you never knowPLEASE HELP

maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
edited December 2015 in Colorectal Cancer #1

and so for ten years I have been fighting......colorectal to liver to liver and endless years of surgery and chemo and now......Breast cancer!who could have thought????? have to say for the last five year my ned status has been weighing heavily.....why me ? could not be me/

okay jeff getting in line.....crap this is a nasty disease....please forgive me tonight.....just a little upset....just found out I have breast cancer.....





  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Oh Mags, this is too awful

    I am so very sorry to read this.

    Taking on another fight, when your're still battling the side effects from the last one; it just isn't fair. 

    You are the third person with CRC that I know to be fighting Breast Cancer. It just doesn't fit. 

    You are in my prayers. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • geotina
    geotina Member Posts: 2,111 Member

    I am at a loss for words.  I am so sorry.  Once you have stuff down, what type, stage, treatment plan, location and that kind of stuff go over to the breast cancer board.  Those gals there are extremely informative and sharing and will give you honest answers to any question you have and give you their experiences with different options. 

    I kinda know just how scared you may be.  I had a breast cancer scare last January when the mamogram came back suspicious.  Went down to the University of Michigan Hospital for the digital, ultrasound, etc. and radiologist and ultrasound doctor assured me it was a very small fluid filled cyst and to do nothing about it unless it  really bothered me that it was there, etc.  If it bothered me I would have to see a breast surgeon, etc.  I decided to take their advise and do nothing.  In most instances, it goes away on its own.  The same thing happened several years ago and it did go away on its own.

    Again, I am so very sorry. 

    Love to you my dear friend - Tina

  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    Oh dear,  this news just hit

    Oh dear,  this news just hit me in the stomach, I'm so very sorry Mags. :(.  And no, it simply isn't fair,  especially after all that you've been through with CRC.  But as this new fight begins, just remember that you beat the beast down once, so why not again, right?   My thoughts are with you, and feel my arms wrapped around you in a gentle hug.  (())

    All my best dear...



  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Dearest Mags

    I am so very sorry to hear this news.  While the folks on the breast cancer board will be more helpful about treatment plans, etc., please also stay with us for the emotional support.  No one loves you like we do!

    I am hopeful that Kathi M will log in here and offer her own experience.  Remember after she beat CRC she was diagnosed with breast cancer.  She beat both, and so can you.

    Love and hugs,

    Marie who loves kitties

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    I'm sorry you had this new

    I'm sorry you had this new fight dropped on you, I can understand why some folks believe life to be a series of tests and trials to some end or purpose. I don't share that view, I think life is random stuff that hits you, while you're planning all the things most humans want to do. It's just some of us get smacked around more than others. In my case, all the genetic bad breaks seem to come my way. Familial stuff like lazy eye at birth, CMT, a neurological disease that attacks extremities, onset at puberty; and of course late stage crc at 49. I'm not complaining, yeah I guess I am, that any lousy condition that runs in the family, runs to me. The fact that having cancer, and the harsh treatments to fight it, makes one at a higher risk for another cancer feels like abuse by a supposedly neutral universe, but it is what it is. Yell, hit a heavy bag, get drunk, walk until your too tired to care[works for me], do whatever takes that initial agnst out of you, and then set your mind to dealing with this new hurdle. I wish I had words of real comfort, but I'm guessing you know how to find refuge, by now, when life overwhelms. At least for a little while. Sudoku and Xanax helps distract me, as does any story on the tv or internet about someone in a tougher battle for some quality of life. I know it can always be worse, and I know that if I apply my mind[when I'm ready] I can make my life better. My thoughts and hopes are with you.............Dave

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    I'm so sorry. Cancer is the

    I'm so sorry. Cancer is the gift that keeps on giving. What a shock and disappointment for you. I just have no words, it's so crappy. I'm just really sorry you're going to have to go through the fight again.


  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    Marie sent out the are my hands,

    ....and my heart, dear friend!


    I would love to send you my book...I think it would make you laugh....or at least giggle....PM me here, if you would like a copy...


    "It's hard to say 'No' to a bald lady"  is the title...


    I just cleared 11 years since my rectal diagnosis, and going on 10 years on the breast....


    It IS doable, dear one.....with 'a little help from your friends'....


