Prayers Needed~ 04MAR2014 UPDATE



  • Noellesmom
    Noellesmom Member Posts: 1,859 Member
    lifting prayers

    John, I'm praying for a good surgery and great recovery.

    That you and Shelley are having to go through this is hard to hear but I know you will come out with a positive attitude and tons of new advice for anyone having this issue.

    I haven't ventured there but I'm sure there are some experienced people on the board that deals with cancer in this part of the body - although ou don't have cancer, it's likely some of those folks have gone through the Whipple procedure themselves.


  • Jan Trinks
    Jan Trinks Member Posts: 477
    Skiffin16 said:

    Thanks P...

    As you know, we haven't put much details on FB..., too many wackos on there, and we honestly don't feel like explaining it to everyone. Most of whom are more involved in trivial things in life.

    This is huge (as are all of your situations as well), and you guys and gals definitely know where I'm coming from... If someone on FB PM's I'll tell them what they want to know...

    Of course my family and close friends (many of you) know and have been told.

    You all, I consider part of my family ~ Klan of the Abi-Normal..


    Great News



    So glad no cancer cells.  What a relief and answered prayer!  Sorry you have to go thru the surgery but get that sucker out so it doesn't cause any problems.  In checking to see if you had updated I noticed a post about how special you are to all of us.  Of course everyone is special but like the post said, you have been there from day one for me and so many others.  You're quite a guy.  Will be praying for quick recovery and hey at least you have the surgery scheduled for after Easter so you can load up on Easter dinner.  By the way I figure your family holiday dinners probably include fish somewhere in the menu!  Prayers for you and Shelley and your family.  Keep us posted.  God bless!


    Jan (Basketcase)

  • hwt
    hwt Member Posts: 2,328 Member

    Great News



    So glad no cancer cells.  What a relief and answered prayer!  Sorry you have to go thru the surgery but get that sucker out so it doesn't cause any problems.  In checking to see if you had updated I noticed a post about how special you are to all of us.  Of course everyone is special but like the post said, you have been there from day one for me and so many others.  You're quite a guy.  Will be praying for quick recovery and hey at least you have the surgery scheduled for after Easter so you can load up on Easter dinner.  By the way I figure your family holiday dinners probably include fish somewhere in the menu!  Prayers for you and Shelley and your family.  Keep us posted.  God bless!


    Jan (Basketcase)


    Have been off a few days and was certainly taken back when I just read your post. My prayers are with you. During recent chemo tx. I met numerous people that have had successful whipple surgery, theirs was for malignancy. Thankful to hear that isn't the case with your cyst. You are a strong man and a rock to so many on CSN, it won't be easy but neither was your H&N cancer.  Continued prayers..........



  • peggylulu
    peggylulu Member Posts: 375

    for modern medicine and that they found your cyst early . It sounds like a tough surgery , but you can do this and we are all here for you . 


  • Steve5
    Steve5 Member Posts: 147
    Prayers Your Way

    Prayers your way!!!!!  Crap, that's enough already - major Prayers your way.



  • Guzzle
    Guzzle Member Posts: 710
    Steve5 said:

    Prayers Your Way

    Prayers your way!!!!!  Crap, that's enough already - major Prayers your way.



    All you need is Love....

    In the words of one of our local bands. I think there is a lot of love out there for you John!

    HAWVET Member Posts: 318
    I always worry about the

    I always worry about the cancer part. I thought back a few years ago when I had a growth close to my private parts.  It is not as complicated as yours, but growing.  I decided to see my doctor and he said it was a cyst.  I was immediately scheduled for a same day surgery within the week with an outpatient surgeon. 

    Will again say a prayer that all will be well.  Aloha!

  • Mikemetz
    Mikemetz Member Posts: 465 Member
    Skiffin16 said:


    OK, I have some updated news...

    The extracted fluid from the FNA has no cancer cells, that's huge and I pray, hope and definitely want it to stay that way.

    The downside is that I still need to do the whipple as the cyst is aggressive and they want it out before it does turn cancerous...., which they feel it will eventually.


    I am scheduled for April 22, admission 09:00 

    I met the surgeon today and he seems very competent and confident. Though a surgery as he describes as major X3, he feels that I will have a good and successful recovery.

    He does up to 45+ of these a year, and actually just did one this last Tuesday.

    He seems to be very detailed and covers all of the bases...

    He figures the surgery at around 5 hours, hospital stay at 9-12 days, and around a month of recovery at home..., not many restrictions other than common sense.. No lifting, no swimming or submerging the incision area, etc...

    It takes a week or two for the stomach and organs to wake up from the battel scars.

