I said NO to radiation and NO to Chemo and am doing a Natural approach... has anyone else done this?
Keep us updated..
DeniseKeep us updated..
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Cindy, give us an update please....
Hi Cindy, I found your posts very informative. I too believe that BC patients need to boost their immune systems. My Oncologist has said very little to me about this. I'm doing my own research as to how to effectively go about this, but I know that good nutrition is a key element.
I'm all for anything natural that can help fight and kill cancer cells. But I also believe in medicines and treatments that have been tested over time and that, in many cases, save lives.
In your case, it sounds like your bc was found at Stage 1. Your lumpectomy could very well have been cured right then and there through surgery. Not all cancers spread or metastisize, according to my Oncologist. There are different grades of cancer too. The lower grade ones move very slowly and probably are wiped out more easily if treated promptly. If you check your Pathology report your bc grade will be listed. I do believe that Her2+ has a higher grade. All the women that I've met who are Her2+ are having Herceptin infusions every 3 weeks.
As far as being Estrogen+ goes, and you being pre-menopausal, your production of estrogen really needs to be stopped as Cancer loves estrogen! Many times it will be suggested that a young woman have their ovaries removed in order to stop the production of estrogen. Has any doctor ever told you that?
I admire your strong beliefs and your strict adherence to following a natural approach to treating your bc, but I would also include Western medicine in the mix. In this way, you could give this disease a double punch!!
Steve Jobs, the Apple guru billionaire, decided to treat his pancreatic cancer with a strictly natural/alternative approach. As he neared the end of his life he was heard saying, " Maybe I should have used traditional medicine." (It was offered to him and he flatly refused it.)
In my case, (Stage 4) I'm using traditional medicine along with natural or adjuvant therapies. I'm meditating, doing visualization, trying to stay active, and eat nutritionally. So far I've been doing okay. I see my Oncologost once a month, have bloodwork done, etc. My last scans were done a year ago. I'll be having at least one done in the fall. My Oncologist relies a lot on how my blood looks, especially the tumor markers. So far, on Xeloda, they've been going steadily down. I hope it continues.
I wish you well Cindy. Please let us know how things are with you. We're all in this together! Peace + love....... Kats2
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where I've been and where I'm at now
diagnosed BC 2012, refused all standard treatment. (I probably would have done the lumpectomy, but the more questions I asked the more they wanted to cut off.) And the rest just didn't make sense to me. So I just said NO to any of it. Since then I have done an ENORMOUS amount of reading and research.
Shortly after diagnosis I read Jane Plant's book on dairy & BC-- just AFTER my own observations of how dairy products and chicken seemed to produce symptoms. So cut out the dairy(and chicken) March 2013. That also led me to the China Study, then to other books and websites [drmcdougall.com]. I generally try to follow this way of eating, but still had occasional small amounts of meats and oils. Lowered cholestrol enormously, have lost about 70 pounds, and overall have always been extremely healthy.
Was doing fine until last fall--eating too much of things I knew I shouldn't have (meats & fats)...Really bad winter, lots of pains, moving from one area to another...trouble bending over, couldn't lie down flat...lots of pains ..Really bad winter...
By mid Feb, after eating beef/gravy & such and woke up with pain the very next morning, I got that "DUH" feeling and finally got back to eating properly. But still ended up in ER with pain and difficulty breathing, they did a cat scan and said cancer had spread to bones.
In April, finally went to oncologist, who of course immediately recommended lots of drugs, even though she actually said, now being stage IV, 'this is going to kill you'. (And they wonder why I don't like (most) doctors). I did finally agree to try just letrozole, about the same time I started taking curcumin95.
By May I was on hydrocodone and muscle relaxants every four hours, using a hospital bed, and not doing much of anything.
But I was being much more consistently compliant with eating a starch-based, plant food diet.
By July, I was back in my own bed, in my own house and beginning to do most of my usual activities, which includes gardening and even cutting grass.
PET scan end of Aug/ oncologist appt Sept 14. Most of that appt was a dr-'in training to be an oncologist' talking about why I needed to be on meds to strengthen bones; regular dr didn't say much except she is still pushing the bone meds and that I 'need more calcium' and "should be drinking milk". I mentioned that milk 'promotes and aggravates cancer"--appt over...even though
Cancer has regressed "significantly", many spots are gone, the rest reduced in size 'considerably'. Even the original two lumps are much smaller and 'softer'. I still have some pain in middle/upper back, but seldom have to take any pain killers at all. (Not sure if that's from the cancer now, or from the bone problems from the letrozole for 4 months) Cancer markers in blood have dropped from 216 to 81; and 191 to 82.
