bylateral neck dissection

Hello everyone,well just got out of the hospital for a bylateral neck dissection and have not seen my doctor or talked to him but only once since sfter surgery If i can remember which memory is vague the last thing i remember was that he had gotten all that was there and all lympnodes were clear he removed the old mass and had said that the radiation had done it's job and killed off that area of cancer,So he went ahead and removed the old mass,he then removed the new mass of cancer and still no primary,tonsils are still clear,He mentioned no chemo or radiation,I think he mentioned something about already having enough radiation the first time.I am encourage over the results. Have been out for almost a week now and am still swollen,Will be going back in this thurs. to have all the drains and stitches removed,Anyone might know how long on improvement?Plus is there anything to cover the scars temporarily till healed or something in an ointment I may need to get and put on it to help prevent scarring?Thanks for all answers
Not Useful
I don't know any of the answers to your questions, but I wanted to say that everything sounds like it went very well and I'm so happy for you!
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I wore a loose scarf, I am not sure that you want to do that. Maybe a handkerchief. Michael's Craft store has many different patterns. Kind of wear like a cowboy. I was told to let it heal on it's own. After it was closed I did use Bioil at night. Vitamin e cream would probably help.
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if you are only out of
if you are only out of hospital one week, i'd say you still have a lot of healing to do. try to be patient and take it easy. when i had mine, i also had a laryngectomy but i was in the hospital for 1 month because i developed a fistula. so, you sound like you are healing very well to me. be patient and heal on! i'm so glad the surgery is over and it went so well.
God bless you,
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Hey catfish-58,
Congratulations, it sounds like the disect went pretty well, all things considered, and you got some encouraging news about the results. I've got no information for you in regard to your questions, you might want to check with the doc about improvement, and a wound care nurse about what might be good to minimize scarring. Best wishes for a speedy recovery from the surgical slice and dice dance, and being up and running again soon.
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Hope this helps...
I was told to use "Bacitracin Zink Ointment", but you can use Neomycian the same. Mine was done the same time they did the laryngectomy and removed the tumor. Mine was level 2~5. I will guess you are numb from ear to ear? You get some feeling back when they pull the drain tubes out. That is when I got the pain. Did you get stiches and staples or all stiches. If you got staples you will scar on that side and the stiches will do fine and mostly go away. My left side was the worst and had staples. If that is the case the numbness on the side with stiches will go away and you will get feeling back SLOWLEY. It was several weeks before I could feel right ear, and only some of it. In around two to four months I got most feeling back on my right side.[I wish I didn't] I was told I will never get much feeling back on left side. Remember to exersize your neck and turn your neck to each side. It gets stiffer around the six month and it won't turn all the way anymore so I take mucles relaxers to help. They took 48 glands on my left and 36 on the right. They did more cutting on me because of the laryngectomy and that cuts a lot of mucles.
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Your husbands statusLumpinmyThroat said:Not Useful
I don't know any of the answers to your questions, but I wanted to say that everything sounds like it went very well and I'm so happy for you!
Thanks for the reply was just wondering how your husband is holding up?I see he has a lot more treatments coming up soon,You say MD anderson Are ya near Houston?Wishing ya both the best hope all goes well.
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scarfKTeacher said:Scarf
I wore a loose scarf, I am not sure that you want to do that. Maybe a handkerchief. Michael's Craft store has many different patterns. Kind of wear like a cowboy. I was told to let it heal on it's own. After it was closed I did use Bioil at night. Vitamin e cream would probably help.
I did buy one of those types of scarfs that you always see those fishermen wear on those fishing shows that covers your neck from the sun.Plus am looking into maybe buying some dickies for work,I remember the last time I wore a dickie was when I was in the sixth grade,Boy is this gonna bring back memories.:)
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one week outdebbiejeanne said:if you are only out of
if you are only out of hospital one week, i'd say you still have a lot of healing to do. try to be patient and take it easy. when i had mine, i also had a laryngectomy but i was in the hospital for 1 month because i developed a fistula. so, you sound like you are healing very well to me. be patient and heal on! i'm so glad the surgery is over and it went so well.
God bless you,
You are so right on the only being out for a week,I have never had to stay overnight in a hospital before,Something I need to do is to let time heal wounds,I'm so impatient and just want the healing done asap,Just have to remember that the process is time.Like you say and the doctors also says take it easy and relax.Thanks dj
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I used Bio-oil( look on bio- and E45 cream, my scars disappeared quite quickly, now they are just white lines. I had a big ridge of flesh after the clips were taken out it's all gone now. I alternated the creams during the day. Massage the cream into the scars lightly.
