Please post some supportive words for Wolfen's daughter JBG!



  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member
    continued love

    Wolfen and jbg,

    Continued love and prayers are still being given to you. 

    With love and aloha,


  • Phil64
    Phil64 Member Posts: 838 Member
    In my thoughts and prayers

    You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you JBG and Wolfen for being a part of this board. You have truly helped me along the way. And I hope that all the Love and Prayers being sent your way will be felt today, tomorrow, and into the future.

    Love and Light from your friend on CSN.




  • merrysmom
    merrysmom Member Posts: 51
    Dearest Wolfen

    I just wanted to say that you and JBG and all of your family are in my prayers. You have both made a giant impression and have been giant blessings to me. Please take care, barb

  • wolfen
    wolfen Member Posts: 1,324 Member
    merrysmom said:

    Dearest Wolfen

    I just wanted to say that you and JBG and all of your family are in my prayers. You have both made a giant impression and have been giant blessings to me. Please take care, barb

    Update on Johnnybegood

    My precious girl is still in the fight, but her strength is failing. We did receive the hoped for, but brief miracle that enabled her to enjoy a tiny bit of her birthday celebration. Sunday thru Tuesday were not good days. Her pain meds were increased & she was put on continous oxygen. She again had a 24 hr, prognosis. She had trouble breathing & oxygen machine is now at max. She is no longer removed from her favorite chair as it is too painful & she refuses a hospital bed. As she remains a litle bit coherent, she refuses an increase in her continuous med dosage as I know she fears she will not awaken which is likely the case. Someone must remain awake with her 24/7 to administer the bolus dose every 20 min. Her husband, his mother & I share this responsibility. She consumes only jello, water, & gatorade by the half teaspoonful as that is all she can swallow.

    As we old timers know, we are not stamped with an expiration date, so a prognosis means nothing. We simply go from hour to hour. I hope this is not TMI, but thought you all would want to know. I have told her that all of you are sending love & prayers.

    She is very frightened as anyone would be, & I am once again helpless & in awe of her strength & determination.



  • Kathleen808
    Kathleen808 Member Posts: 2,342 Member

    JBG is an amazing woman and I can see who she gets it from.  Thank you for sharing those difficult details.  You both stay on my mind all day.  I send you love and pray for peace.



  • esk2poo
    esk2poo Member Posts: 25


    JBG is an amazing woman and I can see who she gets it from.  Thank you for sharing those difficult details.  You both stay on my mind all day.  I send you love and pray for peace.




    Your whole family is amazing and I am just sending prayers your way for peace and comfort.

    God bless,


  • UncleBuddy
    UncleBuddy Member Posts: 1,019 Member
    wolfen said:

    Update on Johnnybegood

    My precious girl is still in the fight, but her strength is failing. We did receive the hoped for, but brief miracle that enabled her to enjoy a tiny bit of her birthday celebration. Sunday thru Tuesday were not good days. Her pain meds were increased & she was put on continous oxygen. She again had a 24 hr, prognosis. She had trouble breathing & oxygen machine is now at max. She is no longer removed from her favorite chair as it is too painful & she refuses a hospital bed. As she remains a litle bit coherent, she refuses an increase in her continuous med dosage as I know she fears she will not awaken which is likely the case. Someone must remain awake with her 24/7 to administer the bolus dose every 20 min. Her husband, his mother & I share this responsibility. She consumes only jello, water, & gatorade by the half teaspoonful as that is all she can swallow.

    As we old timers know, we are not stamped with an expiration date, so a prognosis means nothing. We simply go from hour to hour. I hope this is not TMI, but thought you all would want to know. I have told her that all of you are sending love & prayers.

    She is very frightened as anyone would be, & I am once again helpless & in awe of her strength & determination.



    Thank you for the update!

    <<HUGS>> to all of you. I can't imagine how difficult this is on you, as a mom. Please send her our love. I keep praying for a miracle!


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member

    I am sure you are torn between wanting her to slip into peacful rest and wanting her to stay.  