I actually stopped taking the letrozole 3 days before my appt.. Probably because I've lost like two inches in height & now have that 'hump' near top of spine (doing stretches/exercises for that) (http://saveourbones.com/ seems to be a good site) I am also in much less pain since I stopped taking the letrozole. Found more research which says "Melatonin As Potent as Letrozole in Inhibiting Aromatization of Testosterone to Estrogen" (without the side effects) (http://suppversity.blogspot.com/2014/06/melatonin-...) Have read quite a few other studies on that topic, so I am trying that now.
So, was it the letrozole, the curcumin, changing my sleep patterns back in April? Or just changing my diet back to consistently starch/plant based? Don't know for sure, but I do know I'm not messing with my diet again!! I can always tell when I've eaten something I should not have had. No matter what drugs or supplements or other changes a person makes, if they don't change how they eat I don't think any of the other things will really help much.
I try to follow a starch/whole-plant-food based diet. See: drmcdougall.com
I also take milk thistle, flax seed and extra vit C and magnesium, and make my own burdock/sheepsorrel tea. A heated corn bag helps me a lot for relieving pain. Also doing reiki, (should be doing) yoga (got out of habit due to extreme pain last winter). Also cut WAY down on tea(caffeine & sugar) and drink lots of water now instead.
My focus right now is cutting more fats and added oils from my diet:https://www.drmcdougall.com/health/education/video...
The Link Between Dietary Fat and Estrogen Levels, http://plantfueledlife.com/fat-estrogen/
High corn oil diet promotes mammary tumor development in animal model of breast cancer, http://foodforbreastcancer.com/news/high-corn-oil-...
"Our results clearly show that eating a high-fat diet is sufficient to increase cancer risk, regardless of obesity... tumor formation was caused by inflammation induced by the corn- and coconut-based diets. Notably, inflammation and intestinal tumors in the mice were triggered very soon - three days -- after being fed these high-fat diets."http://www.news-medical.net/news/20160926/Specific...
Hope some of these links will help others with their research towards defeating cancer naturally and feeling better. My very best to all of you.
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melatonin, honey, milk thistle
"a melatonin concentration of 20 nM and resveratrol concentration of 20 μM have an aromatase inhibitory effect as potent as 20 nM letrozole, which is a clinically used anti-aromatase drug in breast cancer treatment. The SEEM mechanism of action of especially melatonin clearly offers potential advantages for breast cancer treatment."https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24929094
I have other links regarding melatonin and breast cancer if anyone would like more. I took letrozole for about 4 months after a really bad winter of stage IV pain. Stopped taking it because of bone/pain problems and went back to all natural treatments. Feeling much better now.
"Honey is highly cytotoxic against tumor or cancer cells while it is non-cytotoxic to normal cells. The data indicate that honey can inhibit carcinogenesis by modulating the molecular processes of initiation, promotion, and progression stages.
the study found that the anti-cancer effect of tualang honey on breast cancer cells was similar to that of tamoxifen [37]. Cytotoxic effects on breast cancer cells (MCF-7) have also been reported for Indian honey [38]. These studies reveal that honey is able to exert cytotoxicity in both MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 which are ER-positive and ER-negative breast cancer cells, respectively.
Other findings include less prominent vasculature around the tumor nodules and significantly reduced weights and volumes of the tumor masses (which were smaller, softer and paler with spots of necrosis) in honey-treated rats"
Also: those with liver problems may want to check into milk thistle:
"Laboratory studies demonstrate that silymarin stabilizes cellular membranes, stimulates detoxification pathways, stimulates regeneration of liver tissue, inhibits the growth of certain cancer cell lines, exerts direct cytotoxic activity toward certain cancer cell lines, and possibly increases the efficacy of certain chemotherapy agents."
"we suggest that silibinin prevents the EGFR signaling pathway and may be used as an effective drug for the inhibition of metastasis of human breast cancer."http://ar.iiarjournals.org/content/31/11/3767.long
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Natural vs medical
I was diagnosed this Sept with triple negative breast. My tumor was 3.5 x3 2 cm. I had a lumpectomy 2 weeks ago, and see my medical oncologist next week. I'm currently dealing with part of my incision coming apart. I'm waiting to hear back from doctor to have someone look at it and also noticed a stitch they didn't remove. I always wondered what I would do if I was diagnosed with cancer. I have many friends who are into natural healing. One has already said..."cancer is hormone driven...I'll take you to my vitamin man." NOT. In an attempt to be an informed patient, I've been reading about triple negative bc. I'm trying not to freak out. I'm 67 and want to be,around a long time for my family and my 2 precious granddaughters 3 1/2 and 2. I know I don't have enough Faith in going an all natural way. My surgeon said I needed chemo first then radiation. I certainly see the positive of eating better,etc. And will do this in addition to chemo and rad.
