Oh Craig...Sundanceh said:Thanks for advice
It feels good to be back in the room again.
I needed to know I have friends left who get me and put up with me:)
We'll start with the procedure on 18th and see what they see.
Wish it would been today...I finally passed a bm knot that had been torturing me for weeks now. Not sure how long it will last never does long. With me not really eating itmustbe the choco milk that is keeping me alive.
He might have got the scope inerted better than he will for the procedure on 18th.
Urinary wise i void fully so its a bowel issue causing issues on that side im sure.
I wanted to add that pain pills can inhibit renal motility as well......pain pills are an oxymoron - they give but can also take away....reason I'm fighting for back surgery in trial...vot me lff Dilaudid instantly on 2nd day....
Had a whole bunch written but it it did not post...went away.
So, it's Impaction OR a new tumor:(. possibly a hemi?
Stay tuned to the Sundance Channel - Story Matters Here...
I'm so glad you updated us, but my heart is breaking for what you have to go through.
Cancer is SO F'ING UNFAIR (I will censor myself there, or I know CSN will do it for me, I could use the word "freaking" but really that isn't strong enough).
I hope you can be here more often, despite all the challenges. You have provided a lot of much needed support to folks over the years, it's our turn now to support you.
Big hugs coming your way, buddy~AA
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Roger that!annalexandria said:Oh Craig...
I'm so glad you updated us, but my heart is breaking for what you have to go through.
Cancer is SO F'ING UNFAIR (I will censor myself there, or I know CSN will do it for me, I could use the word "freaking" but really that isn't strong enough).
I hope you can be here more often, despite all the challenges. You have provided a lot of much needed support to folks over the years, it's our turn now to support you.
Big hugs coming your way, buddy~AA
Maybe I can surprise the community one more time:)
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CraigSundanceh said:Roger that!
Maybe I can surprise the community one more time:)
You are truly "The Man".
So very sorry for what you are going through right now. Would you be better off at MD Anderson? I know it's a ways from Dallas to Houston, though. Please give me a shout if I can help in any way.
"Mama" Wolfen
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Praying for youwolfen said:Craig
You are truly "The Man".
So very sorry for what you are going through right now. Would you be better off at MD Anderson? I know it's a ways from Dallas to Houston, though. Please give me a shout if I can help in any way.
"Mama" Wolfen
I'm in awe of your strength. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You certainly are a true inspiration.
Cyber hugs, prayers, good thoughts
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Mamawolfen said:Craig
You are truly "The Man".
So very sorry for what you are going through right now. Would you be better off at MD Anderson? I know it's a ways from Dallas to Houston, though. Please give me a shout if I can help in any way.
"Mama" Wolfen
Can't make that far of a drive....just too far for me now.
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ahhh you keep tryingSundanceh said:Mama
Can't make that far of a drive....just too far for me now.
AHHH Craig you just keep tryin and fightin and still your smarts and sense of humour shine through. Yup poop and more poop.....we can talk about that here....noooo prob.
I remember so well when Donna was here and you two would rattle on to the delight of all....everybody in treatment and still laughing with one know what I am going to do right this second.....I am going downstairs and I am going to put Santa's Craig Christmas CD and have a great big fat laugh/cry for you, and everybody else here.
hang in big guy....well somewhat reduced big guy....still big in heart and spirit.....hugs
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Maggie Maymaglets said:ahhh you keep trying
AHHH Craig you just keep tryin and fightin and still your smarts and sense of humour shine through. Yup poop and more poop.....we can talk about that here....noooo prob.
I remember so well when Donna was here and you two would rattle on to the delight of all....everybody in treatment and still laughing with one know what I am going to do right this second.....I am going downstairs and I am going to put Santa's Craig Christmas CD and have a great big fat laugh/cry for you, and everybody else here.
hang in big guy....well somewhat reduced big guy....still big in heart and spirit.....hugs
Chicky and I were a magical time alright....this room was the place to be:)
And Santa Craig brings back really nice memories too. I really tried to do what I could.
Thanks for the flashback!
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Hey YoYolllmbs said:Praying for you
I'm in awe of your strength. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. You certainly are a true inspiration.
Cyber hugs, prayers, good thoughts
have I said hello?
