mouth sores post radiation



  • postie65
    postie65 Member Posts: 13

    At the top of the main page....

    on the left side just under the "Search" thingee, you see "Post New Forum Topic" that and you will have your own thread going.  You'll get a lot of responses.

    I used L-glutamine when my mouth sores got really bad from the 5FU chemo....during the radiation part of treatments I used MuGard, which is basically a preventative (it really worked for me)....Mouth sores were absolutely the MOST miserable part of treatment....I cried on here for days on end.  I could at least put L-glutamine and water into my mouth without the stinging, which also kept me hydrated.  I also got thrush at the same time....Diflucon cured it fast.


    I tried... :(

    Not sure why but I  have looked and there is no search line and there is no where that says "post new forum topic"...I swear I have looked and paged thru from the main page and have looked everywhere. But I am happy that people can at least see me and read my stuff. I will keep looking thru the pages tho. Thanks for the response tho :)

  • postie65
    postie65 Member Posts: 13

    I would try the L-Glutamine
    I would try the L-Glutamine if you haven't tried it. You can buy it at GNC. I think it works. Some linksf to read about it if you like:




    One heaped tsp in a glass of water. Swish and swallow.


    Not sure if others experienced this but when I rinsed aand/or swallowed L-glutamine the chalky consistancey coated my throat andmade me choke. I rinsed mymouth with flat club soda and that seemed to help clear my throat. Rinsing with Biotene helps to heal sores because it has similar enzymes to saliva. It wont happen fast tho. 

  • Hoorayjackiee
    Hoorayjackiee Member Posts: 1

    My boyfriend is going through preconditioning for a stem cell transplant in a few days. He was chosen for a clinical trial at Sloan Kettering of a drug called palifermin, that is known to greatly reduce/eliminate mouth sores during radiation. They administered it to him 3 days before he began 5 days of total body irradiation, and has yet to have any Mucositis in his mouth, 7 days later.

    its worth asking your doctor about this drug, there have been lots of studies and trials on it and it is not experimental. I imagine one day it will become a routine part of radiation treatment regimens.

  • Donnyr
    Donnyr Member Posts: 1

    I would try the L-Glutamine
    I would try the L-Glutamine if you haven't tried it. You can buy it at GNC. I think it works. Some linksf to read about it if you like:




    One heaped tsp in a glass of water. Swish and swallow.


    Good afternoon. I just came across this site. I've been looking for information that might help me out with a resent problem.

    I'm 4 weeks out from treatments. 3 Chemo's (Cisplatin) 35 rounds of radiation. I did get very sick with the Chemo. I had cancer at the base of my tongue and also lymph nodes on both sides of my neck. I go for a pet scan in six weeks. As for right now, My taste has for the most part returned. I do still have a food peg in. For the last week I've been uping my calories by eating soft foods with not too much of a problem.

    Thursday of this week I started to experience a lot of pain at the base of my tongue. Not only hurts to swollow anything but the horrible taste and junk that I spit up. I was told Tuesday through a exam that I developed an ulcer at the base of my tongue. Kind of a set back but I guess to be expected. I think we all want to healed yesterday. If I gargle with the L-Glutamine, do I swollow this? and how many times a day should this be done?.







  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Donnyr said:


    Good afternoon. I just came across this site. I've been looking for information that might help me out with a resent problem.

    I'm 4 weeks out from treatments. 3 Chemo's (Cisplatin) 35 rounds of radiation. I did get very sick with the Chemo. I had cancer at the base of my tongue and also lymph nodes on both sides of my neck. I go for a pet scan in six weeks. As for right now, My taste has for the most part returned. I do still have a food peg in. For the last week I've been uping my calories by eating soft foods with not too much of a problem.

    Thursday of this week I started to experience a lot of pain at the base of my tongue. Not only hurts to swollow anything but the horrible taste and junk that I spit up. I was told Tuesday through a exam that I developed an ulcer at the base of my tongue. Kind of a set back but I guess to be expected. I think we all want to healed yesterday. If I gargle with the L-Glutamine, do I swollow this? and how many times a day should this be done?.







    Sorry you need to be here.

    PLEASE RE-POST to a new post. This one goes back to 2011 and many are nolonger here or won't see old posts. There are many that will try to answer and help. Here is the link to start a new one. I never had chemo or radaition, only surgery.

  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Donnyr said:


    Good afternoon. I just came across this site. I've been looking for information that might help me out with a resent problem.

    I'm 4 weeks out from treatments. 3 Chemo's (Cisplatin) 35 rounds of radiation. I did get very sick with the Chemo. I had cancer at the base of my tongue and also lymph nodes on both sides of my neck. I go for a pet scan in six weeks. As for right now, My taste has for the most part returned. I do still have a food peg in. For the last week I've been uping my calories by eating soft foods with not too much of a problem.

    Thursday of this week I started to experience a lot of pain at the base of my tongue. Not only hurts to swollow anything but the horrible taste and junk that I spit up. I was told Tuesday through a exam that I developed an ulcer at the base of my tongue. Kind of a set back but I guess to be expected. I think we all want to healed yesterday. If I gargle with the L-Glutamine, do I swollow this? and how many times a day should this be done?.







