Are there any runners?
Had a right partial 3/3 and have just started training for summer races and tris. again. Just wondering if anyone is as well.
I had my partial (open
I had my partial (open surgery) on 3/6 and just started going to the gym again last week. So far, so good other than the pain that comes with taking too much time off.
I'm not much of a runner, but I played a couple games of basketball the other day with no ill effects. I've been thinking about trying to train for a triathlon (or a mini triathlon). Seems like a good time.
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8-)nsb748 said:I had my partial (open
I had my partial (open surgery) on 3/6 and just started going to the gym again last week. So far, so good other than the pain that comes with taking too much time off.
I'm not much of a runner, but I played a couple games of basketball the other day with no ill effects. I've been thinking about trying to train for a triathlon (or a mini triathlon). Seems like a good time.
I do sprints (.5 mile swim, 12-13 bike, 5K) - this will be my 8th year. They are great fun!
Do you notice your incisioin feeling "kinda funny" after? My surgery was open as well. Also seems I still get very worn out. 8-( Am wondering how long it will be before I (we) feel 100%
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I get a burning/crampingaamdsi said:8-)
I do sprints (.5 mile swim, 12-13 bike, 5K) - this will be my 8th year. They are great fun!
Do you notice your incisioin feeling "kinda funny" after? My surgery was open as well. Also seems I still get very worn out. 8-( Am wondering how long it will be before I (we) feel 100%
I get a burning/cramping sensation that runs in a vertical line next to my belly button when I excercise, and sometimes just at random times in the day. I think this is just the nerves healing. Nerves supposedly take a LONG time to heal
My incision feels a little wierd because it still has some numbness, and working out makes everything around it more sensitive, so the contrast is greater than normal. I have read posts on here where people still don't feel 100% even around six months.
For me, after exercising last week, I feel like I am around 75%. My endurance was down a bit when I played basketball, but other than the fear of getting elbowed in the side, I felt great. It is amazing what some physical activity can do.
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Feeling 100%nsb748 said:I get a burning/cramping
I get a burning/cramping sensation that runs in a vertical line next to my belly button when I excercise, and sometimes just at random times in the day. I think this is just the nerves healing. Nerves supposedly take a LONG time to heal
My incision feels a little wierd because it still has some numbness, and working out makes everything around it more sensitive, so the contrast is greater than normal. I have read posts on here where people still don't feel 100% even around six months.
For me, after exercising last week, I feel like I am around 75%. My endurance was down a bit when I played basketball, but other than the fear of getting elbowed in the side, I felt great. It is amazing what some physical activity can do.
Those of us lucky enough to only have surgery should be close to 100% in 6 to 12 months. Some of the younger 30 year olds in less than 6 months. Do not over due it. Other issues may arise. Kidney functon, Blood Pressure etc. which are separate and apart from the surgery and Cancer, but need to be watched as well.
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Runningicemantoo said:Feeling 100%
Those of us lucky enough to only have surgery should be close to 100% in 6 to 12 months. Some of the younger 30 year olds in less than 6 months. Do not over due it. Other issues may arise. Kidney functon, Blood Pressure etc. which are separate and apart from the surgery and Cancer, but need to be watched as well.
I've been running for over 30 years. Looking back, my conditioning was not where I expected it to be prior to my diagnosis. Although I also have stated that I was feeling like I was in my 30's again the same day that I ended up in the ER. I've done dozens and dozens of road races including a half dozen marathons. I have been through a bit over the last three years and have been forced to take a few breaks so I've adjusted down my goals. Now only 2-3 miles two or three times a week. I still enjoy light weight training another 2-3 times a week. I have no issues at the surgical site. About 9 inches from below my sternum to lower left quadrant. Just trying to stay fit.
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In a way, I am glad this allfoxhd said:Running
I've been running for over 30 years. Looking back, my conditioning was not where I expected it to be prior to my diagnosis. Although I also have stated that I was feeling like I was in my 30's again the same day that I ended up in the ER. I've done dozens and dozens of road races including a half dozen marathons. I have been through a bit over the last three years and have been forced to take a few breaks so I've adjusted down my goals. Now only 2-3 miles two or three times a week. I still enjoy light weight training another 2-3 times a week. I have no issues at the surgical site. About 9 inches from below my sternum to lower left quadrant. Just trying to stay fit.
