ER doctor said "might be cancer"....

I'm 35, and over the course of several months I have been dealing with constipation, bad menstrual pain, and diarrhea. 6 months ago I got an ultrasound, and they said the ovarian cyst looked normal.

Fast forward to the last month. I have bloating that won't go away. And it's not normal looking looks like I'm 2 months pregnant. I'm not pregnant (I'm a lesbian). Also having weird intermittent pains on the right side and some nausea. In the last week I've had frequent urination, mostly at night. In the last 5 days I've either lost my appetite or get full quickly. I've been drained and overall just feeling weird. 

Those symptoms were enough for me to go into the ER where they did an ultrasound. The tech said I had several cysts. 30 minutes later the ER doctor came in and said "the radiologist and I looked over your scans and find a polyp on your endometrium that might be cancer. You need to call your doctor and schedule a biopsy sooner than later".

And that was it.

My bloodwork was normal.

She just came in and threw the Cancer word at me and left. I felt angry about that. Why didn't she just use the word "abnormal" knowing it was a Friday and I'd panic all weekend.


Anyways, I have another ultrasound scheduled with my Gyno on Tuesday. They want to see it for themselves.


I have other weird symptoms like random canker sores (which I never get) and my skin feels desensitized and I get hot and cold.

I would prefer to just think it's nothing but stress or a bad diet, but that darn doctor had to say what she said and now I'm worried. 

I mean, if my bloodwork was fine...I should be okay, right?

I don't know

I'm worried. 



  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    I would think that they might

    I would think that they might try a vaginal ultrasound. That's how mine started. I don't believe blood work always indicates with all kinds of cancer. Just get an appointment with your gynecologist ASAP and hopefully you will get some answers.  Know it's not easy, but try not to panic. I'm so sorry this had to be on a weekend. Waiting for answers is always hard. Keep us posted.

  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192
    Not Fun

    Ahh CProm...  I am so sorry and I can assure us everyone of us has known the terror and all of us have had those interminable "waits" where even the clock ticking is an ominous foreboding sound..  ER docs are brutally honest and they will emphasize the worse case scenario..  I sometimes think they worry that they fixed the symptom and unless they shake you up with what MAY happen, you will not follow up.  And many don't.  

    No one can tell you at this point if it is or "ain't" cancer.  But each of us can tell you that the diagnosis of cancer is the beginning of a fight that you can win.  You will freak out at first cause most believe cancer = death.  It doesn't.  It can be cured or it can be treated and become a disease you deal with not too unlike diabetes.  No it is not fun.  But is doable.  Go crazy for a while but you will be the general of the army that will be fighting this battle and you have to be focused, determined and positive.. (OK we all slip and hide and cry from time to time.. I have some great pity parties... that I think is normal.) But try to focus on even if it is cancer, it is not the end but a beginning of a war.  

    Sorry you had to find us but God Bless.   You will find some fantastic ladies here that are knowledgeable and marvelous.  They mean the world to me.

  • cpromiset
    cpromiset Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2016 #4
    Also, I just got back the

    Also, I just got back the rest of the bloodwork. There is no record of the CA-125 being done. My ALT is at 93 (a bit elevated) and my urine protein levels are a bit high at 30.

    Does the CA-125 show under a different name?

    They gave me both an outer ultrasound and transvaginal. That's how they found the cysts and cancerous looking polyp. 


    Thanks for the kind words.

    Waiting is very hard.

  • cpromiset
    cpromiset Member Posts: 11

    Does anyone know lab results well?

  • Charissa
    Charissa Member Posts: 129 Member
    Brissance said it beautiful!

    Brissance said it beautiful! This group constantly encouraged me not to panic and to take it one day at a time. Stress is never good for our bodies. I'd highly doubt they could tell by the vaginal ultrasound alone, if it were cancer. I would think only a biopsy could determine that. In fact, my doctor diagnosed my 5.5 cm cyst as a polyp; when in reality it was grade 3 cancer. She let me go on vacation with a very aggressive cancer. In telling you this, if they could tell by simply a vaginal ultrasound, then I trust my OBGyn would have nailed it. Mind you, I had symptoms for over three months. I think, like Brissance, they probably want you to know the seriousness of not following up with your OBGyn.

