On the morning of February 3rd 2017, after brushing my teeth, I looked up in the mirror and saw a lump on the left side of my neck. Immediately felt that this was serious and not just a swollen gland. Just a gut feeling but very scary.
Naturally, it was the weekend so had to wait till Monday February 6th to made an appointment with my family doctor Scott Haydel. I was seen on that day and treated with a 10 day regimen of Amoxicillin for an infected lymph node coming from somewhere in my throat. I felt that it was not just an infected lymph node but much worse. The antibiotic made me ill and I only took it for 6 days with no improvement in the lump. Went back to Dr. Haydel and he ordered a CAT scan.
On February 9th I had the CAT scan. Nine days later Dr. Haydel called me to inform me of the results. He said that there was a nodule found on my scan and I was referred to an ENT doctor.
On February 22nd I saw Dr. Byer at the ENT clinic. He looked at my throat with an instrument that went through my nose. He saw the ulcer, at the base of my tongue and said it was three quarters of an inch in size. He examined the lump on the outside of my left neck. He explained that he would perform surgery to remove my left tonsil, do a needle biopsy of the lump, and take a biopsy of the ulcer. About 5 months ago I started to feel like there was something stuck in my throat but thought it was due to stress and that it would go away. I don't know how long this ulcer has been growing in my throat but it seems that it took 5 months for it to infect my lymph node.
On February 23rd I saw Dr. Byer again. This time was to go over the paperwork and explain in detail what he was going to do during surgery.
On February 27th I am scheduled to go to Pre Admit at the Gulf Coast Surgical Center. Then on March 6th I am to have the surgery.
Of course I had to Google and read and inform myself of what to expect. Not sure that was a good idea. The testimonials were frightening. The removal of the tonsil will cause much pain and last up to 2 weeks. The good thing about the readings is that tips were given to help with the healing process as well as what I'll be able to swallow during that time.
I ordered a cool mist humidifier online which was recommended to ease the discomfort in the throat which dries out and causes pain. Also read about using Hydrogen Peroxide mouthwash to aid in preventing bleeding. I will be given pain meds but read that Liquid Cherry Tylenol and Benadryl for swelling is also helpful. Maalox or Pepto Bismol also for nausea and upset stomach. All in all, I found the testimonials helpful although depressing. Didn't sleep well last night. My mind is in turmoil. My dad died of throat cancer when he was 69, the age I am now.
Tomorrow I will have the surgery to remove the left tonsil and do biobsy on tongue and lymph node. I'm terrified.
Linda C.
Welcome to the H&N forum, a place where lumps on the neck was the indicator for many of us.
I had stage IVa, scc, bot, 1 lymph node, hpv+ (surgery, rads & Erbitux).
Right now they are trying to diagnosis whether you have confirmed cancer or not, the extent and to develop a treatment plan (whatever that is). While you seemed to have described cancer you did not say if there was a confirmed biopsy and that is the key. We don’t want a person to spend a minute thinking they have cancer if they do not.
You took care of the problem early as you knew and that is a good thing. Many of the H&N cancers are slow growers so you should not worry too much about your timing now. You sound like you are developing a good team and they will help guide you through the decision making process. Take what you read on Dr. Google with a grain of salt. The web can be a scary place for the uninitiated.
Now is the time to get smart because they will ask a lot of you. You might look at the superthread (at the top of page) it is full of info.
Try not to be to scared, we each have traveled your path and there are a lot of people here willing to help you.
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First of all
Take a breath. Slow down.
Your doctor should see that you have the meds you need post-surgery. Use what is prescribed. Later, if you turn to over the counter medication talk with your doctor and nurse.
Come back and let us know what they find but remember: it isn't cancer until they say it is.
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First ditto Civilmatt. I had
First ditto Civilmatt. I had a tonsil removed and lymp node. I had read stories about the pain of tonsil removal in adults and expressed my fear to my surgeon. After surgery i took the liquid pain meds every x hours as prescribed and never experienced pain. However, he did prescribe a strong med for me. Every patient is different but it probably wont be as bad as you are thinking now..
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Why not just a needle biop to learn what you are dealing with??
