Not good news about hip

Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member

Didn't get good news about my hip.  They took an x-ray in December and things looked good but 8 months later my ball joint blood vessels have died and now my used to be rounded hip bone is now flattened.  It's like rubbing bone on bone.  Dr. told me to limit my walking, which is the only exercise I love, and to limit any strenous activity.  According to the bone loss from December to today she gives me about 5 years before needing complete hip replacement.  She said that it might be to the point that I can only take about 6 more months of hip pain and I just give up and say I need it now.  I have Avascular Necrosis and it says  Other risk factors or causes include blood clotting disorders, sickle cell disease, hyperlipidemia, deep sea scuba diving, smoking, radiation treatments and chemotherapy, pancreatitis, Gaucher’s disease, Lupus or other connective tissue diseases, and pregnancy. (Sorry for so large it wouldn't reduce type).  I'm saddened and thought that after being cleared last year from oncologist that was it, but guess not.  Like others have said, cancer is the gift that keeps on giving.  Going in for MRI to see what exactly is going on with tissue also and she said this is needed to also access the groin if they are going to give me cortizone in the hip area.  It might help but it is only temporary.  I'll continue to take the neproxen and flexoril and she has now added a pain pill so I'm able to sleep at night as this pain wakes me up as well.  I'd asked her about if she thought it could be cancer related and after viewing the x-ray she said she doesn't think so but the MRI could give more indication.  Of course, my heart sank and my journey now begins again for another obstacle.  Please keep me in your prayers, good vibes, thoughts that it's not cancer related.  You all have been my rock through all of this and always appreciated your kind words and support.

Hugs!  Kim



  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    In my thoughts

    and prayers, always! Hopefully is nothing to be concerned about. It never ends, does it?

    Good thoughts being sent your way.


  • Yolllmbs
    Yolllmbs Member Posts: 360 Member
    One thing
    Cancer has done for me is keep me connected with my spirituality. Prayers, good vibes, candles and lots of cyber hugs.

  • ron50
    ron50 Member Posts: 1,723 Member
    G'day Kim

       The irony of cancer is that we were probably going to get these other problems ,it is just that the cancer and related treatment has hastened their onset by many many years. The way I feel I am a 64 year old man in the body of an eighty year old. The first point I will make to you is that arthritis drugs,most but not all,can make chemo seem tame. The second point and it is a very important one , arthritis drugs for the most part are designed to stop the progression of the disease. They will not decrease the pain of existing damage. Drugs like the non steroidal anti inflammatories will help with the pain but as always there will be a price to pay, in this case it is stomach upsets and gi tract damage. They are also very harsh on kidneys as were your chemo and colonoscopy preps. I personally would go for the new hip now rather than later. Why ? Because constant pain destroys you body and soul. I had existing auto immune problems prior to cancer. Most were undiagnosed. The worst pain wise is ankylosing spondylitis. Several of my lower vertebrae have fracured then fused togeather. Unfortunately the fusion is not bone but gristle which is weaker than bone and apt to fracture easily. Short of replacing my lower spine with metal bridgework there are few options. I have severe peripheral neuropathy of the feet legs and hands though I never had platinum based chemo. I also have severe psoriatic arthritis ,another auto-immune disease. The last problem and the one most likely to kill me is my kidneys. I have an auto immune disease of unknowm type and cause that is making my kidneys leak up to seven grams of protein a day,there is no cure for any of my auto immune diseases, only treatment. Given that my kidneys are the worst of my problems thae are treating them with the big guns and expect the lesser problems to be slowed down as collateral damage. I am taking 75 mg of cyclosporine twice a day. It is enhanced with 240 mg of diltiazem daily. This drug allows more cyclosprine to be absorbed at a lower dose. Back to pain. Sometimes we make life so much harder than it need be because we perceive certain treatments as un acceptable. I take opiates,I never thought I would. I am glad I do. I take a drug called Targin. It is an opiate ,oxycodone combine with an opiate antagonist,naloxone. An unusual combitanion. What it means is that I get pain relief ,not high. It does not matter how much targin I take I will not get high, the naloxone prevents it. The naloxone is supposed to prevent opiate induced constripation. It does not seem to work for most people. What I do is that everytime I take a targin I take two dulcolax . The targin puts the bowels motility to sleep the dulcolax wakes it up. After each meal I take a sachet of mocicol. a bit like scope prep but less nasty. It has solved my problems I never get over level three or four pain and I can sleep ok at night. You can see that life becomes a bit complicated but cancer made life complicated, the stuff I do and take at least makes it livable . Good luck Kim you can talk over some of the treatments and comments I have made with your doctor and make your own choices just trying to give you some practical choices . Hugs Ron. 

