 2017 #26

    I have decided to give the ulcer growing on the base of my tongue a name.  If it is gong to live in me for this long (5 months now) I think we can be on a first name basis.  Instead of always referring to it as the growth or the ulcer it now has a name.


    Sarracenia - (pronounced "sara seen ya" named after a carnivorous eating plant found in the south eastern states.  What an appropriate name for a growth that eats away at the flesh of this Cajun lady.


    One day I hope to call it "see ya sarra" as it is eradicated from my tongue and lives in me no more.

  • traceyd1
    traceyd1 Member Posts: 79 Member
    edited April 2017 #27
    Linda C. said:


    I have decided to give the ulcer growing on the base of my tongue a name.  If it is gong to live in me for this long (5 months now) I think we can be on a first name basis.  Instead of always referring to it as the growth or the ulcer it now has a name.


    Sarracenia - (pronounced "sara seen ya" named after a carnivorous eating plant found in the south eastern states.  What an appropriate name for a growth that eats away at the flesh of this Cajun lady.


    One day I hope to call it "see ya sarra" as it is eradicated from my tongue and lives in me no more.

    I haven't been on the boards

    I haven't been on the boards in a week or so due to Holy Week (I cantor at our church).  My husband has an amazing head and neck specialist at Mary Bird.  Her name is Dr. Anna Pou, and my husband and I absolutely adore her.  He is only seeing her every six months now, as his head and neck cancer was 5 years ago.  Good luck with your journey.  Hope you have answers soon!


  • Linda C.
    Linda C. Member Posts: 107 Member
    edited April 2017 #28
    Thank you for your comment.

    Thank you for your comment.  Good to hear from someone local.  I am so ready to go to Mary Bird Perkins but they can not send me until they have a diagnosis.  Meanwhile the disorder, whatever it is, continues to progress.  This is so scary.

  • Linda C.
    Linda C. Member Posts: 107 Member
    edited April 2017 #29

    Went to Thibodaux Regional Medical Center this morning at 6:00am for an 8:00am Core Needle Biopsy - Ultra Sound guided.  My neighbors Evelyn and her husband Robert drove me there.  This is my 3rd node biopsy.

    Was taken in right away and put on a bed in one of the outpatient rooms.  Blood work taken.  Vitals taken and my blood pressure was 225/85.  They took my pressure many times throughout my stay.  At exactly 8:00 I was taken in for the biopsy.  The actual biopsy took about 10 minutes but I was in the room for about an hour.

    Dr. Arthurs was very good at explaining the procedure and answered all my questions.  I watched the monitor and could see what he was doing with the needle.  He showed me how the center of the node was necrotic and filled with fluid.  Said he would be taking the sample from around the edges of the node.  Each time he snipped a sample he looked at it and said it was good.  He took 3 samples and the last one was for cultures.  I told him how concerned I was about the node pressing on the carotid artery and he showed me the carotid and the jugular and he assured me he would stay away from them.

    I asked what the significance of the fluid was and he said that this is something he usually sees with cancer.  I was almost relieved.  That means I can get a diagnosis and finally begin treatment.   I asked what would happen if it came back negative and he said he would suggest removal of the lymph node so it could be chopped up and they would eventually find out what it is.  

    I told him about the referral to the Rheumatologist next week and he said that they would do a whole lot of tests that may not be necessary and to hold off on the appointment till I find out the results of this biopsy.  I was glad to hear that, as I have no symptoms of an autoimmune disease except for a positive ANA test.  That's when he told me that he is also positive for ANA and he has nothing.

    They kept me in a recovery room on a stretcher for about 45 minutes to continue to monitor my high blood pressure and to check for any bleeding.  Then my neighbor Evelyn drove me home.

    Received a call from my family doctor and was told that my Thyroid blood test came back normal.  That's good news.  One less thing to rule out.  Now I just have to wait for the results of the biopsy.  Waiting is so hard.

  • Linda C.
    Linda C. Member Posts: 107 Member

    I was parked in the Walmart parking lot about to pick up a few groceries when my phone rang.  I was expecting a call from my ENT doctor with results of the last biopsy.  

    I knew it all along but it took 3 biopsies to determine it was cancer at the base of my tongue and lymph nodes. Now I can finally be referred to an Oncologist and begin treatment after having the tongue symptoms for 10 months and the swollen lymph node for 4 months - and removal of my left tonsil in between.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Linda C. said:


    I was parked in the Walmart parking lot about to pick up a few groceries when my phone rang.  I was expecting a call from my ENT doctor with results of the last biopsy.  

    I knew it all along but it took 3 biopsies to determine it was cancer at the base of my tongue and lymph nodes. Now I can finally be referred to an Oncologist and begin treatment after having the tongue symptoms for 10 months and the swollen lymph node for 4 months - and removal of my left tonsil in between.


    what do you know


    So you did have a positive biopsy for squamous cell carcinoma.  How awful, I was really hoping you were one of the lucky few that were determined to be cancer free.

    Now you need to prepare for your plan and all the little things we all did to get ready.  You have been getting ready for months, now it is time to kick it in gear.

    Good luck,


  • Linda C.
    Linda C. Member Posts: 107 Member
    CivilMatt said:

    what do you know


    So you did have a positive biopsy for squamous cell carcinoma.  How awful, I was really hoping you were one of the lucky few that were determined to be cancer free.

    Now you need to prepare for your plan and all the little things we all did to get ready.  You have been getting ready for months, now it is time to kick it in gear.

