How long have you survived



  • pascotty
    pascotty Member Posts: 174 Member
    edited March 2017 #282
    Still here

    Hello everyone, I don't post much these days, but just wanted to say hi and I'm still alive and well, 7 and half years since dx, so pretty happy with that.  Good to see some old face.  Onwards and upwards

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Here today


    Moseying past the 5 year mark.  Just ate some Fritos, life is good, but much different.


  • Constant_Pain96
    Constant_Pain96 Member Posts: 7
    edited April 2017 #284

    I had my RND surgery for stage 2 tongue cancer, chemo & radiotherapy 1996. I was 25, fit, vegetarian non-smoker.

  • Em11
    Em11 Member Posts: 15 Member
    Em11 said:

    My husband is two years post

    My husband is two years post treatment now.  Two and a half years post diagnosis.  He was stage 4 throat and base of tongue cancer.  He's still skinny as heck, low immune system, fatigues easily, has thick foamy saliva, has to take a water bottle everywhere, struggles a bit when eating, but he does eat.  He eats steak, hamburgers, fish, pasta, pretty much whatever he wants.  But that didn't come until at least a year post treatment.  It might take him two hours to eat a meal, but he eats it and enjoys it.  We take trips now and go to a lot of concerts and theater. It's best to sit on the end of row seats, in case he has a coughing episode and needs to step outside without disturbing the rest of the audience.  And we have found it best to stay in hotels that have room service, because then he can order in and eat in the room if he's not feeling up to going out.  But we just went to New Orleans recently and he did eat in several restaurants.  It was great to see him chowing down on some beignets at breakfast and crawfish gumbo at lunch.  He even indulges in a glass of wine a few nights a week, which with him being somewhat of a connoisseur prior to diagnosis, he was miserable thinking he'd never be able to do that again.  But we're living.  Living well, even.  Life is going on!

    nearly 7 years post treatment and still going strong

    My husband is still L-I-V-I-N!

  • smccranie
    smccranie Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2018 #286
    God is Good

    2 years 3 months for me. Stage IV, 4 cm tumer on my left tonsil and growing into my jaw muscle. I had 35 rounds of radiation and 3 of chemo. I am doing well except for dysphagia, but working on dilation of the esphagash (2 times so far). Still some loss of taste buds. 

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,508 Member
    Diagnosed Late November 2012-

    With Throat cancer. By the Grace of God still here. Received 2 weeks in the hospital 24 hours a day chemo Cisplatin, Taxotere, and 5 Fluorouracil with several week spaces in between to let my blood count and me recover for the next one. Then had 35 radiation treatments with chemo beginning of it middle and at the end. I was one month shy of my 5-year mark since finishing treatments for my original cancer and got a sore spot on the bottom of the left side of the tongue. Biopsy confirmed cancer. Surgery to remove on June 26, 2018, and ENT Doc has gotten clear margins. Healed up well and quickly everything good again. Life is good and I have adapted to a new normal which includes the stuff we cancer survivors deal with such as dry mouth, neuropathy in the hands and feet, some tinnitus and some other odds and ends but feeling well.

  • alenoard
    alenoard Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2020 #288
    9 years

    Stage 4 bilateral tonsilar cancer, spread to base of tongue and 2 lymph nodes. Tonsillectomy followed by 8 rounds of cisplatin and 35 rads. If you're just starting this journey, stay positive, laugh a lot, accept help, and have faith that you will get through this. God bless!

  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    edited December 2020 #289
    Coming up on 12 years

    Diagnosed in February of 2009.  Have paid a price for survival, but well worth it.  My heart goes out to all of those and their loved ones who can't say the same thing.

  • ERomanO
    ERomanO Member Posts: 323 Member
    edited December 2020 #290
    2 1/2 years

    I feel like a newcomer compared to many.  Here's to many more years of NED!

  • wbcgaruss
    wbcgaruss Member Posts: 2,508 Member
    edited December 2020 #291
    I Am Still Surthriving

    I was diagnosed with throat cancer in late November of 2012. Went through treatment starting in 2013 so it is about 7 years. Also had 2 cancer episodes since then a small spot on my tongue removed with clear margins and lymph node cancer last year. Celebrating with the ones that are still here and mourning the ones with their families who have passed-Take Care-God Bless all-Russ

  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member
    edited December 2020 #292

    11 years and a couple weeks short of 10 months- since last day of Rads. Diagnosed in November of 2008, but knew something was wrong in the early-summer of 2008 when I started losing weight.