    Donny....welcome to this forum...

    I'm sorry you had to go through treatment without the help of this group!!

    I used L-Glutamine all through the last part of my treatment, and can swallow it.  Actually, one of the side effects of L-Glutamine is that it's good for digestion. 

    You probably need to keep that tube in until the ulcer heals up.....I had mine for 2 1/2 months after treatment.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member
    Donnyr said:


    Good afternoon. I just came across this site. I've been looking for information that might help me out with a resent problem.

    I'm 4 weeks out from treatments. 3 Chemo's (Cisplatin) 35 rounds of radiation. I did get very sick with the Chemo. I had cancer at the base of my tongue and also lymph nodes on both sides of my neck. I go for a pet scan in six weeks. As for right now, My taste has for the most part returned. I do still have a food peg in. For the last week I've been uping my calories by eating soft foods with not too much of a problem.

    Thursday of this week I started to experience a lot of pain at the base of my tongue. Not only hurts to swollow anything but the horrible taste and junk that I spit up. I was told Tuesday through a exam that I developed an ulcer at the base of my tongue. Kind of a set back but I guess to be expected. I think we all want to healed yesterday. If I gargle with the L-Glutamine, do I swollow this? and how many times a day should this be done?.








    You can also try a 50/50 mix of baking soda and salt mixed into warm water for gargling. It will give temporary relief.

  • Victorson
    Victorson Member Posts: 2
    Pain Relief

    I can CERTAINLY relate!  I am having a PEG (feeding tube) surgically inserted into my stomach on Monday June 22, 2015. I am very lucky to have been referred to a wonderful doctor. I cannot eat or drink because my pain is so horrific. I am losing alarming amounts of wait fast. I have burns, ulcers, and thrush etc. all down my throat!  The doctor has prescribed HYDROMORPHONE aka "Dilaudid". This stuff is more powerful than oxycodone or even morphine I believe. Yes, there is relief in the form of this wonderful prescription medication. I have had limited results with magic mouthwash/lidocane maalox mix with benadryl... Gargling with salt water helps. I can tell you that I have never had such terrible pain in my life! I have had many surgeries in my throat and this is why I am more prone to suffer. On a scale of 1 thru 10, ten being the highest for pain, I rank my pain a 12! Yes, it is that bad! :-(  That said, the HYDROMORPHONE is controlling the pain so effectively now! Hallelujah!!  :-)  :-)  I am pain free for hours at a time taking it.   Ask your doctor for this medicine in liquid form. Boy, am I glad I found this doctor and she knew exactly what would help me after scoping down my throat and seeing all those frighteningly red, "burned up" injuries. I joined this site just so I could get the word out and hopefully help as many people as I can through my experience. No one should suffer like you and I!

  • Victorson
    Victorson Member Posts: 2
    Donnyr said:


    Good afternoon. I just came across this site. I've been looking for information that might help me out with a resent problem.

    I'm 4 weeks out from treatments. 3 Chemo's (Cisplatin) 35 rounds of radiation. I did get very sick with the Chemo. I had cancer at the base of my tongue and also lymph nodes on both sides of my neck. I go for a pet scan in six weeks. As for right now, My taste has for the most part returned. I do still have a food peg in. For the last week I've been uping my calories by eating soft foods with not too much of a problem.

    Thursday of this week I started to experience a lot of pain at the base of my tongue. Not only hurts to swollow anything but the horrible taste and junk that I spit up. I was told Tuesday through a exam that I developed an ulcer at the base of my tongue. Kind of a set back but I guess to be expected. I think we all want to healed yesterday. If I gargle with the L-Glutamine, do I swollow this? and how many times a day should this be done?.







    Helpful Advice

    I can CERTAINLY relate!  I am having a PEG (feeding tube) surgically inserted into my stomach on Monday June 22, 2015. I am very lucky to have been referred to a wonderful doctor. I cannot eat or drink because my pain is so horrific. I am losing alarming amounts of weight fast. I have burns, ulcers, and thrush etc. all down my throat!  The doctor has prescribed HYDROMORPHONE aka "Dilaudid". This stuff is more powerful than oxycodone or even morphine I believe. Yes, there is relief in the form of this wonderful prescription medication. I have had limited results with magic mouthwash/lidocane maalox mix with benadryl... Gargling with salt water helps. I can tell you that I have never had such terrible pain in my life! I have had many surgeries in my throat and this is why I am more prone to suffer. On a scale of 1 thru 10, ten being the highest for pain, I rank my pain a 12! Yes, it is that bad! :-(  That said, the HYDROMORPHONE is controlling the pain so effectively now! Hallelujah!!  :-)  :-)  I am pain free for hours at a time taking it.   Ask your doctor for this medicine in liquid form. Boy, am I glad I found this doctor and she knew exactly what would help me after scoping down my throat and seeing all those frighteningly red, "burned up" injuries. I joined this site just so I could get the word out and hopefully help as many people as I can through my experience. No one should suffer like you and I!