    Good luck,


    Yes, I have been preparing

    Yes, I have been preparing for months.  I've read this site daily and taken notes.  I have a pretty good idea of what to expect from Chemo and Radiation.  Ordered a few books on living through cancer as well as some on meditation and guided imagery.  I have a high degree of anxiety and need some help in controlling it.  I'm waiting for more test results and a referral to the Oncologist.  I'm hoping things will progress quickly now. 

  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    Glad you finally have a diagnosis

    But am so sorry it is cancer and that it took so long.

  • SuzJ
    SuzJ Member Posts: 446 Member
    No matter what

    you read here, or in a book, nothing can prepare you.

    One day at a time, everyones different.

  • lightpulse
    lightpulse Member Posts: 13
    Hi Linda, I'm Tak

    Hi Linda,

    I'm Tak and I have or had SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA, HYPOPHARYNX. What a journey you went through just to get the diagnosis. I guess my diagnosis was easy because the cancer or the growth was visible with the scope on my hypopharynx. And the subsequent biopsy confirmed my diagnosis. My SCCH was diagnosed in Sept. 2016 and I went through about 12 radiation treatments and 2 kemos from Oct. to Dec. of 2016. In April 2016, my oncologist called me to tell me that I'm cancer free now. Hurray right? Well I'm not so sure. Just a few days ago, I woke up with a soft, large lump in my neck just under front of my jaw. Front of my upper neck looks like the one from a 300 lb. man. Although I haven't been able to see any drs. yet, I feel it is inflammation of my lymph node. I'm so scared that remission of my cancer is a hoax. They missed it. I feel like I got a honorable discharge from the army for being a good soldier against SCCH but SCCH signed me up for another tour. Well I finally got an appt. with my primary dr. tomorrow and hopefully get some good info and plan of attack.

    Good luck to you Linda on your treatments and beat this thing.


  • Engelsa
    Engelsa Member Posts: 50
    edited May 2017 #36
    So glad you can get started on the treatment process

    I wish you the very best in your treatment and recovery. Everyone here is extremely helpful. They also possess a significant amount of knowledge and great advice.

    Try to remain calm during the time it takes to actually begin your treatment. This period can be quite challenging.

    My very best to you.


  • Linda C.
    Linda C. Member Posts: 107 Member
    edited May 2017 #37

    Glad you finally have a diagnosis

    But am so sorry it is cancer and that it took so long.

    I knew what it was the moment

    I knew what it was the moment I saw the lump on my neck 4 months ago.  It is a shame that it took so long to finally diagnose it.


  • Linda C.
    Linda C. Member Posts: 107 Member
    SuzJ said:

    No matter what

    you read here, or in a book, nothing can prepare you.

    One day at a time, everyones different.

    I was prepared to hear the

    I was prepared to hear the words when the doctor told me it was cancer.  I was somewhat relieved that now I would finally get treatment.  I cry every now and then but try to stay positive.

  • Linda C.
    Linda C. Member Posts: 107 Member

    Hi Linda, I'm Tak

    Hi Linda,

    I'm Tak and I have or had SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA, HYPOPHARYNX. What a journey you went through just to get the diagnosis. I guess my diagnosis was easy because the cancer or the growth was visible with the scope on my hypopharynx. And the subsequent biopsy confirmed my diagnosis. My SCCH was diagnosed in Sept. 2016 and I went through about 12 radiation treatments and 2 kemos from Oct. to Dec. of 2016. In April 2016, my oncologist called me to tell me that I'm cancer free now. Hurray right? Well I'm not so sure. Just a few days ago, I woke up with a soft, large lump in my neck just under front of my jaw. Front of my upper neck looks like the one from a 300 lb. man. Although I haven't been able to see any drs. yet, I feel it is inflammation of my lymph node. I'm so scared that remission of my cancer is a hoax. They missed it. I feel like I got a honorable discharge from the army for being a good soldier against SCCH but SCCH signed me up for another tour. Well I finally got an appt. with my primary dr. tomorrow and hopefully get some good info and plan of attack.

    Good luck to you Linda on your treatments and beat this thing.


    I sure hope it is just a

    I sure hope it is just a reaction from the treatments and not another cancer.  Please post what the doctor says.  Good luck to you and continued good health.

  • Linda C.
    Linda C. Member Posts: 107 Member
    Engelsa said:

    So glad you can get started on the treatment process

    I wish you the very best in your treatment and recovery. Everyone here is extremely helpful. They also possess a significant amount of knowledge and great advice.

    Try to remain calm during the time it takes to actually begin your treatment. This period can be quite challenging.

    My very best to you.


    I really appreciate this

    I really appreciate this forum.  I've learned alot here.  I try to stay as calm as I can but know I will be anxious during treatment.  Xanax is my friend and helps with the anxiety.  I just want it to be over.

  • Kapital
    Kapital Member Posts: 52 Member
    edited May 2017 #41

    We also had, what I considered, a very long time between noticing a lump on my husbands neck and start of treatment. He first noticed a lump on his neck in Sept of 2014, but didn't start treatment until mid Jan of 2015. It drove me crazy that it took that long to get a diagnosis - stage IV tonsil CA. We were told, after multiple negative biopsies, that he had a branchial cleft cyst and not to worry about it :(  Anyway, I'm here to tell you that he finished treatment 2 years ago and  he has been cancer free since. Waiting to get started seemed like an eternity once he was diagnosed, but ultimately, it has all worked out so far. Good luck