I said NO to radiation and NO to Chemo and am doing a Natural approach... has anyone else done this?

I had a lumpectomy this past April and had three lymph nodes taken out. The lymph nodes were fine. The cancerous lump was around 1" in size and was a triple positive. After a bunch of research and a divine encounter I said NO to radiation and NO to chemo. The doctors wanted me to do chemo for 12 rounds. I started seeing a Naturopath and a Nutrionist. The Naturopath told me that every woman she was treating was deficient in Vitamin D and for me to get that level checked. Turns out I too was Vit D deficient. A lack of Vit D has been linked to cancer including increasing the risk of aggressive cancers. Being deficient in Iodine and Vit E is also linked to breast cancers. In addition to checking my vitamins and minerals I started to eat a more vegetable diet and stayed away from foods that would contribute to the positive proteins.
Is anyone else out there doing a natural/alternative approach instead of radiation and chemo???? I would love to have someone else to talk with. I feel great and have set my body up to NOT be a good environment for cancer.
Alternative Approaches
Hi Cindy, I read your message and felt I wanted to share some information with you. First, I know this has to be your decision and that you must feel comfortable with your choice. I truly believe doing all the things you mentioned are very important. When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer I also went searching for answers and also followed some online cancer patients. One person in particular gave some very enlightening information about making decisions and choices. Her name is Christina Newman and she has a video regarding alternative approaches. The video is titled, Cancer, Me and Alternative Cancer treatments Vlog # 37. Basically she said you should ask to speak with people that have the same type of cancer and if the alternative treatments were working. Do take care and I do wish you all the best.
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My cousin Bonnie was diagnosed with breast cancer -- not sure how that was determined, as she did not go to doctors. She always chose to deal with things naturally. Her medical people were chiropractors, naturopaths, midwives, etc. She never took medicine, not even aspirin. She preferred to buy her food at farmers' markets (lives in the South) or raise it. No meat.
For the year she dealt with cancer, my cousin went the same route. About the time she decided she needed to do something else, she began to have some big problems, including convulsions. It was too late for her, and she was dead within a very few weeks. She had just turned 44, and she left behind her husband and their four children, ages 12-20.
I have nothing against chiropractors, etc., nor against vitamins. I have done some of those things myself, but I mix it with the other AND appreciate medical people who acknowledge the good in these things.
I am in touch (email and FB) with my cousin's daughters. I occasionally will say how things are going for me (good), but they also know that I have gone on with life and have lived longer than their mom did. I want them to be aware of this should any one of them be hit with the same disease -- things do not have to be for them what they were for their mom.
I say all of that to say that I tend to discourage people from excluding things like chemo and rads in their treatments. BUT, I am not going to think any differently of you because of your choices. We all make our decisions for our reasons, after looking at the big picture. For me, I tackled this aggressively because I didn't want to have to do it again -- or have to always be on high alert.
Not sure this helps, but it does give you an example of someone who chose to try natural solutions at the start and its not working in her favor.
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Thanks everyone. Yep, I'm
Thanks everyone. Yep, I'm trying to find people that have done alternative methods that's why I posted this. I know a few that are doing a more natural approach and they are doing well years later. I just thought I'd see if there where any here in this group doing an alternative method right now.
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Most of them are NOT doing wellCindyHeadley said:Thanks everyone. Yep, I'm
Thanks everyone. Yep, I'm trying to find people that have done alternative methods that's why I posted this. I know a few that are doing a more natural approach and they are doing well years later. I just thought I'd see if there where any here in this group doing an alternative method right now.
I disapprove of alternative medicine unless it's for simple things like quitting smoking or losing weight. I believe in science. I think the Internet is SO full of bogus stories with people trying to make money from sick people that you just can't believe anything anymore. I did every single thing (surgery, chemo, rads) the doctor ordered and am still here three years later. Unfortunately, many people who denied themselves treatment are not. I eat well and exercise, but I believe what saved me was the oncologists. If you rely on alternative methods, what you are doing is not getting treatment at all. I'm sure you disagree with me, but this is how I feel. I wish you good luck going forward however....