  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member

    I used manuka honey with a little hot water. If you don't want to swallow swish the honey around the the mouth a minute or two. It's good for the stomach too. I used the honey throughout my radiotherapy and didn't get mouth sores. It has to be a pure honey manuka has different grades, I bought the purest and strongest. It cost quite a bit of money but lasted throughout my course of treatment. I can't promise it will work for You but it did for me.

  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428
    Victorson said:

    Helpful Advice

    I can CERTAINLY relate!  I am having a PEG (feeding tube) surgically inserted into my stomach on Monday June 22, 2015. I am very lucky to have been referred to a wonderful doctor. I cannot eat or drink because my pain is so horrific. I am losing alarming amounts of weight fast. I have burns, ulcers, and thrush etc. all down my throat!  The doctor has prescribed HYDROMORPHONE aka "Dilaudid". This stuff is more powerful than oxycodone or even morphine I believe. Yes, there is relief in the form of this wonderful prescription medication. I have had limited results with magic mouthwash/lidocane maalox mix with benadryl... Gargling with salt water helps. I can tell you that I have never had such terrible pain in my life! I have had many surgeries in my throat and this is why I am more prone to suffer. On a scale of 1 thru 10, ten being the highest for pain, I rank my pain a 12! Yes, it is that bad! :-(  That said, the HYDROMORPHONE is controlling the pain so effectively now! Hallelujah!!  :-)  :-)  I am pain free for hours at a time taking it.   Ask your doctor for this medicine in liquid form. Boy, am I glad I found this doctor and she knew exactly what would help me after scoping down my throat and seeing all those frighteningly red, "burned up" injuries. I joined this site just so I could get the word out and hopefully help as many people as I can through my experience. No one should suffer like you and I!

    Old post

    This is an old post.  Start a new one and share the information about the meds that help w/ the pain.  Lot's of folks would be interested, but might not read an old post.

    Lorna 2007 & 2014

  • warrenw7805
    warrenw7805 Member Posts: 10
    mouth sores

    I finished 33 treatmennts of radiation therapy and 6 weeks of chemo 3 weeks ago for throat cancer (base of tongue). While part of my mouth sores have healed, I have developed a new, rather large one on the side of my tongue. Any one else have issues like this, and is this normal?  It kinda has me worried.


  • warrenw7805
    warrenw7805 Member Posts: 10
    lornal said:

    Old post

    This is an old post.  Start a new one and share the information about the meds that help w/ the pain.  Lot's of folks would be interested, but might not read an old post.

    Lorna 2007 & 2014


    I posted on here this morning, but now I can't find it. A lot of the posts are dated 2011, and a few 2015. Am I in the right place, or am I doing something wrong. I joined in June, but had not posted until tody. 

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    mouth sores

    I finished 33 treatmennts of radiation therapy and 6 weeks of chemo 3 weeks ago for throat cancer (base of tongue). While part of my mouth sores have healed, I have developed a new, rather large one on the side of my tongue. Any one else have issues like this, and is this normal?  It kinda has me worried.



    You are responding to a post that is several years old. You will get better response by starting a new post. My sores were on my lips but I did have thrush a number of times after tx. Suggest a quick call to doctors office just asking if they think it could be concerning and if you should make an appt.

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member


    I posted on here this morning, but now I can't find it. A lot of the posts are dated 2011, and a few 2015. Am I in the right place, or am I doing something wrong. I joined in June, but had not posted until tody. 

    warren, you are in the right

    warren, you are in the right place but are posting to a very old post.  it would be better for you to start a new post with your questions or comments.  go to the top left corner of the page and chose "start new topic".  that way, more people will see your post and respond.  good luck.

    God bless you,


  • warrenw7805
    warrenw7805 Member Posts: 10
    mouth sores and swollen neck

    I finished Radiation and Chemo therapy 2 months ago and was doing pretty good. I still have one sore in my throat, but the ones in my mouth are gone, except my mouth is still very tender. They took the feeding tube out 3 weeks ago. About 2 weeks ago, my neck has swollen up right around and below my Adams apple. It makes swallowing a bit of a challenge. I am wondering if it might be Lymphodemia. Any thoughts from anyone? Thanks

  • michael washington
    michael washington Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2019 #58
    mouth sores

    how long for mouth sores to heal....i am in month 4. baking soda and water mix 3 times a day. when will I be able to eat normally??

  • johnsonbl
    johnsonbl Member Posts: 266 Member

    mouth sores

    how long for mouth sores to heal....i am in month 4. baking soda and water mix 3 times a day. when will I be able to eat normally??

    A little more info?

    You are 4 months post treatment?  Did you have chemo and radiation?  I had radiation only and my sores cleared up a few weeks after radiation ended.  So I'm not familiar with them lasting this long.


    I would recommend creating a new topic on the board as opposed to on this existing thread.  You'll get more responses to it.


  • Logan51
    Logan51 Member Posts: 472 Member

    My mouth sores cleared-up right after the last Rads. Worst were when they extended onto face just below lower lip early in tx. I would definitely be talking to you C Dr.s about this if it's 4 months after tx.