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member

    I'm sorry to hear about this latest thing. You're right when you say that cancer's the gift that keeps giving. I hope the shots help.


  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    Hugs to you

    Sorry about the hip and the pain. Yes, let's hope the MRI shows this to be not cancer related. Consider the hip replacement, my mother is very happy with hers. Fingers crossed here for a positive outcome.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am so truly sorry to hear

    I am so truly sorry to hear about the bad news but I was actually a little relieved when I read your post. When I saw not good news my stomach knotted up in fear that your cancer came back there. I am not making light of your situation but anything is better than a recurrence even though cancer treatments probobly did cause your hip problems.

  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
    Sending out prayers, good

    Sending out prayers, good vibes and thoughts.

    That this new obstacle be skillfully analyzed and a path to overcome become crystal clear in the very near future. 

    Sincere blessings to you Kim.

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    A real blow

    I am so sorry to hear that the news was not good, but like Phil, happy that she doesn't think it is Cancer related. 

    I know the thought of another surgery is not pleasing, but I have several friends with new hips, and they are doing wonderfully well. 

    Life sure isn't fair, and I will pray that you recieve strength beyond you own, and from what I gather, you are one strong lady. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • LivinginNH
    LivinginNH Member Posts: 1,456 Member
    Hi Kim,

    I'm on the side


    Hi Kim,

    I'm on the side of getting the hips replaced as soon as possible to reduce or even remove the pain permanently.  Back in 1999 (and I’m sure treatment has come a long way since), my 83 yr old aunt fell and broke both hips.  She underwent a complete hip replacement, and was only in the hospital for four days of recovery – but she was up and moving around by the second day!  She continued to improve once she got home and had no pain at all, just a little sore for a few weeks.  But she was up and moving around just fine after the operation.  Just my two cents worth…

    Take care,


  • peterz54
    peterz54 Member Posts: 341
    something to consider


    Kim,   Hopefully your hip issue is not cancer related, and if not there is a slim possibility that your hip could be helped by stem cell therapy.    While not available in the US for most health issues, stem cell therpay is approved as an experimental treatment for orthopaedic issues.    I am not sure of all the locations where this is availlable, but one clinic is in Atlanta - the  Emory Orthopaedics & Spine Center, part of Emory University.  Fairly sure this is not covered by your insurance due to being experimental, but they have a financial councelor who will determine that for you - cost appears to be around $5,000 if not covered.  

    Here is their web site:

    At a minimum they could review your case and let you know if you are a candidate

    Their FAQ page on Stem Cells with an email contact 

    good luck


    PS   A work friend just came back from Emory having had her ankle treated.  Will take several months to see full results.   her only other option would have been surgery to install a new ankle,  her's having gotten so bad she had to give up long walks 


  • Hooley
    Hooley Member Posts: 156
    Oh Kim

    Sending lotsa prayers and hugs.  You've been strong before but am feeling your pain.  just a bugger buy know where all with ya. Lotsa luv Sue

  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Hey Kim, I also have hip pain

    Hey Kim, I also have hip pain since chemo and radiation and I got the feeling that whatever it is is not going to be good down the road.  My doctor stated that it's not often cancer, just cancer related.  I've been taking my calcium and vitamin D daily in hopes that it will not worsen.  I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that something will come along in advancements that you're not stuck getting a replacement.  I can imagine that at this point you just don't want to do it, I sure wouldn't.  After cancer it's hard to deal with the idea of anything else going wrong. 

  • hippiechicks
    hippiechicks Member Posts: 509 Member
    Hi Kim, 
    So sorry to hear of

    Hi Kim, 

    So sorry to hear of this new development, but as stated ... at least it is only related to cancer and NOT cancer!  This is gonna be another one of those tough decisions that is very personal to each, however, I have also heard fantastic reports from all who have undergone replacement within the past few years.  I believe the surgery has come a long way and is extremly beneficial.  There is also something to say for getting there while the getting is good. Wink

  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    It just never seems to end for us cancer folk, does it?

    I feel like throwing something at the TV when I see commercials for cancer treatment, which always seem to show the happy patient running up a grassy hill or going for a bike ride.  For most of us, that is so far from reality!