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Hi I do not know if it is your real picturebutton2 said:Most of them are NOT doing well
I disapprove of alternative medicine unless it's for simple things like quitting smoking or losing weight. I believe in science. I think the Internet is SO full of bogus stories with people trying to make money from sick people that you just can't believe anything anymore. I did every single thing (surgery, chemo, rads) the doctor ordered and am still here three years later. Unfortunately, many people who denied themselves treatment are not. I eat well and exercise, but I believe what saved me was the oncologists. If you rely on alternative methods, what you are doing is not getting treatment at all. I'm sure you disagree with me, but this is how I feel. I wish you good luck going forward however....
Hi you look very young and I assure still producing estrogen if you still have ovaries. you need to block it for sure. Please have follow ups with your breast surgeon and continue to have annual mamograms. You must think about your future iven you feel fine today.
My best wishes to you
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Hi! I understand it's your
Hi! I understand it's your choice and I respect that completely. But I want to share that in 1999 while I was going thru chemo treatments another girl in my support group was very strong about the all natural approach. She used to talk my ear off telling how bad the chemo was for me and how she is healing her body with all the right natural stuff. She died a horrible death in less than a year. I felt so bad for her.
That's my only experience I know of in that area.
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Mrs. Bob, I agree with you
I hate to be a "Negative Nancy" but I know so many stories like yours. A friend who got diagnosed along with me did the "nature route". After a year she got a brain tumor. She regretted her previous stance and got the gamma knife to remove her tumor and finally did chemo/rads. She's doing ok now. I think it's important for us to spread the word to people considering spending their hard earned cash and their lives to enrich those willing to make a quick buck off cancer victims. After all, you can do all the natural stuff ALONG WITH traditional medicine.
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I wanted to also say...
Cindy, I also wanted to say, after rereading your post, that with you being triple positive I urge you to talk to your Onc about a hormone blocker such as Tamoxifen, arimidex, aromasin, etc. You need to make sure a microscopic cancer cell isn't going to feed, grow and cause you worse trouble later.
After chemo and radiation I refused to take Tamoxifen because I didn't see the need (especially after having a hysterectomy. Well 12 years later and my lungs were full and I have a (dormant now) lesion on my spine which is still painful at times. Also a spot on my Iliac bone. Thank God Arimidex cleared up the lung mets (Xeloda didn't help at all). I was E/P positive but not positive for the her2nu (sp?) (and aggressive) kind. But now I am stage 4 bc mets. It's now a life long treatment for bc for me.
Just something to consider.
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Oh Well**MrsBob said:I wanted to also say...
Cindy, I also wanted to say, after rereading your post, that with you being triple positive I urge you to talk to your Onc about a hormone blocker such as Tamoxifen, arimidex, aromasin, etc. You need to make sure a microscopic cancer cell isn't going to feed, grow and cause you worse trouble later.
After chemo and radiation I refused to take Tamoxifen because I didn't see the need (especially after having a hysterectomy. Well 12 years later and my lungs were full and I have a (dormant now) lesion on my spine which is still painful at times. Also a spot on my Iliac bone. Thank God Arimidex cleared up the lung mets (Xeloda didn't help at all). I was E/P positive but not positive for the her2nu (sp?) (and aggressive) kind. But now I am stage 4 bc mets. It's now a life long treatment for bc for me.
Just something to consider.
Oh Well....it sounds like you have decided not to listen to your doctors so there isn't much I could tell you really. I'm Triple Negative so did not have the options available to you Positive Gals. Hope you will reconsider our options while you still have them.