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wound carepatricke said:ENCOURAGING
Hey catfish-58,
Congratulations, it sounds like the disect went pretty well, all things considered, and you got some encouraging news about the results. I've got no information for you in regard to your questions, you might want to check with the doc about improvement, and a wound care nurse about what might be good to minimize scarring. Best wishes for a speedy recovery from the surgical slice and dice dance, and being up and running again soon.
Thanks for the advice on the wound care nurse I had forgotten about asking for that,probably lots of info from them,will put that in my notes to ask when I go back in for the stich's.I remember back in third grade a freind of mine had fell off his bike and had stitch's put in his head and was popular all year long,use to wish I had those stitch's,Kinda don't want them now:) Thanks again Patrick
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helpful infowmc said:Hope this helps...
I was told to use "Bacitracin Zink Ointment", but you can use Neomycian the same. Mine was done the same time they did the laryngectomy and removed the tumor. Mine was level 2~5. I will guess you are numb from ear to ear? You get some feeling back when they pull the drain tubes out. That is when I got the pain. Did you get stiches and staples or all stiches. If you got staples you will scar on that side and the stiches will do fine and mostly go away. My left side was the worst and had staples. If that is the case the numbness on the side with stiches will go away and you will get feeling back SLOWLEY. It was several weeks before I could feel right ear, and only some of it. In around two to four months I got most feeling back on my right side.[I wish I didn't] I was told I will never get much feeling back on left side. Remember to exersize your neck and turn your neck to each side. It gets stiffer around the six month and it won't turn all the way anymore so I take mucles relaxers to help. They took 48 glands on my left and 36 on the right. They did more cutting on me because of the laryngectomy and that cuts a lot of mucles.
Hey Bill,Thanks for the info,Yes I am numb from ear to ear and have drain tubes in fortunately I am hoping that because he had only put stitch's in and no staples that feeeling comes back and all will be better soon,My left side is the worse right now too,did you buy chance have a problem with the left side of your jaw not able to chew either,I am at that stage too,keep biting my tongue and have a problem with my speech,you also mentioned that after the drain tubes came out that the pain came back,my doctor gave me hydrocodo maybe I need to ask if they recommened a better pain med or if I may need to just have 1 just in case?I wrote down this ointment Bacitracin Zink Ointment to ask about and see if this is over the counter or prescription,plus ask about muscle relaxers( good idea) to see if this is something that may help,Thanks for the info
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creamsjackflash22 said:Creams
I used Bio-oil( look on bio- and E45 cream, my scars disappeared quite quickly, now they are just white lines. I had a big ridge of flesh after the clips were taken out it's all gone now. I alternated the creams during the day. Massage the cream into the scars lightly.
thanks for the info on the bio-oil and E45 cream will be going on the web to see about these and have entered it in the things to ask my doctor about once I get back there,sounds like they worked for you pretty good,will definateley check out,do you put one on in the morning and the other at night?or is it one day use 1 type all day and switch to the other the next day?right now my doctor has me putting a double antibiotic ointment (bacitracin zinc and polymyxin b sulfate).
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Dickiecatfish_58 said:scarf
I did buy one of those types of scarfs that you always see those fishermen wear on those fishing shows that covers your neck from the sun.Plus am looking into maybe buying some dickies for work,I remember the last time I wore a dickie was when I was in the sixth grade,Boy is this gonna bring back memories.:)
That's what my mom called my dad. I have a few dickies and have used them in winter, when I get cold, I get very cold. I also bought some short sleeve mock turtlenecks, I did not want the sun touching my new skin.
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Catfishcatfish_58 said:creams
thanks for the info on the bio-oil and E45 cream will be going on the web to see about these and have entered it in the things to ask my doctor about once I get back there,sounds like they worked for you pretty good,will definateley check out,do you put one on in the morning and the other at night?or is it one day use 1 type all day and switch to the other the next day?right now my doctor has me putting a double antibiotic ointment (bacitracin zinc and polymyxin b sulfate).
Wear your scars won the battle!
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scarshwt said:Catfish
Wear your scars won the battle!
words of wisdom,obviously from another soldier.Thanks
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Creamscatfish_58 said:creams
thanks for the info on the bio-oil and E45 cream will be going on the web to see about these and have entered it in the things to ask my doctor about once I get back there,sounds like they worked for you pretty good,will definateley check out,do you put one on in the morning and the other at night?or is it one day use 1 type all day and switch to the other the next day?right now my doctor has me putting a double antibiotic ointment (bacitracin zinc and polymyxin b sulfate).
I used bio oil during the day, a bit on my hand and massaged it into the scars lightly. The e45 cream I put on overnight. Somewhere the site I have pictures of before then 8 weeks later.