Nice to meet you and thanks for your support.
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Right on Ronron50 said:What causes medicinal constipation.
For those that have never had to take opiate based pain killers , they have a very dark side. Their control of pain is amazingly good. Their major downfall is that they literally put the my bowel to sleep. That stops motility, the caterpillar like movement of the large and small intestines that moves food and waste thru. Fibre is no use in fact it adds to the problem by building brick walls in the intestines particularly because most of us have areas where the colon has stuck to itself during operations ie adhesions. Compaction is hard to shift. The first prblem is restarting the motility. I take dulcolax which is the same biscodyl we take during our scope prep. I have to use a stool softener to loosen up the compaction. I have to drink a lot more water than normal to provide a medium for the stool softeners to get to the blockage, I use moviprep , up to five sachets a day . It is the same as the scope prep and it helps to restart motility and soften areas of compaction. I can only eat snall meals which contain some soft fibre. Things like green peas ,pears but no crude or coarse fibre. Prune juice helps but not too much as bloating does not help issues. And last but not the least the microlax enemas. These little suckers can be life savers. I have developed an early warning system . I can definitely feel a blockage as it happens. Proof is when I try to go to the loo and strain for no result, That is the time to use an enema. Break it up before it becomes serious. I know it is not a pleasant subject but I also suffer from pulmonary odeema. When I block up pretty soon I can't breathe and that really panics me. Cheers to all. Ron.
you said it buddy.
im so sorry for all you have to go've really paid the price. Wishing good fortune for you as always. You are tough to go through all of that.
Thanks for stopping in with good info.
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Ronron50 said:Hugs mate
I'm on 80mg oxycodone/40 naloxone. The naloxone is supposed to stop opiate induced constipation but itdoes not. Every time I take my pain pills I take two dulcolax and two of three coloxyl. I have almost gotten to like the taste of moviprep I drink so much of it. I take 150mg of cyclosporine daily. Another constipating agent. I am sitting here at the puter , It si just past midnight and I am waiting for the microlax enema to work. It is taking its time. I find severe constipation one of the most terrifying ordeals that I have faced. Every time my bowels open it is a major victory. My heart goes out to you . Good luck with everything, if that sounds lame mate it probably is I just don't know what else to say.. Ron who is also full of ít.
folks have said I'm full of $hit:)
guess they were right!
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Nah Winter
ive worsened as you can see. just wish all of this pain and madness would cease and decist. Hopefully next Thursday we'lol know more than we do now.
it is so hard to keep going and staying strong....I'm tied to bed almost exclusively these days. Dr appointments take a toll on me and the drive is draining enough.
at home I can't sleep much cause I'm up and down getting sick and trying to get my system working.
I just keep trying and's not life...but the only one I got.
Good thought though...know you want me better....the wife too.
And let me add its a lot of work and tiring getting up 20 plus times a day or more.
Lets recap:
1. Fighting cancer 4th time.
2. Pain from lung tumor in tight pleura....4 different meda...fentanyl, dilaudid, tornados and lidocaine patch.
3. BM pain multiple attempts.
4. Don't eat anymore....a cookie maybe one pancake sometimes.
5. Difficulty urinating due to bowel pressure constant.
that's enough for anyone, right?
anyway we will see how it goes. Thanks for the post!
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Thank you, Ron.ron50 said:What causes medicinal constipation.
For those that have never had to take opiate based pain killers , they have a very dark side. Their control of pain is amazingly good. Their major downfall is that they literally put the my bowel to sleep. That stops motility, the caterpillar like movement of the large and small intestines that moves food and waste thru. Fibre is no use in fact it adds to the problem by building brick walls in the intestines particularly because most of us have areas where the colon has stuck to itself during operations ie adhesions. Compaction is hard to shift. The first prblem is restarting the motility. I take dulcolax which is the same biscodyl we take during our scope prep. I have to use a stool softener to loosen up the compaction. I have to drink a lot more water than normal to provide a medium for the stool softeners to get to the blockage, I use moviprep , up to five sachets a day . It is the same as the scope prep and it helps to restart motility and soften areas of compaction. I can only eat snall meals which contain some soft fibre. Things like green peas ,pears but no crude or coarse fibre. Prune juice helps but not too much as bloating does not help issues. And last but not the least the microlax enemas. These little suckers can be life savers. I have developed an early warning system . I can definitely feel a blockage as it happens. Proof is when I try to go to the loo and strain for no result, That is the time to use an enema. Break it up before it becomes serious. I know it is not a pleasant subject but I also suffer from pulmonary odeema. When I block up pretty soon I can't breathe and that really panics me. Cheers to all. Ron.