I remember Steve McQueen doing 'Alternative' treatments....didn't work out for hiim. I remember Jackie Kennedy giving up on her chemo....but those are just the famous people. My sister in law didn't do the chemo for almost a year because of finances.....she died at the age of only 56. Cancer is not just a bad cold.....it is a DEADLY DISEASE.....it is sneaky, slippery and EVIL and needs to be FOUGHT AND FOUGHT WITH ALL YOU HAVE IN YOU.... I am a Blessed Survivor..... I send you Prayers for Stength and Courage and respect your decision but would urge you to reconsider. Glo
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I always thought that I
would go the alternative route. When my brother was diagnosed in 1972 with melanoma, I was recommeding Laetril for him...but he died 4 years later--at the time there was only a 5% survival rate.
Fast forward 39 years to when I was diagnosed with Stage 1 TNBC. My new husband (of 4 months) didn't pressure me to go the standard route of lumpectomy, chemo and rads--he didn't have to. I wanted to do everything possible to stick around. Next week I'll be celebrating as a 5 year survivor.
Yes, I feel that in the future we may look back at cancer treatment and consider it primative and barbaric (much like we do the surgeons/barbers of the 1600s) however, it is the best we have at present.
If you want to do an alternative route, perhaps Dr. Bloch's website will help you--he does in integrated approach
I have a girlfriend (Stage 2 BC) who flew out to the Chicago area for treatment and raves about the center and him.
I feel that you have to find doctors that you trust and do what they say.
Good luck in your pursuit and treatment.
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Yes! triple positive, all-natural!
Cindy- yes! This can totally be done. I was dx in Sept 2012 with stage 4 dcis, triple positive. I did agree to four doses of A/C chemo but it did not work. My tumor continued to grow and metastasized while on chemo. By the time I was finished with chemo I had grown 2 cup sizes and my tumor was bigger than my head. After double mastectomy, I felt led to refuse further chemo and radiation and was told I would be dead in six months if I didn't do them. Actually had the doc tell me that i should be ashamed of myself that I was going to make my children grow up without a mother. It was awful. HE was awful. Finally had to tell the onc that he would have to take it up with God if he really felt like arguing with someone, because I felt He was telling me not to do the chemo and radiation. Then he hung up on me.
So, then I switched to a raw vegan diet and lost about 35 lbs in 60 days. I read the China Study and also I followed some of the advice on www.chrisbeatcancer.com and was able to not only put my cancer into remission (all tumor markers into normal range, plus no evidence of disease on imaging) in the first 45 days, but I also got rid of the following: plantar fasciitis, clinical depression, eczema, chronic fatigue, lifelong migraines, obesity, and gastric issues that had been plaguing me for decades.
I had about 8 months of bliss and figured the cancer was gone for good and went right back to eating junk. Cancer came back along with a lot of stress and now it's mets in the liver, lymph, and bone. Went to a naturopathic clinic in AZ and got rid of the lymph involvement and also the liver tumors. Now I'm just dealing with bone mets. They are extensive and painful, but as long as I can keep it out of vital organs, I'm good.
Kudos to you for picking a non-toxic, healthy route. These other lovely ladies on here are wonderful, but I really felt strongly that it didn't make sense for me to poison my body to get it well. Have you heard of Ann Cameron, the childrens author? I am following her 'protocol' of juicing carrots and am having very very good results. My pH just now was 7.0! Steady for almost two weeks now.
I wish you well and just joined after I read your note. I wanted to let you know you are not alone and it is a fantastic, healing path!
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There is another good website
There is another good website called breastcancer.org that I think you would benefit from as far as what you are looking for. They have a category called Alternative Medicine. https://community.breastcancer.org/forum/121
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Alternative treatment
I think that you are having second thoughts about your decision to not take chemotherapy and well you should. People who refuse chemotherapy when it is indicated invariably have recurrence of their cancer. Thanks to medical science each person who developes breast cancer do not have to reinvent the wheel. You can profit from the accumulated knowledge that comes from the many people who have been treated proir to you. if you do not availe yourself of this knowledge you will suffer the consequence of your decision and experience a premature death from cancer recurrence.
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it's all in your perspectivebutton2 said:Success?
How can cancer returning after 8 months be considered a success story?