    Hugs, Kathi

  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    Hugs darlin

        So sorry Mags. Please let us know what your siyuation is when you find out more. It seems almost impossible to hide from this crap. Even when we haven't got it we have constant reminders that we had it. Wishing you the best possible outcome and hugs to your hubby as well , your mate from downunder. Ron.

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    ron50 said:

    Hugs darlin

        So sorry Mags. Please let us know what your siyuation is when you find out more. It seems almost impossible to hide from this crap. Even when we haven't got it we have constant reminders that we had it. Wishing you the best possible outcome and hugs to your hubby as well , your mate from downunder. Ron.

    thank you

    thank you dear friends......yup I am feeling shaky for sure......weepy shaky unsure....guilty stupid name it......I remember telling myself that is was chronic but i guess I never really really believed that...

    just having a cup of coffee and then off to buy a new nighgown.....haha at least I know some of the drill

    love to all and thanks......mags

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am so sorry to hear this.

    I am so sorry to hear this. Did they tell you what stage breast cancer it is. I am not making lite of your situation but if it is early stage breast cancer that could be better than a stage 4 colon cancer recurrence. I am right by your side as you have been for me. I am at the one waiting to get my first round of chemo started.

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member

    I am so sorry to hear this.

    I am so sorry to hear this. Did they tell you what stage breast cancer it is. I am not making lite of your situation but if it is early stage breast cancer that could be better than a stage 4 colon cancer recurrence. I am right by your side as you have been for me. I am at the one waiting to get my first round of chemo started.


    Dear Jeff......I have not been staged yet.....see surgeon tomorrow for surgery options......

    Yes we have been together as the liver resection team......I wonder how long before you get started on your chemo.....waiting.......waiting...

    I had forgotten how hard the WAITING is......thanks jeff, mags

  • lizard44
    lizard44 Member Posts: 409 Member
    So sorry to hear this

    Cancer is a horrible beast, and I'm so sorry  you're having to battle it anew after all you've been through. Please let us know what you find out about staging and treatment options, and remember that a lot of people are pulling for you.


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    So Sorry

    That you are facing this again.  D--n cancer is so unfair. Thoughts are with you.

  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member
    NewHere said:

    So Sorry

    That you are facing this again.  D--n cancer is so unfair. Thoughts are with you.

    Oh, Mags, I teared up as I

    Oh, Mags, I teared up as I was reading your post. It breaks my heart for you to have to deal with more disease. Not fair! 

    We are all here for you.  Please know that your name will be mentioned to God several times a day. You are in my heart, dear one.

    hugs, CM

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    maglets said:


    Dear Jeff......I have not been staged yet.....see surgeon tomorrow for surgery options......

    Yes we have been together as the liver resection team......I wonder how long before you get started on your chemo.....waiting.......waiting...

    I had forgotten how hard the WAITING is......thanks jeff, mags

    Started treatment around.

    Started treatment around. Will be here until after 5. Yeah the waiting for results sucks. It is still tough even after 10 years.

  • Semira
    Semira Member Posts: 381 Member
    Oh dear Mags...

    ... don't know what to say. So sending just a big hug for the moment.

    Thinking of you



  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member

    Oh, Mags, I teared up as I

    Oh, Mags, I teared up as I was reading your post. It breaks my heart for you to have to deal with more disease. Not fair! 

    We are all here for you.  Please know that your name will be mentioned to God several times a day. You are in my heart, dear one.

    hugs, CM

    ahhhh CM

    ahhhh CM don't cry......I will get back into the groove.....finding it hard but don;t you cry sweet girl.....mags

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    Semira said:

    Oh dear Mags...

    ... don't know what to say. So sending just a big hug for the moment.

    Thinking of you




    like all of us you have been through so so much......

    thanks for being here.....mags

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    maglets said:


    like all of us you have been through so so much......

    thanks for being here.....mags

    Oh, Mags

    Just saw your post and my heart breaks for you. Another lousy boulder in the road to overcome. I know you are frightened, but you've got this, girl. We old women don't give up easily.

    I'll be right here on the sidelines as you win this battle.

    Luv Ya,


  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    wolfen said:

    Oh, Mags

    Just saw your post and my heart breaks for you. Another lousy boulder in the road to overcome. I know you are frightened, but you've got this, girl. We old women don't give up easily.

    I'll be right here on the sidelines as you win this battle.

    Luv Ya,



    ahhhh there you are you girl?

    will never forget your girl ever!