    I will keep a constant prayer in my heart for her, especially that she will feel peace, though I totally understand her fear. 

    Words cannot express how I feel.

    God bless!

  • KathiM
    KathiM Member Posts: 8,028 Member
    wolfen said:

    Update on Johnnybegood

    My precious girl is still in the fight, but her strength is failing. We did receive the hoped for, but brief miracle that enabled her to enjoy a tiny bit of her birthday celebration. Sunday thru Tuesday were not good days. Her pain meds were increased & she was put on continous oxygen. She again had a 24 hr, prognosis. She had trouble breathing & oxygen machine is now at max. She is no longer removed from her favorite chair as it is too painful & she refuses a hospital bed. As she remains a litle bit coherent, she refuses an increase in her continuous med dosage as I know she fears she will not awaken which is likely the case. Someone must remain awake with her 24/7 to administer the bolus dose every 20 min. Her husband, his mother & I share this responsibility. She consumes only jello, water, & gatorade by the half teaspoonful as that is all she can swallow.

    As we old timers know, we are not stamped with an expiration date, so a prognosis means nothing. We simply go from hour to hour. I hope this is not TMI, but thought you all would want to know. I have told her that all of you are sending love & prayers.

    She is very frightened as anyone would be, & I am once again helpless & in awe of her strength & determination.



    Dearest friend....

    I am amazed at her strength, and also yours! 


    I am wrapping my arms around all of you!


    Hugs, Kathi

  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    wolfen said:

    Update on Johnnybegood

    My precious girl is still in the fight, but her strength is failing. We did receive the hoped for, but brief miracle that enabled her to enjoy a tiny bit of her birthday celebration. Sunday thru Tuesday were not good days. Her pain meds were increased & she was put on continous oxygen. She again had a 24 hr, prognosis. She had trouble breathing & oxygen machine is now at max. She is no longer removed from her favorite chair as it is too painful & she refuses a hospital bed. As she remains a litle bit coherent, she refuses an increase in her continuous med dosage as I know she fears she will not awaken which is likely the case. Someone must remain awake with her 24/7 to administer the bolus dose every 20 min. Her husband, his mother & I share this responsibility. She consumes only jello, water, & gatorade by the half teaspoonful as that is all she can swallow.

    As we old timers know, we are not stamped with an expiration date, so a prognosis means nothing. We simply go from hour to hour. I hope this is not TMI, but thought you all would want to know. I have told her that all of you are sending love & prayers.

    She is very frightened as anyone would be, & I am once again helpless & in awe of her strength & determination.



    Dearest Wolfen

    I know how difficult this is for you all.  No, it was not TMI.  We appreciate your taking the time to share with us how our dear JBG is doing.

    I know from her writing here that she has a spiritual faith.  Has anyone from that area of her life come to talk with her?  It might help her with her fears.

    Having been thru this so recently with your dear husband, I know this is doublly hard on you.  I wish there were something we could say or do to help you all.

    My prayers right now are that JBG will have peace of heart and mind instead of the fear, and that your tender care of her brings her comfort.

    My most sincere love to you all.

    Marie who loves kitties

  • db8ne1
    db8ne1 Member Posts: 142 Member
    wolfen said:

    Update on Johnnybegood

    My precious girl is still in the fight, but her strength is failing. We did receive the hoped for, but brief miracle that enabled her to enjoy a tiny bit of her birthday celebration. Sunday thru Tuesday were not good days. Her pain meds were increased & she was put on continous oxygen. She again had a 24 hr, prognosis. She had trouble breathing & oxygen machine is now at max. She is no longer removed from her favorite chair as it is too painful & she refuses a hospital bed. As she remains a litle bit coherent, she refuses an increase in her continuous med dosage as I know she fears she will not awaken which is likely the case. Someone must remain awake with her 24/7 to administer the bolus dose every 20 min. Her husband, his mother & I share this responsibility. She consumes only jello, water, & gatorade by the half teaspoonful as that is all she can swallow.

