you never knowPLEASE HELP



  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    No f'ing way!

    Mags - That plain sucks.  I know you, you're a fighter like many of us, you'll get through it.  YOu have evry right to be upset and this is just the place to vent.  I hope they've caught it early.  My thoughts are with you.  Traci

  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member

    Well that is completely out of the blue and a load of crap if I do say so myself. Time to put the gloves on and fight again. It's so unfair and without rhyme or reason, you don't deserve this at all. Let's hope it's caught early and treatment is quick and gentle. It does feel like cancer stalks us, the little monster. Kick its a$$ again.

    Look to us for support, stay strong and hopeful,


  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    I'm so sorry to hear this. You've been through so much already...

  • First of all I am so sorry

    First of all I am so sorry that this had to happen to such a nice person.  I have seen articles that crc is susceptible to spreading throughout a womans reprodictive share including breasts.  I know you will beat this beast. I pray that the warmth of your family, faith and home heals you.





  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    PhillieG said:


    I'm so sorry to hear this. You've been through so much already...

    thank you

    thanks philie

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    Ah sh*t Mags...

    so freaking unfair.  :(

    I hope it's early stage and easily treated.  You're a tough gal and get kick the hell out of this cancer just like you did the other one.

    Big hugs~AA

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member

    Ah sh*t Mags...

    so freaking unfair.  :(

    I hope it's early stage and easily treated.  You're a tough gal and get kick the hell out of this cancer just like you did the other one.

    Big hugs~AA

    more thanks

    Traci Richard AA......thanks and thanks.....on  lighter note the breast cancer seems to be bringing out lots of nice cuss words from people.....including the surgeon!!! haha rock on english language......

    no calls from the surgeon so wait through the weekend......hopefully surgery date sometime soon or I just might have to x@kk*7aF :)


  • traci43
    traci43 Member Posts: 773 Member
    maglets said:

    more thanks

    Traci Richard AA......thanks and thanks.....on  lighter note the breast cancer seems to be bringing out lots of nice cuss words from people.....including the surgeon!!! haha rock on english language......

    no calls from the surgeon so wait through the weekend......hopefully surgery date sometime soon or I just might have to x@kk*7aF :)



    Glad to see you're finding some humor in all this mess.  Hope you hear from the surgeon soon.  We all know it's hard, but try not to think about it all weekend.  Go out have some fun, do some Christmas shopping.  Take care of yourself and keep us posted.  Traci

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    maglets said:

    more thanks

    Traci Richard AA......thanks and thanks.....on  lighter note the breast cancer seems to be bringing out lots of nice cuss words from people.....including the surgeon!!! haha rock on english language......

    no calls from the surgeon so wait through the weekend......hopefully surgery date sometime soon or I just might have to x@kk*7aF :)


    I'm sorry...

    this truly does suck! Enough is enough! You are going to kick it's ****, I know it! I hope the surgeon gets back to you soon. I don't get why they make people wait so long. They know people are worried as it is, why add to the worry by delaying the call? Ugh! 

    Please let us know how it goes.

    I'll be thinking of you.


  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member

    I'm sorry...

    this truly does suck! Enough is enough! You are going to kick it's ****, I know it! I hope the surgeon gets back to you soon. I don't get why they make people wait so long. They know people are worried as it is, why add to the worry by delaying the call? Ugh! 

    Please let us know how it goes.

    I'll be thinking of you.



    Just thinking of you. When is the surgeon's appointment?



  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member
    wolfen said:


    Just thinking of you. When is the surgeon's appointment?




    saw the surgeon last Thursday and he offered a lumpectomy or a mastectomy and we have agreed on the mastectomy.With this surgery he can remove the breast tissue and nodes under the arm for testing.  He felt that was best considering the number of surgeries I have already done. So then he leaves and says his secretary will call and then it's the weekend and then you all know the's called The Wait. Getting darned close to the holidays so may just get tied up in that and have to wait till January.

    I must confess to not doing too well with this one......all the old fears and terrors rest just under the surface come roaring back up.  I am finding the nights long and hard.....have started back on ativan in order to get some rest. Thought I might be stronger at the game as the years pass but apparently not.....

    thanks for asking and listening.......mags

  • lilpep1972
    lilpep1972 Member Posts: 80
    maglets said:


    saw the surgeon last Thursday and he offered a lumpectomy or a mastectomy and we have agreed on the mastectomy.With this surgery he can remove the breast tissue and nodes under the arm for testing.  He felt that was best considering the number of surgeries I have already done. So then he leaves and says his secretary will call and then it's the weekend and then you all know the's called The Wait. Getting darned close to the holidays so may just get tied up in that and have to wait till January.