    From what I have read on these posts, most of us don't give the "C" word a foothold into our minds. We DO EVERYTHING not to let it rob us from the joy of each day. We have all come to understand that each day is precious and to make the most of them. So, as they would advise me, take a deep breath, don't panic, and take it one day at a time. As mentioned above, "C" doesn't mean a death sentence anymore. I'm not trying to discount your emotions, just reassure you that I was where you're at 9 weeks ago. This group is AMAZING and so supportive of each other. Keep us posted on the findings and please ask any questions - there are some very wise warrior women on here. They're my heros, as I march forward in this journey. I'm sending you a BIG virtual hug.

  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192
    CA 125

    CA 125 is debated as to it usefulness for Uterine Cancer.  My Oncologist does not even give me the test.  He says it was developed for ovarian and it is not a good source.  There are a number of doctors that follow his thinking and a number who do not.  Not having the test is not anything to be concerned about.  And no matter how hard you look at the test, remember all of them are indicators, you will not know until you have an ultra sound (it will show the possible growth) but even then it could be benign... so you are in a mega waiting game.. and IF there is a growth you will need to have it tested (biopsied) maybe DC etc so many maybes and possibles you will drive yourself crazy so as best you can try to focus on something else...  will yourself to get some mental rest.  

  • cpromiset
    cpromiset Member Posts: 11
    Thank you guys. I'm just so

    Thank you guys. I'm just so stressed.....but I am getting rest. I just hate waiting to wait!

    I wish I could get my appetite back though. 


    You guys have been really sweet. I'll let you guys know what happens. Thank you again for helping me calm down. 


    All the love...

  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192

    Ohh dear, at my sickest, during nausea during diarrhea probably during death I am hungry and always have room for coffee.  Wish we could at least share your lack of appetite. 

    Good luck lovie, we have all sat in your place and we do understand your anguish and don't diminish it, I promise.  Please please reach out to us even in private message if you need to.  Take care and do something crazy and fun.

  • cpromiset
    cpromiset Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2016 #10
    Well there were several cysts

    Well there were several cysts on my ovaries too. I think they are going to check for Ovarian cancer too. The bloating and no hunger is a tell tale sign. 

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    I had an utrisound done. 

    I had an utrisound done.  Infact two of them.  Nothing was said to me about cancer until after a biopsy was taken.  In fact the nurse practitioner at my gynocoligist office, who did my biopsy, said just before doing the biopsy, "We are going to test for cancer.  Do i think you have cancer? No."  Of cource i ended up with cancer.  Thats just my experience.  I dont know if that helps


  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    My CA125, with full blown

    My CA125, with full blown Stage II, Grade 3 cancer was 10.  Can't rely on that for uterine cancer.  I'm so sorry you have to go through the weekend like this.  Waiting is the absolute pits!!!

    Please let us know how this turns out.  We just had a woman on here who was diagnosed with cancer based on her biopsy but when she had surgery, there was no sign of it.  You just never know!!!  Try not to panic....easier said than done, I know.



  • cpromiset
    cpromiset Member Posts: 11
    Thank you ladies! I think the

    Thank you ladies! I think the oddest symptom I had was I've never wanted kids. Ever. Felt I'd be my mother and I was afraid of that. But then 2 weeks ago, I became baby obsessed. Found a donor, been reading all the books, and even started taking pre-natal vitamins. All without a single thought of cancer until 2 days ago. It's weird. I wonder if my body is trying to tell me something in desperation. 


    Anyways. You women are so very sweet and I'll definitely let you guys know the results.

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    cpromiset, you are taking the

    cpromiset, you are taking the right steps to go and see your gyn.  I think we all agree that waiting, for anything, is the hardest part.  Be sure to push your gyn for answers as to what is going on.  Your symptoms are saying something and you need answers.  Please let us know how the visit goes and that we are here for you.

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    edited July 2016 #15
    Next step I had after

    Next step I had after transvaginal ultrasound was a D and C. Some people have an in office biopsy instead. Keep strong during the waiting period. It's hard, but you can do it:)

  • cpromiset
    cpromiset Member Posts: 11

    I've been constipated or I have diarrhea. Either or. Today it's rust-colored diarrhea that's foul-smelling and greasy/sticky. 