Hello, button2-
Surely you know women or men who have had treatment and been declared cancer free, just to have it return to distant sites or in the other breast. You know how when you are first diagnosed, everyone you tell has a story about their aunt, sister, neighbor, cousin right? Many of these stories do not have happy endings. Many of them describe a woman hanging on to the 'good' breast only to have cancer show up in it years after treatment for the other one. It's a fine line that oncologists must walk, knowing that their treatments are carcinogenic, but can also kill some cancers.
Success is relative. For me, success is first and foremost being strong in my faith. As a Christian, this whole cancer thing is a win-win, no matter how the story unfolds. Being in the system as long as I have been, I've realized that conventional, modern medicine believes that the worst thing that can happen to the patient is that the patient dies. My husband and I do not agree with this. We feel that the worst thing that can happen is the patient is put through years of agony and disablement by the treatment and then dies anyway. So we are avoiding the torture aspect and moving straight to the healing. After that, not polluting my body, remaining active, and living in a way that helps others see the light of the Lord.... these are little successes.
Aside from that though, when a doctor told me I'd be dead 2 1/2 years ago, and not only am I not dead, but I am vibrant and thriving, well I call that a success, too.
I feel a huge measure of favor and success in not being permanently disabled by the small amount of conventional treatment I did receive before I knew better. Now that I know my body can heal itself, because I have seen it do just this already once before, I know I will not only be successful in getting rid of this cancer, again, but I know how to keep it from returning.
Now, I do know lots of women who have had tremendous, lasting effects, positive solutions to their cancers using conventional methods and I am thrilled for them! I don't want this to seem like a battle against chemo, radiation ,& surgery. Every person needs to choose their own path, the one that will work with their body, their life, their family. I just know that my body did not react well to those same methods, chemo in particular.
Also, in case anyone else is paying close attention, cinnamonsmile noticed that DCIS cannot be stage 4.... in my original reply to this message, I noted that I was dcis stage 4. Well, I'm gonna pull my charts and double check that. Many aspects of my dx and biopsy were mishandled, so I will have to reread the stuff that happened early on in this journey. Sorry for the confusion and discrepancy, but I'll sort that out soon.
Hope that helps clarify my success for you, button2. Thanks for asking.
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Thank you for replying
Thank you for replying Jenni. You certainly seem happy with the road you have taken. I did well with chemo and traditional medicines so I can understand you having a different experience. As you said, many women get a recurrence no matter what they do. I feel that my conscience is at ease being such a believer in scientific methods. I didn't want to second guess myself! I wish you the best of luck going forward, Anna
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Did you all know that chemobutton2 said:Thank you for replying
Thank you for replying Jenni. You certainly seem happy with the road you have taken. I did well with chemo and traditional medicines so I can understand you having a different experience. As you said, many women get a recurrence no matter what they do. I feel that my conscience is at ease being such a believer in scientific methods. I didn't want to second guess myself! I wish you the best of luck going forward, Anna
Did you all know that chemo only helps 22 out of 100 people? My oncologist told me that. He also told me that it was 50/50 that it may or may not ever come back. If I did the chemo he suggested and IF I was one of the 22 people it would help it would bring my chances up to 83 percent that it would not come back.
I am a firm believer that if cancer can only grow in a body that is out of alignment then we have the ability to put our bodies back into alignment.
I know several women that have died from cancer and they all did radiation and chemo. Doing radiation and chemo does not ensure you that you won't die. I had a friend that had a double masectomy last year so that she would not have to worry about the cancer coming back and she did what her doctors recommended medicine wise and guess what another form of cancer came back in her chest.Everyone needs to pick what is right for them.
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Thank you Cinnamonsmile! Icinnamonsmile said:There is another good website
There is another good website called breastcancer.org that I think you would benefit from as far as what you are looking for. They have a category called Alternative Medicine. https://community.breastcancer.org/forum/121
Thank you Cinnamonsmile! I will check this website out!
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