  • wild willy
    wild willy Member Posts: 63 Member
    edited January 2021 #293

    11 years so far

  • wmolivertx
    wmolivertx Member Posts: 16 Member
    edited January 2021 #294
    Survival time

    21 years two months from Stage 4 SCC on left tonsil.

  • Adjusterman
    Adjusterman Member Posts: 1
    edited February 2021 #295
    Survival Time- One Day!

    I was first diagnosed with SCC (Nov '19) most likely from the left palintine tonsil. Original tumor never found. Literally almost 100 lymph nodes removed on the left side of my neck (Dec '19) They ultimately removed the left sternocleidomastoid muscle because it had so much tumor burden. Surgeon took other lymph nodes from behind the left ear to along the has to down the net to along the top of left shoulder. There was also one fat encapsulated tumor on top of left shoulder. After surgery the doctor told me that I had "many" cancerous lymph nodes across the top of my left chest muscle and all down into my armpit (Axillary). That he couldn't remove due to lymphadenopathy. Thanks!  Literally the day I was scheduled to begin radiation therapy, that doctor instead sent me to a oncological hematologist to get my cancers DNA sequenced. As a result my radiation was cancelled and instead got immunotherapy with Keytruda (Feb '20) as a monotheraphy. After two infusions, I had a Pet-ct... ALL evidence of disease was gone and obviously no signs of metastatic disease either. I've done a total not 19 infusions over a year and had a second Pet-ct that was also clean. Yesterday Feb '21 was my last infusion. Now I'm on monitoring blood work every 3 months and new Pet- t scans every 6 months. I feel lucky I had a easier treatment course than the traditional chemo an radiation but the side effects to immunotherapy were pretty tough too. Now I'm just absolutely FREAKING out. I just wait?? I'm a fixer, a fighter...I need something to do, even if it's suffering from side effects. Waiting is horrible and so damn terrifying. I'll let you know how it goes.



  • Kenny-
    Kenny- Member Posts: 99 Member
    edited February 2021 #296
    5 years

    I finally hit my 5 year mark. The forum has been a source of encouragement and my strength throughout the years. Wishing all for many more years of NED. 

  • greentea55
    greentea55 Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited February 2021 #297
    abbimom said:

    still here
    I am 10 years post treatment. I had squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue and it metastisized to the lymphnodes in my neck.


    was yours HPV positive? new here and don't know where to post to ask who had base tongue squamous cell carcinoma that was HPV NEGATIVE, I am HPV negative and don't read a lot on it except not good

  • greentea55
    greentea55 Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited February 2021 #298
    anyone here that is not HPV surviving base tongue cancer?

    Is there anyone on forum that has gone through later stage base tongue cancer who did not have HPV positive? just staring my journey

  • Wildman
    Wildman Member Posts: 18
    finished treatments in December

    Finished treatments for cancer on the lingual tonsil a a few lymph node (30 radiation and 6 chemo treatments) in December and go for first pet scan March 20th wish me the best but Im feeling stronger each day now and not ready to give up other than my love for food is no longer there and the appetite is poor after treatment.

    Good luck everyone

  • Optimist2170
    Optimist2170 Member Posts: 1
    edited April 2021 #300
    pascotty said:

    Now that's exciting awesome and totally encouraging. Thank you for posting xxxx

    Right tonsil cancer

    Hi pascotty, just diagnosed with right tonsil cancer T1N0M0 Can't de surgically removed because surgeon said it is seated on a vascularity that make it impossible and told me radiation will be the only treatment and all three doctors at same room Surgeon"Chief of Head & Neck Division" an Oncologist and a Radiation Dr. said they strongly think radiation only will get rid of the relatively sm tumor that hasn't spread TH.  I would lIke to know how are you doing after all these years from 2010. Would appreciate your comments. Thank you

  • JGE
    JGE Member Posts: 51
    edited June 2021 #301
    12 1/2 years

    Diagnosed fall 2008 at 40 yoa after persistent swollen neck node. 

    Early November 35 Rads + weekly Chemo 7 weeks

    Back to work January 5, 2009

    Zero long or late stage side effects but for manageable dry mouth.

    For the vast majority, there is a "normal" life after the hell you are going through!