Oh gee.....Why not just a needle biop to see what it is? If nothing - then remove it carefully not to affect your Q of Life. If cancer - then - before you cut - have radiation. THEN cut out the dead cancer bed. No opportunity to spread live cancer cells all over your throat and deep into areas where your tonsil was just removed. This story is far too familiar to my own. I wish I could do a 'do over'. Will they cut off some of the base of your tongue? You should go to MD Anderson Cancer Clinic, ASAP, if this biopsy proves to be something. (I truly hope it is benign). Pain s/b the least of your concerns right now. The question is: How MUCH of YOU are they going to cut out tomorrow. What about your soft palate? Don't let them touch that! I am very worried for you. IF it proves to be cancer, are they going to cut it out TOMORROW?Will they cut for margins? A surgeon cuts. That's what he does. Huge Q of L issues.
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Lump in my neck and under jaw
Well it started last year in February with what's under my jaw then a month later a lymph node on the backside of the neck. I went to my GP and he checked me told me I had a muscle spasm, said to get a massage so I got 5 deep tissue massages , she found more . So I went back to the docs he ordered me a MRI but he also said this is how it's gonna be "you will have the MRI and nothing will be found and then you will go to a neurologist for a consultation where it will just be that then I will send you to pain management . So I did the MRI but he sent me for a c spine I told him it's soft tissue well anyway I knew the girls at the imaging place and they did 2 studies one for me and one for him. So a week later I go and see him he says everything is normal just like I said so as I'm leaving I ask for the report. He didn't read the soft tissue part pathological enlarged lymph nodes , so I go to my next doctor second opinion he orders 3500 in blood tests checked me for auto immune deaseas HIV Lyme's he order a test for luekima and lymphoma but LabCorp messed it up . So I came back after the tests he said you are negative on all tests but you did have a positive reading for Epstein Barr virus I never knew I've had mono but I don't go to the doctor much untill recently so surprisingly he orders a PET not a biopsy so I have the PET and here in Florida you can get a copy on a disc right afterwards so I go home pop it in and look I find a golden ball in my neck I didn't know what it was but on the CT side of it it's black and the PET CT it's gold this was Thursday last week March second 2017 so I'm freaking out but not really I come to terms for the most if it is something bad. So the doc calls me Saturday night I thought that was weird but he sends my the report it says I don't have a enlarged lymph node I said I can feel it and he has to the report said I have a 5.9 max SUV in the tonsil fossa I was like what that. He talked about Squamis cell carcinoma and how rare it is but he said with my risk factors I should see a ENT for a biopsy. So no those risk factors Epstein Barr is one the other I smoke and drink but I also work with herbicides and insecticides and pesticides for 20 years I'm 42 I've lost 42 pounds in four months, night sweats , fever for no reason no appetite my girl makes me eat small portions I was 286 4 months ago I'm now 244 at first the only symptoms were the lumps the here recently everything else has started I think it's cancer I don't know for sure but things are not right so to see the ENT tomorrow let's get it done so I know please
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Orock, you will get a betterOrock1059 said:Lump in my neck and under jaw
Well it started last year in February with what's under my jaw then a month later a lymph node on the backside of the neck. I went to my GP and he checked me told me I had a muscle spasm, said to get a massage so I got 5 deep tissue massages , she found more . So I went back to the docs he ordered me a MRI but he also said this is how it's gonna be "you will have the MRI and nothing will be found and then you will go to a neurologist for a consultation where it will just be that then I will send you to pain management . So I did the MRI but he sent me for a c spine I told him it's soft tissue well anyway I knew the girls at the imaging place and they did 2 studies one for me and one for him. So a week later I go and see him he says everything is normal just like I said so as I'm leaving I ask for the report. He didn't read the soft tissue part pathological enlarged lymph nodes , so I go to my next doctor second opinion he orders 3500 in blood tests checked me for auto immune deaseas HIV Lyme's he order a test for luekima and lymphoma but LabCorp messed it up . So I came back after the tests he said you are negative on all tests but you did have a positive reading for Epstein Barr virus I never knew I've had mono but I don't go to the doctor much untill recently so surprisingly he orders a PET not a biopsy so I have the PET and here in Florida you can get a copy on a disc right afterwards so I go home pop it in and look I find a golden ball in my neck I didn't know what it was but on the CT side of it it's black and the PET CT it's gold this was Thursday last week March second 2017 so I'm freaking out but not really I come to terms for the most if it is something bad. So the doc calls me Saturday night I thought that was weird but he sends my the report it says I don't have a enlarged lymph node I said I can feel it and he has to the report said I have a 5.9 max SUV in the tonsil fossa I was like what that. He talked about Squamis cell carcinoma and how rare it is but he said with my risk factors I should see a ENT for a biopsy. So no those risk factors Epstein Barr is one the other I smoke and drink but I also work with herbicides and insecticides and pesticides for 20 years I'm 42 I've lost 42 pounds in four months, night sweats , fever for no reason no appetite my girl makes me eat small portions I was 286 4 months ago I'm now 244 at first the only symptoms were the lumps the here recently everything else has started I think it's cancer I don't know for sure but things are not right so to see the ENT tomorrow let's get it done so I know please
Orock, you will get a better response if you start a new thread for your issue. If you do this, give an update including the ENT visit tomorrow.