    I'll have multiple tubes during the home stay for drainage, etc...

    Yes, this sucks big time...

    But again, it's much better prognosis than the alternative.

    Again, I think of you all as family, and share this with you..

    Thanks for all of the prayers, thoughts, whispers, etc... They are working and we sure appreciate them, and please continue through this ordeal.


    Good on ya!

    I am just finishing 9 weeks in New Zealand, and have been here long enough to pick up some of their sayings--so, "Good on ya!"  And, you know cancer sucks when a very complicated 5-7 hour surgery with weeks of recovery time is taken as good news!

    Best wishes for the procedure and your recovery, and that you're back in the boat with rod and reel in hand before too long.



  • michdjp
    michdjp Member Posts: 220
    Skiffin16 said:


    OK, I have some updated news...

    The extracted fluid from the FNA has no cancer cells, that's huge and I pray, hope and definitely want it to stay that way.

    The downside is that I still need to do the whipple as the cyst is aggressive and they want it out before it does turn cancerous...., which they feel it will eventually.


    I am scheduled for April 22, admission 09:00 

    I met the surgeon today and he seems very competent and confident. Though a surgery as he describes as major X3, he feels that I will have a good and successful recovery.

    He does up to 45+ of these a year, and actually just did one this last Tuesday.

    He seems to be very detailed and covers all of the bases...

    He figures the surgery at around 5 hours, hospital stay at 9-12 days, and around a month of recovery at home..., not many restrictions other than common sense.. No lifting, no swimming or submerging the incision area, etc...

    It takes a week or two for the stomach and organs to wake up from the battel scars.

    I'll have multiple tubes during the home stay for drainage, etc...

    Yes, this sucks big time...

    But again, it's much better prognosis than the alternative.

    Again, I think of you all as family, and share this with you..

    Thanks for all of the prayers, thoughts, whispers, etc... They are working and we sure appreciate them, and please continue through this ordeal.


    Good news

    Its always good to hear no cancer. If you battled through the tonsil cancer...this surgery should be a walk in the park!  I truly believe only those who have been there can appreciate those words.  I will keep you and your family on my prayers for your surgery.  Have faith and believe. 

    all my best michelle

  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    donfoo said:


    The procedure seems pretty invasive for certain and something you are going to need to heal abit. Going to be a drag for sure but in fact, I'm sure your joy should overwhelm the downside of the procedure. If not for the regular cancer checks that ordered the full scan that thing would never be discovered until too late. The primary reason pancreatic cancer is not detected is there are no symptoms, no test for it, and it is pretty unusual circumstances it gets detected early enough. I'm sure you heard that bullet whizz by.

    Thanks for posting; I was checking a lot yesterday and did not see your update; just hoped for the best. And now on balance pretty good news. We'll all be rooting for you' at least you won't get a PEG. lol




    LOL, actually I might end up with one if it takes awhile for my stomach to wake back up...

    After all that has been said and done in the past..., wouldn't that be a kick in the azz...

    and yes, though this is entirely a rough situation after being clean and clear of cancer ofr five years, it definitely has potentail yo be a lifesaver.


    Just as a side note..., this as far as I am aware, and it hasn't been mentioned, has no connection to the tonsil cancer, HPV, or the Tx I received...


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    michdjp said:

    Good news

    Its always good to hear no cancer. If you battled through the tonsil cancer...this surgery should be a walk in the park!  I truly believe only those who have been there can appreciate those words.  I will keep you and your family on my prayers for your surgery.  Have faith and believe. 

    all my best michelle


    And as mentioned...

    It is entirely Abi-Normal when looking forward to a 5 hour surgery is good news..., well actually it isn't, it's just awesome news not having cancer.


  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    HAWVET said:

    I always worry about the

    I always worry about the cancer part. I thought back a few years ago when I had a growth close to my private parts.  It is not as complicated as yours, but growing.  I decided to see my doctor and he said it was a cyst.  I was immediately scheduled for a same day surgery within the week with an outpatient surgeon. 

    Will again say a prayer that all will be well.  Aloha!


    Old Friend/Brother

       Been away awhile, and to come back to this. In my Prayers, John. You've been thru the H&N battle, and now this is another. You'll get thru this, too, and the result will be a healthier you, even with what they remove, good and bad. Keep your eyes on a spot a couple months down the road, keep it in the Positive, and Believe this is just another danged obstacle trying to get in your way from catching a record-sized fish that'll make national news. Believe, John, that the Lord is with you, and the Doctors, and it's gonna be all good down the road. 


