Not good news about hip



  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,459 Member

    Thanks to All

    I've seen so names on here that haven't been here in awhile and thank you for posting.  My hip seems to be getting worse day by day and I'm going in on Sunday the 21st to have an MRI and back to the doctor on the 23rd to get the report.  I'm not able to hardly make it up our stairs anymore.  Heck to making love because spreading that leg out is not going to happen and don't ask me to run down the basement for croutons in the storage room.  My life has changed so much in the last two months it is unbelieveable.  Every step is a pain and every day is me wanting relief.  I'm doing nothing but just trying to get day by day and I'm thinking it has to be worse that what they thought because of the pain I'm in. This MRI can't come soon enough because I'm to the point where I'm not able to move and I'm rembering SteveD where he had his whole hip removed and all that and I'm so scared of more major problems.  Please still keep me in prayer for no cancer in the hip in MRI. 

    Hugs! Kim

    Hey Kim, came on to check on

    Hey Kim, came on to check on your MRI.  Thinking of you today.