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Not a good day yesterday. Started running a fever of 101 and felt really awful. Called the doctor's office and made appointment for the afternoon at 3:00pm. He gave me some meds for infection and my friend Evelyn went to the pharmacy to get it filled. I have not had any fever since taking the meds but my ear still hurts pretty bad. The only thing that helps is double doses of the Hydrocodone. However, if I keep taking double doses I will run out soon and the doctor hesitated to give me a refill when I asked. Instead he wants to see me again in on Saturday at 9:00am.
Been having trouble with bladder control since the surgery. It first happened in the surgery clinic. Then last night I urinated all over my bed and on the floor as I tried to get to the bathroom. I have lost control of my bladder. I'm now wearing a diaper I made of doggie potty pads that I had on hand and also put one on my bed. I took a Xanax last night in order to sleep so doing that may have relaxed me and added to my bladder problem. I had not slept since Sunday night and 2 nights without sleep was taking its toll on my emotional well being. Starting having heart palpitations. The Xanax always helps with the mitral valve problem I have.
Today I cut the dose of pain meds back down due to fear of not getting any further refills from my doctor. Sad situation when druggies on the street can get drugs like this but patients who really need it have a hard time convincing their doctor of this fact.
Just took a half a Xanax in order to get a little bit of sleep tonight. I'm so tired. I cried for the first time today. Just so tired of all the pain.
My neighbor Evelyn made me a delicious broth today. I ate some spoonfuls with my mashed potatoes. That's the only thing I feel like eating. I do also enjoy cold Tapioca pudding cups.
My doctor told me that the results of my biopsy were inconclusive and that he was going to run some more blood tests on me as soon as I was healed from the recent surgery.
I came home and Googled inconclusive biopsy tests and it does not mean that there is no cancer. It probably just means that there was not a large enough biopsy taken. I will be asking a lot of questions tomorrow.
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My friend Evelyn drove me to my clinic appointment today at 9:00am. I was given some antibiotic meds to help with the infection and am to continue to take the cortisone for inflammation. I asked the doctor if he had taken a large amount of fluid from the lymph node as it is now half the size as it was prior to surgery. He explained that he only took a very small amount of tissue from the node as well as from the ulcer on my tongue. He thinks that the cortisone is reducing the node. The biopsy report results were "inconclusive" and I questioned him about that and he said it meant that it is not cancer. How can he be so sure? I don't have any symptoms of Autoimmune Disease but have all the symptoms of SCC with spreading to lymph node.
I again asked him what he saw when he was down my throat with the light and he said that it looked like an ulcer. I asked if it was a tumor and he said no it was not. I asked if there would be any further reports of the biopsies and he said no. He wants to do some more blood work that might show signs of an autoimmune disease syndrome. He gave me a few examples like Lupus, and Rheumatoid Arthritis but explained that there were many other things it could be. Not knowing is just awful.
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Well, yes
Maybe you want a second opinion. Someone needs to be able to tell you conclusively what is going on.
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I tend to agree that I need aNoellesmom said:Well, yes
Maybe you want a second opinion. Someone needs to be able to tell you conclusively what is going on.
I tend to agree that I need a second opinion. I'll agree to the blood work he wants to do on Wednesday and if and when I get the results that show no Autoimmune Disease present I will make arrangements for a second opinion. Although I would prefer for it not to be cancer, I feel that he is putting too much stock on the "inconclusive" findings on such small samples.
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My neighbor Evelyn took me to another doctor's appointment today at 1:00pm. I asked a lot of questions and got some more specific answers which were still not verified by test results. My removed left tonsil did not have any cancer cells in it. That was great to hear from him. However, he apologized for not having any definite results from biopsies. Just when I was going to ask for another biopsy he suggested it. I was so pleased.
He is still curious about a possible Autoimmune Disease lurking somewhere and will want to eventually run blood tests when I'm healed from this tonsilectomy. I spent some time explaining to him everything I went through with the dentist starting back in July 2016. He showed some interest in that info. I also signed permission for him to obtain blood work results from my Family doctor Haydel.