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I thank God I was fortunate to make contact with an excellent oncologist and have received excellent care. I was also given excellent information and was allowed to make any and all choices in my treatment. My first couple oncologist meetings seemed to go on forever between the questions, explanations, and information. The single most helpful piece of advice was to"use care when searching the internet for informaion on cancer treatments". The background I had in education and journalism had already proved this to be true. There is a lot of misinformation out there, and those that put it out there will prey on anyone. If they truly knew what caused cancer, we would have a cure.
Having said that, I have no problem with people wanting to eat and live healthy. Doing things the natural way is not a bad choice. Home grown and prepared food is how we were raised, and that continued while raising our family, as my husband has allergies to food preservatives. Imagine my surprise, then, being diagnosed with breast cancer. I am the only one with any cancer, so it isn't hereditary. Food related? Unlikely.
It does surprise me when those who choose to have "natural" care always seem to second guess their own decisions and return to Drs. And tests over and over to keep checking on their health. i do not believe people who claim they had cancer But did not have a medical diagnosis. I wish them all well, but I have bad news for them. Every one I knew who told me i needed to go the herbal vitamin tincture raw foods route for cancer treatment because it worked for them..........they have all died. And I am still here.
I knew when God sent me the first canoe I was to climb in.
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Thinking about Cindy....
I've been following this post and hoping Cindy would check in to let us know how she is doing. She has been on my mind. Hoping she is doing well.
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diet and green juice
Hi Cindy: if you do not want to take chemo and radio, you must have to drink green juice watch on you tube videos. diet it is very important for us, curry, turmeric, baking soda and green juice. I only did chemotherapy, not yet radiotherapy; i am litle scare off radiotherapy, becauseoff these side effects: dificulties of respiration, pressure level, swallow the redness whilw the blister off your skin
i agrre with Cindy about lack or deficiency of vitamin D3 and iodine linked of breast cancer.
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From another websiteCoastalMom said:Thinking about Cindy....
I've been following this post and hoping Cindy would check in to let us know how she is doing. She has been on my mind. Hoping she is doing well.
I saw Cindy on another site and noticed that unfortunately she has had a recurrence (another breast tumor). She has no regrets about refusing treatment. I certainly wish her well on her journey.
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Thanks for the update
Thanks for the update Button! I am so sorry to hear about Cindy. I'll keep her in my prayers.
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NO TO CHEMO/RADIATION..Searching for alternative/natural cure...
Hi Cindy,
I came across your post because I am trying to find alternative cure for my sister. I came across an inspirational documentary video of battling cancer with natural remedies. And it was very promising. Can I check on you? Did you continue natural remedies? My sister is on 5th chemo now, and she will be having radiation next year. Based on the video, chemo and radiation will aggravate the condition. Pls let me know your current condition now? Did natural remedies work on u? What steps did u take? Hoping to hear from u soon.
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Liz, read a few messagesconcern_sister said:NO TO CHEMO/RADIATION..Searching for alternative/natural cure...
Hi Cindy,
I came across your post because I am trying to find alternative cure for my sister. I came across an inspirational documentary video of battling cancer with natural remedies. And it was very promising. Can I check on you? Did you continue natural remedies? My sister is on 5th chemo now, and she will be having radiation next year. Based on the video, chemo and radiation will aggravate the condition. Pls let me know your current condition now? Did natural remedies work on u? What steps did u take? Hoping to hear from u soon.
Liz, read a few messages above yours. Cindy hasn't been back on here. One of the ladies here saw her on another website & she has another tumor. So no it didn't work. She has an aggressive cancer. There are so many different breast cancer. They type, size & locatioin of tumor, very important is the biopsy. Thats how the Drs decide on the treatments. Vitamins can't cure cancer. Not everyone needs chemo or radiation. There's a lot of bad information. Even reading through messages I see so much that people don't understand. We aren't Dr's but you can read studies that have been proven to work. Yes women will die. Cancer isdisd nothing to screw around with. People here almost begged her to at least to the treatment to block estrogen & the meds for Her +. No one likes to see someone not treat their cancer then get worse. At that point you may not be able to turn it around. But even women with stage 4 terminasl cancer can live up to 10 years with ongoing chemo. I see some women blame the recurrence or spread of cancer blamed on going off their diet for a few months. It doesn't happen like thast. Its been growing all along. That's why Drs don't say youre cured. Because there can be that one cell that gets through & vitamins won't kill it. Its sad she has new tumor. No one wants to hear of asnother womans cancer spreading. We all want cures.