In a way, I am glad this all happened in the winter, since winters where I am are hard - and this was a doozy, making trianing interesting.
But normally by this time I am all set for the summer season insted of working my way back. I have to admit I am a bit spooked about pushing as well. Nothing terrifies me more than ending back up in the hospital! After working out the incision is tender all around, yet nothing really hurts - just annoying. Haven't started weights on machines yet - as said, a bit spooked.
But you have given me hope that I can return - but will take awhile and patience is NOT one of my virtues. 8-)
Do you still do 1/2s? I used to, but honestly got bored so do tri.s instead.
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For a whilejhsu said:6 year stageIV runner
Completed over 20 marathons after and still going on. Read my profile.
I did a couple things. I probably restarted running about 4 weeks after surgery. Pounding out the miles was symbolic for not allowing cancer to catch me. Also would think about all the vascularzation that was cut during nephrectomy. I would worry that something would burst open and that I would bleed to death during a run. Sorry to scare you on that one. But for the record, I've never heard of this happening.
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I had my right kidney removed
I had my right kidney removed 16 months ago in December 2012 with a sudden onset of pissing blood, incredible pain, and a 3.5cm tumor. I started running again in May 2013 to build some fitness back, started swimming and biking in August 2013, completed my first triathlon ever in April 2014, the Galveston Texas 70.3, in 6:26:16 (it was awesome). I was a runner and motocross racer for many years, but only started doing half and full marathons in 2009, with two 26.2's and three 13.1's to my credit.
I am taking on Ironman Texas next weekend on May 17th in The Woodlands. It will be the most difficult thing I have ever attempted in my life, but the journey to it has been rewarding, tough, and funny. I have cried, I have laughed, I have suffered.
Why? Because having cancer showed me my mortality...and I decided to LIVE today, in the moment, and to stop putting things off. I wanted to show my wife and two children (14 and 9 now), whom were very scared about my illness, that dad was recovered, that I was not down and out. I want to teach them the meaning of "I CAN" and not hear the words "i can't".
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I asked about that too
I learned 8 days ago that I have cancer. I don't think I had processed what I was being told, but my first question was "will I run again?" I also asked about drinking and if my mass weighed 25lbs.
I've ran a few races including five 1/2 marathons. I guess now if I have a slow time I have something to blame it on.
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NewbieYouOnlyNeed1 said:I asked about that too
I learned 8 days ago that I have cancer. I don't think I had processed what I was being told, but my first question was "will I run again?" I also asked about drinking and if my mass weighed 25lbs.
I've ran a few races including five 1/2 marathons. I guess now if I have a slow time I have something to blame it on.
Welcone to our club which no one in their right mind would ever volunteer to join. Yes there is a life after RCC which you can see from the many posts. Will I run again? Probably, but a little slower at first.
I know it is a personal question, but what is the size of your tumor?
I and others find that helpful in giving appropriate answers to your questions.
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Thanks for the support.icemantoo said:Newbie
Welcone to our club which no one in their right mind would ever volunteer to join. Yes there is a life after RCC which you can see from the many posts. Will I run again? Probably, but a little slower at first.
I know it is a personal question, but what is the size of your tumor?
I and others find that helpful in giving appropriate answers to your questions.
My mass is 4.5cm. Completely contained to the right kidney. There is no way to save the kidney. I think I would rather have it all gone anyway. surgery is scheduled for 6/6. I hate this waiting!!!
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So far so goodYouOnlyNeed1 said:Thanks for the support.
My mass is 4.5cm. Completely contained to the right kidney. There is no way to save the kidney. I think I would rather have it all gone anyway. surgery is scheduled for 6/6. I hate this waiting!!!
You only need 1,
At 4.5 cm barring any complications you are still at Stage 1 and the surgery alone should be a total cure. Mine was 4.2cm at the time of my surgery almost 12 years ago. I was 59 back then and I suspect I have a few years on you. Being younger you should have an easier recovery.
The wait for the surgery is no piknic, but the surgeon does have to work it around his golf schedule now that spring is here.
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You'll do great
Onlyneed1. Trust me.