Wants to see me in a week at which time we will decide the next course of action. He made me real happy and relieved when he suggested another needle biopsy of the left lymph node. I will be awake for this one. It has shrunk a great deal but could balloon out again when I finish the steroid meds in two days. If it is a tumor it is on the base of my tongue and in my lymph node and not in my tonsil. The next biopsy should show something more than the first one. My gut still tells me it is Squamous Cell Carcinoma, just like Dad had.
Radiation, Chemo, and possible surgery to come.
I'm feeling stronger and eating more. My ear does not hurt as bad and am taking less pain meds. I should be a lot stronger when I see him again next week. My throat is slow in healing and it looks like another couple of weeks before the scabs sluff off.
Evelyn went to the grocery store for me and I now have more broth and potatoes and pudding cups. That's what I've been living on for the last 10 days. She also went to the Chinese place to get me some Won Ton Soup. That was so good.
Can't thank her enough. Sent her a gift basket. She was surprised and loves it.
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Yesterday was a mix of good and bad. I slept only 2 hours the night before and just didn't know why. I was feeling weak and once I looked into my throat realized why. I now had white sores all over my mouth and on my tongue. Too much steroids. Called the doctor and asked to discontinue but he insisted I continue and sent in an order for some medication for oral thrush at my pharmacy. It's only one pill and should take care of the problem. I only have two more days of antibiotics left to take. I started gargling more with baking soda and salt and this morning the sores are almost all gone. The surgery site still is covered in white but is a lot less so I guess I'm sloughing off the scabs.
Last night I took a whole Xanax and slept all night with of course many visits to the bathroom to pee. Feeling better today. My strength is coming back. I also started eating more than just mashed potatoes and broth. I cooked some rice and gravy with smothered pork chops that I cut into tiny pieces. That tasted soooo good. I was so hungry. I don't think I was getting enough protein. My fault.
I needed more supplies from the store but didn't want to bother my neighbor Evelyn who isn't feeling well, so decided to drive myself. I was feeling weak and shaky but I made it. Then later in the day I had to return to pick up the meds my doctor had called in for the oral thrush. I'm confident that I will be able to drive myself to my next doctor's appointment on the 22nd.
And to top everything off... I cut my grass in my back yard. It was taller than my little Shih Tzus so I had to do it. It was rough as I had to stop and start many times as I was out of breath but I did it.
My friend Pat came by to visit and gave me a nice back rub. He only stayed for a short while but I was glad he came by. My neighbor Carolyn and her dog Prince also stopped by for a visit and we walked out dogs outside for a while.
So that was my day. Day 12.
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Yes, you need protein. After a few weeks I was able to lightly cook some scrambled eggs with a good amount of butter so it would just slide down my throat, which it did. Lunch was Chicken Extra Noodle or with rice and I added more cooked rice to ease my hunger pains. If you get enough liquids the swelling will be less and it'll be easier to get food down. Painful, yes, but at least I was eating.
Sounds like you're on the right track and progressing as planned. Time heals all. Maybe not completely but good enough for me.
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My neighbor Evelyn took me to
I started a blog in order to keep things documented and to help me remember. Here is the link:
My neighbor Evelyn took me to my hospital appointment at TGMC's Radiology Department. It was good to have someone to talk to while waiting. I really appreciate her offering to help. It means a lot to me.
I paid my copayment of $224.44 which consisted of a discount due to paying on the day of procedure. That was nice. And within minutes I was called in for the biopsy.
I was so anxious about this procedure but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The 3 technicians in the Radiology Department were the greatest. They talked to me the whole time telling me exactly what to expect. The Radiologist Dr. Prejean was very easy on the eyes and very comforting as he informed me of every step of the procedure as he was doing it. The Lidocain deadened the area and I only felt the biopsy needle once.
I looked at the monitor the whole time and saw the lump in the lymph node and also the needle as it took the many specimens. They took a break and let the workers make the slides and determine if they were good to go without doing another round of needle picks. Luckily they were good and the procedure was complete. It was only a matter of minutes - maybe less than 15 - that the needle was used. The rest of the time (less than an hour) was prior to that when the Ultra Sound Tech Julie took many images of my neck and then waiting to see if the slides were sufficient.
I was pretty calm throughout and felt great relief when it was over. I should have the results at my next ENT doctor's appointment in two days.
Fear of the unknown is a terrible thing. I woke this morning at 4:30am and my hands were shaking. I didn't want to take any Xanax as I was told to wait till noon to take the pill. So I tried to eat but had no appetite. I checked my blood sugar and it was 97. It is never that low on fasting and I had the shakes pretty bad so I ate some bread and had some hot chocolate. Later I had scrambled eggs and toast. Checked my blood sugar again and it was normal.
