
Melly01 Member Posts: 4
edited April 2016 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

Hello I was just diagnosed with a mass on the right side of my throat under my tonsil. He actually said it looks like two of them that are touching. I am so scared. I am due for biopsy on Thursday. I'm 37 and I use to smoke years ago but I have been vaping for the last 4 years which obviously is not any better.  I guess I have noticed ear fullness every now and then but that started years ago so I put it off. For about the last 6 months I have been having a somewhat stuck feeling in my throat so I decided to ram my fingers down my throat and felt this really hard knot in there. I automatically freaked out and went to the ER. They did a CT scan but it shows nothing but all my lymph nodes in both sides looks like they Are inflamed . I'm so scared. Terrified actually. I went to ENT. He says it doesn't really look like cancer in the scope but he can't tell. I just definitely know something is there and now I'm scared to as how long has it been there.  I have babies to raise and this is not fair. I know I probably sound like a cry baby but I don't know who else to talk to. 


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,723 Member


    Welcome to the H&N forum, sorry you are here,  but the great news is you haven’t been diagnosed with cancer . 

    We live and breathe here based on biopsies.  Hopefully, yours will be “no cancer”.

    You are taking care of it now, so don’t get despondent over time.  Soon you will know all and can plan accordingly.  Until then try to relax and remember the doctor said “it doesn't really look like cancer” and hang your current hat on that.

    Good luck,


  • the_wife
    the_wife Member Posts: 184

    If you have had a CT scan and it didn't show anything, chances are you do not have cancer. If you have had a scope and were told it doesn't look like cancer, then it most likely is not. So...take heart in those two very good signs. Like you, my hubby went to Urgent Care where they did a CT, but in his case something showed up right away. Although they didn't say "cancer" then, I could tell by their faces that it was not good. They called an ENT while we were there and told us to go directly to their office the following morning. My hubby's HPV+ tonsil cancer was so obvious to the docs viewing it on the CT scan and scope (and they as much told us so upfront). The biopsy only confirmed what they already believed and warned us about upfront. 

    Deep breaths....and don't freak out until you have something definite. I know - easier said than done.

    Best of luck to you!! 

  • GavinP
    GavinP Member Posts: 118
    the_wife said:


    If you have had a CT scan and it didn't show anything, chances are you do not have cancer. If you have had a scope and were told it doesn't look like cancer, then it most likely is not. So...take heart in those two very good signs. Like you, my hubby went to Urgent Care where they did a CT, but in his case something showed up right away. Although they didn't say "cancer" then, I could tell by their faces that it was not good. They called an ENT while we were there and told us to go directly to their office the following morning. My hubby's HPV+ tonsil cancer was so obvious to the docs viewing it on the CT scan and scope (and they as much told us so upfront). The biopsy only confirmed what they already believed and warned us about upfront. 

    Deep breaths....and don't freak out until you have something definite. I know - easier said than done.

    Best of luck to you!! 

    As a wise person once told me...

    It's not cancer until they say it is.

    So, deep breaths and try to relax. As already explained CT's normally show cancer up very well and your doctor has said the "mass" doesn't really look like cancer (ENT's deal with this stuff every day so they usually have a pretty good idea when they are looking at a cancerous mass)

    This sounds like it's probably a benign condition but either way you will soon know. Until you do know for sure try not to worry too much.

    Also, it's best if you stay away from Dr Google... I know the temptation is there to look up symptoms and other pieces of information but it doesn't do any good, can give you old and misleading information and generally scare the hell out of you. 

    Keep in touch with the folks here and be advised by your doctors.

    Let us know how you get on.

  • Melly01
    Melly01 Member Posts: 4
    Thank you all. I was very

    Thank you all. I was very freaked out because I just watched 2 different people go through this and one was stage IV and believe me when I say this. He had a softball size tumor that never showed up on CT.  I don't know how it happened but it did.  I just need encouragement. I can't sleep, eat, nothing and everytime I look at my babies all I can do is cry.  Wow I do not know how you are all so strong But I appreciate you all so much.  God bless u all. I will keep u updated on my progress.

