Willing to try

Starting alternative treatments Thursday. Conventional medicine doesn't make as much sense to me at this time, they're treatment options are , put alot of poison in your body. I don't know if my route will work, as I have a very aggressive gleason 9. Wish me luck!


  • Old Salt
    Old Salt Member Posts: 1,556 Member
    I wish you luck

    You have gotten a lot of good advice from various knowledgeable people but you have decided to do it your way.

    I do hope you will reconsider before it's too late.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,824 Member
    Your choice to make

    With all modern science can do today, saving so many men who would have died rapidly with PCa 20 years ago, it saddens me that you have chosen snake oil instead.

    A dear friend a year ago was terminal with BCa. Docs told her she might have a year with chemo. But, shortly thereafter, ahe texted me one day and related that she had found a holistic cure online, which guaranteed a cure.  She ended chemo, and died about three weeks later...


  • Deadmansoon
    Deadmansoon Member Posts: 43
    Still keeping appt with

    Still keeping appt with urologist and oncologist, since it takes a month between appt, thought I'd be proactive. To me there is a difference between living and living on chemo. Different strokes, different folks. I respect everyones opinions.

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    edited January 2017 #5

    You have the riight to refuse treatment; it's your life and decision, however pursuing alternative treatment as you plan to do is counterproductive..........your cancer will simply spread, and medical treatment will not be successful for you in the future.

    In laymans terms, you will simply F__k youself up by substituting alternative treatment for the science of medicine. To be honest you are not the first person who pursued alternative treatment at this board....others have, and have suffered the consequences of not having medical treatment to include dying from a horrible horrible death.

    Please reconsider this very, very foolish course of action that you are thinking of.... 

  • Rakendra
    Rakendra Member Posts: 197 Member
    edited January 2017 #6
    My support

    I support your path.  I agree that many current Doctor type treatments for cancer are barbaric and many cancer patients die from the treatments before the cancer. However, there are successful Prostate cancer treatments in some cases.  If you are going to pursue this path, first check out: http://csn.cancer.org/node/306529

    I have seen pics of cases that are reversing cancer with this treatment here in the Phills.  Also check this out: http://healthimpactnews.com/2011/the-proven-cancer-cure-the-fda-has-tried-to-surpress/

    If you are going this route, you WILL AND MUST CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE. You will be best of becoming a vegetarian, no alcohol, sugar, etc.  You will need to find a Naturopath in your area to buy supplements.  You MUST adopt a positive, optomistic, loving atitude about life.  I will support you in any way possible.  Good luck, and my great hopes for your success.  

    Love, Swami Rakendra

    All ways living love, living love always

    PS A ketogenic diet makes the Hyrogen Peroxide more effective.  I have been on this diet for three weeks.  It is NOT a fun way to live.  It is 70% fat, 20% protein, and carbs come from fresh vegies.  My body has made very significant changes during this time.  I am getting ripped, and my 6 pack abs are really coming out.  However, the Keto diet may be a good way to go for you cancer, as it eliminated all glycogen from your system.

  • Swingshiftworker
    Swingshiftworker Member Posts: 1,017 Member
    What Alternative Treatments

    OP: Just to be clear, exactly what "alternative treatments" will you  starting on Thursday 1/5?

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member

    I can only agree with Rakendra, that one should strive to have a positive loving life style without stress, and eating a heart healthy vegie type diet, and exercise. In fact Dean Ornish MD has advocated this in in a book that he wrote to reverse heart disease. He also did a study among men with prostate cancer and saw a reduction in PSAs among a limited sample of men.

    I generally do not respond to posts that others make when I disagree, so as not to be confrontational, however in this case, I feel that it is necessary to respond to Rakenda's post about "Hyrogen Peroxide" and the rest of the non-scientific treatments that he is advocating, since this can cause harm, and cause a very,  very painful death, that which can happen at the final stages of prostate cancer.

    Medicine is based on Medical SCIENCE, that is documented scientific studies. Doctors take an oath not to cause harm.This applies to  drugs as  well as various treatments. If a doctor prescribed any of the treatments or suppliments that Rakendra  talks about that are not based on science,  there would be concern with the possibility of  lossing ones medical license,  and rightfully so.

    I know that non of us are medical doctors, myself included, but I at least know that it is best to find the best of the best, medical doctor to treat, an "artist" in his specialty, and not follow the advise to see a charleton or take unproven suppliments to treat  an advanced aggressive cancer.

    Rakendra, I love you, but I believe that your recommendation is horrible.

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,824 Member
    edited January 2017 #9


    I can only agree with Rakendra, that one should strive to have a positive loving life style without stress, and eating a heart healthy vegie type diet, and exercise. In fact Dean Ornish MD has advocated this in in a book that he wrote to reverse heart disease. He also did a study among men with prostate cancer and saw a reduction in PSAs among a limited sample of men.

    I generally do not respond to posts that others make when I disagree, so as not to be confrontational, however in this case, I feel that it is necessary to respond to Rakenda's post about "Hyrogen Peroxide" and the rest of the non-scientific treatments that he is advocating, since this can cause harm, and cause a very,  very painful death, that which can happen at the final stages of prostate cancer.

    Medicine is based on Medical SCIENCE, that is documented scientific studies. Doctors take an oath not to cause harm.This applies to  drugs as  well as various treatments. If a doctor prescribed any of the treatments or suppliments that Rakendra  talks about that are not based on science,  there would be concern with the possibility of  lossing ones medical license,  and rightfully so.