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    cpromiset said:

    Also, I just got back the

    Also, I just got back the rest of the bloodwork. There is no record of the CA-125 being done. My ALT is at 93 (a bit elevated) and my urine protein levels are a bit high at 30.

    Does the CA-125 show under a different name?

    They gave me both an outer ultrasound and transvaginal. That's how they found the cysts and cancerous looking polyp. 


    Thanks for the kind words.

    Waiting is very hard.

    I believe the CA125 is a

    I believe the CA125 is a "request", it is not

    an automatic, but I don't know how it shows on blood tests.

    As one of the women mentioned, a endometrial biopsy (in the office) or a D&C (surgical procedure) are probably next to be ordered.  They will want to see what that polyp is and they will want to get it to see. 

  • cpromiset
    cpromiset Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2016 #18
    My appointment is tomorrow.

    My appointment is tomorrow. All I've been told today so far is this medical jargon:


    "The endometrium is abnormally thickened, measuring 1.6 cm (16mm) in diameter. The endometrium is quite heterogeneous and contains some echogenic areas. The findings seem to be due to endometrial polyps or neoplasm.  Clinical correlation is recommended. 



  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192
    edited July 2016 #19
    Ask them to Translate

    I have been pretty lucky.  When my Doctor starts throwing around medical jargon I don't understand (find I am understanding more and more...  I need a life)  anyway when they go too medical on me, I stop them and tell them I just don't understand.  They actually translate into normal speak.  Or at least they have for me.  

    Good luck.  Big day manana...  will have you in thoughts and prayers.

  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    edited July 2016 #20
    cpromiset said:

    Also, I just got back the

    Also, I just got back the rest of the bloodwork. There is no record of the CA-125 being done. My ALT is at 93 (a bit elevated) and my urine protein levels are a bit high at 30.

    Does the CA-125 show under a different name?

    They gave me both an outer ultrasound and transvaginal. That's how they found the cysts and cancerous looking polyp. 


    Thanks for the kind words.

    Waiting is very hard.


    Cpromiset, I am so sorry to hear what you are going through. It is so very hard to be anticipating the results. I had two outer ultrasounds and one transvaginal but they still thought mine was just huge fibroids. They only found the tumor when they did ran pathology on tissue removed during a D&C two months later. 

    I hope that your results are clear and that you can move on quickly with treatments that can resolve your symptoms. Kim 

  • pinky104
    pinky104 Member Posts: 574 Member
    cpromiset said:


    I've been constipated or I have diarrhea. Either or. Today it's rust-colored diarrhea that's foul-smelling and greasy/sticky. 

    What happened to me

    I had diarrhea for a few years.  I'd been told about 15 years before that I had irritable bowel disease, which I probably did have at the time.  However, I ended up with stage IVb UPSC.  My cancer was in my uterus, both ovaries, and the small intestine.  Must be the diarrhea came from the cancer in the small intestine.  I used to get it every morning before I went to work, and since I hated my job, irritable bowel disease made sense so I didn't worry about it too much.  I had an external ultrasound and a transvaginal one, which showed a large polyp.  My GYN assured me that it was very likely to be benign, and he said he'd only call me if there was something wrong.  A few days later, after a D&C, I got that call.  I'd previously had 6 cervical polyps and one uterine polyp that were all benign.  The last uterine one was just about 10 years before the malignant one was discovered.  I'd also had thickening of the endometrium at that time.  Do you have a vaginal discharge?  With my UPSC, I used to get a fishy smelling one.  I kept using Monistat, thinking I had a yeast infection.  Maybe the greasiness you're having is from extra mucus in your GI tract.  I sometimes had that. I'm three months shy of being 6 years out from the end of my chemotherapy. 

    The fact that you didn't have kids is often a contributing factor to getting uterine cancer because the hormones that cause your menstrual cycle don't get a rest.  There are several women on this site, including me, who never got pregnant. 

    You're never in this alone when you join this site.  There's always someone here to help you.  Feel free to ask questions anytime.  And good luck to you tomorrow.