4 years

Limelife50 Member Posts: 476

Yes next month October 11 makes four years for me.Today went in for a C T scan i guess the focus seems to be on my remaing left kidney that had a RFA procedure done on it,also next month i will need to have my bladder scoped (still hate to go in for that)as for me being stressed im really kind of chilled out about the whole cancer thing how could i complain im in the best shape in years feel great damm life is good why waste it worrying oh well time to go Peace and Love to all of you.



  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Well Limelife, we are all

    Well Limelife, we are all praying for NED and smooth sailing with your procedure! Your attitude is fabulous!



  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Well Limelife, we are all

    Well Limelife, we are all praying for NED and smooth sailing with your procedure! Your attitude is fabulous!



    Wishing you NED on both

    Wishing you NED on both cancer battle fronts!

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    wishing you NED for both

    wishing you NED for both cancers


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    foroughsh said:

    wishing you NED for both

    wishing you NED for both cancers



    ..enjoy that 'glide!

  • Limelife50
    Limelife50 Member Posts: 476

    Damm only 3 reponses for a 4 year cancer survivor who had RCC in both kidneys maybe i should whine more often anyways got the all clear thank all of u peace and love and like ive always said we are all special but at the same time the real heroes here are the ones who are stage 4 maybe im one but then again maybe not

  • jason.2835
    jason.2835 Member Posts: 337 Member
    4 years is a beautiful thing!


    Definitely good news.  I do know that the longer you go the less chance of recurrence there is.  You should feel good!  You're one year away from a David Bowie song.


    - Jay

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member

    4 years is a beautiful thing!


    Definitely good news.  I do know that the longer you go the less chance of recurrence there is.  You should feel good!  You're one year away from a David Bowie song.


    - Jay

    Happy Lumplessmas

    Well done! and many happy returns

    Jason that damn Bowie song is the only thing that got me crying on the day I got my diagnosis. Well. that and Ronsons guitar solo to Moonage daydream. Dont tell anyone tho' coz I'm a tough as old boots, unflappable, blues guitar playing Londoner who never sheds a tear.





    Actually films about puppies in peril get me every time

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member

    Happy Lumplessmas

    Well done! and many happy returns

    Jason that damn Bowie song is the only thing that got me crying on the day I got my diagnosis. Well. that and Ronsons guitar solo to Moonage daydream. Dont tell anyone tho' coz I'm a tough as old boots, unflappable, blues guitar playing Londoner who never sheds a tear.





    Actually films about puppies in peril get me every time

    Wishing you the very best,

    Wishing you the very best, Limelife. And many, many happy rides! And btw, Jason and Footie, I love early Bowie!

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    APny said:

    Wishing you the very best,

    Wishing you the very best, Limelife. And many, many happy rides! And btw, Jason and Footie, I love early Bowie!

    Another great news, very-very

    Another great news, very-very wonderful! Keep kicking both cancers' ****!

  • JoanneNH
    JoanneNH Member Posts: 115
    What treatment did you

    What treatment did you receive for your bladder cancer?

  • DMike
    DMike Member Posts: 259

    Congratulations on the all clear after 4. I'll have my 4 year anniversary on October 24th. It won't be all clear but I'm still fighting and enjoying life!


  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member


    Damm only 3 reponses for a 4 year cancer survivor who had RCC in both kidneys maybe i should whine more often anyways got the all clear thank all of u peace and love and like ive always said we are all special but at the same time the real heroes here are the ones who are stage 4 maybe im one but then again maybe not

    Limelife, that is great news!

    LaughingLimelife, that is great news!  So glad to hear it!  May you continue to get NEDs. Cool bike!  Enjoy the ride!


  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member
    DMike said:


    Congratulations on the all clear after 4. I'll have my 4 year anniversary on October 24th. It won't be all clear but I'm still fighting and enjoying life!


    David, hope your tests come

    David, hope your tests come out great as well! xxoo  Love the positive attitude!

  • Texasgranny38
    Texasgranny38 Member Posts: 24
    Happy Anniversary!

    You give me great hope, Limelife!  Congratulations!

    Peace and love,


  • Limelife50
    Limelife50 Member Posts: 476
    Jojo61 said:

    Well Limelife, we are all

    Well Limelife, we are all praying for NED and smooth sailing with your procedure! Your attitude is fabulous!




    Peace and love i love every one of you

  • nancybuck
    nancybuck Member Posts: 117


    Damm only 3 reponses for a 4 year cancer survivor who had RCC in both kidneys maybe i should whine more often anyways got the all clear thank all of u peace and love and like ive always said we are all special but at the same time the real heroes here are the ones who are stage 4 maybe im one but then again maybe not

    Happy Happy Happy

    Wonderful news! Praying for your continued good health and for all of you dear friends on this site. Love to all.

  • mrou50
    mrou50 Member Posts: 389 Member

    Hoping you a NED anniversary.



  • danbren2
    danbren2 Member Posts: 311
    mrou50 said:


    Hoping you a NED anniversary.



    What a lovely word NED!

    So happy for you! Keep the NEDS coming it is a boost for us all!


  • cheatinlil
    cheatinlil Member Posts: 197 Member
    danbren2 said:

    What a lovely word NED!

    So happy for you! Keep the NEDS coming it is a boost for us all!


    4 years and counting!

    THanks for sharing Limelife.  4 years and counting sounds good.  My husband is 3 years in stage 4.  He is still fighting.  I'm hoping for many many many more anniversary's!  Keep sharing. 

  • Ree_Maryland
    Ree_Maryland Member Posts: 161 Member
    Four years

    Great news ,keep up the positve attitude and no neds . I am 1and yrs ned free , hope all goes well .THanks for sharing it  gives me hope.