I know it is not a pleasant subject
Absolutely no problem talking about this us with here on the forum, considering our medical complications. Your post is full of great information, thank you.
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Hi Craig, it is nice to see
Hi Craig, it is nice to see your post, but my heart hurts. I totally got what you are saying and I can feel your pain. It's too much torture...
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I wish I could do something to lift some of your pain. I can offer friendship, love, admiration and hope that you will have another big recovery. I hope the best for you my friend.
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ProteinKathleen808 said:Craig
I wish I could do something to lift some of your pain. I can offer friendship, love, admiration and hope that you will have another big recovery. I hope the best for you my friend.
Hello Craig, so glad to read your posts, still have your sense of humor. I am in awe of how you are handling things. I understand your problems, my daughter has some if them mainly because of meds. I get her Booster juice with extra protein, a comp we have here, it is mainly fruit juice with yoghurt and protein powder . Cocoa makes it hard to go just like calcium, maybe if you try a fruit juice and add protein powder ? A few sips every few minutes is what she does , chewing and swallowing hurts her.
I am am just very happy to read your posts, what might help you urinate is a electric pillow or anything warm to stimulate the area? Main thing is to stay hydrated or there is no output.
much love and incouragement ,i send your way, thinking of you often, you incouragement me when I needed it . Give my regards to your wife, I know she can use a hug also. Remember we love and care for you deeply,
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Hi Marjanthingy45 said:Protein
Hello Craig, so glad to read your posts, still have your sense of humor. I am in awe of how you are handling things. I understand your problems, my daughter has some if them mainly because of meds. I get her Booster juice with extra protein, a comp we have here, it is mainly fruit juice with yoghurt and protein powder . Cocoa makes it hard to go just like calcium, maybe if you try a fruit juice and add protein powder ? A few sips every few minutes is what she does , chewing and swallowing hurts her.
I am am just very happy to read your posts, what might help you urinate is a electric pillow or anything warm to stimulate the area? Main thing is to stay hydrated or there is no output.
much love and incouragement ,i send your way, thinking of you often, you incouragement me when I needed it . Give my regards to your wife, I know she can use a hug also. Remember we love and care for you deeply,
Nice to see you still roaming these halls:)
im in a real fix right now.....procedure this ThursdaY. Almost scared at what we'll find. It just never seems to end.....
take care and thx for posting...good to see you.
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Day by DAy
Can I suggest that you try to take each day as it comes and not get too far ahead of yourself. Sounds corny, but today is the best day and tomorrow is something we hope for.
Try not to worry too much about Thursday; I know it is hard.
((HUGS)) and positive uplifting thoughts streaming at you. Wish I could do more.
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It's ok Artfatbob2010 said:Day by DAy
Can I suggest that you try to take each day as it comes and not get too far ahead of yourself. Sounds corny, but today is the best day and tomorrow is something we hope for.
Try not to worry too much about Thursday; I know it is hard.
((HUGS)) and positive uplifting thoughts streaming at you. Wish I could do more.
were all on the sidelines watching our friends suffer while we mostly helplessly watch.
But we give our support and that's what we can do for one another.
i do take it a day at a time.....back pain alone 16 months now....everyday 24 hours a I'm doing it...and it is hard. These latest issues keep me occupied all day and physically and mentally tiring....sleep is not easy now as I'm up and down every hour or two.
the days ebb on seemingly endless....then the shadow passes from day to night and the loneliness, separation and emptiness can sometimes consume you. TV is my friend but it's mostly reruns and sometimes not enough.
i never knew how hard it was to live 22 hours each and everyday for a year and a half. Still mentally active but physically tied to bed is not right.
Anyway thanks again for writing know you're trying to's all good.
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