Our dearest Lisa2012 passed away August 25th 2014



  • Helen321
    Helen321 Member Posts: 1,460 Member
    Trubrit said:

    Fast and hopefully painless

    I was blessed to correspond with Lisa's Sister-in-law, who shared those last few weeks of Lisa's life.  I appreciate that she would message me, on the day when her grief was so fresh. 

    The end came quite quickly for our Lisa. In one of her last posts she mentioned that she was having a post Y90 Scan on Juily 17th. She must have been told then that the liver mets had multiplied and also spread to her lungs and lymph nodes. 

    After coming home, she was told her Biliruben was low, she spent a week in hospital. Her liver failed and she was sent home with Hospice. 

    The five days previous to her passing, she was un-responsive. 

    It is my sincere prayer that she did not experience physical pain. There is no doubt though, what emotions must be felt when you realize that you are going to leave behind your children and husband and all of those you love, even life iteslf. 

    My heart (and eyes) weep for Lisa. She really was a very, very speical person. I feel honoured that I was allowed a short time to get to know her, here on the forum and on Facebook.


    I got nothin!  Wow.  I feel

    I got nothin!  Wow.  I feel so sorry for her family. 

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Helen321 said:

    I am a little shocked by

    I am a little shocked by this, well a lot shocked.  She was in such a good position, what happened and what happened so fast?  I hope her family is managing.  Wow, this disease really does blindside you!


    My post a half way down explains a little of what I was told by Lisa's SIL. 

    I guess the mets just spread, fast and then the liver failed and she was gone. 

    I was completely stunned by the news. It has changed my life, to be honest. She was a quiet but important part of this forum.