My mass was 5., but luckily could save 60% of the kideny. My questions for the at time of surgery were if they could do a colonoscopy, mamagram and lipo while I was there...nope. 8-(
I also asked about drinking, my hisband being a wine rep (cork dork), means we have lots of good things to drinK at home. I was told I would be able to race again this summer, just not as many (usually do 6 triathlons). And a yes to the "glass of cheer". Well 10 weeks out of surgery, am running, swimming and biking again (slowly,but gaining), but the desire for a glass or 2 has not returned. Sigh
just think with every step you take after surgery, you are that farther ahead. I jumped (kinda) and did a fist pump after I did my first mile the other day.
Will send warm, fast healing thoughts your way on your "big" day.
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D-Dayaamdsi said:You'll do great
Onlyneed1. Trust me.
My mass was 5., but luckily could save 60% of the kideny. My questions for the at time of surgery were if they could do a colonoscopy, mamagram and lipo while I was there...nope. 8-(
I also asked about drinking, my hisband being a wine rep (cork dork), means we have lots of good things to drinK at home. I was told I would be able to race again this summer, just not as many (usually do 6 triathlons). And a yes to the "glass of cheer". Well 10 weeks out of surgery, am running, swimming and biking again (slowly,but gaining), but the desire for a glass or 2 has not returned. Sigh
just think with every step you take after surgery, you are that farther ahead. I jumped (kinda) and did a fist pump after I did my first mile the other day.
Will send warm, fast healing thoughts your way on your "big" day.
Youonly need1,
What a day for surgery, the 70th anniversery of D-Day. I was not there, but ny father landed on Normandy a day or 2 later.
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aamdsi,aamdsi said:You'll do great
Onlyneed1. Trust me.
My mass was 5., but luckily could save 60% of the kideny. My questions for the at time of surgery were if they could do a colonoscopy, mamagram and lipo while I was there...nope. 8-(
I also asked about drinking, my hisband being a wine rep (cork dork), means we have lots of good things to drinK at home. I was told I would be able to race again this summer, just not as many (usually do 6 triathlons). And a yes to the "glass of cheer". Well 10 weeks out of surgery, am running, swimming and biking again (slowly,but gaining), but the desire for a glass or 2 has not returned. Sigh
just think with every step you take after surgery, you are that farther ahead. I jumped (kinda) and did a fist pump after I did my first mile the other day.
Will send warm, fast healing thoughts your way on your "big" day.
From what you haveaamdsi,
From what you have said on here I am now intrigued by sprint triathlons. I decided to swim the other day after my usual weight training. WOW, I had not swam for excercise in a while (over a decade), and it was a lot harder than I remember. I swam a total of 600 meters with a break every 50-100, and it was brutal. If I want to complete a sprint triathlon any time soon, I have a lot of work to do. I think I will set that goal for Spring/Summer 2015.
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Been there!nsb748 said:aamdsi,
From what you haveaamdsi,
From what you have said on here I am now intrigued by sprint triathlons. I decided to swim the other day after my usual weight training. WOW, I had not swam for excercise in a while (over a decade), and it was a lot harder than I remember. I swam a total of 600 meters with a break every 50-100, and it was brutal. If I want to complete a sprint triathlon any time soon, I have a lot of work to do. I think I will set that goal for Spring/Summer 2015.
I used to lifeguard and teach water safety back in college and have always been a swimmer...but when I started training for tri.s 8 years ago - whoa. Just remember you can do any klind of stroke you want, even walking on the bottom! You can stop and hold on to the kayaks for rest, the important thing is just to get out of the water 8-) You'll make up any time lost on the bike
And if you did 600 meters you've done great! Some sprints are only 4-500 meters too.
Try for one late this summer. Not sure where you live, but here in MI we have them until mid-Sept. You'll do great!
The same day that they scheduled me for surgery 3/3 of this year, I signed up for 4 5ks, 1 tri. and an extreme relay marathon (that one is late Sept.). Just to give me a goal. Have had to walk 2 of the 5ks, but everything else will be a run. Just have to go slower than I normally would (as Icemantoo pointed out). Thing is - I WILL do them 8-)
Right now am just a little sore in the small of my back, right behind the incision - so am thinking I played too hard this weekend. Being sore an such freak me out. Did I do something? Should I call the doctor? Is this just part of healing? Eeesh.
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