PET/CT Scan Results

mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

Let me begin by thanking each and every one of you who sent me good thoughts and prayers--I was overwhelmed by your concern and kindness and I can't thank you enough!  It's been a stressful 3 weeks, but how comforting it was to know that I had so many people in my corner!  Thank you!

I got a copy of the narrative report today.  Dr. Mac brought it over this evening and went over everything with me.  When he walked in the door, his first words were "I have NO bad news for you!"  That's right--it was a good scan.  There was no activity seen on the PET--Neck, Chest, Abdomen, Pelvis and Skeleton showed no hypermetabolic foci--no activity!

I thought I was to get only a PET scan, but they also did another CT and it was essentially unremarkable.  However, I did not get IV contrast, so sensitivity of detection was decreased.  Dr. Mac focused on the PET scan results, since it showed no activity anywhere.  He did say that my liver may be "fatty" in the area noted on the previous CT scan and may bear watching, but not for cancer.

I will see my med onc tomorrow and get his opinion on these results.  Knowing him, he will scan me again at some point in the future.  I do not like getting all of that radiation, but at the same time, if something needs to be monitored, then I am not going to argue with my doctor.

The bottom line is there is no recurrence or metastases.  I am very relieved and glad that I have this behind me.  Thank you all again for your love and support!




    AZANNIE Member Posts: 445 Member
    Great news!

    So very happy for you!!! Whew! Let the good times roll!


  • z
    z Member Posts: 1,414 Member

    Martha, Thank you for sharing great news with us!  I wish you continued great news.  LoriLaughing

  • pializ
    pializ Member Posts: 508 Member
    z said:


    Martha, Thank you for sharing great news with us!  I wish you continued great news.  LoriLaughing



    Thank goodness for that! I am so relieved for you. 'No bad news' is brilliant. That waiting time doesn't half test your strength.

    Much love


  • qv62
    qv62 Member Posts: 434 Member

    so happy to hear your good news ! God bless and take some nice deep breaths xoxo


  • judyv3
    judyv3 Member Posts: 143 Member

    Thank goodness!  Glad to hear this news and I am sure we are all collectively breathing a sigh of relief with you.

    Continued good health and scans!


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    judyv3 said:


    Thank goodness!  Glad to hear this news and I am sure we are all collectively breathing a sigh of relief with you.

    Continued good health and scans!


    Thank you!

    Thank you, everyone!  I slept SO much better last night than I have in a few weeks.  I am off to see the med onc this afternoon and get his take on all of this.  I think he'll say the same thing as Dr. Mac--that it's all good news!  Thanks again for the support and kind words--you guys are the best!



  • nicotianna
    nicotianna Member Posts: 209
    mp327 said:

    Thank you!

    Thank you, everyone!  I slept SO much better last night than I have in a few weeks.  I am off to see the med onc this afternoon and get his take on all of this.  I think he'll say the same thing as Dr. Mac--that it's all good news!  Thanks again for the support and kind words--you guys are the best!






  • KarenK57
    KarenK57 Member Posts: 18
    Happy For You

    I am soo happy for you.... wishing you all the best.

  • Krissy59
    Krissy59 Member Posts: 33
    mp327 said:

    Thank you!

    Thank you, everyone!  I slept SO much better last night than I have in a few weeks.  I am off to see the med onc this afternoon and get his take on all of this.  I think he'll say the same thing as Dr. Mac--that it's all good news!  Thanks again for the support and kind words--you guys are the best!




    This is wonderful news! I am so happy for you!!


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    KarenK57 said:

    Happy For You

    I am soo happy for you.... wishing you all the best.

    nicotianna, Krissy and Karen

    Thank you so much!  I appreciate all the virtual high 5's!

  • RoseC
    RoseC Member Posts: 559
    mp327 said:

    nicotianna, Krissy and Karen

    Thank you so much!  I appreciate all the virtual high 5's!


    Congratulations! Excellent news!