At noon I took a .5mg of Xanax which did help a great deal. Now that I have been through it I would not be as anxious if I had to go through it again.
I have much confidence that these results will put my mind at ease as to exactly what is wrong with me. I just wish it would have been done the first time. Looking forward to treatment - no matter what kind - as long as I get things taken care of. The growth on my tongue seems to be growing as I have a little bit more trouble swallowing food, like meat for instance.
Going to take a nap now.
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I am so sorry you've had to
I am so sorry you've had to go through all this! Are you in South Louisiana? I saw Haydel and Prejean in your posts! We are in Baton Rouge and had excellent care at Mary Bird Perkins for my husband's cancer treatment. Hopefully you won't need it! Good Luck
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Yes, I am in Houma, howevertraceyd1 said:I am so sorry you've had to
I am so sorry you've had to go through all this! Are you in South Louisiana? I saw Haydel and Prejean in your posts! We are in Baton Rouge and had excellent care at Mary Bird Perkins for my husband's cancer treatment. Hopefully you won't need it! Good Luck
Yes, I am in Houma, however my son lives in Baton Rouge. I had planned on going for treatment at our local Mary Bird Perkins Hospital. I may still wind up there. Wishing you and your husband success with the treatment.
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Biopsy and culture
So when they did the biopsy did they not culture to see what is growing?
Makes me think staph and strep and all kinds of other things.
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Dr. Beyer asked about the
Dr. Beyer asked about the biopsy procedure and if I was still taking the Bactrim. I told him I had 5 pills left to take. He explained that the antibiotic should be healing the ulcer. However, there is no change and it is bothering me more and more.
I was anxious to know the results of the needle biopsy so we got to that next, I was emotionally prepared for the worst because that would at least answer my questions about what is wrong with me. I should have been elated when the ENT doctor informed me that the biopsy showed no cancer but only infection. However, I felt more confused and deflated.
What are we going to do about the ulcer on my tongue? I asked if I could be sent to an Oncologist and he said they would not accept the referral without a diagnosis. I asked about another biopsy of my tongue and that's when he said he would refer me elsewhere.
Dr. Beyer first suggested sending me to a Head and Neck specialist in New Orleans at Ochsner Hospital. I asked if there were someone locally that I could see first. So now I'm am being sent to an Oral Surgen (Dr. Chris Saal) and a Rheumatologist (Dr. Luis Espinoza) here in Houma. (I later called my ENT and requested he refer me to a local Infectious Disease doctor at Chabert Medical Center - Dr. Mary Eschete.)
I asked a lot of questions and we talked for a good while. He said he had consulted with his colleague Dr. Simon who had similar cases and the only thing he could suggest is to keep doing a biopsy till something shows up. He said he would also consult with Dr. Saal. No further appointment was made with Dr. Beyer's ENT office. On my way out I asked that he send my family doctor Scott Haydel my records. I paid my $50 copayment and left. They will be calling me with appointment times for these other doctors in a few days. I checked the internet and Dr. Saal does accept my Humana insurance as well as does Dr. Eschete. That's a relief.
I have no words to express how I feel at this moment - except maybe confused and scared.
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My ENT did not inform me ofNoellesmom said:Biopsy and culture
So when they did the biopsy did they not culture to see what is growing?
Makes me think staph and strep and all kinds of other things.
My ENT did not inform me of any findings such as staph or strep. The biopsy on my tongue was inconclusive. Since the growth on the base of my tongue is an ulcer and not a tumor, the ENT doctor claims I have no cancer. However, one of his opinions for treatment is to continue to perform the tongue biopsy until it comes back positive for cancer. This is outragious. In my opinion it will eventually become cancerous. As of today my lymph node is as large as a walnut and I've been on antibiotics for over a month.
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Second OpinionLinda C. said:My ENT did not inform me of
My ENT did not inform me of any findings such as staph or strep. The biopsy on my tongue was inconclusive. Since the growth on the base of my tongue is an ulcer and not a tumor, the ENT doctor claims I have no cancer. However, one of his opinions for treatment is to continue to perform the tongue biopsy until it comes back positive for cancer. This is outragious. In my opinion it will eventually become cancerous. As of today my lymph node is as large as a walnut and I've been on antibiotics for over a month.
You might want to seek a second opinion. There are many good ENTs out there.
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