    I know that non of us are medical doctors, myself included, but I at least know that it is best to find the best of the best, medical doctor to treat, an "artist" in his specialty, and not follow the advise to see a charleton or take unproven suppliments to treat  an advanced aggressive cancer.

    Rakendra, I love you, but I believe that your recommendation is horrible.


    I would suggest that most of what has been proposed here is not mutually exclusive and can have significant overlap. Many of the guys who have gone through all of the conventional treatments are also people with serious spiritual lives, of various persuasions.  And one can be "spiritual" with or without any particular religion or conventional 'faith.' The same for health-consciousness, healthy eating, etc.

    But of course one cannot do an alternative 'treatment' if it precludes or works against medical advice.  A rationalist, scientific element is essential also, and that clearly recommends modern medicine. This discussion has jumped into the very real agonies of chemo, although most of the guys here have never been on chemo, and almost always, only very late in treatment, after other, less miserable treatments had been very effective for them for a long, long time.  PCa treatments should not be equated with chemo, given that it is a rare, and late, modality.   Last I read, the doctors had not yet decided what he might best do initially.

    So, do not assume the very worst treatments will be required, before treatment has even begun. 


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,723 Member
    edited January 2017 #10

    I am also curious about the alternative treatment you are going to follow. I would appreciate if you provide details and later the results while advancing on the therapy. These are typically never commented or shared here by those following holistic principles. Many guys reading this new thread of you will be curious in knowing your present status and story, for future comparison. They can read it in here: https://csn.cancer.org/node/307160

    I cannot advice you to reconsider other options and even admire your wisdom. I hope you can demonstrate to the many the good of such therapy. It would be good if we all manage to see man on Mars by 2037.



  • hunter49
    hunter49 Member Posts: 251 Member
    edited January 2017 #11
    First thing you need to do is

    First thing you need to do is change your screen name.  Then go see doctors at Hopkins and MD Anderson.  Yo may not be going the route of Chemo . 


  • Deadmansoon
    Deadmansoon Member Posts: 43
    edited January 2017 #12
    I will leave detailed info on

    I will leave detailed info on my treatment and if it's working. As soon as I know , checking psa in two weeks. Might work, might not. All I know is people preach what they're told, not what they know, and you only know what they want you too. 


  • Terisita
    Terisita Member Posts: 12

    Still keeping appt with

    Still keeping appt with urologist and oncologist, since it takes a month between appt, thought I'd be proactive. To me there is a difference between living and living on chemo. Different strokes, different folks. I respect everyones opinions.

    How are you doing

    I'm undergoing radiation for facial cancer, I responded to you because of two things. First hearbreak to read your handle, then because my husband we are sure has Prostate cancer. We are trying to decide what route to take.

  • Terisita
    Terisita Member Posts: 12
    edited January 2017 #14
    Wishing you luck

    Please keep us posted as to your choices and how you are doing

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    Terisita said:

    How are you doing

    I'm undergoing radiation for facial cancer, I responded to you because of two things. First hearbreak to read your handle, then because my husband we are sure has Prostate cancer. We are trying to decide what route to take.


    In order to have the most responses about your husbasds case, it is best to start a new thread. Please include why you are sure that he has Prostate Cancer, and all pertinent information about his situation. 

    We will do our best to share our experiences and any information, that we " lay people " have acquired.

    Best wishes for you and your husband. 



  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,824 Member

    I will leave detailed info on

    I will leave detailed info on my treatment and if it's working. As soon as I know , checking psa in two weeks. Might work, might not. All I know is people preach what they're told, not what they know, and you only know what they want you too. 


    so wrong

    In my view, what you summarize here is so wrong on so many objective points that I am not going to attempt a systematic response.

  • CSN_Simone
    CSN_Simone moderator Posts: 61
    Please remember

    Hello All,

    I'm Simone, a member of the CSN Support Team. Please remember that on CSN we are here to support each other. We may not always agree with one another's decisions, but that support remains. It is important that while participating in these discussions that everyone follow the site's Terms and Conditions, which can be found here - http://csn.cancer.org/termsandconditions .

    Specifically, in regards to this node, please abide by the terms below. 

    "No User shall use the Service to advise or to attempt to influence the views, beliefs, or decisions of other Users about their medical care, their religious practices, or their politics:

    No User shall advise other Users about medical care or attempt to influence their medical care decisions. Medical advice to others is strictly prohibited, regardless of a Member's medical education, credentials, or experience."

    Thank you for being here for each other and respecting the site's terms in regards to posting.

    Best Regards,


    CSN Support Team

  • bella3
    bella3 Member Posts: 25
    edited January 2017 #18
    Us Too local support group

    This was recommended to me on here and has a wealth of practical info likely available right in your hometown.  This guide is written by survivors not docs...


    Wish you well.

  • Clevelandguy
    Clevelandguy Member Posts: 1,246 Member
    Do Both


    What you might want to do is try the alternative tratments now and in the next couple of months and have the doctor monitor your psa by the treatment. If no improvement then that should tell you the treatment is not working.  Probably about the time you get all your tests & research done on conventional treatments you should have a couple of months done on your alternative treatment.  See if it works, if not you can always fall back on traditional treatments for PCa.

    Just my 2c worth

    Dave 3+4