  • GavinP
    GavinP Member Posts: 118
    Melly01 said:

    Thank you all. I was very

    Thank you all. I was very freaked out because I just watched 2 different people go through this and one was stage IV and believe me when I say this. He had a softball size tumor that never showed up on CT.  I don't know how it happened but it did.  I just need encouragement. I can't sleep, eat, nothing and everytime I look at my babies all I can do is cry.  Wow I do not know how you are all so strong But I appreciate you all so much.  God bless u all. I will keep u updated on my progress.

    I went through similar emotions...

    Three years ago I developed a white patch/sore on the right side of my tongue. Had to have biopsy. etc... Fot a few day's I had a complete meltdown, couldn't eat or sleep, was constantly anxious, endlessly Googling and then I found this forum and they calmed me down.

    Turned out the lesion was pre-cancerous and I had it removed in a minor operation with no other treatment required. Have been fine since. Point is there's no point getting wound up until you know what's what.  Anxiety itself can make you ill (it did me) and it might be that there's nothing really to be anxious about in the end.

    Stick with the folks here and they will guide you through the process (whether thats just to the biopsy results which hopefully will be fine, or into other avenues post biopsy if needs be)

  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    Melly, go back and re-read the posts...

    take a deep, deep breath and exhale S-L-O-W-L-Y. The folks on this board will say over and over "It's not cancer until it's diagnosed." Someone else once said, "Worry is interest paid on a debt you don't owe yet."  Easier said than done, I know. Your mind must be racing right now. Try to focus on your babies and doing what you do everyday. Get out and take a walk, listen to some music, anything to keep those runaway thoughts from snowballing.

    Come back on Thursday and we will be here for you. If it's good news...we want to celebrate with you! If it's going to be a battle, well then we'll be there for you. Know that we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers for a good outcome on Thursday.


  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    Who is the he

    You are talking about?  Have you seen an ENT?

    This is not an ER diagnosis that you need.

  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Welcome to H&N group

    Welcome to the group. Also like others have stated, you have not been told it is cancer, so until a doctor comes out and tells you that, you don't. When they did a scope on me they knew just looking at it. Now if you have any infection your h glands will get a little larger as they are just doing here job. Same with your tonsils. Doctors have been telling me if mine get big again they're coming out. That was in my mid twenties and i'm 65 and still have all my tonsils, even when they removed my tumor they left my tonsils.

    This easy to say, and very hard to do, but take a big breath and slowly let it out. One doctor looked at it and said it doesn't look like it. Let's go with that for now. when the do a biopsy they will know more. I only had two glands that got a little larger, so with most all of yours, it looks good. You're right vaping is not good and as bad as tobacco I did both for 42 years, but that is not your question. As of now you are not alone in this. Will add you to my thoughts and prayers, and please keep us informed on the results. I have a feeling this is only just a scare and nothing more than an infection.


  • Melly01
    Melly01 Member Posts: 4
    GavinP said:

    I went through similar emotions...

    Three years ago I developed a white patch/sore on the right side of my tongue. Had to have biopsy. etc... Fot a few day's I had a complete meltdown, couldn't eat or sleep, was constantly anxious, endlessly Googling and then I found this forum and they calmed me down.

    Turned out the lesion was pre-cancerous and I had it removed in a minor operation with no other treatment required. Have been fine since. Point is there's no point getting wound up until you know what's what.  Anxiety itself can make you ill (it did me) and it might be that there's nothing really to be anxious about in the end.

    Stick with the folks here and they will guide you through the process (whether thats just to the biopsy results which hopefully will be fine, or into other avenues post biopsy if needs be)

    Thanks Gavin

    Thanks Gavin! 

  • Melly01
    Melly01 Member Posts: 4
    edited April 2016 #11
    Had my surgery

     I had the biopsy done on Thursday. I have been in a lot of pain since. My ear is the worst. The doctor looked and said the big knot I have been feeling is a syndrome called Eagles and it is rare and very dangerous to fix. He said I would be very very sore and boy is he right. As far as the biopsy I will know those results on Thursday of this week. How long should I expect to have this pain from the biopsy? 

  • GavinP
    GavinP Member Posts: 118
    edited April 2016 #12

    Hi Melly,

    I think it's hard to say how long you will have biopsy pain for as everybody is individual and have different pain thresholds. When I had biopsy on my tongue it was very painful for first 24-48hrs but after that was just really discomfort which lasted for about a week.

     I found using a salt rinse 3-4 times a day helped with discomfort in my mouth. I hope your out of pain soon.

    Do let us know when you get the results.