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book recommendation
Book recommendation:
The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer--
A Practical Manual for Understanding, prevention and Care
by Sat Dharam Kaur (Naturopathic Doctor)
This book covers an enormous amount of information, from understanding breast cancer to the many topics we have covered here, and much much more. Whether you have chosen strictly alternative treatment, or as complementary to standard treatments, this covers, in-depth, many, many options.
I originally got it from library, but bought my own copy from thriftbooks.com for just a few dollars. Really helps increase understanding of just what we are fighting and our options, especially natural ones, for doing so.
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Yes it can.
"I see some women blame the recurrence or spread of cancer blamed on going off their diet for a few months. It doesn't happen like thast."
Yes it can happen like that. Read The China Study, where changes in diet do turn cancers on and off. Do some research. There are many different types of breast cancers, as well as differences between each indivdual's health, body makeup and immune system strengths; some very agressives BC's need very agressive treatments, others may not. I agree that if you do nothing, make no changes, then yes, the cancer will more than likely kill you. But there are many many changes a person can make and things they can do, naturally, to increase their health and fight the cancer, without the harsher, body-damaging standard treatments of surgery/chemo/radiation. These are choices that can only be made by each person for themselves; (preferably without harrasement from those who choose other options)
And yes, my cancer has regressed considerably by following a stricter whole foods, plant-based diet. I have also made other lifestyle changes and added various supplements, backed up by scientific studies. My cancer is not cured (yet); These choices may not 'cure' it, but I feel that the options I have chosen work very well for me for 'managing' and living with BC without the debilitating side effects and immune system destruction of standard treatments. That is my own personal choice; please respect that and I will respect yours.
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Vitaminsmapat said:book recommendation
Book recommendation:
The Complete Natural Medicine Guide to Breast Cancer--
A Practical Manual for Understanding, prevention and Care
by Sat Dharam Kaur (Naturopathic Doctor)
This book covers an enormous amount of information, from understanding breast cancer to the many topics we have covered here, and much much more. Whether you have chosen strictly alternative treatment, or as complementary to standard treatments, this covers, in-depth, many, many options.
I originally got it from library, but bought my own copy from thriftbooks.com for just a few dollars. Really helps increase understanding of just what we are fighting and our options, especially natural ones, for doing so.
My oncologist told me NOT to take vitamins during treatment and afterwards as well. She said too many vitamins could feed the cancer and make tumors grow. I'm not sure this is true, but I'm doing what she says and relying on a very healthy vegetable and fruit based diet. (I went through conventional treatment - surgery, chemo, radiation, target therapies and now hormone therapy - four years ago).
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dietary fats
Another study implicating dietary fats in the metastasis of cancer. Yet again, they caution against limiting fats in one's diet, rather they are looking to develop 'antibodies' to prevent this happening...I'd have to assume so they can charge money for it, rather than just tell people to change their diets...
"fat-metabolizing proteins appear to play a key role in spurring metastasis...The new findings suggest that fatty acids — dietary fats that are plentiful in all modern human diets and ubiquitous in Western diets — play an outsize role in promoting cancer's spread. When mice were fed a high-fat diet and seeded with human cancer cells, they developed more and larger lymph node metastases."http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-s...
Yes, you do need some fats in your diet, from what I've read it seems to be the balancebetween omega 6 & omega 3's that is most important. Most people on western diets get WAY too much omega 6 and not enough 3.
"Polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-6 (ω-6) class, as found in corn and safflower oils, can act as precursors for intermediates involved in the growth of mammary tumors when fed to animals, whereas polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 (ω-3) class, as found in fish oil, can inhibit these effects... it is the ratio of ω-3/ω-6 rather than the absolute amount of either family of polyunsaturated fatty acid that is relevant to the breast cancer problem...It has been shown that fatty acid composition of breast tissue fatty acids, including tumors, depends in part on fatty acid availability, which is influenced by dietary fatty acids (42). Thus, dietary intervention could provide an effective means to alter the fatty acid availability in tumor tissue and thereby possibly affect tumor growth. In addition, on the basis of the results of this study, it is possible to alter the ω-3/ω-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid ratio with short-term dietary intervention in patients with breast cancer."
"Diets must be balanced in the omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids to be consistent with the evolutionary understanding of the human diet. This balance can best be accomplished by decreasing the intake of oils rich in omega-6 fatty acids (corn oil, sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, and soybean) and increasing the intake of oils rich in omega-3s (canola, flaxseed, perilla, and chia) and olive oil which is particularly low in omega-6 fatty acids"
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