Having a bit of a rough ride lately

CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member

Well Saturday night was just no fun at all.  I threw up about 10 X even after zofran and phenergan.  Started having terrible left-sided pain.  Went back to ER (hate, hate, hate).  At first, there was suspicion of gallbladder disease.  Yay!!!

Unfortunately, nothing is ever that simple with me.  Gallbladder is ok, but my pancreas is enlarged and the sphincter of Oddi was stuck shut.  That sphincter is not a dog from outer space, but a small valve at the bottom of the pancreas that regulates the flow of bile and pancreatic juices to the intestine.  Trust me, you do not want to have it stuck.  My liver enzymes are sky high, as are my pancreatic enzymes.  I have a lovely jaundiced tan (not) and am scratching like a monkey. Wink

Anyway, they placed a stent to hold said nasty sphincter open and sent me home.  Best case scenario, the reason why it was stuck was radiation strictures or scarring from previous mets.  Of course, we all know the worst case scenario - which is one I am beginning to suspect.  My CEA (drawn tonight) has jumped from 0.6 to 4.8.  Waiting on other markers.

I have to have a PET asap and then an endoscopic ultrasound of the pancreas after the PET.  A really fun week ahead.  Bra ha ha. 

Anyway, I just busted out of the hospital tonight and it is so lovely to be home with Danny and pets.  We are all very happy tonight.  I am thinking like Scarlet O'Hara right now, "I'll think about it tomorrow....After all, tomorrow is another day!"



  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    Sending you a big hug

    I am very sorry about pain, ER, hospital stay and all scenarioa that are driving through your mind. Please belive me elevated liver and panceatc enzymes  not always cancer, there other disfunctions and causes , right? PET will help to rule it out, however PET itself is not an easy procedure.

    Please rest, have  asweet dreams and let us know when to ride our bus.

    I finish radiation and return to work.


  • Puffin2014
    Puffin2014 Member Posts: 531 Member
    there with you

    Cypress, so sorry you're going through tough times. Actually, Scarlet wasn't so far off, none of us is promised tomorrow, you're home with husband and pets, enjoy, clear your mind, whatever tomorrow brings you will deal with it and we'll all be there with you. Praying for best case scenerio test results for you and the strength to get you through all the upcoming tests.

  • Clementine_P
    Clementine_P Member Posts: 518 Member

    That certainly qualifies as a rough ride.  So sorry you are dealing with this!  I wish I could say or do something to make it all go away.  You have used one of my favorite quotes, though - and tomorrow IS another day.  I'll be sending good thoughts your way and hope that the worst case scenario is never realized.


  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    wow sorry to hear all your

    wow sorry to hear all your have gone through...


    sending pixie dust your way..


  • desertgirl947
    desertgirl947 Member Posts: 653 Member
    Hang in there!

    Hang in there!

    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

    I am hoping that tomorrow will bring only good news.  It is hard at our stage of this journey not to think of the worst scenario.

    Sending positive thoughts your way with high hopes that you will have a good answer and a quick fix.

    Lots of hugs.


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    Just to be crystal clear, in

    Just to be crystal clear, in 2013, I had liver mets but there was also a couple of smaller lesions in the pancreas then.  This could be scarring from that earlier mets or it could be that the Terminator is back again.  PET scan is now scheduled for Tuesday.  I am heading to New Orleans today to discuss my medical history (Bra ha ha) and set up appointment for endoscopic ultrasound of the pancreas to be done after PET.  I have had about 20 PET's in my 27 years.  I had one in May and there was no evidence of active disease.  This is worrisome, but, good news or bad, I am ready to fight!  I love you all and, believe me, I felt my kindreds while I was in the dreaded hospital. send good thought, prayers - whatever you have - on Tuesday!  I love you all!!!

  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member

    Just to be crystal clear, in

    Just to be crystal clear, in 2013, I had liver mets but there was also a couple of smaller lesions in the pancreas then.  This could be scarring from that earlier mets or it could be that the Terminator is back again.  PET scan is now scheduled for Tuesday.  I am heading to New Orleans today to discuss my medical history (Bra ha ha) and set up appointment for endoscopic ultrasound of the pancreas to be done after PET.  I have had about 20 PET's in my 27 years.  I had one in May and there was no evidence of active disease.  This is worrisome, but, good news or bad, I am ready to fight!  I love you all and, believe me, I felt my kindreds while I was in the dreaded hospital. send good thought, prayers - whatever you have - on Tuesday!  I love you all!!!

    My kindest thoughts are with

    My kindest thoughts are with you. Hoping for the best possibe news but I know you have incredible strength and a fighting spirit that will help whatever the news. You absolutely amaze me. Hugs coming your way. Stef

  • aisling8
    aisling8 Member Posts: 1,627 Member
    fauxma said:

    My kindest thoughts are with

    My kindest thoughts are with you. Hoping for the best possibe news but I know you have incredible strength and a fighting spirit that will help whatever the news. You absolutely amaze me. Hugs coming your way. Stef

    Sphincter of Oddi

    sounds like the title of a movie I wouldn't let my grandchildren watch:)

    I'm sending my best energy your way. 



