Drinking Aloe Vera

edreddog Member Posts: 19 Member

has anybody tried Aloe Vera as a remedy for burns from the Rads internally,I'm just preping for the burn to come all info appreciated!

                                       Thanks to all you guys and my HEROS! Ed










  • petroglyph
    petroglyph Member Posts: 41
    I have no knowledge if it

    I have no knowledge if it will help heal your throat, but I do use it for a base for my "smoothies". WM has it 99% organic for around 8 bucks a gallon. It doesn't taste bad?

    You are probably aware people have rubbed aloe on wounds forever, and I like the "huggies" unscented with aloe.

    It seems like you have to drink something? Why not aloe?

  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    ed, i've never heard of that

    ed, i've never heard of that but members have used several different products for the burn.  personally, i used aquapor and it worked miracles on my neck.  others try it but didn't like the way it felt.  so, you just keep trying what others have until you find what works for you.  i'm sure others will chime in to let you know what they used.  good luck and its very smart to look ahead as you are.

    God bless you,


  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Don't know about drinking but I've used the plant...

    I have used the plant for burn and skin abrasions. I also know I never want an aleo vera plant growing at my house again. You can't kill them. You cut it and more grow and spread. I pulled it out and left it to die on cement for five years and it still lived, just on cement and never watered it. Damn thing won't die. Finilly put it in the yard trash roots and all. It probably still growing at the dump. Best of luck with it, but don't plant one.


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    this you do not drink


    The neck burn I developed from rads was my very painful for me; Silver Sulfadiazine Cream worked like a charm and took all my pain away.  It is a bit messy and one person in the H&N forum (that I heard of) said they had a bad reaction.  I tried everything, but if the burn is serious, use the big gun.



  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    Aloe vera

    If you type in "aloe vera" into the keyword search, you'll find several posts about drinking or using it for both internal and external burns. Be sure to check with your doctors about trying anything they have not suggested. Chemo can interact with fish oil, antioxidants, and who knows what else. I admire your determination to prepare for everything!  You're like a warrior putting on your armor before battle. I think you'll do great!

    I'd offer you my aloe plant, but I killed it. Sorry, Bill, I can doom any plant!

  • tiestiks
    tiestiks Member Posts: 3
    I used an aloe vera drink from a health food shop to soothe the inside of my mouth and throat during radiotherapy. It worked well and gave instant relief for a short while.
  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    I used Aloe for the outside,

    but not for the inside burns.....please run this by your Drs. before you start ingesting Aloe Vera.....there are many things we can't do while getting rads or getting chemo....always check first.


  • tiestiks
    tiestiks Member Posts: 3
    aloe vera drink
    That's good advice phrannie to check with your doctor first.
    Mine did say it would be OK while I was having radiotherapy. Its just like a fruit drink containing lumps of Aloe Vera, a sip immediately soothes burned mouth and throat giving relief for several minutes. I know aloe very works really well on skin burns scalds. However I trusted the antibacterial cream and aqueous cream that I was given by the hospital. I had very severe crusty weeping burns and I didn't want to take any chances, the creams did work.
  • ErthWlkr
    ErthWlkr Member Posts: 60

    Hi Ed:

    While you're prepping, it's also important to understand that radiation "burns" aren't burns in the traditional sense. What happens is that the same way that radiation treatment mechanism that breaks down the cancerous tissue also has the same effect on healthy tissue such as your skin or even the inside of your mouth and throat. A sun "burn", for instance, is actually caused by UV radiation and is closer to what radiation treatment does than by burning your skin with a match.

    Tiestiks acutally nailed it - the aloe is soothing to the tissue and makes the area "slippery" so swallowing isn't as painful. It's also an anti-inflammatory so it can help reduce the irritation you might feel.

    There are lots of other properties that are beneficial but I'd also be cautious about drinking too much of it. Try other adjunct methods as well including magic mouthwash, a proprietary blend of coating and numbing agents. You can also do baking soda rinses.

    The basic idea is to find out what works for you and use it. But as someone cautioned, it wouldn't hurt to give the doc a heads-up and let them know what you're planning/doing. Believe it or not, they also learn from patients and can pass on the lessons to others.

    Wishing you successful treatment and an easy recovery!

    - Jeff

  • jackflash22
    jackflash22 Member Posts: 524 Member
    wmc said:

    Don't know about drinking but I've used the plant...

    I have used the plant for burn and skin abrasions. I also know I never want an aleo vera plant growing at my house again. You can't kill them. You cut it and more grow and spread. I pulled it out and left it to die on cement for five years and it still lived, just on cement and never watered it. Damn thing won't die. Finilly put it in the yard trash roots and all. It probably still growing at the dump. Best of luck with it, but don't plant one.


    Bill, it sounds like a sci-fi

    Bill, it sounds like a sci-fi horror movie. I get a vision of this 'thing' taking over your life. It gave me a good laugh just what I needed right now.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Hi Ed




    On the Island where I grew up I heard some of the old folks talk about making a tea like stuff out of Aloe but I never did it myself. I grow it in my back yard but only use it on the outside of my skin.