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Left versus the right sidecatfish_58 said:helpful info
Hey Bill,Thanks for the info,Yes I am numb from ear to ear and have drain tubes in fortunately I am hoping that because he had only put stitch's in and no staples that feeeling comes back and all will be better soon,My left side is the worse right now too,did you buy chance have a problem with the left side of your jaw not able to chew either,I am at that stage too,keep biting my tongue and have a problem with my speech,you also mentioned that after the drain tubes came out that the pain came back,my doctor gave me hydrocodo maybe I need to ask if they recommened a better pain med or if I may need to just have 1 just in case?I wrote down this ointment Bacitracin Zink Ointment to ask about and see if this is over the counter or prescription,plus ask about muscle relaxers( good idea) to see if this is something that may help,Thanks for the info
I think the doctors do most of the work from the left side of the neck. When the tubs get pulled you will get some more felling back and that is where the pain came in. I had days in the hospital with no pain, wouldn't even say it was a one, [from 0 to 10] When the first tube came out it went to a 5. Then in two days the other two tubes on left side came out and it went to a 7 for a few days then back to a 4. The feeling came back and started in my right ear lobe. I felt that first, then slowly got it back to the center of my neck. You will most likely get the feeling back on both sides. Most of my numbness is because they had to take my Larnyx, and all the glands at the same time. I was not alowed to swallow anything for seven days, not even saliva. I had to learn how to swallow and eat all over again. I was lucky I never had any radation or chemo. Well, the doctors said I would not survive radation because of my lungs.
You will be amazed how fast you start to get better when the tubes come out. Yes you get some pain for a few days, but Norco can handle it just fine. Watch and see, about every two days you will start to get more feeling back by the inch. You will get the right side first. Now when you get the feeling in your left ear lobe, you have it made. I never got back any feeling on the Left side, but that's ok. Before surgery I was staged; T4,N2,M0 SSC of the supraglottic, with servere Emphysema and bone spurs in my neck. The Tumor was 2.5cm x 3cm. They got it all, and I ended up being T3,N0,M0, and no cancer. Heck I got it made.
The reason for the ointment was for infection where the tubes and stiches were, to prevent and problems. Remember you can't feel some things, like your toung or cheek, so be extra careful and go just a little slower when eating.
You will be great in no time.
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my scarshwt said:Catfish
Wear your scars won the battle!
look better but they are definitely visable. I've gotten sort of attached to them and am PROUD of them
People ask me time to time "what happened" and I tell them. I'd much rather them ask than just stare! haha
Congrats on a great surgery and for doing so well so fast. Happy healing!!
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left vs. rightwmc said:Left versus the right side
I think the doctors do most of the work from the left side of the neck. When the tubs get pulled you will get some more felling back and that is where the pain came in. I had days in the hospital with no pain, wouldn't even say it was a one, [from 0 to 10] When the first tube came out it went to a 5. Then in two days the other two tubes on left side came out and it went to a 7 for a few days then back to a 4. The feeling came back and started in my right ear lobe. I felt that first, then slowly got it back to the center of my neck. You will most likely get the feeling back on both sides. Most of my numbness is because they had to take my Larnyx, and all the glands at the same time. I was not alowed to swallow anything for seven days, not even saliva. I had to learn how to swallow and eat all over again. I was lucky I never had any radation or chemo. Well, the doctors said I would not survive radation because of my lungs.
You will be amazed how fast you start to get better when the tubes come out. Yes you get some pain for a few days, but Norco can handle it just fine. Watch and see, about every two days you will start to get more feeling back by the inch. You will get the right side first. Now when you get the feeling in your left ear lobe, you have it made. I never got back any feeling on the Left side, but that's ok. Before surgery I was staged; T4,N2,M0 SSC of the supraglottic, with servere Emphysema and bone spurs in my neck. The Tumor was 2.5cm x 3cm. They got it all, and I ended up being T3,N0,M0, and no cancer. Heck I got it made.
The reason for the ointment was for infection where the tubes and stiches were, to prevent and problems. Remember you can't feel some things, like your toung or cheek, so be extra careful and go just a little slower when eating.
You will be great in no time.
Thanks for the info Bill,It seems your are describing just about exaclty what I am going through,even down to the emphysema with the exception of the stoma,Yes the drain tubes are out yeah,And even tho it's been only a day and a half I feel a lot better now.Finally found a TV dinner that I like and can eat so bought 10 of those just to try out for the next few days,Dr. said they would leave the stich's in for the next 1 to 2 weeks because of the radiation that i recieved made my skin a little thin,Have had minor pain say about a 2 on the pain scale but nothing compared to what you were having,My hrdroco relieves that.Still bite my tongue every once in a while just have to go slower like you suggested,I did notice that when i sleep at night which is on my right side that I swell up in that area but after a few hours after waking up that seems to shrink back,upon asking the doctor about this was told that this was because of the small blood veins from the operation and that time would take care of that.Just wanted to Thank You for your reply and info.Thanks
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