    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member

    Just to be crystal clear, in

    Just to be crystal clear, in 2013, I had liver mets but there was also a couple of smaller lesions in the pancreas then.  This could be scarring from that earlier mets or it could be that the Terminator is back again.  PET scan is now scheduled for Tuesday.  I am heading to New Orleans today to discuss my medical history (Bra ha ha) and set up appointment for endoscopic ultrasound of the pancreas to be done after PET.  I have had about 20 PET's in my 27 years.  I had one in May and there was no evidence of active disease.  This is worrisome, but, good news or bad, I am ready to fight!  I love you all and, believe me, I felt my kindreds while I was in the dreaded hospital. send good thought, prayers - whatever you have - on Tuesday!  I love you all!!!

    We all love you too!

    We shall all be with you in that pink bus with good thoughts.



  • Cindy Bear
    Cindy Bear Member Posts: 569 Member

    I don't usually post here (mostly on the uterine /ovarian boards) but every once in awhile I pop in to see how you lovely ladies are doing.. I am sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well..glad you are home with your husband and pets..will be thinking of you on Tues and sending good thoughts your way. You are one tough cookie.. I can tell from your posts.

    Big Hugs,


  • mj_weis
    mj_weis Member Posts: 59


    I don't usually post here (mostly on the uterine /ovarian boards) but every once in awhile I pop in to see how you lovely ladies are doing.. I am sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well..glad you are home with your husband and pets..will be thinking of you on Tues and sending good thoughts your way. You are one tough cookie.. I can tell from your posts.

    Big Hugs,


    God Bless

    Thinking and praying for you for the very best news.  You are one of the best!



  • tufi000
    tufi000 Member Posts: 745 Member

    You are my hero and your fan club (all of us) are with you. Onward! Prevail!



  • rutzetta
    rutzetta Member Posts: 174
    We are with you

    This ride will not be taken alone. We are all here for you, just like you have been here for all of us. I'm sending hugs and prayers your way.


  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member
    Hey Cynthia**

    You have been fighting this thing for almost half your life ..so we all know you are not going to stop fighting now girl.  There will probably be at least two Pink Bus Loads Tuesday........I have to ride mine to the new Onc Tuesday but I'll be with you in spirit.........HANG IN THERE 

  • camul
    camul Member Posts: 2,537
    rutzetta said:

    We are with you

    This ride will not be taken alone. We are all here for you, just like you have been here for all of us. I'm sending hugs and prayers your way.


    This gift just keeps on giving

    I know we all like free gifts, but this one seems to be stuck on you. Not that we want it to spread its unending yeild to anyone ,else... Truly, it is time for it to stop! I am glad that you felt us with you, because sometimes I am just sitting around and will just be thinking of everyone going thru this sh*t and it is just plain hard. I am sure you are being positive, as that seems to be who you are, yet realism comes to play especially when you have been dealing with the spots and lesions previously.... Which means your mind goes to the worst possible outcomes.... This is where our jobs as friends, supportive of course, kinkof like the ghost busters, we send all of our positive energy, in the form of love, sweets, prayers, channeling, good vibes, chocolates , maybe even a glass of wine or margarita's but whatever or however, we do so with love and you know that as long as we have enough of the good stuff coming, even if it does not completely terminate the beast, through the power of many, we continue to push the beast back! Hopefully by you feeling the love, the beast will continue to get knocked down by your strength. Hugs CC

  • cati0314
    cati0314 Member Posts: 203
    You are not alone!

    Hello Cynthia,


    I am so sorry that you are having such a tough time.  My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.  When I first posted my difficulties dealing with this disease you posted a heartwarming and encouraging response.  I think of it from time to time as I adjust to my life.  Thank you again and know that you have helped so many of us who are so very grateful to you.  


    My very best,


  • WhoaThere
    WhoaThere Member Posts: 24
    What a Girl!

    I haven't known you long, but I admire your spirit!  Know that I am praying for you and journeying with you.  We are in this together.

  • Double Whammy
    Double Whammy Member Posts: 2,832 Member
    WhoaThere said:

    What a Girl!

    I haven't known you long, but I admire your spirit!  Know that I am praying for you and journeying with you.  We are in this together.

    Been following your ordeal

    and I'm just so sorry you're having to deal with this latest glitch.  You have my prayers.


  • bonbondidit
    bonbondidit Member Posts: 116 Member
    Bear hugs and pixie dust

    Hi CC,


    I hope your tests give you the news you are wanting and if not than news you can triumph over. You have influenced so many in this forum and I am so grateful for that.  I have recently been diagnosed with stage 3A and it's scary, but what gets me through the fear is the women like you who are strong and brave, and most importantly not afraid to be transparent when your nervous.  That is what I feel is most important. Be real with your feelings so they can be correctly worked through.  I'm going for my first cat scans and  bone testing now since having my bi-lat mastectomy  in Aug and I'm scared to death they will find something further.  This is my first time doing so. I can't believe you've done so many PET's. That's amazing !


    Best of energy to you,