  • jcorum
    jcorum Member Posts: 54 Member
    Martha, I have not been on

    Martha, I have not been on here for about a month but got on here last night and saw you had something going on. I immediately prayed, prayed first this morning and again during the day. first thing I did when I got home was checked this site to see your results. I am thanking God He answered our prayers!!! when those on here stay healthy, it keeps me optimistic. Having someone 6 years NED, continues to give me hope since I am at the 3 1/2 year mark. so now you can go forward with those awesome plans you and the hubs have for your future!! 

  • sierra28
    sierra28 Member Posts: 70
    i am so happy for


    i am so happy for you.  I have only finished my treatment 1 week ago and already I an worried about my first check-up in July when the surgeon has to scope me.  When did they do the first PET scan after you were done with your treatments?


  • TraceyUSA
    TraceyUSA Member Posts: 316

    I logged on today just to see your GOOD news!  So glad for you!  Many prayers were answered!  WOOHOO!

  • TraceyUSA
    TraceyUSA Member Posts: 316
    sierra28 said:

    i am so happy for


    i am so happy for you.  I have only finished my treatment 1 week ago and already I an worried about my first check-up in July when the surgeon has to scope me.  When did they do the first PET scan after you were done with your treatments?


    Congratates on finishing

    That is a milestone to celebrate!  If I recall correctly, a PET should not be done for before 3 months post treatment to avoid false readings.  - Tracey

  • sandysp
    sandysp Member Posts: 868 Member
    OMG - I didn't know

    I am sorry I haven't been there for you through this. So glad to hear the good news, though.

    I have another CT scan in July due to the lung problem. The last one was in January so I know what you mean about the radiation thing. 

    But like you say, if it needs to be monitored, what are we to do but follow through? Early detection is the key.

    I am so happy for you.



  • z810840b
    z810840b Member Posts: 207 Member

    Dear martha--- i am so happy.. Of course i knew you were fine. Our six year anniversary is coming up... Dont forget!

  • islandgirlculebra
    islandgirlculebra Member Posts: 155 Member
    Soooooo Happy For You!

    Thank you God for answering our prayers! Everyone loves you Martha!!!! Sooo relieved and happy for you!!!!!!!

  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member

    Thank God!!  This is wonderful news for all to hear, but most of all for you! 

    You may never have an answer for that possible "fatty" liver.....can be related to alcohol, high cholesterol, toxins, etc......another mystery of life ????

    Now go enjoy your summer, its gone in a blink!


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member
    eihtak said:


    Thank God!!  This is wonderful news for all to hear, but most of all for you! 

    You may never have an answer for that possible "fatty" liver.....can be related to alcohol, high cholesterol, toxins, etc......another mystery of life ????

    Now go enjoy your summer, its gone in a blink!


    Thank you everyone!

    I am once again overwhelmed by your responses to my scan results.  Thank you so very much for all of the prayers and good thoughts--it means a lot to me to know how much everyone cares about me and all members in this group. 

    I saw my med onc today to discuss the results and just as I predicted, he has ordered a CT scan for me in 3 months to monitor for any changes in my liver and lymph nodes.  Again, I am not looking forward to getting more radiation, but at the same time, I am confident that he is acting in my best interest.  He wants to make sure that if it does turn into something of a concern, we catch it early.  Right now, both he and I are good with these results.  As Dr. Mac said, there is nothing BAD on this scan.  Perfect would have been great, but none of us get those!  Frown

    I asked my oncologist about alcohol use and he didn't think it was an issue, since I only have one or two drinks per week.  I told him I would be more than willing to give it up if recommended, but he seemed to think it is not harming me.  I mention this because I know there was a discussion on this board awhile back about this very topic.  I think it's something each person must decide on their own.

    As for my possible "fatty" liver, he told me that considering my size, that would be the only thing that was fat on me!  LOL!  He said he is going with the CT follow-up rather than subject me to a liver biopsy since the PET scan showed no activity in my liver.  I really think he believes all of this is benign, otherwise he would order a biopsy.  

    All in all, this was a good scan and I am much relieved.  Thanks again everyone for your concern.  Hugs to you all!
