Nice deal


I'm new but been lurking for a month.  I'm Stage III N-1 M-0 HPV-pos tonsillar.  Sentence was  for 33 rad, 8 chemo with Carbol-platin.  I have 0 chemos , 5 rads left.  came here looking for recovery tips, plus a few tips of my own.


#1 tip, I found a small medical supplier in Ohio that has a small but powerful mucos suction pump for $177 + shipping.    the gomco 330A has been godsend.  I stopped spitting weeks ago.

#2 Boost Breeze is a clear 250cal per box nutrition drink I am more or less living on.  I find it more drinkable  than ensure clear, regular ensure is not possible for me.

Weight is problem right now.  I started at 218#, I'm down to <206# and wife, daughter, nurses are on me all the time.  I grew two pulmonary embolisms, so I'm now on blood thinners and a PEG is a major surgical risk.  All I can do is hunker down until end of rads in a week, and start to work on recovery.  Any and all tips appreciated.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    Get the calories, add olive oil, add vegetable oil, add peanuts, etc.  Anyuthing to get your smoothie calorie count up or whatever you eat.

    There are some super high calorie drinks discussed on here recently.  You might do a calorie search and see  what you find.

    I went from 218lbs. down to 173lbs., but am back up to 190lbs.  Obviously my taste buds are pretty good.
