Tongue & Throat Cancer



  • molinaar
    molinaar Member Posts: 2
    Rackem said:

    Hello, my name is Rick and I am a 10 year tongue cancer survivor. Total glasectomy (removal of the tongue), bi-laterial neck disection plus all the other procedures and treatments that go with that. Getting the necessary calories and protiens are extremely important so I will share what I eat daily. 3 cans of Boost or Ensure,you can use the Plus versions of Boost or Ensure if you need the extra cals. or protien, 4-6 tlbs. of Peanut butter witch does make it thick but I thin that out with Soy Milk then I blend that with an immersion blender as I cannot have any solids at all. I have found that dairy products caused my mucis to become very thick, so I stoped useing milk and Ice Cream in my mixture.This makes about 1 1/2 quarts of food for me. PB was first invented to help elderly paitents to get all the calories and protiens they needed.I am now in very good health and haven't had the need of Drs. for 4 years now. I hope this will help and Thanks for listening. I have been through the worst case scenario for tongue cancer so if my experiances can help anyone just ask.


    hello a question
    I am going through the same thing half my tongue was removed and replaced with my skin....well wat i want to ask is how long did it take for you to recover this and another question has yr tongue after surgery ever tried to split or move aapart i am a lil worried about this issue is this normal????

  • molinaar
    molinaar Member Posts: 2
    Rackem said:

    Hello, my name is Rick and I am a 10 year tongue cancer survivor. Total glasectomy (removal of the tongue), bi-laterial neck disection plus all the other procedures and treatments that go with that. Getting the necessary calories and protiens are extremely important so I will share what I eat daily. 3 cans of Boost or Ensure,you can use the Plus versions of Boost or Ensure if you need the extra cals. or protien, 4-6 tlbs. of Peanut butter witch does make it thick but I thin that out with Soy Milk then I blend that with an immersion blender as I cannot have any solids at all. I have found that dairy products caused my mucis to become very thick, so I stoped useing milk and Ice Cream in my mixture.This makes about 1 1/2 quarts of food for me. PB was first invented to help elderly paitents to get all the calories and protiens they needed.I am now in very good health and haven't had the need of Drs. for 4 years now. I hope this will help and Thanks for listening. I have been through the worst case scenario for tongue cancer so if my experiances can help anyone just ask.


    hello a question
    I am going through the same thing half my tongue was removed and replaced with my skin....well wat i want to ask is how long did it take for you to recover this and another question has yr tongue after surgery ever tried to split or move aapart i am a lil worried about this issue is this normal????

  • 05ponyboy
    05ponyboy Member Posts: 1
    stage four throat cancer survivor...
    hi...i had 9 weeks week in hospital( x3) and two week break between>>eat as much as you can between.. had cisplatin.texatarin and f5u(somtin like that) three chemo drugs...they have to make it for u each time you get it so lots they take blood from each time....chemo wasnt bad for me...the two weeks in between help tons....the radation was the worst for me...35 doses...u'll have a mask to wear..this is to keep ur head and neck perfectly still...i had port put in for my chemo drugs...didnt do the feeding tube..glad i didnt...thats way i say eat as much as you can pack on the pounds!!!! scariest part part is when the radaiogist came to put the dye in for one of my scans...cant remeber if it was a pet or a cat...anyways...the dye was in a sheilded know sheilded for radiation..the radiation was worse for me...35 doses...not bad in the beginning...towards the middle till b'bout two weeks out was the worse...nose constantly running...throat was like having the worst case of sore throat...just remeber to keep eating as much as you can....beleive me u'll be glad...I lost a bunch of weight towards the end...they were thinkin they might have to put the feeding tube in...but i did manage....the only work i messed was the hospital stays and i have to burn my vacation time for that....but other than that i didnt miss any work...and i work in a a forklift...i have noticed some side affects....loss some sensativity in my fingertips and my toes....i live in minnesota and the winters here are very cold...have to continually rub my fingertips and i wear wool sox to bed far as eating..i cant taste food like i did grandmother mkaes the most wonderful cinnamon rolls and now they dont taste the makes her sad....she keeps asking me about my taste buds....this desease is terrible...but you know...your friends and family will be there for yoou the whole way...and u'll make new friends along the way...and the medical staff is incredible aleast mine was...wish you the best....and keep me informed....u'll beat this.....
  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    05ponyboy said:

    stage four throat cancer survivor...
    hi...i had 9 weeks week in hospital( x3) and two week break between>>eat as much as you can between.. had cisplatin.texatarin and f5u(somtin like that) three chemo drugs...they have to make it for u each time you get it so lots they take blood from each time....chemo wasnt bad for me...the two weeks in between help tons....the radation was the worst for me...35 doses...u'll have a mask to wear..this is to keep ur head and neck perfectly still...i had port put in for my chemo drugs...didnt do the feeding tube..glad i didnt...thats way i say eat as much as you can pack on the pounds!!!! scariest part part is when the radaiogist came to put the dye in for one of my scans...cant remeber if it was a pet or a cat...anyways...the dye was in a sheilded know sheilded for radiation..the radiation was worse for me...35 doses...not bad in the beginning...towards the middle till b'bout two weeks out was the worse...nose constantly running...throat was like having the worst case of sore throat...just remeber to keep eating as much as you can....beleive me u'll be glad...I lost a bunch of weight towards the end...they were thinkin they might have to put the feeding tube in...but i did manage....the only work i messed was the hospital stays and i have to burn my vacation time for that....but other than that i didnt miss any work...and i work in a a forklift...i have noticed some side affects....loss some sensativity in my fingertips and my toes....i live in minnesota and the winters here are very cold...have to continually rub my fingertips and i wear wool sox to bed far as eating..i cant taste food like i did grandmother mkaes the most wonderful cinnamon rolls and now they dont taste the makes her sad....she keeps asking me about my taste buds....this desease is terrible...but you know...your friends and family will be there for yoou the whole way...and u'll make new friends along the way...and the medical staff is incredible aleast mine was...wish you the best....and keep me informed....u'll beat this.....

    Mustang Man....
    Welcome to the forum.....

    This is a pretty old original thread, but noticed you added to it.

    There are a few on here (myself included) that had nearly identical to you as for treatment...

    I was STGIII Toncil Cancer with a lymphnode and HPV+...for you in 2007, they might not even had been associating HPV as a contributor and tested any tissue for it.

    I also had carboplatin each week during the seven weeks of rads.

    I would say that maybe you'd get improvement on the taste and saliva, as I have regained nearly 100%. But if you finished up in 2007, I doubt you'll notice any more than you have already.

    Anyways, welcome to the forum....

    Here's a SuperThread from member may or maynot find anything new to you on it;


  • mendy3233
    mendy3233 Member Posts: 5
    Throat Cancer

    I have cancer in lympnoids in my throat,but did not find primary.Can these be taken out ?Is  Chemo and radiation normal? 

  • mendy3233
    mendy3233 Member Posts: 5
    Throat Cancer

    Lymph nodes did anybody have these removed ?

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    edited February 2017 #168
    mendy3233 said:

    Throat Cancer

    Lymph nodes did anybody have these removed ?



    Welcome to the H&N forum, sorry  that  you are here.

    I had a jugular vein dissection to remove a lymph node on the left side of my neck, as it turned out I had stage IVa, scc, bot, 1 lymph node, hpv+ (surgery, radiation & Erbitux).  Many H&N members have had complete neck dissection with dozens of node removed.  Just as many Have left them and used chemo and rads to address the problem.

    I take it you have had a positive biopsy?

    This is an older thread and you will not get the attention you might want.  It is best to start a new thread and introduce yourself and ask your questions.

    Good luck,
