Small Kidney Tumor

tmillspa Member Posts: 3
edited November 2016 in Kidney Cancer #1

I am a retired firefighter and because firefighters have a 2 to 3 times higher chance of being diagnosed with cancer I insisted on a chest scan with my GP.

The chest came back good, thankfully. They barely caught part of my kidney on the CT images and noted that a closer look at the kidneys needed to be done. Did a full abdomen and pelvic CT contrast scan and it confirmed a growth of 1.5 cm on my rt kidney.

Went to urologist and he suggested a wait and see approach because of its size and ordered a sono. 

A few days after the original uro appt he called me and told me the sono pretty much ruled out a cystic type growth and stated that the odds are that the tumor is malignant. He still thinks the best course is to re-sono in 3 months to see if it has grown. He did tell me the odds on it being a rapid growth tumor are very slim.

Now, being new to cancer I don't like the fact that I have almost confirmed cancer in my body, and being a 'lets get er done' type of guy I want to get it out.

But I do have to put some faith in the medical community because I am not a doctor.

Would a second opinion be a good idea? Anybody else dealing with a small tumor in the kidney and playing the waiting game?



  • Eliezer2
    Eliezer2 Member Posts: 85
    edited November 2016 #2
    slow growing, you have time to consider

    you are in shock because of the c word.   if cancer, it grows slowly in kidney and you might have walked about with it 2 years or more without any detection.   cancer is just a word.  maintain you routine.

  • tmillspa
    tmillspa Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2016 #3
    Eliezer2 said:

    slow growing, you have time to consider

    you are in shock because of the c word.   if cancer, it grows slowly in kidney and you might have walked about with it 2 years or more without any detection.   cancer is just a word.  maintain you routine.

    Thank You Eliezer2. Sounds

    Thank You Eliezer2. Sounds like you have been there and dun that.


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited November 2016 #4
    Don't wait too long



    If it is going to come out anyway the smaller it is the more options that are available. So get a second opinion and go with your gut.



  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,077 Member
    edited November 2016 #5
    I've seen some cases of wait

    I've seen some cases of wait and see approach here. It is more or less safe to do with kidney cancer, since it is slow growing and doesn't tend to metastasize when small.

    But if I were you, I'd get a second opinion. If offered a biopsy - please think twice, because there is opinion that biopsy can increase chances of spread, so they are usually not done for kidney cancers.

    in any case, even if cancer -   It is not life threatening at this stage. You'll be fine, just decide on course of actions

    Good luck!


  • lobbyist0724
    lobbyist0724 Member Posts: 515 Member
    As a firefighter, I am sure

    As a firefighter, I am sure your health should be good in general, where a surgery should not consider risky. So removing a solid tumor at this size will very very likely cure you and no need to worry about met or recurrence in the future. Also, the smaller it is, the doctor should be able to preserve more of your kidney as well with minimally invasive surgery, so you can enjoy your retirement for another 50 years. But of course, there will always be a chance that the tumor is benign :)
    Best wishes!

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    edited November 2016 #7
    Welcome tmillspa

    Just my humble opinion, I'd get a second opinion and I'm like you, if it doesn't belong there, get it out before the little beast can cause any other problems.

    Keep us posted.


  • Coldbiker
    Coldbiker Member Posts: 23 Member


    Never be afraid or embarrassed to get a second opinion unless your doctor is your brother or sister... find a medical center in your area and a doctor that has experience with kidney cysts. You know right tool for the job. He is probably right, but it's your body. If you post where you live I'm sure someone here can post a list of good places to consider. Lots of knowledge and good people here.

  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    edited November 2016 #9
    From one former hose dragger to another....

    Sorry we had to meet  like this, but such as life.  I strongly recommend that you get a second option.  The American Urological Association estimates the average urologist sees six cancer and non-cancer kidney tumor cases a year, find someone who sees more than 6 a year.  Typically kidney cancer, if that's what this is, is slow growing, like a few millimeters of growth a year.  Mine was small too, 2.2cm and during my second opinion MD Anderson found a second mass that was only 0.8cm.  The found this from my original films.  I got to keep more than 95% of my kidney after it was all said and done.  

    When you have time check pout this video.  It's presentation from a urologist at MD Anderson talking about the management of the small renal mass.  It will answer a lot of questions you might have.

    Good luck and keep us posted.  ANy questions please feel free to ask.


  • tmillspa
    tmillspa Member Posts: 3
    medic1971 said:

    From one former hose dragger to another....

    Sorry we had to meet  like this, but such as life.  I strongly recommend that you get a second option.  The American Urological Association estimates the average urologist sees six cancer and non-cancer kidney tumor cases a year, find someone who sees more than 6 a year.  Typically kidney cancer, if that's what this is, is slow growing, like a few millimeters of growth a year.  Mine was small too, 2.2cm and during my second opinion MD Anderson found a second mass that was only 0.8cm.  The found this from my original films.  I got to keep more than 95% of my kidney after it was all said and done.  

    When you have time check pout this video.  It's presentation from a urologist at MD Anderson talking about the management of the small renal mass.  It will answer a lot of questions you might have.

    Good luck and keep us posted.  ANy questions please feel free to ask.


    Kidney ca video

    Jason, thank you very much for the invaluable video on small kidney masses.

    It means a lot to me especially from a brother firefighter.



  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    Seconds and thirds...

    Second opinions and re-checking the third month from discovery, that is.

    You've got time to see about what's involved in getting a second opinion, then getting one.  Seeing what's happened in three months will be good, too.  Do your best not to start self-referring to Dr. Google.  Stuff like Jason shared from MD Anderson is good, and keep hanging around because folks are generally posting all sorts of good stuff. 

    As Eliezir pointed out, you've probably had that little sucker tagging along on daily runs with you for a while.  It's just now you know it's there, which is a good thing. 

    Keep us posted, waiting or whatever --