    I hope your docs can offer you some options that will help.  I have had several relatives who have had hips and knees replaced, and the general consensus is that it's worth it (and that doing it sooner rather than later is key).  And I have also read up on the stem cell approach that Peter mentions, and it sounds really hopeful.   Might be worth looking into.


    Big hugs~AA

  • Betsydoglover
    Betsydoglover Member Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hip Issues

    Hi Kim -


    I'm sorry to hear about your hip.  But please don't go on with pain and avoid a replacement.


    I had my left hip replaced in 2008 and it's the best thing I ever did for myself.  Up and slowly walking the next day (with a walker).  Surgery on Tuesday - home Friday afternoon.  Difficult to do things for the first 3 weeks - needed occasional pain meds the first week.  I started driving after 2 weeks  - it was my left hip.  By 6 weeks I had left the cain behind.


    I know how horrible bone on bone hip pain is and it all goes away with surgery.  Please at least consult with an ortho.  It is of course your decision, but hip replacement is life chainging surgery.


    Take care,


  • Annabelle41415
    Annabelle41415 Member Posts: 6,742 Member
    Thanks to All

    I've seen so names on here that haven't been here in awhile and thank you for posting.  My hip seems to be getting worse day by day and I'm going in on Sunday the 21st to have an MRI and back to the doctor on the 23rd to get the report.  I'm not able to hardly make it up our stairs anymore.  Heck to making love because spreading that leg out is not going to happen and don't ask me to run down the basement for croutons in the storage room.  My life has changed so much in the last two months it is unbelieveable.  Every step is a pain and every day is me wanting relief.  I'm doing nothing but just trying to get day by day and I'm thinking it has to be worse that what they thought because of the pain I'm in. This MRI can't come soon enough because I'm to the point where I'm not able to move and I'm rembering SteveD where he had his whole hip removed and all that and I'm so scared of more major problems.  Please still keep me in prayer for no cancer in the hip in MRI. 

    Hugs! Kim

  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member

    Thanks to All

    I've seen so names on here that haven't been here in awhile and thank you for posting.  My hip seems to be getting worse day by day and I'm going in on Sunday the 21st to have an MRI and back to the doctor on the 23rd to get the report.  I'm not able to hardly make it up our stairs anymore.  Heck to making love because spreading that leg out is not going to happen and don't ask me to run down the basement for croutons in the storage room.  My life has changed so much in the last two months it is unbelieveable.  Every step is a pain and every day is me wanting relief.  I'm doing nothing but just trying to get day by day and I'm thinking it has to be worse that what they thought because of the pain I'm in. This MRI can't come soon enough because I'm to the point where I'm not able to move and I'm rembering SteveD where he had his whole hip removed and all that and I'm so scared of more major problems.  Please still keep me in prayer for no cancer in the hip in MRI. 

    Hugs! Kim

    In my thoughts

    Hi Kim,

    you have been on my mind for awhile now. In my prayers also. Positive thinking is sometimes very hard to do. But I try to stay optimistic. An MRI is a great idea then at least you know what is going on. Just a few more days, hang in there. I hope they can give you something for the pain.

    hugs, Marjan

  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member

    Thanks to All

    I've seen so names on here that haven't been here in awhile and thank you for posting.  My hip seems to be getting worse day by day and I'm going in on Sunday the 21st to have an MRI and back to the doctor on the 23rd to get the report.  I'm not able to hardly make it up our stairs anymore.  Heck to making love because spreading that leg out is not going to happen and don't ask me to run down the basement for croutons in the storage room.  My life has changed so much in the last two months it is unbelieveable.  Every step is a pain and every day is me wanting relief.  I'm doing nothing but just trying to get day by day and I'm thinking it has to be worse that what they thought because of the pain I'm in. This MRI can't come soon enough because I'm to the point where I'm not able to move and I'm rembering SteveD where he had his whole hip removed and all that and I'm so scared of more major problems.  Please still keep me in prayer for no cancer in the hip in MRI. 

    Hugs! Kim

    Please let us know how the tests come out!

    I agree with the others, take advantage of being without cancer and get the hip replaced now. I am hoping that there are no little cancer buggers in there and the tests show clear scans. 


  • TheLadySkye
    TheLadySkye Member Posts: 203 Member
    I am sending love, prayers,

    I am sending love, prayers, and many good thoughts your way.  It doesn't seem fair that you should have to deal with this in addition to everything else you have been through.  Please know you are being thought of.

  • janderson1964
    janderson1964 Member Posts: 2,215 Member
    I am praying that your mri

    I am praying that your mri today is negative for cancer.