    As we old timers know, we are not stamped with an expiration date, so a prognosis means nothing. We simply go from hour to hour. I hope this is not TMI, but thought you all would want to know. I have told her that all of you are sending love & prayers.

    She is very frightened as anyone would be, & I am once again helpless & in awe of her strength & determination.





    At a time like this words cannot express enough our thoughts and feelings.  Just know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

    God Bless,


  • Fight for my love
    Fight for my love Member Posts: 1,522 Member
    OMG, this is so

    OMG, this is so heartbreaking. JBG and her family are in my prayers.

  • fatbob2010
    fatbob2010 Member Posts: 467 Member

    I would like to echo Marie's hope that JBG can find a peace of heart and mind to replace her fear.  Is there a spiritual presence with the care team?  

    You and your family are remarkable and a model for the support I would like.

    Peace, comfort, and strength as you tend to JBG.


  • alexinlv
    alexinlv Member Posts: 194 Member
    Much love to JBG! Prayers and

    Much love to JBG! Prayers and sending good thoughts and energy to her and her family! 

  • Cathleen Mary
    Cathleen Mary Member Posts: 827 Member
    alexinlv said:

    Much love to JBG! Prayers and

    Much love to JBG! Prayers and sending good thoughts and energy to her and her family! 

    My heart hurts for all of

    My heart hurts for all of you. So much love among you, it is palpable even in cyberspace.  Prayers for peace and strength.



  • Easyflip
    Easyflip Member Posts: 588 Member
    You beat cancer with love. You have tons of it around you, from everywhere in the world. Way to go! No matter what happens you already won : )
  • gravelroad
    gravelroad Member Posts: 50
    wolfen said:

    Update on Johnnybegood

    My precious girl is still in the fight, but her strength is failing. We did receive the hoped for, but brief miracle that enabled her to enjoy a tiny bit of her birthday celebration. Sunday thru Tuesday were not good days. Her pain meds were increased & she was put on continous oxygen. She again had a 24 hr, prognosis. She had trouble breathing & oxygen machine is now at max. She is no longer removed from her favorite chair as it is too painful & she refuses a hospital bed. As she remains a litle bit coherent, she refuses an increase in her continuous med dosage as I know she fears she will not awaken which is likely the case. Someone must remain awake with her 24/7 to administer the bolus dose every 20 min. Her husband, his mother & I share this responsibility. She consumes only jello, water, & gatorade by the half teaspoonful as that is all she can swallow.

    As we old timers know, we are not stamped with an expiration date, so a prognosis means nothing. We simply go from hour to hour. I hope this is not TMI, but thought you all would want to know. I have told her that all of you are sending love & prayers.

    She is very frightened as anyone would be, & I am once again helpless & in awe of her strength & determination.



    i have been thinking....

    These last few days I have been thinking of JBG, I know this is such a dreadful sickness that many on this board face and knowing that we all at some point die of many causes even old age, if we are lucky enough to get to grow old that is. Even still many grow old and alone , not all do , but many.YOU HAVE SO MANY PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU AND THAT IS A BLESSING! I have read so many post on how JBG has touched so many people and gave them courage to continue on despite their  on personal fear is just so amazing to me. No doubt she has been in many prayers , I know she has mine. I hope you fine rest and peace, JBG . Asking God to wrap his arms around you and carry you home little one!!! GOD BLESS

  • Luckygirl2
    Luckygirl2 Member Posts: 308
    eyes through a horse

    I've always been amazed with a horse's eye.  I am certain they can see thur to you soul!  I hope you getting to enjoy horse(s).  I hope you begin feeling well soon.  Thinking of you and sending prayers!


  • Nana b
    Nana b Member Posts: 3,030 Member


    JBG is an amazing woman and I can see who she gets it from.  Thank you for sharing those difficult details.  You both stay on my mind all day.  I send you love and pray for peace.



    The last words my Mom spoke

    The last words my Mom spoke was that her Dad was in the room.  He passed when she was 16.  I hope this gives her comfort that she is not alone. Her spirit will live forever. 