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Kent Cass said:


    Old Friend/Brother

       Been away awhile, and to come back to this. In my Prayers, John. You've been thru the H&N battle, and now this is another. You'll get thru this, too, and the result will be a healthier you, even with what they remove, good and bad. Keep your eyes on a spot a couple months down the road, keep it in the Positive, and Believe this is just another danged obstacle trying to get in your way from catching a record-sized fish that'll make national news. Believe, John, that the Lord is with you, and the Doctors, and it's gonna be all good down the road. 


    TY Brother..

    Glad to see you Kent.., hope you are doing well.

    Thanks for the support and backing...

    Prayers your way also...


  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Kent Cass said:


    Old Friend/Brother

       Been away awhile, and to come back to this. In my Prayers, John. You've been thru the H&N battle, and now this is another. You'll get thru this, too, and the result will be a healthier you, even with what they remove, good and bad. Keep your eyes on a spot a couple months down the road, keep it in the Positive, and Believe this is just another danged obstacle trying to get in your way from catching a record-sized fish that'll make national news. Believe, John, that the Lord is with you, and the Doctors, and it's gonna be all good down the road. 



    I'm so glad to see you and your wonderful words of hope and strength.....I have missed you....and think of you SO often.


  • fishmanpa
    fishmanpa Member Posts: 1,227 Member


    VERY happy to know it's not cancer but at the same time, facing a major surgery is challenging. From your words, it seems like you couldn't be in better hands. With your "abi-normal" attitude, you'll do fine and be sporting a bikini on the beach, battle scars and all, in no time ;)

    Positive thoughts and prayers



  • rush1958
    rush1958 Member Posts: 223 Member
    Hey Old Friend!

    I don't post as much as I should, but you're in my thoughts.

    Hope to see you up and fishing in short order!


  • D Lewis
    D Lewis Member Posts: 1,581 Member
    Skiffin16 said:


    OK, I have some updated news...

    The extracted fluid from the FNA has no cancer cells, that's huge and I pray, hope and definitely want it to stay that way.

    The downside is that I still need to do the whipple as the cyst is aggressive and they want it out before it does turn cancerous...., which they feel it will eventually.


    I am scheduled for April 22, admission 09:00 

    I met the surgeon today and he seems very competent and confident. Though a surgery as he describes as major X3, he feels that I will have a good and successful recovery.

    He does up to 45+ of these a year, and actually just did one this last Tuesday.

    He seems to be very detailed and covers all of the bases...

    He figures the surgery at around 5 hours, hospital stay at 9-12 days, and around a month of recovery at home..., not many restrictions other than common sense.. No lifting, no swimming or submerging the incision area, etc...

    It takes a week or two for the stomach and organs to wake up from the battel scars.

    I'll have multiple tubes during the home stay for drainage, etc...

    Yes, this sucks big time...

    But again, it's much better prognosis than the alternative.

    Again, I think of you all as family, and share this with you..

    Thanks for all of the prayers, thoughts, whispers, etc... They are working and we sure appreciate them, and please continue through this ordeal.


    Good news.

    Not great news, but it beats having cancer.  Glad to hear your doctor has so much experience doing these procedures. That is a big plus.  Holding good thoughts for you.


  • 6Cyn
    6Cyn Member Posts: 29
    Skiffin16 said:

    Thanks P...

    As you know, we haven't put much details on FB..., too many wackos on there, and we honestly don't feel like explaining it to everyone. Most of whom are more involved in trivial things in life.

    This is huge (as are all of your situations as well), and you guys and gals definitely know where I'm coming from... If someone on FB PM's I'll tell them what they want to know...

    Of course my family and close friends (many of you) know and have been told.

    You all, I consider part of my family ~ Klan of the Abi-Normal..


    Thinking of you!

    Sending best wishes to you and Shelley during this next challenge in your life.

    John, you are such a great support to everyone on this site. Thank you and sending best thougts your way.


  • GavinP
    GavinP Member Posts: 118
    rush1958 said:

    Hey Old Friend!

    I don't post as much as I should, but you're in my thoughts.

    Hope to see you up and fishing in short order!


    Great news

    That you don't have cancer.


    Pancreatic cancer can be very agressive and very few people have the chance to deal with it before the cancer starts up, so, although of course your facing major surgery and you've already gone through a battle with Head and Neck cancer, your pretty lucky in some way's that you can get this resolved in it's "pre cancer" stage.


    I'm sure the surgery will go great and you'll do fine. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts on 22nd April :)

  • Crazymom
    Crazymom Member Posts: 339 Member
    hand in there

    prayers your are such a blessing to all of us!   Ann