    I must confess to not doing too well with this one......all the old fears and terrors rest just under the surface come roaring back up.  I am finding the nights long and hard.....have started back on ativan in order to get some rest. Thought I might be stronger at the game as the years pass but apparently not.....

    thanks for asking and listening.......mags

    Thoughts and

    Prayers are with you.. 

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    I'm with you, I thought

    I'm with you, I thought enduring this crap ws supposed to make one tougher as you go, but it seems I land in melancholy a lot more these days. Ah well, back to raking the lawn. It's a beautiful day in Cali, and I want to feel all of it. Hope it's fine where you are, hang tough........Dave

  • maglets
    maglets Member Posts: 2,576 Member

    I'm with you, I thought

    I'm with you, I thought enduring this crap ws supposed to make one tougher as you go, but it seems I land in melancholy a lot more these days. Ah well, back to raking the lawn. It's a beautiful day in Cali, and I want to feel all of it. Hope it's fine where you are, hang tough........Dave


    haha yes it is a beauty day here to Dave.....usually we have a couple of feet of snow by now but this year nothing.....really should rake the leaves least the snow covers them up.  Melancholy is a good word for these feelings....thanks for the nod....



  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    Beautiful one


    I'll keep updated on the bc board.  (As you know I am there for my mom now.)   I just want to add my love to all those here who I know will be with you during this journey.  We all love you so much.



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    Beautiful one


    I'll keep updated on the bc board.  (As you know I am there for my mom now.)   I just want to add my love to all those here who I know will be with you during this journey.  We all love you so much.




    I am so sorry to hear about your mum. 

    My mum had a saying 'It never rains, but it pours'. 

    It seems too much to bear for some here. My prayers to you and your mum. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    maglets said:


    saw the surgeon last Thursday and he offered a lumpectomy or a mastectomy and we have agreed on the mastectomy.With this surgery he can remove the breast tissue and nodes under the arm for testing.  He felt that was best considering the number of surgeries I have already done. So then he leaves and says his secretary will call and then it's the weekend and then you all know the's called The Wait. Getting darned close to the holidays so may just get tied up in that and have to wait till January.

    I must confess to not doing too well with this one......all the old fears and terrors rest just under the surface come roaring back up.  I am finding the nights long and hard.....have started back on ativan in order to get some rest. Thought I might be stronger at the game as the years pass but apparently not.....

    thanks for asking and listening.......mags

    Putting my arms around you, dear one....

    I know of what you speak, dear one.  I look at it as a great bird of prey, soaring behind me, just out of sight.  Occasionally, when it catches my eye (around appointment time), I must push it away.


    As far as Christmas....dearheart, I know that it's aweful this cancer...but in my humble opinion, the sooner you get it out, the sooner you can start returning to normal.  That is how I felt...and worked through Christmas with a pump from my rectal cancer.  Also, one compromised Christmas and then ''normal" Christmases beyond is the best.  Again, in my humble opinion.  Pull up your 'big girl panties', dear one....git 'er done as the saying goes!


    BIG hugs from a 'been there/done that'!


    Hugs, Kathi

  • angelsbaby
    angelsbaby Member Posts: 1,165 Member
    im so sorry sending good

    im so sorry sending good postive vibes




  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Hi Mags, My brain just hurts

    Hi Mags, My brain just hurts from this one.  I don't understand this life and sorry this is happening to you is just not enough.  Just to throw it out into the universe . . .has your doctor discussed with you that breast cancer can be a "side effect" from chemo and radiation treatment?  I don't have any actual knowledge on the topic but this happened to my friend.  Her doctor told her that her breast cancer was a direct result of the chemo she had for her thyroid cancer and this is not uncommon.  Keeping in mind that my friend had cancer in the 90s.  I never really read the side effects of the drugs we take, I took them because they were the way to stay alive.  I think I will take some time and read the packaging to see if this is a possibility.  The drugs may have improved since the 90s.  Knowledge is power.  Also I've had precervical cancer cells.  I've come to realize that I am prone to cancer and it's pretty scary.  I wish I knew what I knew now, I would have gone for the colonoscopy in my 30s when my general doctor dismissed me and said I am too young and it's just hemmorhoids.  I haven't addressed him about it yet, still pretty angry.  We didn't have the internet back then=(  I would never have waited now.  As my Aunt (not a blood relative) recently said "once a cancer patient, always a cancer patient".  She's had the same issue with her body. 

  • tootsie1
    tootsie1 Member Posts: 5,044 Member
    So very sorry!

    I'm so sorry cancer has come to call again. Can't you just slam the door in its stupid face??? 

    Praying this will be taken care of, and you can have some rest from this wretched disease.


